“Never Going To A Chiropractor Again”: Man’s Life Put In Danger After Chiropractor Visit
InterviewWe’ve all seen the videos of chiropractors seemingly using magic to pop parts of patients’ backs they didn’t even know existed. “Years of pain relieved after one adjustment!” Or “Patient walks out with perfect posture after a lifetime of slouching!” The casual observer might see these titles and wonder what kind of sorcery chiropractors are using to heal their patients.
But it’s important to understand the risks before booking your next spinal manipulation, and one man knows firsthand how horribly wrong these appointments can go. Rigel Darkmoore recently shared a series of videos on TikTok detailing how his simple chiropractic appointment turned into a frightening stay in the hospital. Below, you’ll find his full story, as well as conversations with Rigel, Dr. Scott Ross and neurosurgeon Dr. Betsy Grunch.
Many people turn to alternative medicine to seek natural and affordable methods of pain relief
Image credits: Karolina Grabowska (not the actual photo)
In an effort to avoid exorbitant medical bills and alleviate tinnitus symptoms, this man decided to visit a chiropractor
Image credits: rigeldarkmoore
But he soon ended up in the hospital with a potentially life-threatening injury
Image credits: mr.darkmoore
So here’s a little story-time on how I ended up like this and on constant watch. So three days ago, I went to the chiropractor because I had ringing in my ear and I didn’t have medical insurance. So I didn’t want to go, you know, spend money on a doctor’s visit. I figured a hundred dollars to the chiro, let him adjust a few things, maybe get rid of the pressure. All else fails, I’ll just go to the doctor’s.
Image credits: mr.darkmoore
Well, the chiropractor adjusted me and then that night I went home. And later on, I ended up with a splitting headache. The headache went from my temples all the way down around my ears, into the bottom of my neck. Couldn’t take it anymore. So I took ibuprofen and went to bed. The next day, I woke up and I had the worst dizzy spells. Like, I felt loopy. I felt like I couldn’t focus or concentrate on anything when I looked around. So me being me, I panicked and I decided I’m gonna go to the walk-in because something’s not right. I don’t feel right. So I went to the walk-in and they didn’t have anybody available, so they sent me to the emergency room.
Image credits: mr.darkmoore
I went to the emergency room and told them all of my symptoms: ear ringing, pressure in the back of my head, but now I feel really dizzy, you know, I’ve got a little bit of tingling in my fingers, my tongue was a little tingly at the time. And he immediately wanted to do a CT scan.
Image credits: MART PRODUCTION (not the actual photo)
Boy was I glad he did that! In the CT scan, he found that the chiropractor, when he was aligning or whatever they do when they work on your neck, he actually ruptured, or what they call ‘dissecting’, I guess, he dissected my carotid artery in my neck on the left side.
Image credits: mr.darkmoore
I thought I was gonna go and maybe get some medicine for ear ringing and immediately was thrown in an ambulance and rushed to the medical center to be treated. Where I’m at now. I’m not allowed to leave. I’ve been stuck with needles about 20 times. I’m hooked up to two different IVs for different fluids, including blood thinners. I can’t even remember how many tests they’ve run on me so far. I have someone in here every two hours making sure that I’m okay. I can’t even get out of the bed to pee. I have bands on me that say ‘fall risk’ and if I get up from the bed, it sets off an alarm.
Image credits: mr.darkmoore
And that’s because the damage that chiropractor did to my neck was so severe that I can have a blood clot, which can, you know, cause a stroke or kill me. So my $100 chiropractor appointment has now turned into thousands and thousands of dollars of medical bills. And the worst part is they said that if they don’t do surgery to repair the artery, I’ll have to take a blood thinner for the rest of my life. And if I don’t take it, I could have a stroke.
Image credits: mr.darkmoore
You can watch Rigel’s original video from the hospital right here
@mr.darkmooreExcuse how slow im talking im on a lot of medicine and havent slept becauee the doctors are in every few hours to draw blood. To make ahee the thinners are working.♬ original sound – Mr. Darkmoore
One week later, he shared another video updating viewers on his health
@mr.darkmoore Replying to @Mr. Darkmoore ♬ original sound – Mr. Darkmoore
“If you can’t avoid going to a chiropractor or you think that my situation could happen to you, then I’d just say to avoid your neck getting twisted and yanked on”
We reached out to Rigel Darkmoore to hear how he’s been doing since his frightening stay in the hospital, and he was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda. “I have been feeling a lot better but just trying to take it one day at a time,” he shared. “Some days I get a dizzy spell or a migraine that I can’t control, but from what I’ve been told, it’s going to be that way until I’ve fully recovered.”
Many commenters were also wondering if Rigel would be pursuing legal action, but he mentioned in one video that he couldn’t find a lawyer willing to take his case. “I was surprised,” he said. “Almost every lawyer I contacted pretty much said my case wouldn’t make them any money, so it wasn’t worth helping me. At this point, I would pursue legal action if it were an option just for the psychological distress I’ve been under. I’ve always been an anxious person, but I’m also an introvert who has never broken a bone or had stitches in his life. Ever since my arterial dissection, I can’t sleep at night and reading internet comments trying to diagnose me with these big health conditions, that they think are the primary cause of my injury, is intimidating and can be debilitating.”
“A year ago, I was carefree and driving across the country with my dog,” Rigel continued. “Now, I can’t even go a single night without doom spiraling because someone tells me that they think I have a disease or life-ending illness because they know someone who does. I feel like I’d have more peace if I just hadn’t made the video.”
