50 Times “Dude With Sign” Did Everyone A Service And Protested Everyday Annoying Things (New Pics)
Nowadays, you can communicate your message to millions across the globe through the click of a button. However, old-school methods still work, like standing on the street holding a sign for everyone to see.
If you’re more about the latter, you’ve likely heard of Dude With Sign. Seth Phillips is the brave soul who constantly puts himself out there, earning him 7.8 million followers on Instagram. At the rate he’s going, it doesn’t look like he’ll be running out of placards soon.
Enjoy scrolling through this list of some of Seth’s attention-grabbing signs. See how many of them resonate with you.
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Seth amassed an enormous following thanks to his efforts to raise (pun intended) awareness on various issues, from daylight savings to COVID-19 vaccines. But he mostly touches on random daily life matters like liking social media posts from a friend’s ex and January being “the Monday of the year.”
His efforts have led him to photo ops with notable figures, such as United States President Joe Biden and English singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran.
Seth’s beginnings as the Dude With Sign man began while he was working as a comedy writer for a party card game called What Do You Meme? As he told Drew Barrymore in an interview, his first sign was about replying to company-wide emails, which was happening at work at the time.
Seth described it as a success, prompting him to do it more. When coming up with his next sign idea, he says he tries to keep it relatable enough for everyone to understand.
“If it’s something that’s trending on Twitter America, I realize I have fans in Istanbul and Australia,” he said. “I want to make sure that it’s fully known before I do it.”
Seth’s concept was indeed unique in its own right. In his interview with Drew Barrymore, he didn’t seem hesitant when he raised the first sign. For anyone with a seemingly quirky idea, he says to go ahead and do it anyway.
“Maybe there are people who’ll love it, but make it different in your own way,” he encourages.
In the UK, we might say that the trees are looking so autumnal or that it's a beautiful autumnal day. In the US, do you say it looks fallen?
When and why did we start putting the asterisk after the correction?
For the same reason people put an apostrophe after a 2 digit year. People have no idea how these thing work.
Load More Replies...Some Americans say “fall” instead of autumn. I personally use both as I grew up in the south
Load More Replies...Yes its Ed Sheeran. In the US during time changes, we "spring" ahead an hour and "fall" back an hour. I think that's where it came from?
Lol- I always assumed that it was because the leaves fall in Autumn.
Load More Replies...ME AMURKAN. LEAF FALL DOWN. god. The word is autumn. I will tolerate "harvest" since other germanic languages have words like "Herfs" or "Herbst".
You must really hate Eubonics.
Load More Replies...The language is ENGLISH, not American. Annoyingly, though, it was called fall when the pilgrim fathers emigrated, so we've adopted the French version since then.
No, I think the original word was heorfest, in the 1000s. French came into english in 1066.
Load More Replies...Not everyone would be willing to stand in a crowded street, holding up a sign that boycotts using Microsoft Teams for video meetings. Seth admits he received many weird stares from passersby but eventually felt less daunted by possibly “looking stupid.”
“Now I’m so happy that I didn’t give up and think that that was just a dumb idea,” he proudly said.
Now, let’s hear your thoughts, dear readers. Are you a fan of Seth/Dude With Sign? What do you think is the appeal of his content?
Go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of it to blow over.
Noooo, do NOT procreate with mosquitos. We don't need more bloodsuckers.
Just order a bunch of appetizers. She can eat what she wants and you can make a meal of the rest
I fixed that...I'm 62. Will NEVER "retire", but work at the hours/pace I want.
How about we do away with all these subscription plans and let us just buy it once?
Clearly these are the way to avoid BP censors. All signs should be on cardboard from now on.
Thanks! Its tough on your lower back and blood circulation in your legs to wrap presents.
For me, its quit wasting my time browsing BP. Hmm.. I'll take a raincheck for now.
if you're like me ... : "An Irish exit is when you leave a party without saying goodbye to anyone"
We're getting better. Need to "forget" them more, we are running out of bathroom trash bags.
We don't, we just buy replacements when they die.... but here is a small tip: start with cacti -it takes years to kill those, as long as you don't drown them.
I am so guilty of this. Films are so important to me, it seems crazy to me when someone hasn't seen one that I consider to be a classic! I shall try to hold back my freak out. Lol.
affording whatsathing now? you mean food and water? f*****g first world problems man.
I always wonder how long he can hold his arms up. Personally, I hold no more than a minute in good days
Heeey, the "organic deodorant" sign and the "f*ck mosquitoes" sign have the same passers-by in them... I call shenanigans!
In many of these it’s clear that he’s holding more than one sign. Presumably to cycle through them one at a time.
Load More Replies...Aww he does kinda look like him now that you mention it!!
Load More Replies...You're dating yourself with that comment, but now that you say it I can't unsee it either 😂
Load More Replies...Some of these are definitely created, I mean some of the people walking by are THE same people, in the same clothes and everything. The two laughing ladies walking to the left for example. Someone else mentioned it too.
It's fake. #14 is the same picture as #10. The girls in front haven't moved but the sign changed!! *Nobody* is looking at him in any of the pictures. All those pics with other people passing in front of him holding up a sign with the word F**k on it should get some looks.
# 14 is the same picture as #10, except the sign changed. The people and their positions didn’t. Seems like no one is looking at him in most of the pictures. Hmmmmmm????
Wow you are a negative Nelly. He needs to make a sign for you, "if you don't have anything nice to say, keep your trap shut
Load More Replies...I always wonder how long he can hold his arms up. Personally, I hold no more than a minute in good days
Heeey, the "organic deodorant" sign and the "f*ck mosquitoes" sign have the same passers-by in them... I call shenanigans!
In many of these it’s clear that he’s holding more than one sign. Presumably to cycle through them one at a time.
Load More Replies...Aww he does kinda look like him now that you mention it!!
Load More Replies...You're dating yourself with that comment, but now that you say it I can't unsee it either 😂
Load More Replies...Some of these are definitely created, I mean some of the people walking by are THE same people, in the same clothes and everything. The two laughing ladies walking to the left for example. Someone else mentioned it too.
It's fake. #14 is the same picture as #10. The girls in front haven't moved but the sign changed!! *Nobody* is looking at him in any of the pictures. All those pics with other people passing in front of him holding up a sign with the word F**k on it should get some looks.
# 14 is the same picture as #10, except the sign changed. The people and their positions didn’t. Seems like no one is looking at him in most of the pictures. Hmmmmmm????
Wow you are a negative Nelly. He needs to make a sign for you, "if you don't have anything nice to say, keep your trap shut
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