The Finalists Of The 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards Have Been Announced And They Might Crack You Up
InterviewAfter a long wait and a fierce but friendly competition, the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards have announced their finalists. And the photos are so good, they’re bound to make your day brighter.
One of the founders of the Awards, Tom Sullam, told Bored Panda that the competition exists to recognize great photography and pictures of wild animals that make us snort into our cups of tea. The competition also aims to raise awareness about conservation through a humorous, upbeat, and positive association with these animals.
Read on for our full interview with Tom about the competition’s 6th year, scroll down to check out the finalists, upvote your fave photos, and let us know in the comments which picture you’d pick as your winner. Speaking of those, keep an eye out for the winners on October 22! And have a peek at last year’s finalists here and winners here.
More info: ComedyWildlifePhoto.com | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
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“We strongly believe humor and positivity have a major role to play in building awareness, interest, and eventually action towards protecting the animals that live on this planet,” Tom said. “Over the years, the competition has focused more and more on the conservation, working with the Born Free Foundation and promoting conservation efforts around the world.”
He continued: “We, without being too preachy, want to get you all, and ourselves, to behave a tiny bit differently towards the world we live in. The smallest effort achieved towards conservation is better than the biggest effort never started!”
Tom was ecstatic about how well this year's competition was turning out. “We expected this year to be a little bit tricky as a result of COVID restrictions. But quite sensationally and against all better judgment, we received the highest number of entries ever, over 7,000—and the standard across the board has gone up incredibly,” Tom shared.
Thats adorable. Looks at that happy smile on the baby elephant's face!
“It has been such a positive response and such an upbeat process to be part of when so many things in 2020 have been so miserable/depressing/disappointing!”
Tom said that the images coming in at such a high volume have kept his and his team’s spirits up and he hopes they’ll do the same for all of us.
“Choosing the finalists was basically an impossible task, our initial shortlist was over 400, which is three times more than it has ever been. If ever there was a year when many could have won this was it and we genuinely feel terribly sorry for those that we couldn't get into the final 44 (which should have been 40 but we just couldn't reject the other 4).”
And then, Mr Robin Hood, the Sheriff of Nottingham stole our last coin out of the Poor Box!
One of my favorite animated films. I have a copy and you hit the nail on the head.
You took the words right out of my mouth! (metaphorically speaking since We’re typing our comments!!😂)
Robin hood and Little John riding through the forest... giddyup giddyup golly what a day
It's terribly kind of you Fox, but no. I'm going to have lunch with a Gruffalo... 😊
It's a shrew and they do this to attempt to put off their attacker. Seen them do it with cats. Vicious little so and sos.
Promo for the new Disney short "The Fox and the Mouse". It's a VERY short short.
And ..you're the Great Protector, you see, and you guard all us mice from any harm!
Like I was saying, the guy just a few yards away is MUCH bigger than me and would be a much better snack for you my friend.
It's a shrew. They do that when my cats catch them. Suddenly turn round and face up to their attacker. Goodness knows why, it never works, but it does give the predator a bit of a start....shrews are notoriously vicious and bad tempered....if a shrew were the size of an alsation it would eat the fox
And then the Pied Pipper started playing some of our favorite Beatle songs, and me and my friends just started following behind him and....
“Life’s not fair is it? You see I, well I shall never be king. And you, shall never see the light of another day.”
A mouse took a stroll in the deep dark wood. A fox saw the mouse and the mouse looked good... (The Gruffalo)
Look Timmy,Please don't tell the other mice that I'm a vegan .
It's a shrew. You are correct. They do turn around and face up to their attacker if they are cornered. Vicious little so and sos.
Before you eat me plz know that I am dangerous and I am not afraid to rip your insides out with my bare paws >:3
'Then you take a left at the oak tree; you will find what you are looking for.'
So I said to Larry he's not a gruffalo he's a fox..could you come and have a word with the guy?
