“Never Saw Him Again”: 41 Times The Class Clown Took It Too Far And Faced The Consequences
We know them, we love them, and we rely on them to stall the teacher when nobody completed last night’s homework assignment. That’s right: it’s the class clown! They might obnoxiously sneak a whoopee cushion into homeroom or write silly notes on the whiteboard when the teacher leaves the room, but for the most part, their antics are harmless.
Every now and then, however, class clowns become a little too confident and end up wreaking havoc on their peers and educators. Below, you’ll find some stories that Reddit users have recently shared, detailing how their classmates went from being hilarious to harmful. Enjoy reading through these tales, and be sure to upvote the ones you find most shocking!
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Kept making ‘Yo Mama’ jokes to my friend who’d just lost his Mom to cancer. My friend snapped & broke his nose.
In college, we had a guy in a philosophy class who was constantly talking trash to the teacher.
At one point he got on about tattoos and told the professor he should go get a tattoo.
Without missing a beat, the prof pulls up his sleeve and he's got a concentration camp number tattooed on his arm and looks the kid in the face and says "yeah, I've got all the tattoos I need."
The kid went from "badass" to "bad, a*s" in a picosecond.
In highschool we had a gym teacher who was maybe a year out from retirement. Really chill guy who really wanted everyone to have fun and improve their health and fitness, was regarded as ‘the man’ and many graduates would return just to check in on him and say hey. He always remembered everyone and was just a good dude, took no nonsense but still knew how to have fun and make people feel welcome and included.
Well he and his wife were getting up there in age and as that tends to go, she fell terribly ill. People rallied around him, raised funds, everything we could do.
But there was this one kid who always had to stir s**t up and do his best to be disruptive- like it was his job. Really thought he was some sort of gangster tough guy. Anyway during roll-call attendance in the beginning of class he said something smart and understandably the teacher was not in the mood, there was a little back and fourth and the kid gets in his face and says something really disrespectful and terrible, something like ‘ i hope your wife’s c*** rots off before she dies’ or something. Needless to say everyone was ready to rush this idiot but before anyone could even shift a foot under themselves- teach pops him right in the face, just a quick jab- the muscle memory of an old boxer.
It was glorious, the kid fell on his a*s so quickly and before the he could even react he was swarmed and pulled far away by the rest of the class.
At first the teacher was ‘suspended’ and there was talk of him being charged- but literally the entire class testified on his behalf and it was somehow swept under the rug, teach was able to retire early and the s**t head was suspended. Pretty sure his parents knew how much of a pain he was and deserved the punch.
Stole the English teachers sub plans and rewrote them giving us all a free period.
Terrance, wherever you are, you're a f*****g legend.
In 7th grade the class clown challenged our English teacher to sparring/wrestling match. The taunting went on for weeks until the teacher finally agreed. Last 10 minutes was spent with the class clown having his a*s handed to him. No one was injured, and it was very entertaining.
I learned years later the English teacher was active in the Reserves which explained his ability to quickly neutralize the class clown without taking it too far.
Slightly off topic but our class clown choked on candy. We thought it was another one of his jokes. The whole class laughed at him, even the teacher. Then his face started to go red, eyes got bloodshot and he started slamming the table violently. Luckily somebody gave him the Heimlich maneuver and saved his life. Dude nearly died while everyone sat laughing at him😱
He would flirt with the Spanish teacher, who I’ll admit was really attractive, and the flirting in class was always funny since he was genuinely funny. But one day he just didn’t show up to class and the schools guidance counselor gave us an hour long lecture about how student’s flirting can be sexually harassing to teachers and it was heavily implied he groped her…
Very disgusting.
Tripped up the pregnant earth sciences teacher in 7th grade. She fell flat on her stomach, which caused a miscarriage. He was kicked out of her class but not the school. He never lived it down.
This is horrendous. I wonder why he wasn't arrested and what became of him, also what became of the poor teacher after that.
In 7th grade at a public school, our class was on the 2nd floor. Class clown stood up in the middle of class, said "I can't take it anymore", ran to the back of the classroom, opened the window and jumped. Teacher screamed, we all laughed. There was an addition to the building and the roof was under the window where the class clown was standing with a big grin. The teacher quit shortly after due to this and several other incidents in her class.
