Every year, on the first Sunday of August, the village of Ushguli, Georgia, celebrates Livskhvaari, which is linked to the launch of the autumn works. It’s the oldest festival and dates 3rd century BC. The name comes from Svanish word livskhv – Aries.

Livskhvaari begins with the sheep-washing process. All the family wash a ram, and prepare for the holiday. In the morning rams are taken to the church and before the ritual takes place, the clash of the Titans start. The winner is rewarded a necklace.

The celebration is held in the “Fusd” (Fust) church yard, which in English means Lord. Svanish rules of praying are different. Prayers unanimously assemble in the church yard and everyone prays aloud for family, village and welfare labor.

After the praying, a “Namzrn” donation is made, which essential attribute is lamb inward (heart, liver), Khachapuri and wine. All districts make one common table and celebrate eating, drinking and dancing.

You can see everything with your own eyes if you travel to Georgia.