Rigel added that this was not his first trip to a chiropractor, but it will be his last. And he still has not heard back from the chiropractor who recently adjusted him. “That should say enough about his character,” he noted.
Rigel also wants to warn viewers that this can happen to anyone. “If you can’t avoid going to a chiropractor or you think that my situation could happen to you, then I’d just say to avoid your neck getting twisted and yanked on. I never received any relief from my original problems, and now I have the whole internet trying to diagnose me with everything under the sun. It’s a lot.”
Image credits: Anna Shvets (not the actual photo)
“Patients need to be aware that a chiropractor is not a medical doctor, and their training is very different”
According to The Good Body, about 40 injuries occur per every 100,000 chiropractic patients. There are also 1-3 incidents of strokes reported per 1 million people who visit a chiropractor. Neck injuries, similar to what Rigel experienced, seem to be the most concerning risks associated with seeing a chiropractor. In fact, over 60 neurologists in Canada have issued a statement warning of the risks of stroke and death associated with chiropractic care.
We reached out to family medicine and sports medicine physician Dr. Scott Ross to gain more insight from a medical professional on how safe chiropractic treatment is. Dr. Ross shared that seeing a chiropractor is generally safe, as long as their diagnosis is accurate. “Patients need to be aware that a chiropractor is not a medical doctor, and their training is very different,” he noted. “Anyone with medical issues (headaches, vision problems, dizziness or balance problems, chest pain, trouble breathing, fatigue, neurological problems such as weakness, numbness or tremor) should see a medical doctor first.”
“If a person has a minor back or neck injury, such as a strain or known problem that has been treated with adjustments in the past, it is usually alright to start with a chiropractor,” Dr. Ross continued. “A higher velocity injury to the spine, such as a motor vehicle collision or a significant fall, should be evaluated medically first.”
And if you’re looking for a safer alternative to chiropractic care, Dr. Ross says that “Once a proper diagnosis is made, physical therapy can be a great option. “Physical therapists are also very well trained to provide rehabilitative exercises to help with recovery from an injury and management of chronic musculoskeletal conditions,” the expert noted.
Image credits: Pixabay (not the actual photo)
“You should always be informed about what risks are involved and what benefits you should expect out of any type of treatment”
We also reached out to neurosurgeon Dr. Betsy Grunch, aka Ladyspinedoc, to hear her thoughts on what patients should understand before seeing a chiropractor. “Patients that go see any type of healthcare professional should understand everything that will be done to their body whether it’s invasive or noninvasive,” she told Bored Panda. “That can be something as simple as a medication that may be prescribed, something such as a chiropractic manipulation, even up to a surgical procedure. You should always be informed about what risks are involved and what benefits you should expect out of any type of treatment.”
Dr. Grunch also says there are plenty of alternatives to high-velocity neck manipulation that patients can seek out. “I typically tell patients to formulate a treatment plan for their spine utilizing evidence based proven therapies and treatment that we know can help with their back pain,” she shared. “Back pain is very common and typically does not need ongoing therapeutic ‘adjustments’. Utilizing diet, stretching, maintaining a healthy weight and a strong core can help tremendously with chronic pain.”
“If you have concerns about your spine pain or other health concerns, make sure to seek the guidance of a medical doctor,” Dr. Grunch added. “A doctor of chiropractic medicine is not a substitute for a licensed medical doctor.”
Thankfully, Rigel is out of the hospital and on the mend, but as he noted, this experience might affect him for the rest of his life. He’s also currently crowdsourcing the funds to pay his exorbitant medical bills, so if you’d like to contribute, you can find his GoFundMe page right here.
We would love to hear your thoughts on this situation in the comments below, pandas. Are you an advocate of chiropractic care, or are you too terrified to ever let someone touch your back and neck? Feel free to share, and then if you’re interested in reading another Bored Panda article featuring someone who unexpectedly ended up in the hospital, we recommend checking out this story next!
Neurosurgeon Dr. Betsy Grunch even shared a video breaking down the risks of high-velocity neck manipulation
Image credits: LadySpineDoc – Dr. Betsy Grunch
Concerned viewers shared their reactions and pointed out that they’re wary of letting chiropractors near their necks as well
Some even shared similar negative experiences that they’ve had with chiropractors
However, others who have had positive experiences defended chiropractic treatment
The very worst things about the American healthcare system. It's difficult for most of the world to comprehend how he's worried about the cost of treatment and even contemplating _not_ having the life-saving surgery. This is just so fsked up.
These "chiropractors" popping up everywhere are a real problem, both in Europe and the US. Really, folks, NEVER visit one of them. They are charlatans with no real education for the most part (a real physical therapist would have a doctor's education, these guys only have a permit that can be bought with some money and answering a quiz that has infinite retrials). They don't know what they do, these guys just want your money, and they will damage your muscles, ligaments and in the worst case even tear an artery and kill you.
A 'physical therapist' is not a doctor either.
Load More Replies...The very worst things about the American healthcare system. It's difficult for most of the world to comprehend how he's worried about the cost of treatment and even contemplating _not_ having the life-saving surgery. This is just so fsked up.
These "chiropractors" popping up everywhere are a real problem, both in Europe and the US. Really, folks, NEVER visit one of them. They are charlatans with no real education for the most part (a real physical therapist would have a doctor's education, these guys only have a permit that can be bought with some money and answering a quiz that has infinite retrials). They don't know what they do, these guys just want your money, and they will damage your muscles, ligaments and in the worst case even tear an artery and kill you.
A 'physical therapist' is not a doctor either.
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