Chelsea Handler’s Comic Video ‘Day In The Life Of A Childless Woman’ Goes Viral, Deeply Triggers Conservative Audience
To be a happy parent or a happy childfree person? It is pretty weird, of course, that at the end of the first quarter of the 21st century, we still continue to massively ask this particular question, although the correct answer is quite obvious – this is a personal matter for everyone, and the key word here is “happy”.
And still, adherents of one or another point of view still continue to insist on their own, and the most striking manifestations are massively discussed, only raising the degree of debate. Even if it is quite obvious that some of these manifestos are just a clever satire of the opposite viewpoint.
For example, recently famous American comedian and actress Chelsea Handler recorded a parody video that almost instantly became absolutely viral. 34.8M views, nearly 122K likes, a heated discussion in the comments and a lot of celebs reacting – in general, an excellent punch towards the conservative public.
Famous American comedian and actress Chelsea Handler recently made a parody video about her childfree lifestyle and the internet was very divided over it
Image credits: chelseahandler
“I get ready for a busy day of doing whatever the [hell] I feel like”
“This is a day in the life of a childless woman. I wake up at 6am. I remember that I have no kids to take to school. So I take an edible, [play with myself] and go back to sleep. I wake up at 12:30pm and get ready for a busy day of doing whatever the [hell] I feel like. I put on my most impractical and stylish shoes, since I won’t be chasing a child around the grocery store.”
Image credits: chelseahandler
“The weightlessness of my existence has granted me superhuman powers”
“I go to my favorite spot in Paris to grab a croissant. I do a meditation session on the plane since I have no screaming kids, allowing me all the time in the world to become enlightened. The weightlessness of my existence has granted me superhuman powers. I teleport myself back home, then I get ready for a night out with whatever hot guy I met on Raya that morning.”
Image credits: chelseahandler
“It’s amazing what you can do when you have this much free time”
“I call up a babysitter and tell her that I don’t need her since I still don’t have kids. Now it’s time for a workout. So I hit Mount Everest for a quick climb. I invent a time machine, go back in time and [end] Hitler. Crazy bastard. It’s amazing what you can do when you have this much free time. And that’s a day in the life of a childless woman.”
Image credits: chelseahandler
Image credits: chelseahandler
It’s not to say that this was Handler’s most outstanding performance, but if you’ve seen a lot of rather monotonous TikTok videos from happy moms talking about how they spend their day, then you have to admit that it was quite funny. And if one of the goals was to trigger some of those conservative guys, then the author definitely achieved this goal!
Literally immediately, such prominent representatives of the right-wing conservative public as political observers Tucker Carlson and Ben Shapiro took up arms against Chelsea Handler. Of course, neither one nor the other noticed any humor in her video, and for lack of other arguments, both relatively quickly turned to personal insults.
Attacks on Chelsea Handler’s appearance or personal achievements – this is the maximum “argument” from Mr. Carlson or Mr. Shapiro, completely unwilling to notice that this is essentially a harmless comedy sketch. Actually, what Chelsea’s critics have said is pretty sufficient for a successful lawsuit, but Handler literally destroyed her opponents in a response video, recalling, for instance, her six New York Times best-selling books and an impressive amount in her bank account. Enough to be considered ‘a boss girl’, right?
Of course, Chelsea Handler loves and knows how to shock the audience – just remember her recent topless skiing trip on her own birthday. On the other hand, the results of the studies are damn convincing – more and more adults in the contemporary world are choosing to stay childfree, and at the same time feel happy. For example, about a quarter of people surveyed in a recent research by Michigan State University psychologists admitted that they consciously made the decision for themselves not to have kids – and are quite happy with it.
“After controlling for demographic characteristics, we found no differences in life satisfaction and limited differences in personality traits between child-free individuals and parents, not-yet-parents, or childless individuals,” Zachary Neal, associate professor in MSU’s department of psychology and on of the research authors, says. “We also found that child-free individuals were more liberal than parents, and that people who aren’t child-free felt substantially less warm towards child-free individuals.”