Was in art class and our teacher was Vietnam veteran who flew medical helicopters. All he saw day in and day out was dead or dying soldiers. Class clown threw a ball of paper and yelled "grenade" at the teacher. Teacher dove under his desk frightened. Following week clown threw a wad of clay on the ceiling and thats when the teacher snapped. Teacher grabbed student by the neck/throat and pinned him to the wall with the students feet not touching the floor. Teacher looked him in the eye and just said "we use to kill f***s like you" and then yelled st him to get out. Following day our teacher suddenly retired and we never saw him again.
I never felt bad for the kid, he got what he deserved. Never heard officially what happened to the teacher. Hope the guy kept his pension.
The school allowed the guy to retire so hopefully that meant that his pension was safe.
When I was in high school we were on our way to the zoo for an excursion and a friend of mine who was the epitome of a class clown held a sign up to the glass back window of the bus that read "bomb on bus". One or more of the people driving behind the bus called it in and the absolute chaos started. Evacuating a busload of students onto one of Australia's busiest freeways. I should probably mention that this occurred a few months after the September 11 attacks when the world was still adjusting to new normal.
When I was in grade 12, there was a guy in my math class whose mother had passed away in 2019 (not exactly sure how she died though). Someone had made fun of his dead mom and the guy turned around and punched him in the face. The guy was suspended for a few days. I lost my mother in 2017 so I could totally sympathize with the guy. Joking about someone's dead parent is a surefire way to end up with a black eye and a fat lip.
When I was in High School we had a Firefighter Explorer program where we could go and do OJT/Shadowing at a few of the local departments.
One all volunteer department let some of us Juniors and Seniors respond to specific calls to do minor light work (hold stop signs, carry the ladders, fetch tools, etc) and allowed us to have a code to their cypher lock. They gave the code to the 4 local kids so we could get there and unlock the doors and open the bays and get trucks started and ready to roll.
One night the class idiot decided to go into their department and play “pranks” on them. Took all their hoses off the trucks, strung them around the bays and looped them through the axles, discharged all the foam out of the main engine, and screwed with everyone’s bunker gear by swapping boots and removing the liners of structural gear among other things.
Naturally it ended very bad when a call came in for a structure fire and when the actual firefighters showed up the entire house was in such disarray and no truck could even leave. They ended up calling a town 20 minutes away to respond. Two people passed away in the fire. Naturally all four of us were the top suspects and it didn’t take the police long to figure it out as the place was full of surveillance cameras. He was arrested, his parents got the bill for all the damages, and we never saw him nor his family again after that, they just skipped the area and vanished overnight.
The fire department killed almost all ties with the Explorer Program and allowing us to respond to minor calls. I went on to get certified as a firefighter and spent 5 awesome years with them where I still seasonally volunteer (during wildfire season) with them.
Art class.
Teacher leaves.
Class clown says "dare me to eat this paint!?!?!"
My buddy and I ignore him. He gets real pushy about eating paint. We tell him to do whatever the hell he wants. He stands on a chair and eats 2 tubes of paint when the teacher walks back in. Gets marched to the nurse. We breathed a sigh of relief that he was gone.
Later that day my buddy and I get called to the principal's office. Informed he is at the hospital getting his stomach pumped and it is OUR fault.
I had never been in trouble before. Spent 1 hour in isolated detention to see if I "wanted to share more." Literally just locked in a tiny a*s room. Got a really long lecture about if I told someone to jump off a bridge and they did it, it would be my fault. I denied any fault again. Got put back in isolation until the end of the day.
My parents went nuclear when I got home and told them what happened.
Clown showed up the next day just grinning and laughing because he heard we got in trouble. Ayaya
We had a student teacher for like 6 months when I was in 6th grade and towards the end of her time with us she had to record herself teaching a lesson to the class then provide the video to her school (as a final exam or something).
We had this class clown who had to sit in back which happened to be near the camcorder. During the recording he kept saying things like “s**t, penis, f**k”, quiet enough for no one in class to hear but loud enough to be obvious on the recording.
The student teacher ended up having to redo the entire video and we had to sit through the exact same lesson a week later without the class clown present.
There's funny, and there's moronic. Most of these people chose the latter
Everyone knew how easy it was to get a rise out of my Year 11 maths teacher - she was an elderly woman who could not control a class. I mostly just kept my head down to focus on doing the actual work, but one lesson, the rowdier kids started to try and throw things into her coffee mug - and actually got things like pins and an eraser in. At that point, I had a quiet word with the teacher to basically *not drink it*.
