Yeah, right, we all know life's truth telling us to step out of our comfort zone to reach max potential or achieve greatness. Sounds very logical and easy-peasy when in writing, doesn't it? But the truth is that leaving your cozy nest (whether literal or figurative) is only ever easy in words, but never so in real life. It does take a lot of courage and determination to leave safety, and while we're not able to lend you that gentle push (or a shove; depends on what you need at the moment), these quotes about your comfort zone might just lend you the inspiration to at least start thinking about striving for the best. Whatever your best is, and not somebody else's, of course!
We have to admit here, out of all the inspiring quotes about love, life, and whatever else, these comfort zone quotes are by far our favorite. Think of it this way - everything great in life starts with you being a bit uncomfortable, be it love, relationships, or a career. So, if you agree with us on this, you'll see that these stepping out of your comfort zone quotes are actually the basis for plenty of other motivational stuff and loads of different life truths. All of these are important, but without this initial movement, they're basically nil. Now, what we do hope for is that these powerful quotes will motivate you and help you on your journey of moving forwards and onwards.
We're done with the rallying - now it's your turn to scroll on down below and check out the beautifully moving quotes. Be sure to give your vote for the quotes about the comfort zone that did stir something in you, for they might also have the very same effect on our other fellow readers. Once that is all well and done, share this article with your friends!
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Start hanging out with the people who are doing what you want to do and start emulating them.
Do something your inner kid loves: like a roller coaster ride, sledding or play with water guns.
I really like walking through forested areas pretending I'm an explorer in a foreign place. Probably why I ended up with a Zoology major....but I don't like wasps. Lol
Try to listen to a music genre you never do or read something you’d never normally read.
Let me inform you. I used to have a couple songs and that was it. I would listen to them over and over again. One day I decided to play a station and it had songs that were not the ones I normally would listen to. I ended up extending my love for music and now have a Playlist of almost 500 songs. I also listen to lots of stations. I recommend trying it.
If you're someone who doesn't interact with people - volunteer to help with something in your community.
Ask for feedback (at work or home.)
“Yes, mum, it was really yummy. But would you mind never cooking it again?” True story.
Try some new unique and/or healthy foods.
Yes! We cut out a lot of meat to try something new. I do not regret it. I lost a lot of weight and my hair and skin feel so much better. My bowels work like new again too. We didn't cut out ALL the meat but for the most part we are vegetarian. Oh! And milk, we now drink the "Silk next milk". It is really good.
When ordering a drink at a restaurant, ask the waiter to surprise you.
I did this once and after he jumped out on me in the ladies toilet I nearly had a heart attack ...
Go to a bar or nightclub by yourself and try to make friends.
My mama said never go to a bar or night club by yourself. My friend, that is how you get abducted. ..
Start learning a new language.
Turn your shower to cold at the end.
Film yourself dancing!
Before start something new, ask yourself, "What's the worst that could possibly happen?"
Buy a plant and plant it somewhere public.
What kind of plant are we talking about. I can think of a few that would make you quite popular very quickly.
Have a photoshoot out in public.
So in other words... Pretend to be a Kardashian for a day? No thanks.
Navigate somewhere without GPS and ask other people for directions.
We all know this one is just for females as males never ask for directions 😗
Reach out to 5 celebrities on Twitter. Try to get one to respond.
Travel alone somewhere.
Apply for a job that intimidates you.
Cutting negative people out of your life is some of the best advice. And don’t feel bad about it!
Reach out to someone you haven’t spoken to in a while.
Give your honest feedback on something you don't like.
Wake up early during one winter’s morning when it’s freezing cold and go for a walk.
Sleep on the floor or in the bathroom for one night.
and wake up with 3 dogs and 3 cats laying on you and an irate teenager wanting a shower ...
Throw out the things you haven’t used in 1 year.
Ask your crush out on a date.
Whenever I see people do this I always remember I don't have that gene or part of my brain that allows this.
Write yourself a note using your non-dominant hand.
I do this all the time. I try to write notes with my left. Hopefully one day I can write with both.
Intentionally sit in the wrong seat.
Preferably with someone already sitting in it, this is your chance to speak to a stranger as suggested earlier on :)
Do everyday things differently (decide what to wear more quickly, turn of your TV while having dinner.)
Instead of planning a favorite holiday destination to relax, change things up by planning a more adventurous trip.
Publish something online. It could be your thoughts or a quote that challenges others opinions on a sensitive subject.
On some days just tell yourself "enjoy it all."
Tell yourself that if you don't go through with the class, you won't be allowed to watch the new episode of your favorite TV show.