However, the comments on Twitter were split between both harmless and quite aggressive ones. And if Handler’s supporters mostly just laughed at the funny video and drew their opponents’ attention to it, then many of them were outraged, calling the video ‘propaganda of the childfree lifestyle’. Well, I don’t know – personally, as a dad of three, I was heartily happy for Chelsea Handler, but at the same time, no amount of propaganda will make me less happy when I look at my kids. In the end, it doesn’t matter who you are, as long as you simply enjoy your life.
Massive online (and offline as well) debate ensued with people either avidly siding with Chelsea, or criticizing her with all their anger and wit
Image credits: iamstevencooper
Image credits: kumarmanish9
Image credits: lilibalfour
Image credits: GadSaad
Image credits: matthewdmarsden
Image credits: JustinTHaskins
Image credits: AJDelgado13
Image credits: Liz_Wheeler
Image credits: MaisonBelle19
Image credits: TheJaredMonroe
Image credits: Kevkellam
Image credits: CrazyDivaRock
Image credits: goon303
Image credits: monalisasworld
Image credits: djajax
Image credits: nobedevil
Image credits: UberCSGO
Image credits: RobAnderson2018
Image credits: pocketgayJT
Image credits: Stacy_Lillis
Online Moms for 20 Years: OMG being a mom is so hard somebody give me a medal and acknowledge how hard my life is Child Free Woman: My life is easier Online Moms: No not like that
It's not moms being all buthurt about this. It's (mostly) men. I'm willing to bet that every one of the angry men complain about this video and insisting parenthood is the most besest thing ever left 90% of the hard work of parenting to their kids moms.
Load More Replies...It's crazy the amount of righteous indignation these men have. Why is hearing a woman say she is happy in her life without children sooooo upsetting to them??! What the hell?! Go Chelsea go!
I think they are threatened by her and what she represents. A liberal woman whose happiness isn't defined by her roles as wife and mother.
Load More Replies...Wow. Lots of triggered posts up there over what amounts to satire. Even if it wasn't satire...lots of triggered posts. I have a child, but I have friends who are child free. We each have found happiness and fulfillment, and the real thing I'm proud of: we respect each other's choices.
All these "you'll die alone" people --- so they just get kids as nurses for their dying days? How will that work even work out? So many broken families going no contact for decades... The happiest old folks I know were just socially active in their middle age and built up a large group of friends their age and younger, and those drop by. Not all of them had children.
Load More Replies...Of all the things to be angry about in this world, you choose to be angry about someone living their life as they choose. What a colossal waste of energy.
People with children shouldn't want to trade for a child-free life and the same is true for childless people. Just freaking let people be. Honestly, that is the main problem with conservatives these days. It's either conform to their lifestyle and choices or be attacked. We get it, you're not x, y, or z. Why can't you just let people be themselves and be happy? Or is the goal just to make people as miserable as you?
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Load More Replies...I had always wanted children. Time ran out for me. I spent some time feeling sad about it. Then I realized I want a happy life, and set out to have one. I feel a pang, sometimes when someone says, "Oh, you'll never know ACTUAL joy or REAL love. You live a purposeless existence.". You know? No one else knows the details of my life. I am happy to be child free, because the alternative is to be sad child free.
I'm sorry that people have said such thoughtless and stupid things to you. People just don't think before speaking sometimes. I have child free friends...some by choice and some by chance, but they have all found their own happiness. Good for you for determining to find your own!
Load More Replies...Honestly, i started this thread interested in reading different opinions but now i'm just here to watch ChestRockwell dig himself deeper with every comment. You can't make this stuff up, what a maroon! 😆
He’s so embarrassing! People who say stupid s**t and think they’re clever are the worst.
Load More Replies...Many men see women as having a single purpose: being there to service their sexual needs and as a procreator (I say one purpose because these are closely related). See Don Lemon's comment on CNN yesterday about women being in their prime in their 20s. Honestly, we need to end the societal misogyny and start treating women as complete human beings on their own.
Why is it that childless people are selfish, whereas parents can brag about how fulfilling their kids make them feel? If that’s not selfish what is?
