50 Hilarious Comics With Unexpected Twists And Turns, By “The New Yorker” Cartoonist (New Pics)
There is no better way to start your week than to have a few good chuckles. And today, we would like to reintroduce you to the hilarious Will McPhail.
Will is the artist behind simply clever cartoons that we are sure you will enjoy. Besides cheering up his devoted following on Instagram of 204K people, Will also gets his comics published in the New Yorker. As the artist previously shared, besides all the dread behind creative blocks, Will loves his job and would not trade it for anything else.
More info: willmcphail.com | Instagram | x.com
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Previously Will shared that he doesn’t really have any artistic qualifications. "In fact, I actually studied zoology at university. Because when you ask a seventeen-year-old what they want to do with their life, they always make the correct decision. Thirty grand and four years of my life is a small price to pay for the three armadillo facts that I now know. I’ve had creative ideas and did drawings all my life, though. Or at least as long as I’ve known about pencils,” wrote Will.
Therapist throws man a triangle to mend him, and he thinks everyone else needs the same? Dunno, this one was a bit obscure for me.
As the creative process goes, Will shared that his week is usually built around The New Yorker’s submission schedule so, as the artist wrote: “I spend most of the week pouring a stream of consciousness all over a Moleskine in the hope that there will be 8-10 decent ideas in there by the time submission day comes around. Then I draw those ideas up and send them off!”
Despite having to deal with creative block, Will shared that he loves his work. “I genuinely love doing the work of it. The part where it’s like 9:30 pm, I’ve got a gin and tonic, I’ve got my headphones on, and I’m just quietly drawing away, I love it so much,” wrote the artist.
“All I’m ever really hoping for is that the people who see my cartoons and read my books will say: ‘Yep, he can keep doing that’. Because that means I get to do the work part again.”
Oh god, this actually happened to me once. A small rodent crawled into my car when I wasn't looking. It chewed up the paper towels in the back seat and built a nest way back in the air vent. A couple days later, I'm driving, it's hot, so I turn on the AC. A chunky dust storm of c**p blasted me right in the face. My eyes immediately became red, swollen, horribly itchy, while I was choking on it with irritated lungs. It was bad. Then I realized what had happened and that I was literally breathing rat feces. On the bright side, I was driving the car to its new owner at the time, so....
mine. mine. mine. mine. mine. mine. mine. mine. mine. mine. mine. mine. mine.
Love a cartoon rhat is not immediately obvious. They make me see humor in new things or a new twist on something.
Ok, I struggled to make sense of many of these, but that might just be my age. Cartoon style 4/5. Comprehension 2/5.
Two creme brulee cartoons and two whack-a-mole cartoons, but who's counting?
Love a cartoon rhat is not immediately obvious. They make me see humor in new things or a new twist on something.
Ok, I struggled to make sense of many of these, but that might just be my age. Cartoon style 4/5. Comprehension 2/5.
Two creme brulee cartoons and two whack-a-mole cartoons, but who's counting?