Who wouldn't love discounts and free stuff, especially in this economy? Some sellers on eBay claim that potential buyers often want to buy goods at half their price. In real estate, 90% of all offers are considered low-ball offers. And while negotiating is fine, expecting folks to give you stuff for free is hardly ever okay.
Luckily, the Internet is really good at giving these types of picky entitled people a reality check. Most often, that happens on the Choosing Beggars subreddit. It's the place where no form of low-balling is tolerated, and here is the newest collection of posts from the community for you to marvel and 'tsk-tsk' at!
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I Make Funky Clothes That Celebrities Enjoy. Every Week Or So I'll Get A Dm From A Celebrity Like This
Didn't Know The Red Fridge Would Be Red
I had a similarar problem trying to sell a green couch, and yes all the pictures were of my green couch. Had my time wasted with so many of these: "is it green?" "Why's it green" "do you have another colour" "my kids don't like green" oh and the classic, "Im a single mom and don't even like green, so can I have it for free"
Disappointing Mother’s Day
The fact that we love free stuff and would prefer lower-quality things if they don't cost anything over higher-quality items has been proven by an experiment. In his bestseller Predictably Irrational, Dan Ariely conducted an experiment where he let people choose from a luxury Lindt chocolate truffle and a Hershey's chocolate kiss.
The Lindt truffle cost 26 cents and the Hershey's Kiss cost one cent. Interestingly, people split pretty evenly between their choices: 40% chose the kiss, and 40% went for the truffle. However, when the prices for both chocolates were lowered by one cent, the majority of people grabbed the Hershey's Kiss. It became free, after all!
Not Her First…
Old Friend Think I’m Clout Chasing And Demands More Money For His Kickstarter
Low Pay And No Tattoos
You ain't finding anyone without tattoos and with references for $100 let alone $35
What Ariely and his team discovered was that the relative price doesn't really matter to people. As soon as we see that something is free, we're compelled to grab it even if another, higher-quality item isn't that much more expensive. They carried out many more versions of that same experiment.
They tried decreasing the price of the Hershey's Kiss from two cents to one cent and see if the demand would rise as it did when it cost nothing. It didn't. Consumers didn't even change their behavior when Hershey's Kisses cost a negative one cent. "We concluded that FREE! is indeed a very powerful force," Ariely later wrote in a blog post.
A Hobby, Not A Skill
You can tell straight away. This person is going to be very difficult to deal with.
Just Trying To Get Rid Of Some Cleats On My Local Buy Nothing Group And This Entitled Person Flipped That I Responded To The First Responses I Got, Whether Message Or Comment
You Want Us To ‘Spoil Your Kids’ Already Going To Disney?
Freelancers can often fall victim to clients who are choosing beggars. Journalism non-profit, The Open Notebook, surveyed 267 freelance science writers and 49 editors to see how often they negotiate rates with clients. Interestingly, 86% of the respondents said they ask for a higher rate either always, often, or occasionally, and only 14% percent always accept the rate as it is.
9 Days … $33 A Day … Barely
Not As Shocking As A Lot Of Things I See On Here, But She Won’t Take My Free Pacifier Because It’s Purple
This Level Of Delusion
Interestingly, clients also view freelancers who are not afraid to negotiate pay more positively. In that same survey, 90% of the editors claimed they think it's reasonable for a freelancer to ask for higher pay rates. Only 8% said they would start thinking about the worker somewhat negatively if they were to ask for more pay.
Looking For A Dog Sitter, 42 Hrs A Week, For Free Or Cheap. Must Be At Your House. And Go!
Local Ad For Someone To Fix This Guy's Awful Parenting For Free (And Sorry Ladies, He's Married!)
“Someone Give My Kids An Xbox Or A Playstation!”
In the end, expecting free favors, making low-ball real estate offers, and expecting free stuff has to do with our sense of entitlement. Some people just might think that they're entitled to special treatment; that they're owed goods and services. Interestingly, entitlement at an early age is completely normal, psychotherapist F. Diane Barth, L.C.S.W., writes for her blog on Psychology Today. Problems begin when we think that we're the center of the world once we grow up.