Um, the internet is loaded down with posts from parents complaining about how tired, worn out and exhausted they are. Posts reminiscing about having privacy or being able to go to the bathroom alone, or going out with friends. Posts about having to "watch their own children" posts with parents complaining about this and that. It mind numbing. The fact of the matter is people take children for granted. Just because we can breed, doesn't mean we should. Just because you WANT a baby doesn't mean you'll be a good parent. Some folks know that children aren't meant for them and they should be applauded NOT denigrated. Anyone bringing a child into the world as it is now is SELFISH & IRRESPONSIBLE anyway. Humans as a species are a failure, we s**t were we eat and we kill for sport. If we really cared at all for children, there wouldn't be a single child in the system or a single child hungry or homeless.
Why do people hate such post so much? Because as rtecent study says 1/3 of all parents regret having children. They were groomed to have children, they did not think about it and now they hate it and they envy people who were strong enough to overcome society norm like that.
And they HATE people, primarily women, who managed to escape that narrative and live a fulfilled and happy life.
Load More Replies...As a 40 year old childless woman, she cracks me up. I am hoping to start a family soon, but come-on people, it's funny. Women are criticized for virtually every choice they make which is why this skit needs to be so "outlandish" to drive the point home.
Do people seriously believe that without making new human you have no purpose? They should check out zero population growth movement. Yeah that was a thing. I also don't understand how anyone can think she's saying nobody should have kids. Smh
Yeah seriously. This Rockwell dude has literally posted 50 times in the hour. For someone claiming that progressives are 'triggered' and snowflakes, he sure is REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEing all over the comments. It's pretty funny to watch. I'm sure he'll reply to this because he has no life, but: Dude, get outside, get some air or something, touch some grass, go meditate or breathe, seriously. Like you're not clever and you're not funny. You're less funny than Chelsea Handler--at least she gets some upvotes for the stuff she posts sometimes. You're like 0 for 50 in terms of likes. Give up.
Load More Replies...There are also too many people who regret the decision to have kids because after a life of sacrifice, they turned out to be people you dislike despite your best efforts. There are too many parents who are afraid to admit they would have rather had a good career and freedom because of judgmental f***s like these breeders. There are no guarantees who your children will be and if you'd even want them at your deathbed. And why do we think we all die with loved ones surrounding our bed? What makes you think you'll die in bed? Maybe you'll die on the shitter.
I love my son, I would not change him being born for anything in the world. That being said, I have no issues with other people enjoying being child-free. I made my choice, they made theirs. I enjoy time with my son, they enjoy being able to do what they want. Can we just stop yelling at people for choices they make that in no way affects our own lives? I am not going to villainize alternative lifestyles from my own, unless it directly affects my family and me.
Here's a unique idea: Live And Let Live. Or even... *gasp*.... laugh.
TIL that nuns, and Buddhist monks are 'leading a meaningless life void of happiness' and 'Don't know true joy' because they didn't have a kid and thus missed out on 'the greatest experience on earth' and 'true happiness'. Uh-Huh. Who knew. The ironic thing is the same people that think religious virtue and religious happiness is a thing, seem to be the same ones who think HaVing A KiD is LitEraLLy The MEaniNG of EveRYthING!!!!1 I thought God was that? What about people who 'God' 'cursed' into being unable to have kids? I guess they don't have any meaning to their lives either. As for the 'you'll die alone' BS if that were true, then retirement homes wouldn't exist; and these kind of selfish Douchebag Justice Warriors who can't get with the times are prime candidates for getting dropped off in a home when they're old. It'll be great.
WOW. imagine Chelsea Handler doing something to cause controversy! i am shocked!
I thought she could do these things because she is wealthy and doesn't have the traditional 9-5 job. She's living HER life HER way. Why is that YOUR problem?
The "make a time machine and (end) hitler" part made me chuckle
Every time i hear a conservative get angry about a lifestyle choice someone else took, usually liberal, i suspect they are jealous. Overly defensive about having kids? Maybe you regret it. Angry at single men that sleep with a lot of women while you chose monogamy? I could keep going.
I don’t mind childless people being happy about that fact. I do mind the ones that consider me a sap because I dó happen to have kids.
