Friendship is one of the most beautiful things in life. Everybody deserves and even needs a friend. Especially if that friend is like Blobby the Blob Fish, who, as one of the creators has put it, is "the magical best friend you always wished you had".

Friends provide a comfortable oasis for all of the bad things that constantly happen in our lives. From little disappointments right down to injustice, there's plenty of unjust stuff going on, and it's important that somebody should share it, especially if it's done between friends, in a safe environment. There is such a hospitable environment, and there are social issues being constantly brought up in the friend circle of Blobby & Friends, a comic that masterfully ties these two things together.

More info: Instagram | Facebook

Don't know about you, but didn't you notice how detailed the visual style is, how well-drawn and fleshed out the graphics and the characters are? Well, a whole team is working behind each and every comic, and this collective collaboration really shows, considering the output and the quality of each individual panel and the comic strip in general. In a sense, these collective hours of hard work have paid off, and they bask in the glory of over half a million followers on Instagram, which is A LOT by any standards. And the fact that this project has worked so well is really awesome! "To be honest, we didn't expect things to go the way they did and I am full of love and gratitude towards our audience."


Meet The “Blobby And Friends” Comics Highlighting Social Injustice In The Modern World (40 New Pics)

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

To every p£n!s or overly religious person that tries to say abortion is wrong. Our uteruses aren't your incubators

Anna Bertholf
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

AMEN!!! Let's make ALL healthcare reasonably inexpensive, accessible, and stigma free to everyone. Your quality of life should not be determined by how much money you have.

Kamie Jones
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Roe and Wade. Enough said. Thanks USA. WOMEN are so happy to be where we have 75% rights. Cool story , it sucks btw

Beenie Cat
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2 years ago

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The hidden agenda behind that bill was to bring back the Jim Crowe era where everyone was segregated by their race and social class. If that did happen then we'd be in a new era of systemic racism.

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Pure relief when my 16-year-old fertile self heard on the radio abortion was legal! Now it has been a normal choice for women for generations! Do you get it? We can't and we won't go back.

Beenie Cat
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2 years ago

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Are you talking about Roe vs Wade? If your talking about that then it has the hidden agenda democrats purposely don't talk about where they want to bring back the Jim Crowe era laws where people were segregated by race and social class. Why is abortion involved in it, because it's used as a distraction to keep people from opposing it. Also abortion is not birth control, it has consequences that damage mental health of both the mother and father and the woman's body. Don't be irresponsible with your body.

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

how to make pro-life people lose a little bit more of their brains cells

Beenie Cat
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2 years ago

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So your ok with child murder? The heartbeat develops at 5 weeks. The brain and eyes are actually the first to develop after a few weeks so it already has the capability to think.

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Pamela Hutchison
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Wait...i agree.... But what the hell or who the hell is the pink large nosed tiny armed big lipped creature im agreeing with? What a strange character. And why is the blue haired person holding this creature by sheltering its body from public view? Whats the rest of it look like? Lol But, i totally and one hundred percent agree. Someone please help me figure this out. Too big to be an embreo..the girl holding it doesnt even have a nose, so it couldnt be her little bundle of joy...not biologically at least, and that is the conversation topic.

Matthew Nell
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2 years ago

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I'm not sure killing a fetus constitutes safe medical practice for the fetus lol

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Define "regular girl" and please explain why they should have shown whatever your version of regular is.

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Potato patato
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I assume what you mean by this comment is that it is important? The downvotes from other people probably don't understand the comment I hope

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Raccoon panda
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2 years ago

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I don’t believe in abortion, but I do believe there is a compromise that takes into account both sides of the issue. If we made easy adoption and UBI a human right, than everyone can win. The baby lives, and the mother has zero chance of being haunted by post traumatic regret. We just need to separate a viable baby from the mother, put him in an incubator, send him straight to a loving household, and never speak of this again. And NEVER GUILT THE MOTHER. This is so she can go on with her life and not feel bad about it. Then the government should get it’s act together and pay really good parents to adopt and care for the children. Yes, PAY them. Some people are really good people who want to adopt as many as they can care for, especially the disabled ones. And those who go child free (like me) should not be judged. Our country doesn’t treat everyone like human beings, though. It sucks living in the USA, because everyone exploits each other. ☹️

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

In some cases carrying the child to term isn't an option. Sometimes carrying the product of a r@p£ is traumatic for the victim. There are already way too many children in American state care that need homes. Would you make a 12 year old carry a child to term? Giving birth could kill a 12 year old. Your "compromise" doesn't take in both sides of the issue, your "compromise" forces those of us who have uteruses to be living incubators when we don't have to be.

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Condoms are not effective 100% of the time. And women who are raped don't have the choice to use protection. Should rape victims be forced to carry their attacker's baby to term? Your answer had better be "no".

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Beenie Cat
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2 years ago

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Bring decisions making back to the state and their people, not the federal government. The feds will make it so no one has a say in anything. They will take law enforcement out of ghetto neighborhoods (I live here by the way) and let them rot and not give any damns. They're gonna claim to tax the rich but everyone gets taxed as a consequence to taxing the rich. We've already reached a point where no one can say anything without offending a crazy violent person. Roe vs Wade is actually the new Jim Crowe laws but no one sees it that way since it's using abortion as a cover-up. The senile guy running this country into the ground Biden is trying to segregate people like it was back in his hey day, he said the n-word on national tv, he has a history of racism and blocked a number of black and brown people from being in congress or supreme courts. He even told Kamila in front of everyone during a special meeting "the men are talking stay out of this" all sides were shocked to hear this.