In a high pitched, squeaky voice, Karen said: ...”and then she took off her mask in a public place! I went postal on her a*s! How dare you spread that nasty COVID-19 cooties on us! Grrrrrrr!”
Like I told my friend Elle..... There's really no need to be afraid of me.
Then I told Keesha that Monica's boyfriend Brad's friend Joey said to Nicole...
What would our pictures look like if the animals had the contest? Humans in funny animal-like poses? Food for thought.
Except the animals would say they had more important things to do.
Load More Replies...This may be true, what with all the dodging of predators and searching for food. But wait! I remember seeing a picture of dogs playing poker, so who knows? ;)
Oh my gosh. Why you aren't required reading for anyone crossing the Potomac I do not know. Reality MIGHT just set in! How else can we say you are THE BEST? An Academy Award. No! No! The Pulitzer Prize for every single category they have. Those nutheads gave it to TRUMP? Your choice of responders is wonderful. You have to have a secret compartment for humor and understanding AND humanity. Boy do you all have sweet, huge brains. Every word here, every adjective, is MEANT. Love ya. Gotta figure out how to Favorite Panda when I won't belong to Social Medias.
Choosing winners, oh wow, I couldn't choose, so many fantastic shots, the time and patience, it takes, they all are winners !!!
If your reading this I hope you have a great day and know. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 NIV
I will never get how some people with cameras always both make it to be in the exact right moment AND are lucky to have the camera up and ready!!! Darn I can’t even catch my cat asleep in a cute way!!!
Fabulous variety, all incredible shots, many put me in a good mood for bed, smiles and laughter, I enjoyed this post immensely, I love nature, these shots actually, made me feel, as if I were there, it must have been difficult, choosing from so many, I am sure the rest were also great !!!
Magnificent photos, everyone of them a winner, congrats to everyone who took these photos
Wonder how many hours were spent getting these absolutely perfect shots!
I was going to share it but the least appealing spewing up penguin pictures is the one it brings up with the link.
Some how I wish you could tell me how you decide the point ratings I never tried this one because of all the high marks granted some of them were great some were pretty riske and not a minus vote in site. Please pray tell HOIW ? Is there some reason you don't answer questions?
What would our pictures look like if the animals had the contest? Humans in funny animal-like poses? Food for thought.
Except the animals would say they had more important things to do.
Load More Replies...This may be true, what with all the dodging of predators and searching for food. But wait! I remember seeing a picture of dogs playing poker, so who knows? ;)
Oh my gosh. Why you aren't required reading for anyone crossing the Potomac I do not know. Reality MIGHT just set in! How else can we say you are THE BEST? An Academy Award. No! No! The Pulitzer Prize for every single category they have. Those nutheads gave it to TRUMP? Your choice of responders is wonderful. You have to have a secret compartment for humor and understanding AND humanity. Boy do you all have sweet, huge brains. Every word here, every adjective, is MEANT. Love ya. Gotta figure out how to Favorite Panda when I won't belong to Social Medias.
Choosing winners, oh wow, I couldn't choose, so many fantastic shots, the time and patience, it takes, they all are winners !!!
If your reading this I hope you have a great day and know. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 NIV
I will never get how some people with cameras always both make it to be in the exact right moment AND are lucky to have the camera up and ready!!! Darn I can’t even catch my cat asleep in a cute way!!!
Fabulous variety, all incredible shots, many put me in a good mood for bed, smiles and laughter, I enjoyed this post immensely, I love nature, these shots actually, made me feel, as if I were there, it must have been difficult, choosing from so many, I am sure the rest were also great !!!
Magnificent photos, everyone of them a winner, congrats to everyone who took these photos
Wonder how many hours were spent getting these absolutely perfect shots!
I was going to share it but the least appealing spewing up penguin pictures is the one it brings up with the link.
Some how I wish you could tell me how you decide the point ratings I never tried this one because of all the high marks granted some of them were great some were pretty riske and not a minus vote in site. Please pray tell HOIW ? Is there some reason you don't answer questions?