I Create Funny Comics About Urban Birds And Other Critters With Unexpected Endings (28 Pics)
I make these comic strips for fun. My goal has been to write one every week. I try to make each comic into a little story with (hopefully) an unexpected twist at the end. Most of them stand alone but some have a story arc that goes through several strips.
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More Potholes
I used to write short stories for fun and I would doodle in the margins. The stories turned into more drawing than writing and so I switched to making comics.
The birds emerged from the doodles and I stuck with them because I am terrible at drawing people! The birds have some attributes of birds, but really, they are stand-ins for humans.
I especially like the comic with the beanies flying away because (I hope) it has an unexpected ending.
I stick to a schedule. I join an online writing session every morning whether I feel like it or not. I use a random word generator as a prompt for ideas. The idea usually ends up having nothing to do with the original word, though. The slowest part for me is the drawing. I'm super slow at drawing.
Crack 1
I show the comics to my friends and family and when there is a laugh or snicker, that is all it takes to keep me motivated.
Crack 2
The View
When they do this (especially on power lines) I always wonder exactly the same thing!
Crack 3
Water 1
The Fly
Not sure what he was eating off - looks like a notice board or something, and as for that coin that's an absolute unit of a coin - quite literally bigger than her head. She'd make more money smelting it down and just selling it - although that said that does apply to a fair few coins these days.
Water 2
I'm trying to work out if the sharks are actually there and he's just being reassured or if he really is imagining them and this is just a joke about parents being worriers and always imagining the worst. Perhaps it is deliberately vague so we can interpret it either way? And either way it is amusing to a degree, so that would make sense...
Heavy Beak
I've seen weirder things - one day after swimming in the sea I found a flat fish in my shoe - it was one of those tight-fitting shoes that you get with wetsuits as well; I have no idea how it managed to get in there. Thankfully it survived the ordeal though and I managed to get it back to the sea in time :)