David Begbie
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2 years ago

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They CAN control their own body to not have sex you know?

Loki’s Lil Butter Knife
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Hey David I would love to see you say that to a poor woman who suffered a rape or was forced into an unwanted sexual encounter? Losers like you think you are so damned high and mighty when you are nothing more than sad losers. You have no damned right policing women’s bodies. How would you like it if we start policing men’s bodies and tell you to not have sex? How would you like that now?

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CC Cooper
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2 years ago

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I would say Personal Responsibility is sorely lacking when people want to murder a child rather than forego a few moments of physical pleasure. Truth is hard. Adulting is hard.

this violent end (she/her)
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

babe, have you ever had to give birth… without access to painkillers… then deal with medical debt… and somehow overcome the trauma of rape… and childbirth… while figuring out how to become a parent… at age 17? there are children, actual f*****g children who have to endure this, your petty internet comments don’t speak for them

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Eric Ruffin II
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2 years ago

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Reproductive health keep your legs closed in your zipper up

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Thanks for the advice, if I'm ever in a situation where I'm taken advantage of, I'll remember this. It'll help when I'm waking up on a cold floor, naked after being hit over the head with a blunt object. Please f*****g educate yourself, because I got more if you need.

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Jon Hodges
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2 years ago

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That's a lot of words for a cartoon blob to say "let's kill babies'....

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is the same method immature kids use when something doesn't go their way. The twist words to make it sound worse than it actually is. People are taking control of their own bodies, deal with it and mind yer' business.

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Most abortions take place when the foetus hasn't even developed a brain, it's not a baby yet. And abortions that happen after that are usually to save the mother, do your research and maybe stop policing the use of an organ you don't have, Joseph. Our uteruses aren't your incubators

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extio loves
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2 years ago

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I too think we should keep legal murder free and open to all if a child is inconvenient to you. Selfish poor decisions for the slaughtery win.

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yes, how selfish is it for someone to put an unwanted baby in another, with force. Since that happens frequently, but the victim is to always blame, and choosing abortion means they're the f****d up one. Get it together, please.

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As you noticed, Blobby is the glue (or the blob) that holds the team together, but other characters also deserve to be mentioned. "[Other folks] who appear in the comics are Lily, their human friend (and I really relate to her character a lot, I'm not sure why), Ashley, who is Lily's crush, and Charlie / Punk Kid who can come off as intimidating but is really the most soft and wholesome character we've ever come up with. That's why Charlie is modeling our underwear," Zack said, laughing.


Meet The “Blobby And Friends” Comics Highlighting Social Injustice In The Modern World (40 New Pics)

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

no one knows your mind better than you inside of it people. people who don't want children don't want children : see it's simple

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In the previous post, Zack, one of the authors of the comic, has given an interview explaining the mysterious circumstances of the comic's origin and how they're doing as of right now. "I don't know if there's one thing that inspired me to start the comics in the way that it exists today. We actually started with something really simple, with funny and cute gags that were more at the surface level. As the account grew, we realized we had an opportunity to use Blobby to speak up about more serious topics," Zack explained. "Listening to the reactions from our followers also made a huge difference for us. I can speak only for myself but I really feel like I’ve personally grown with this world we've created."


Blobby and friends have blessed us with their wholesome presence here at Bored Panda before, and if you're hooked and want to see more of this comic goodness, check it out here. If you want to take a detour from these comics and jump on to the next one, here's something that we've recently posted. Perhaps you want to educate yourself more about certain life struggles from a feminist perspective; if so, we have just the thing to offer, namely Promptly Paneled comics. And while some people struggle in life due to systemic injustice, some people that inspired this comic just struggle at life in general. And here's an awkward and out-of-the-blue suggestion: take a look at these comics that explore the same awkwardness that this sentence just caused.


Meet The “Blobby And Friends” Comics Highlighting Social Injustice In The Modern World (40 New Pics)

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Yep it's Ella 🇺🇦
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My mum never let me have my hair cut how I want it. I always had to push the boundaries and ended up getting 20's bob haircuts. One time mum wasn't paying much attention and I got it cut how I liked. Now it's stuck how I like it because I can't grow it out without getting a mullet (mum hates mullets so it's gotta be short).

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Meet The “Blobby And Friends” Comics Highlighting Social Injustice In The Modern World (40 New Pics)

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

👏 If someone ever comes up to you and they are panicking like this, YOU COULD SAVE THEIR LIFE BY ACTING LIKE THEIR FRIEND!!!

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Meet The “Blobby And Friends” Comics Highlighting Social Injustice In The Modern World (40 New Pics)

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Mir Adwari
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Fair play re the a r s e thing though. One minute 'does this make my bum look big' and now the kardashians and co and their created mega a r s e s - truly don't get that.

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Meet The “Blobby And Friends” Comics Highlighting Social Injustice In The Modern World (40 New Pics)

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Mir Adwari
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Never ever talk about your skin being clear. It hears you and will always break out. Been my personal experience every single time. Sigh.

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Joanna Stasiołek
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I was getting clothes from my cousins so they were all branded, but my parents still had to chose between paying bills and buying food.

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Meet The “Blobby And Friends” Comics Highlighting Social Injustice In The Modern World (40 New Pics)

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Note: this post originally had 97 images. It’s been shortened to the top 40 images based on user votes.

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