Definitely agree and it goes both ways unfortunately. I am in the child-free camp and I’ll more often than not get called selfish. But I don’t deride those who do want kids or have already. You do you and lets all just be happy in our own choices. I have friends who do, those that are unsure and those that don’t. Makes not a lick of difference to my life and love my friends all the same. Shame it isn’t seemingly common especially with these and the ‘tired parent’ articles
Load More Replies...Here's reality. You screw up your children, then you EXPECT them to take care of you. Well, guess what? No one shows up at your death or your funeral. The person you abused alltheir life, makes sure you are buried but there is no one at your grave. So having kids didn't help you at the end of your life. Also, when you announced to your children 5 years before your death, at Christmas, that you regret having ANY OF THEM, what did you expect? Some people should never have children. Arrange your cremation, get a lawyer to draw up what needs to be done with your body or ashes and live YOUR life with friends, knowing your affairs are in order.
This is why the world is overpopulated. We preach this idea that if you don't have kids you're either missing out, selfish, a terrible person or whatever else someone feels like saying. At the end of the day though, all that ideal is doing is creating a situation where our descendants end up hurting because there's not enough resources to even begin to sustain the population. We are already on the verge. It's irresponsible for EVERYONE to have kids.
Children are for people who can't have horses I'm 48 years old and happily childfree by choice.
I'm a mother and love it. If some woman choose not to be mothers good because they'd most likely be terrible moms.
Myself and husband have 1 kid, never would i ever expect her 2 look after us in our old age, u do u and wer ok in our retirement home, come visit when you can
Is there actually a link to the video in this article? I didn't see one, so here you go if you couldn't find one either: https://www.scarymommy.com/entertainment/chelsea-handler-child-free-viral-video
It's a personal choice folks. Does anyone rag on you if you don't like anchovies on your pizza? Guess what folks? Everyone is different. Surprised?
What's with all the hate? It's like we are trying to divide ourselves into smaller and smaller goups all hating other groups. Why can't people make their own choices without trying to degrade other people's choices. Being childfree, great, enjoy it. No need to taunt people who have kids and try to make them feel bad about it. Having kids, great enjoy them, no reason to insult people who made different choices.
You will not find a single real conservative that thinks you not having kids is not awesome. Sounds like either trolls or bots to me. Have as many abortions as you want as well. Please and thank you!
No you don't speak for everyone. You can't stand the fact that a woman doesn't want to have kids. China, Japan and Italy are dealing with the shocking fact that millions of women who aren't having and don't want kids.
Load More Replies...Every one of your repetitive comments has a reply button. Maybe nobody replies because you don't seem like a person who engages in reasonable discussion.
Load More Replies...Online Moms for 20 Years: OMG being a mom is so hard somebody give me a medal and acknowledge how hard my life is Child Free Woman: My life is easier Online Moms: No not like that
It's not moms being all buthurt about this. It's (mostly) men. I'm willing to bet that every one of the angry men complain about this video and insisting parenthood is the most besest thing ever left 90% of the hard work of parenting to their kids moms.
Load More Replies...It's crazy the amount of righteous indignation these men have. Why is hearing a woman say she is happy in her life without children sooooo upsetting to them??! What the hell?! Go Chelsea go!
I think they are threatened by her and what she represents. A liberal woman whose happiness isn't defined by her roles as wife and mother.
Load More Replies...Wow. Lots of triggered posts up there over what amounts to satire. Even if it wasn't satire...lots of triggered posts. I have a child, but I have friends who are child free. We each have found happiness and fulfillment, and the real thing I'm proud of: we respect each other's choices.
All these "you'll die alone" people --- so they just get kids as nurses for their dying days? How will that work even work out? So many broken families going no contact for decades... The happiest old folks I know were just socially active in their middle age and built up a large group of friends their age and younger, and those drop by. Not all of them had children.
Load More Replies...Of all the things to be angry about in this world, you choose to be angry about someone living their life as they choose. What a colossal waste of energy.
People with children shouldn't want to trade for a child-free life and the same is true for childless people. Just freaking let people be. Honestly, that is the main problem with conservatives these days. It's either conform to their lifestyle and choices or be attacked. We get it, you're not x, y, or z. Why can't you just let people be themselves and be happy? Or is the goal just to make people as miserable as you?
