Jay, also known as Cyanesense, is a New Zealand-based photographer with a passion for the small and often overlooked details in nature. His focus is on mushrooms, capturing their textures, shapes, and unique features up close. Some of these tiny mushrooms are so small that he uses his finger to show just how tiny they really are.

Through his work, Jay brings attention to the fascinating world right at our feet. His photos reveal just how much beauty is hidden in the small, everyday things around us, encouraging us to take a closer look at nature.

More info: Instagram



Close-up images of tiny blue mushrooms on wood, with a finger for scale.

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Bored Panda reached out to Jay to learn more about him and his creative process. Reflecting on the start of his photographic journey, the artist shared that he first began noticing mushrooms while working as a gardener. As he expanded his knowledge of plants and their names, he realized how little he knew about fungi. "I tried taking photos with an old iPhone 6 and made the jump to a macro setup after about a year."


    Favolaschia Claudopus

    Tiny mushrooms captured up close with a hand for scale on a dark background.

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    Cyptotrama Asprata

    Close-up of tiny orange mushroom with textured cap held by fingers, highlighting its delicate structure.

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    Since his subjects are quite small, we asked Jay how he finds them. The photographer explained that it requires a lot of searching. "Finding tiny mushrooms takes time and patience. You really have to look for them. I spend a lot of my time scrambling around on the ground, looking over bits of rotten wood and leaf litter. Stuff that you would just walk past usually."


    When asked about a particular mushroom species he enjoys photographing the most or one that stands out, Jay shared that Gliophorus are always a great choice due to their gooeyness and vibrant colors. "Species of Mycena are varied and also incredibly tiny if you catch them early. Slime molds are always fun, too."


    Gliophorus Viridis

    Close-up of tiny green mushrooms, one next to a fingertip, highlighting their delicate details.

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    Mycena Roseoflava

    Close-up of a tiny pink mushroom on a log, showing its delicate texture, with a human finger for scale.

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    Jay hopes his photographs will draw attention to the incredible beauty that people often overlook in their daily lives. "Most people I speak with are completely unaware of this insanely diverse kingdom that lives everywhere around us all the time. Awareness is the main thing I hope people can take away!"


    Mycena Erua

    Close-up of tiny mushrooms beside a fingertip, highlighting intricate details of their caps and gills.

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    Close-up of a tiny mushroom next to a finger for scale, showcasing intricate textures and details.

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    Mycena Flavovirens

    Close-up of tiny mushrooms next to a fingertip, highlighting their delicate size and texture in natural surroundings.

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    Gliophorus Chromolimoneus

    Close-up of tiny yellow mushrooms with a finger for scale, showcasing the delicate details captured by Cyanesense.

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    Hemitrichia Decipiens

    Close-up of tiny white mushrooms next to a finger on dark soil, highlighting their delicate structures.

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    Mycena Ura

    Close-up of a tiny mushroom next to a fingertip, highlighting its delicate structure and vibrant red stem.

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    Cruentomycena Viscidocruenta

    Close-up of tiny red mushrooms on wood, held by fingers, showcasing delicate details and texture.

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    Mycena Mariae

    Close-up of a tiny mushroom with delicate web-like structures on a forest floor.

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    Phleogena Faginea

    Close-up of tiny mushrooms on a log, showing detailed texture and a finger for scale.

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    Close-up of tiny mushrooms growing among moss, with a fingertip for scale.

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    See Also on Bored Panda


    Close-up of a tiny mushroom with a shiny cap, surrounded by a dark, natural woodland setting.

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    Close-up of a tiny mushroom with a purple cap and yellow stem, captured on green moss.

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    Cortinarius Rotundisporus

    Close-up of a tiny mushroom with a glossy cap and visible gills, set against a blurred natural background.

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    Clavaria Roseoviolacea

    Close-up of tiny pink mushrooms with a finger for scale, captured by Cyanesense.

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    Mycena Erua

    Close-up of tiny mushrooms with a finger for scale, highlighting their delicate structures and small size in nature.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Hemitrichia Calyculata

    Tiny mushroom photographed close-up beside a human finger for scale.

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