I don’t make a habit of being a snitch, but I have to draw the line somewhere…
Middle school in 2006, Kid I knew didn’t want to turn in his English essay on Monday so he wrote bomb threats a few of the bathroom stalls… we still had school Monday, he still failed the assignment, the EoD unit was at the school all day with bomb sniffing dogs, and one of the teachers eventually recognized his handwriting… Never saw him again.
The class clown at my middle school saw a kid having a seizure on the ground during recess and started kicking him and throwing dirt on him. We had a whole assembly about it where he had to get on stage and apologize to the whole school.
This is not class clown, this is bullying. I don't get why this is about "class clowns going too far" when many of these are literally bullies/criminals.
He came back to the school during after hours, rubbed his balls all over the doorknobs. Put caulking in the locks, and spray painted pot leafs everywhere.
Of course he didn’t know there were cameras so it didn’t take long for him to be caught. This was right before graduation too so needless to say, he didn’t walk at graduation and his parents had a hefty damage bill to pay.
A long time ago, the year before I graduated, as a senior prank, 4 senior boys broke into the school, carried in all the parts and assembled a VW Beetle in the front hall. They wouldn't have gotten caught either, except that afterwards they decided to go skinnydipping in the pool, not knowing there were cameras in the pool area. They didn't get to walk at graduation either. The Beetle was an epic prank though. Lol
He was showing girls his d**k which a lot just laughed and walked away but one girl told the principal he got charged with sexual harassment and is now considered a sexual predator. Didn’t see him much after all that went down.
Someone in my school said our gym teacher was sexually harassing, turns out they were just unhappy with the grades. He lost in court and shot himself in a hospital a bit later
It was September 11, 2001 (9/11). The attacks on the World Trade Center had just happened. We were in our first class of the day, and the teacher prefaced talking about it all by asking "Does anyone know where the World Trade Center is?" The class clown quickly replied with "On the ground now!" A couple of his buddies chuckled a bit, but the rest of us were shocked. The teacher was so pissed off that she physically dragged him to the principal's office. He wound up getting detention. This happened in Ontario, Canada, not far from the New York border.
Chemistry teacher, giving a brief lesson on alternative fuels: “What will we burn when we run out of fossil fuel sources?”
This guy, with no hesitation: “The Jews.”
You could’ve heard a pin drop.
I wouldn't call this kid a class clown, because class clowns make HARMLESS jokes/pranks, NOT this.
A classmate thought it would be funny to light somebody's mullet on fire in the middle of class.
High school in FL, 1980s. At the beginning of winter break, this guy broke into a second floor classroom and placed a duck, a kiddie pool with water, and like 4 loaves of bread. First day back the room was covered in duck s**t. Duck was fine. Epic.
That would be funny if they wouldn't have involved a living creature in their games, also bread is bad for ducks.
In my school district, it was tradition for the exiting seniors to pull a prank. One year a few of the class clowns decided it would be funny to cover all the tile floors with cooking oil, cover the hand rails of stairs with Crisco, and put large puddles of oil at the top of each stair well. A girl already on crutches broke her jaw. We had to be evacuated to the bleaches outside. It was super not cool.
He set his own chair on fire during an exam
Not my class, but he grabbed a laser pointer and pointed it at a female teacher's boobs and then said "wow they're so big!" The teacher was quite young and ended up crying and was out of lessons for about a week.
Someone needs to take a laser to the kid's d*ck and say "wow, it's so small!" in front of everyone.
I wouldn't categorize myself as the class clown, but there was a time when I took a 'joke' too far. A friend and I were asked to leave the class and ended up in another classroom. We were being quite noisy, prompting an angry teacher to come over telling us to stop making 'crazy sounds.' After class, we looked up her phone number, printed 100 pages with the message 'Do you know any crazy sounds? Call (teacher's phone number),' and scattered them around town. The following week definitely wasn't her best week, and, naturally, we were suspended
Dude announced a "watch this" to his friends at one lunchtime, and walked out of City Hall with a grin on his face and an (at that point, I'm guessing) empty suitcase. He was wearing a school colors jacket.