Come Watch My 5 Kids For A Few Cents An Hour For An Opportunity To Get A Sweet Discount On My Pyramid Scheme Products. Must Have Your Own Extra Large Vehicle To Drive Them All Around
Don’t Waste His Time
On Threads…
heart was in the right place but handled it wrong. theres also the chances they wanted money for alcohol or d***s. u never kno wat they r gonna do with the money. some ppl have even pretended to b homeless. my friend is a total sweetheart must help everyone kind of person. she gave $100 to a homeless guy in his early 20s with a dog. she came back with dog food and a dog bed for the dog too. meanwhile im just standing with the guy cuz she told me to wait with him. after she was done with all the helping we went back to her house. while walking back to my house i saw that same guy no dirt on him anymore, dog looked like it got a nice bath and sitting in a nice jeep. saw him counting money while laughing. i decided to call the cops and it turned out he has been tricking ppl all over the state to get free money and free stuff for his dog so he didnt need to pay for any of it. pan handling is a very real thing. so is the alcohol and d**g scenario. i dont give homeless ppl anything bc u never kno. i dont want to support someones bad habit or get tricked. ill support street artists or musicians but not homeless. ill give money to a soup kitchen or homeless shelter but never some homeless person on the street. yes it can b a situation where its none of the reasons i stated but u never kno.
Adults with a traumatic past are more likely to expect preferential treatment. "Often individuals who have been mistreated or disrespected exhibit a sense of entitlement when they start to feel that they deserve better than they have been getting," Barth writes. A certain amount of entitlement is actually okay for adults. We all have the right to be respected, and to take care of ourselves, and our families. The line is crossed, however, when we expect special treatment.
Ex Girlfriend Christmas Wishlist
Free Couch Turns Into Being Insulted By 2nd Grade Dropout
We Need Food But "Canned Soups, Pastas, Vegetables And Fruits Go Right Into The Trash"
Just like children do, says F. Diane Barth, L.C.S.W., entitled adults need to learn to balance their need to feel special with the need to feel connected to others. In order to have fulfilling relationships, we need to not only think about ourselves but other people's needs as a priority, too.
She Can’t Imagine Why $3 An Hour Isn’t Enough
So Rude
So Ungrateful And Rude
Yes and no. After the big flood here I donated stuff and talked with the volunteers. They said that indeed people bring bags of stuff that is basically trash. Dirty, smelly, holes you name it. Stuff that had been sitting in the attic or garage for ages. Literally not fit to give to anyone and no, not even people who have lost everything. So 'would I wear this' does not necessarily mean 'is it fashionable'.
Entitled behavior can also greatly backfire, as it might diminish or destroy relationships and ruin our image in the eyes of others. Researchers have also found that entitled people tend to be much more disappointed in life. The lead author of a 2016 study explains that "life, health, aging, and the social world don't treat us as well as we'd like," and that violates an entitled person's worldview of self-superiority.
Why Is It Always The Nanny Postings?
Considering how many helicopter parents there are, it seems there is an equal number who will leave their children with an internet stranger. Just tell them to take the candy from the guy in the white panel van. Think of the freedom you'll have.
The Audacity! Nannies Are A Privilege Not A Right
If more than one person is quitting fast, maybe they're not the problem.
I Volunteer For An Organization That Provides A Hot Home Cooked Dinner For Families In Need. This Woman Thought I Was Her Errand Girl
This reminds me of the post last week about the woman who called the police to get baby formula.
However, there is a way out of such a mindset. The co-author of the same study, Julie Exline, PhD, told Health that the key is to shift your mindset to one of gratitude rather than competition. "Conditioning yourself to think about other people and what they deserve—and also being willing to admit your own faults and weaknesses—can help you feel more connected to others," she explained.
Another Deluded Business Owner Looking For Free Labour
Where Did I Sign Up To Be A Chauffeur?
Everyone Pushed Her To Have A 6th Baby And Now They Don’t Want To Buy Her Things
After the baby has been born, we all recommend that you jump off a cliff!
Note: this post originally had 81 images. It’s been shortened to the top 30 images based on user votes.
How about these entitled choosing beggars, Pandas? Do you think they have a chance to redeem themselves? Upvote the best (or worst?) cases you see on this list, and let us know your very favorite in the comments. And while you're here, don't forget to check out our previous posts about the Choosing Beggars subreddit here, here, and here!
Poll Question
What is your opinion on negotiating prices in general?
Always fair
Depends on the situation
Mostly unfair
Only for professionals
So many of these are just partial conversations, and sometimes not even the choosing beggar part but just a random part of the replies. How can you call yourself a writer if its even to hard to actually post something decent on BP.
So many of these are just partial conversations, and sometimes not even the choosing beggar part but just a random part of the replies. How can you call yourself a writer if its even to hard to actually post something decent on BP.