SEPTEMBER 11 – 2001

All day I have been getting accolades for being a good mom. And don’t get me wrong, I am a good mom. But this isn’t my story to tell. This story is for all the 9/11 survivors, rescue workers and for my husband who told me: “Glenna, sometimes I feel like a sitting duck up there just waiting for them to come and blow us off the map.”

But most important to me are my daughters. And here is the story of one of them, told in her own words.

“This Tuesday is that one day every single year that I wish would have never happened. I absolutely hate the day, and I know I am not the only one. To everyone else, 9/11 is that one day a year, when everyone remembers the horrible twin towers tragedy which occurred 17 years ago.

But to my family and me, the September 11 attacks are every single day. I am reminded of 9/11 when shootings or terrorist attacks occur throughout the world. I am reminded of the 9/11 attack when I think about my wedding day, and how my dad won’t be there to walk me down the aisle. Also, I am reminded of the twin towers attack when anyone speaks about their fathers. I am reminded of it when I’m missing my dad every single day of my life. Father’s Day, birthdays and holidays. There is never a moment in time when I am not thinking about it.


I hope everyone can understand that when you post pictures of the buildings going down, it shatters my heart into pieces knowing my dad was in there. I will be off of social media for the week, but I hope everyone realizes that even though you may mean well when posting, it could really upset someone who is directly affected by it. To anyone who only contacts me on that day once a year, I would rather not hear from you. I know you mean well, but if I haven’t talked to you since last year on 9/11, I do not want to hear from you this year. Thank you to whoever took the time to read this. I’ll miss you always and forever, daddy.”

More info:


    I am reminded of 9/11 when I think about my wedding day, and how my dad won’t be there to walk me down the aisle

    I am reminded of it when I’m missing my dad every single day of my life


    I’ll miss you always and forever daddy