Ever since you've taken that introduction to Philosophy in college, you can't stop thinking what life is really all about. I feel you; the same existentialism attacks me after I watch an episode of Bojack Horseman. But there's a way you can tame your inner void, and it's the sense of humor. Instagram account 'Texts From Your Existentialist' totally knows where you're coming from, and the dark jokes are ready to help you cope with melancholy.
April Eileen Henry, a poet from sunny Los Angeles juxtaposes art - mainly, paintings and movie stills - with bleak, sad texts to "bring more messages that speak to the pity party line and the seldom spoken dark humor of life." Scroll down for your daily fix of demotivational quotes, and upvote your favorite images.
More info: Instagram
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and that's why being alone in the comfort of your own company is one of the best things of the world and absolutely under-rated.
for some reason I thought she had headphones on and had removed them to tell us this.
Fun fact: some scholars suggest that the orange/red of the sunsets in Munch's series 'Der Schrei der Natur' was inspired by the world-wide atmospheric effects in the early 1880s that of the dust dispersed by the eruption of Krakatoa. Others think that it was influenced by the presence of a local abbatoir and/or asylum, but from reading letters by Munch the Krakatoa explanation seems to me to be more likely. Either way, he seems to have keen insight into the emotions of pain and/or distress...
I'd come! I'd like to talk to the other voices in my head and their so-called personalities they think they have.
Ma'am, for the 5th time, this is Domino's Pizza, and yes, your order will be with you shortly
well i'd rather it say that on the newspaper than while i'm watching grey's anatomy :))
Your consciousness could probably borrow some of the black bars plastered liberally on this thread - there are enough of them to spare! ;-)
They seem a bit too happy seeing that they are about to fall off a cliff
Maybe you need to find yourself now. Life didn't leave you, she just took a step back and gave you the reins now that you understand. Bring out the life inside you.
So, one day the painter was like : "Hmm... I haven't used red in a while..."
Yeah, that's the kind of thoughts you get when you run out of wine...
Me: "Hello, Doctor..?" Doctor: "You'll be fine, take one of these in the morning and at night. Wear this mask over your face, it's called A Fake Smile, it works for other patients"
One day the endangered species list will probably include us all...
"And they're like, Let's lie down in bed, And never get up all day. You should know this. You do it everyday!"
Why fear death? It's her non existence u should fear. If u become immortal than everything will lose it's taste
If you're finding comedy a great tool in grappling with existential queries, you might enjoy exploring other mediums that blend humor and philosophy. For instance, various online communities provide humorous takes on profound topics through memes, much like the ones shared on the Disturbing Book Club's Facebook page.
They excel at using humor to lighten heavy subjects and might offer a refreshing way to look at life, much like memes with philosophical undertones.
i'm not sure if i am too dark for this, this is too dark for me or if for the most part these weren't all that funny. not bad to the point of my time being wasted, but certainly not "hilarious"
They were just "meh." Not witty or surprising...
Load More Replies...Mine too. I feel kinda bad for laughing though. Sorta proves I'm not very deep.
I like the original artwork, but all the depression inspired quotes just got to much, a few were clever but on the whole it kind of a downer.
That's sort of the point of it....its dark humor....
Load More Replies...i'm not sure if i am too dark for this, this is too dark for me or if for the most part these weren't all that funny. not bad to the point of my time being wasted, but certainly not "hilarious"
They were just "meh." Not witty or surprising...
Load More Replies...Mine too. I feel kinda bad for laughing though. Sorta proves I'm not very deep.
I like the original artwork, but all the depression inspired quotes just got to much, a few were clever but on the whole it kind of a downer.
That's sort of the point of it....its dark humor....
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