50 Times People Made Such Festive Christmas Meals, They Just Had To Share The Ideas With Everyone
The holidays are about many things. Spreading peace and joy, spending lots of time with our loved ones, and arguably the most important thing: eating delicious food. From cookies to cakes to kringles to cheese balls, Christmas is a wonderful time to indulge in all of your favorite festive sweets and scrumptious savory dishes. But we don’t want just any cake or charcuterie board gracing our Christmas tables. It’s the most wonderful time of the year! So we should go all out with tree-shaped boards, reindeer-shaped cupcakes, cookies that could pass for snowmen and slices of fruit that look far too adorable to eat.
Down below, we’ve gathered some of the most beautiful and impressive holiday food selections that might inspire you to get a bit more creative with your culinary selection this week. While some of these items are best left for the experts, plenty of them can be recreated by an amateur chef with just a bit of patience and attention to detail.
Enjoy devouring this delicious list, and be sure to upvote all of the creations you’d like to feast your eyes (and your tummy) upon this weekend. Then let us know in the comments what whimsical, festive treats you plan on whipping up this holiday season! And if you’re interested in finding even more inspiration for your gorgeous Christmas table from Bored Panda, you can find jolly food ideas that Santa himself would approve of right here!
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My Mom Always Makes Christmas Cookies That Are (Almost!) Too Pretty To Eat
Home-Made Christmas Cake My Dad Made
Gingerbread House My Dad Made For Christmas
How are you when it comes to Christmas cooking? Do your cakes belong in Bon Appétit magazine, or are you more qualified for the show Nailed It? (Highly recommend their holiday episodes, by the way, if you’re looking for a good laugh and an ego boost!) We all love to eat our little hearts out around the holidays (as we should!), but we don’t all know our way around the kitchen as well as Santa’s Elves know their way around the workshop. I’m confident that there are things on this list each and every one of you pandas can make, though. I’m considering taking a stab at a pesto puff pastry tree or some cupcakes that look like Christmas trees myself this year.
Christmas is my favorite time of the year for many reasons, including the fabulous food obviously, but all around the world, the feast on December 25th (or 24th!) looks a bit different. For example, in the United States, it’s common to have a big turkey or roasted ham as the main component of the meal. However, in Texas, where my family lives, tamales are the hot item for Christmas. What can I say? We love Tex-Mex year round! Last year, I celebrated Christmas in Sweden and got to experience some of their most cherished holiday meals. I absolutely loved the adorable saffron buns, and rice pudding, or risgrynsgröt.
First Christmas As A Single Dad. I Did My Best And She Enjoyed Herself I Think
Christmas Mood Cake! Hand-Drawing On The Mirror Glaze
My Wife’s Chai Coconut Christmas Cake! She Says There’s “No Way The Internet Will Care About This,” But I Think It’s Really Well Done
Learning about the wide range of festive meals around the world is fascinating. For example, in the UK, Christmas pudding, or plum pudding, is a holiday staple. Contrary to what the name suggests, this dessert is actually not made with any plums, but rather raisins, breadcrumbs, sugar, butter, and spices. It’s also cooked several weeks before the big day to allow it time to ripen and then doused with brandy, rum or another strong alcoholic beverage and then set on fire before serving. A dessert and fireplace all in one!
In Lithuania, one of the most beloved holiday treats is kūčiukai, or a small, slightly sweet cookie baked with poppy seeds. When it comes to the main meal in Lithuania though, it is customary to serve 12 dishes, which mainly consist of fruits, vegetables, mushrooms and fish, as there is not supposed to be any meat on the table. In Japan, Christmas is not celebrated as widely as it is in many other places, so it’s actually common to get good old fried chicken from KFC on December 25th. Alongside the chicken, it’s common to have a seafood set called osechi-ryōri as part of any Japanese Christmas table.
My Gingerbread House This Year. I Won First Place At My City’s Festival Of Gingerbread. This House Is Based Off Of An Old Long Gone Detroit House
My Wife Made This Beautiful Gingerbread House For Christmas
Home-Made Knit Hat Cake For Christmas Eve
In Israel, latkes are a staple for any Hanukkah table. Latkes are delicious potato pancakes fried to perfection in plenty of oil and typically paired with sour cream or apple sauce. They are served as a reminder of the miracle when the temple light’s oil was burning for eight days, instead of one. And although the modern latke is a bit different from the original, which was made of cheese, this dish has been around since the middle ages.
