12 Brutally Honest Comics Reveal What Happens When You Get Too Comfortable In Your Relationship
If you've been in a relationship for so long that you can't even keep track anymore, you know that things aren't exactly as new, mysterious, and exciting as it was when you were a fresh cute couple. In fact, they're downright weird and disgusting sometimes, when you're in a settled long-term relationship. It's all a sign that you're truly comfortable with the person who's been sharing your space all these years, though, and is, in fact, a real relationship goal. California-based comic artist Mary Park understands this experience on a spiritual level, and she's telling her true love story - the good, the bad, and the slightly traumatizing - through Murrz, an illustrated girlfriend extraordinaire.
Though she just started the relationship comic series back in June, Park has already amassed more than 66 thousand followers on Instagram. Scroll down to see the awesome webcomics, and you'll understand why.
More info: Official Site, Webtoon, Instagram
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