30 Nostalgic Comics About Growing Up And Parenting In The ’80s By This Artist (New Pics)
Interview With ArtistDo you often go back to your childhood memories? For many of us, this was the most nostalgic time of our lives, filled with fun and happiness. Back then, when everything was so simple, we wouldn’t have believed anyone who told us nothing would ever be as carefree again. What could be so different, huh? Well, then we faced reality and understood what our parents meant by telling us that…
Some people, like the artist Tauhid Bondia, cherish their past so much that they decide to reflect on it in their creative work. In his heartwarming series ‘Crabgrass Comics,’ the cartoonist showcases the adventures of a group of friends living in the ’80s. Some stories featured in his strips might be very relatable to many of you, dear pandas.
Without further ado, let’s take a walk down memory lane and have a bit of fun with it. Tauhid’s work is known for the funny situations he puts his characters in and some unexpected twists. Scroll down to discover the most recent comics and to read our interview with the artist behind the series.
More info: Instagram | patreon.com | Facebook | x.com | gocomics.com
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I so relate to this. Happened to my cousin and me at a campfire. It took six months for our eyebrows to grow back.
Bored Panda got in touch with the author of ‘Crabgrass Comics’ and asked him some new questions about his work. Firstly, we wanted the artist to tell us more about his creative process. We found out the following: “I create everything digitally on an iPad Pro using clip studio paint. Basically, I spend Mondays writing that week’s strips. Then Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are spent drawing two dailies each. On Friday, I do the Sunday strip. I relax on the weekends, [then] rinse and repeat.”
me and my sister NOW. this isn't really a 80s thing. just a siblings thing. wasn't the 80s like...100 years ago?
When asked about the most effective elements to create humor in his series, Tauhid said: “Mostly, I just think about things I did as a kid. The fun of writing Crabgrass is I get to start with something mundane like a school field trip and then see how far I can take it into the left field. Like what if the boys snuck into the caveman display and found a real caveman hiding in there? BAM! Now I have a story arch idea. The rest is easy.”
“I know it’s most important to know your characters. I pass on a lot of great gags just because the character wouldn’t say that. That said, it’s fun to break a character out of their mold a little sometimes. Like Miles, [who] largely is the straight man. That’s how readers know him. So, it’s extra funny when we find him being the chaotic one. I can’t do it all the time or it betrays the character, but occasionally, it catches the reader off guard, which is a basic element of humor.”
The cartoonist shared with us what emotion he hopes readers take away from his comics: “Honesty, I just hope the strip brings a little joy. Either through nostalgia, recognizing themselves or other kids they know, or just the joy of giggling at a stupid joke. I think bringing joy is the whole job. It’s an important job but not a serious one.”
Lastly, we were curious about which storyline created by Bondia in his series so far is his personal favorite. We learned that: “My favorite story is always the one I’m currently working on. But of the past stories, I still really like the one where Kevin builds a brain-enhancing helmet and turns into a supervillain. That was one of the first times I decided to see how far I could push the world of Crabgrass. I was legitimately afraid readers would hate [it], but they didn’t. Since then, I learned to just go for it.”
It seems that he is not aware of what stuntmen are paid if he thinks he can hire someone to do the boring work for him.
what’s long division again? (I forgot it like a day after I was taught it)
It’s funny that they didn’t even realize that poor pandas specific thing is the most uploaded images are the ones that go to the top
Load More Replies...It’s funny that they didn’t even realize that poor pandas specific thing is the most uploaded images are the ones that go to the top
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