In Germany, a popular holiday treat is stollen. This is a pastry similar to fruitcake with candied fruit and raisins baked into a special yeast dough. After it’s been baked, it’s coated in clarified butter, or ghee, and sprinkled with powdered sugar. Stollen is often baked in advance and stored for a few months before Christmas, and it’s another classic dating back to the 14th century.
I Made From Scratch A Gingerbread Semi Truck For A Friend. Though Y’all Would Like It. We Appreciate You! Merry Christmas And Stay Safe
Gluten-Free Christmas Focaccia
My 16-Year-Old Daughter's First Batch Of Christmas Cookies For The Year! She Wanted To Try Something Different And I Am Obsessed With These
In some countries, fish is the go-to main dish on a Christmas table. In Portugal, for example, a Christmas staple is bacalhau, or a very salty dried cod. This fish can be the basis for many dishes, but during the holiday season, it’s usually served boiled with boiled potatoes and green cabbage and a healthy amount of olive oil. In Ireland, smoked salmon is the most popular Christmas fish, served simply with sauce or vegetables. It can also be a lovely gift to give around the holiday season. Fish is also on the Christmas table in the Czech Republic, but in their case, it’s carp. Carp scales are actually considered a sign of good luck in the Czech Republic, and on Christmas, it’s typical to have two carps in the house: one to be cooked for dinner and another that waits in the bathtub and is later released.
Home-Made Apple Pie For Christmas
A Snowy Winter Landscape Composed In A Cake
Home-Made This Year's Christmas Gingerbread Creation
I grew up eating most of the typical American Christmas foods: roasted turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, roasted vegetables, pumpkin pie, apple pie, and tamales because I lived in Texas. But aside from all of the main dishes that are served during a Christmas feast, I love all of the holiday goodies that can be eaten during the whole season: Christmas cookies, eggnog, gingerbread, fancy charcuterie boards and more. This entire time of year feels special, and I’m definitely a proponent of stretching out the celebration for as long as possible. Plus, if you’re looking for a food item to make that will look Pinterest-worthy, it’s probably best to stick with simple ingredients and focus on the aesthetic. 50% of the work is already done for you if you buy pre-made puff pastry when making one of these gorgeous puff pastry trees, so that's an easy way to work smarter, not harder. There’s nothing wrong with cutting corners to get that gorgeous holiday treat of your dreams.
The Christmas Cookies I Made This Year
Home-Made Cheese Stuffed Garlic Pull Apart Christmas Tree
I Am A Full-Time Cake Maker (From My Home) And Thought You Guys Might Be As Excited As I Am For My Christmas Selection This Year
There are many different holiday foods that are enjoyed all over the world, but not every seasonal dish is equally loved. Personally, I’m not a picky eater at all, so as long as a food item fits my dietary preferences, I’m all in. But not everyone feels the same way. According to a survey from Mashed, two Christmas dishes in particular are less than popular: Christmas goose and brussels sprouts casserole. When it comes to the goose, many consider it to be an outdated classic that’s just not worth the effort of preparing it. And as for the brussels sprouts, it seems that this vegetable just has a hard time getting good PR. I love roasted brussels sprouts tossed in some oil, salt, pepper, balsamic glaze and red pepper flakes, but if you associate the sprout with bland, tasteless boiled brussels, I can see why you might not be a fan.
This Bread My Sister Made For Christmas
My Little Buttercream Christmas Penguin Cake. I Just Think He's The Cutest
Christmas Cookies Are The Best Cookies
When it comes to sweets that not everyone is a fan of during the holidays, people have mixed opinions on fruitcake. I can’t say that fruitcake is actually bad, because it depends entirely on how it was prepared and how fresh it is, but I will say that when it’s placed on a table next to pumpkin pie, apple pie, pecan pie, chocolate peppermint brownies, or a gorgeous trifle, it doesn’t seem like the most appealing choice. When it comes to beverages, mulled wine and hot chocolate are popular favorites. But eggnog has a hard time competing with those two. It’s certainly an acquired taste, with its holiday spices and creamy texture, but I have to admit, I’ve always been a fan. And if the idea of drinking raw eggs makes you nervous, don’t worry, there are plenty of delicious vegan options.
