We all have mental health and it affects how we think, feel, act. It also helps determine how we cope and handle stress, relate to others, and make choices.
As it's Mental Health Awareness Week, I wanted to share some of my doodles as gentle reminders: When someone is struggling with their mental health, don't try to fix it. Be there and provide a safe and non-judgmental space—should they need it.
Celebrate every small step. Give yourself permission to rest. A small act of kindness can impact someone's day and have the power to create a ripple effect of positive difference. Connect with someone.
Ask for help and support if you need it. It's okay to not feel okay: You don't have to struggle in silence. Go at your own pace, whatever that looks like for you. You can't pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself and have support for you too. You can be kind and still set healthy boundaries. Even when you're struggling: You are worthy. You are loved. You are Enough.
I know what's it's like to be in a poor frame of mind and having a support system, creating art and journaling became part of my healing journey and the strength to realign with myself. I decided to share some of my doodles one day on Instagram and saw how it also brought connection to others and hope it brings you some too.
More info: Instagram
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And, most important : don't listen to positive, toxic people who try to make you blam yourself.
Happiness... EDIT: Fortunately I'm much happier now! Thank you guys!
And here I thought I was crazy for alternating feelings quickly... so simple yet mind blowing
Must be especially difficult for young people to find their way these days. Medias throw out so many opinions and false appearances that could make you feel wrong about any purpose you have. I'm 59 and feel this to some extent even when involved in hardly any social media at all.
You may feel small and unimportant not realizing you are the reason they keep trying, that one smile they look forward to each day.
Also, you don’t have to do your best if you don’t feel up to it: do whatever you can, even if it’s nothing at the moment. It’s still enough.
We can not change the past, we much first forgive ourselves and then take positive action
This will definitely help someone out. It makes my day better already!
My depression has been really bad and I have been hating everything about myself whether it's my weight, my smile, or where I'm at in my career and I have to say, reading these finally brought out a smile. Have a good day everyone. ❤️
I know it's really tough right now, but just know that someone (including me) is there to support you. I hope you have a happy, healthy day. You matter. :) (Also, really cute comics. I love them.)
Going through a rough time myself, I don’t have very inspiring words to say. But I want you all to remember that all of you are loved and all of you are deserving of love. You all are amazing an unique and beautiful. Remember to eat, drink some water, and get some sleep. It’ll be okay eventually <3
Went back to work today. Service industry. So exhausted i can't even eat. I forgot how it wears me out mentally interacting with so many people for 8 hours. Send some positive vibes my way. I really need them tonight.
Because all that cheesy positivity is annoying and frustrating, it is like if I read "your problems are easy to solve, just smile more", which is infuriating. It is called "toxic positivity", although it is a redundancy because positivity is always toxic.
not all positivity is toxic. also, "just smile more" is not what these comics are saying. these comics are basically just saying to try your best, and that you matter. and i hope you realize that you do. i hope you feel better soon, and i mean that in the most sincere way possible.
I can agree. If your really sad and someone tells you it will be OK, that doesnt always help, but for some poeple all they need is some positivity and kindnness. Thanks for replying, btw.
My depression has been really bad and I have been hating everything about myself whether it's my weight, my smile, or where I'm at in my career and I have to say, reading these finally brought out a smile. Have a good day everyone. ❤️
I know it's really tough right now, but just know that someone (including me) is there to support you. I hope you have a happy, healthy day. You matter. :) (Also, really cute comics. I love them.)
Going through a rough time myself, I don’t have very inspiring words to say. But I want you all to remember that all of you are loved and all of you are deserving of love. You all are amazing an unique and beautiful. Remember to eat, drink some water, and get some sleep. It’ll be okay eventually <3
Went back to work today. Service industry. So exhausted i can't even eat. I forgot how it wears me out mentally interacting with so many people for 8 hours. Send some positive vibes my way. I really need them tonight.
Because all that cheesy positivity is annoying and frustrating, it is like if I read "your problems are easy to solve, just smile more", which is infuriating. It is called "toxic positivity", although it is a redundancy because positivity is always toxic.
not all positivity is toxic. also, "just smile more" is not what these comics are saying. these comics are basically just saying to try your best, and that you matter. and i hope you realize that you do. i hope you feel better soon, and i mean that in the most sincere way possible.
I can agree. If your really sad and someone tells you it will be OK, that doesnt always help, but for some poeple all they need is some positivity and kindnness. Thanks for replying, btw.