21 More Famous Paintings Reimagined With Star Wars Elements
With “Star Wars Day” coming up on Monday (you know, “May the fourth be with you”), I thought it would be a good time to post twenty more defaced classical paintings to celebrate.
Are these better than the first twenty historical paintings that I posted here? I’m not sure but decide for yourself.
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American Gothic – Grant Wood
The Trade Federation Ambassadors – Holbein
I might think Episodes I, II, and III were a waste of time, but this famous painting by Holbein screamed out for these two jokers.
The Robot Camels – Salvador Dali
Based on “Elephants”, the existing tiny figure becomes C3P0 and I added an equally tiny R2D2. You can see that Star Wars character if you look closely enough.
Fleet-Admiral Sir Gial Ackbar – Lemuel-Francis Abbott
It has been said Ackbar was not the calmest under pressure. Is it good leadership to scream “It’s a trap!” in front of your junior officers? Discuss.
Rancor Devouring Oola – Francisco Goya
He’s not bad, he’s an animal. I have to admit, this one’s a bit gruesome. It is based on a just-as-gruesome generally accepted classical artwork, though.
The Ewok Condition – René Magritte
You needed a pretty big dish to receive satellite on the forest moon of Endor.
Circles In A Falcon – Wassily Kandinsky
Does what it says on the tin. No need for any further explanation.
Bounty Hunting At The Boating Party – Renoir
As bounty hunters go, Greedo was a bit rubbish. Here we see this famous character apprehend a nice French lady and her dog under the mistaken impression it’s actually Han Solo and Chewbacca.
Leia Organa – Andy Warhol
If I had to choose one member of the Star Wars cast I’d like to meet, it’d be Carrie Fisher.
Leia Leading The Rebellion – Eugène Delacroix
George Lucas once said “there’s no underwear in space”. Looks like he was right.
Number 3720 (To 1) – Jackson Pollock
I used to think J.P’s “pictures” were just a mess of paint. I like this asteriod field, though. It is an asteroid field, isn’t it???
General Kenobi – Rembrandt
Ben in some serious need of a haircut.
The Next Semester – William McTaggart
Now depending on your point of view this is either a heart-warming image of two lost little girls found by local law enforcement or a chilling scene from a police state. You decide.
El Jaleo At The Mos Eisley Cantina – John Singer Sargent
It’s the place to be seen by imperial spies.
X Wing Hero – Norman Rockwell
Pilot: “Pardon me for asking, sir, but what good are snub fighters going to be against that?”
Seamstress: “Just hold still or you’ll get pricked.”
Un Atelier Aux Mos Eisley – Henri Fantin-Latour
To understand what’s happening here you need to watch Robot Chicken Star Wars.
Portrait Of Leia Organa I – Gustav Klimt
What was I saying about Carrie Fisher?
Jabba’s Barge Haulers On The Volga – Ilya Repin
It’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it.
The Pit Of Carckoon At Selsey Bill – Whistler
And you thought he was dead.
The Great Wave – Katsushika Hokusai
You have to look quite closely to see what I’ve done with this one.
The Solo Wedding – Jan Van Eyck
A little self indulgence here as this image features my own dog, Rocky.
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