Been Making Cookies For About A Year Now. I’m A Junior In College And Do This On The Side For Fun And Just Started Seriously Selling Them
Here are my 2019 Christmas cookies!
Merry Christmas From Norway - Viking Boat Gingerbread We Made
Cookies I Made For Christmas
Everyone has their own preferences when it comes to food, but when it comes to holiday foods, we tend to get very passionate. We often have memories associated with our favorite dishes, like learning how to make them with mom when we were children or having them seemingly magically appear on Christmas morning with all of those gifts from Santa Claus. Whatever you choose to prepare and feast on this holiday season, we hope you choose something that you love and enjoy. Christmas is all about peace, joy and spreading love, so why not bake that pie you’ve been dreaming of or make those delicious cookies that your loved ones will enjoy?
Christmas Tree Snack Board
The Finished Product! 2 And A Half Hours And A Cramped Hand Later! I Think My Idea Of A Christmas Sweater Came Through
Home-Made Gingerbread Carousel I Made For Christmas
Omg. I'm in awe of this one. First the snow globes, now a carousel? All my best childhood memories in Christmas treat form!! This takes the cake for me, too beautiful. I can't take anymore. Going back to bed ;)
Has your appetite for whipping up delicious holiday treats grown as you’ve been making your way through this list? We hope you’re inspired to make something extra special this Christmas, and if you’re a bit of a novice in the kitchen, don’t worry. You can always use your skills to arrange cookies or meats and cheeses into the shape of a tree. It’s guaranteed to be a hit! Keep upvoting the food items that you particularly scrumptious, and let us know in the comments what you plan to cook up this week. Then if you want to check out another Bored Panda article featuring the most festive cupcakes you’ve ever laid your eyes on, you can find that right here!
Made This Cake For My Sister-In-Law’s Christmas Party Tomorrow
First You Chose Dinosaurs, Then You Chose Robots… What Will My Christmas Cookie Theme Be This Year?
Here I am, brain the size of a planet, and they make me into a xmas cookie
My Friend Made The Charcuterie Board For A Christmas Event
This Year’s Christmas Cookies
Matcha Cookie Christmas Tree Stacks
I just stack up the matcha shortbread cookies, sprinkle them with powdered sugar, top with an almond, and wrap them up for inexpensive little Christmas gifts. One batch of dough makes 10 Christmas tree stacks.
Home-Made Christmas Chocolate Bonbons, Cookies And Cream And Gingerbread And Speculaas
This Past Christmas Was A Blur And Didn't Feel Christmassy Enough, So I Tried To Evoke The Spirit Of The Season In Cake Form
Chocolate cake with Nutella ganache filling and vanilla buttercream decor.
Made An Apple Pie For Christmas, Wanted Someone To See It
Made A Christmas Pizza At Work, And The Boss Actually Approved
I Made The Cutest Darn Cookies
Home-Made Reindeer Christmas Cake
Christmas Cake I Made For A Holiday Baking Competition At My Office
Home-Made Christmas Tree Macarons
Ugly But Cute Sweaters
Such A Nice Christmas Twist On One Of My Favorite Fruits
Christmas Village Cake
Pesto Puff Pastry Tree
All About The Details
Reminds me of the My Little Pony Show Stable! :-D (G1 of course, I don't even acknowledge the later generations >_<)
So You Guys Like Gingerbread Structures?
Home-Made Christmas Cupcakes
Home-Made Sea Salt Caramels For Christmas
Home-Made The United States Of Christmas Cookies
Christmas Tree Focaccia
I was proud of my rather oddly shaped sugar cookies until now. (There was a mishap and I am the proud owner of a batch of what looks like misshapen slugs)
Misshapen slugs celebrate Christmas too, you know.
Load More Replies...I was proud of my rather oddly shaped sugar cookies until now. (There was a mishap and I am the proud owner of a batch of what looks like misshapen slugs)
Misshapen slugs celebrate Christmas too, you know.
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