Shortly thereafter, the fire department rolled up and assisted with the evacuations. He'd smokebombed the hell out of the place.
His life after that was not a happy one, not because of that event but because he was f****n' crazy.
One year after finishing high school when he was already in college he went to a feminist demonstration with around 300 people and used a moment of silence to shout 'go home and make dinner' to the atendees.
He found a dead Lizard and tried to gift it to a teacher. The teacher fainted and hitted her head on her table. We had to call the school nurse.
I have a hard time picking between two:
* Rub an eraser on a dirty desk for several minutes, disassemble a pen, snorted the eraser rubber as if it's drugs/tabaco/... He spent the next hours coughing and wheezing.
* Some folks in our class used to throw wet paper that they chewed on against the ceiling quite often, it'd stick on there and looked disgusting. The clown wanted to one-up those folks and chewed a giant ball of paper and threw it at the blackboard. The teacher wrote around it and acted as if nothing happened and then shouted at him after class was over.
Needless to say, he didn't turn out particularly well after high school.
Dude was caught drawing on desks with permanent marker. Teacher made him get some alcohol spray and paper towels to wipe it off. After getting off all the marker he started wiping the desk with the alcohol soaked paper towel and lighting it on fire. He'd wait til the fire disappeared and do it again. After about the 3rd or 4th time he didn't wait long enough and when he went to wipe the table again it lit the paper towel on fire. He ended up throwing the fireball onto the carpet in the middle of the classroom and the teacher had to grab a fire hose to put it out.
Staples in the substitutes coffee... I went to school with some real monsters.
He started jumping rope with the small intestine of a fetal pig during bio
put some firecrackers into the toilet and blew it up (in high school)
Sodium comes in white blocks. It reacts violently with water. A bunch of us dropped a big block of it into one of the toilets and it exploded everything. We were lucky weren't killed by shrapnel. Kids do stupid things.
Public school, small town. Graduating class only had 54 students in it. Kid smeared his s**t all over the bathroom. Walls, floor, sinks, everywhere. The principal had no way of knowing who it was, so the solution......they took the bathroom doors off the hinges.
There was an overhead projector in the back of the room.
It wasn’t plugged into the wall. Tuesdays and Thursdays we had classes that would be 90 minutes because they only met twice a week.
Over the course of 90 minute class, he found this projector, fiddled with the plug, and then eventually cut the cord off the projector. He did this with a sort of metal piece from his desk.
Well, one thing led to another and he ends up stripping out the insulation from the cord.
Then I guess it sort of naturally progressed… he figured out that he had bare wire in one hand, and a plug on the other.
So he plugged it back into the wall and touched a desk. Big flash. Kids said holy s**t!
Then he touched a girl with it. She was fine, but it shocked her pretty good.
Spilled formic acid on another kid who ended up with some light scarring on his chest.
Tbh it was a terrible call from the teacher to get him to carry it around for people to smell.
I think it was freshman year. Some kid rode my bus that gave off a school shooter vibe. One day, I don't know why, but he proceeded to open the emergency window on the school bus and jump out. He was expelled for a while. Maybe 2 years? Was definitely someone we all avoided.
I hate it when people say "They just give off school shooter vibes." What? They don't have many friends? That doesn't mean they're going to shoot up a school.
A lot of these should be in an article about bullying. I couldn't get through the list.
Class clown is someone funny and harmless - that describes zero people on this list
Last week a teenager called in a hoax bomb threat at a local secondary school. Which was closed for about 4 days while the police did a full sweep. The little s**t has been arrested
My senior year of high school someone kept on calling in bomb threats from the school's pay phones (early 90's). We would evacuate to the athletic fields for an hour or so while the Sheriff's department and the staff cleared the school. It happened so frequently that some teachers had backup lessons so they wouldn't lose class time.
Load More Replies...A lot of these should be in an article about bullying. I couldn't get through the list.
Class clown is someone funny and harmless - that describes zero people on this list
Last week a teenager called in a hoax bomb threat at a local secondary school. Which was closed for about 4 days while the police did a full sweep. The little s**t has been arrested
My senior year of high school someone kept on calling in bomb threats from the school's pay phones (early 90's). We would evacuate to the athletic fields for an hour or so while the Sheriff's department and the staff cleared the school. It happened so frequently that some teachers had backup lessons so they wouldn't lose class time.
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