This comment is hidden. Click here to view.
Load More Replies...I had always wanted children. Time ran out for me. I spent some time feeling sad about it. Then I realized I want a happy life, and set out to have one. I feel a pang, sometimes when someone says, "Oh, you'll never know ACTUAL joy or REAL love. You live a purposeless existence.". You know? No one else knows the details of my life. I am happy to be child free, because the alternative is to be sad child free.
I'm sorry that people have said such thoughtless and stupid things to you. People just don't think before speaking sometimes. I have child free friends...some by choice and some by chance, but they have all found their own happiness. Good for you for determining to find your own!
Load More Replies...Honestly, i started this thread interested in reading different opinions but now i'm just here to watch ChestRockwell dig himself deeper with every comment. You can't make this stuff up, what a maroon! 😆
He’s so embarrassing! People who say stupid s**t and think they’re clever are the worst.
Load More Replies...Many men see women as having a single purpose: being there to service their sexual needs and as a procreator (I say one purpose because these are closely related). See Don Lemon's comment on CNN yesterday about women being in their prime in their 20s. Honestly, we need to end the societal misogyny and start treating women as complete human beings on their own.
Why is it that childless people are selfish, whereas parents can brag about how fulfilling their kids make them feel? If that’s not selfish what is?
Um, the internet is loaded down with posts from parents complaining about how tired, worn out and exhausted they are. Posts reminiscing about having privacy or being able to go to the bathroom alone, or going out with friends. Posts about having to "watch their own children" posts with parents complaining about this and that. It mind numbing. The fact of the matter is people take children for granted. Just because we can breed, doesn't mean we should. Just because you WANT a baby doesn't mean you'll be a good parent. Some folks know that children aren't meant for them and they should be applauded NOT denigrated. Anyone bringing a child into the world as it is now is SELFISH & IRRESPONSIBLE anyway. Humans as a species are a failure, we s**t were we eat and we kill for sport. If we really cared at all for children, there wouldn't be a single child in the system or a single child hungry or homeless.
Why do people hate such post so much? Because as rtecent study says 1/3 of all parents regret having children. They were groomed to have children, they did not think about it and now they hate it and they envy people who were strong enough to overcome society norm like that.
And they HATE people, primarily women, who managed to escape that narrative and live a fulfilled and happy life.
Load More Replies...As a 40 year old childless woman, she cracks me up. I am hoping to start a family soon, but come-on people, it's funny. Women are criticized for virtually every choice they make which is why this skit needs to be so "outlandish" to drive the point home.
Do people seriously believe that without making new human you have no purpose? They should check out zero population growth movement. Yeah that was a thing. I also don't understand how anyone can think she's saying nobody should have kids. Smh
Yeah seriously. This Rockwell dude has literally posted 50 times in the hour. For someone claiming that progressives are 'triggered' and snowflakes, he sure is REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEing all over the comments. It's pretty funny to watch. I'm sure he'll reply to this because he has no life, but: Dude, get outside, get some air or something, touch some grass, go meditate or breathe, seriously. Like you're not clever and you're not funny. You're less funny than Chelsea Handler--at least she gets some upvotes for the stuff she posts sometimes. You're like 0 for 50 in terms of likes. Give up.
Load More Replies...There are also too many people who regret the decision to have kids because after a life of sacrifice, they turned out to be people you dislike despite your best efforts. There are too many parents who are afraid to admit they would have rather had a good career and freedom because of judgmental f***s like these breeders. There are no guarantees who your children will be and if you'd even want them at your deathbed. And why do we think we all die with loved ones surrounding our bed? What makes you think you'll die in bed? Maybe you'll die on the shitter.
I love my son, I would not change him being born for anything in the world. That being said, I have no issues with other people enjoying being child-free. I made my choice, they made theirs. I enjoy time with my son, they enjoy being able to do what they want. Can we just stop yelling at people for choices they make that in no way affects our own lives? I am not going to villainize alternative lifestyles from my own, unless it directly affects my family and me.
Here's a unique idea: Live And Let Live. Or even... *gasp*.... laugh.
TIL that nuns, and Buddhist monks are 'leading a meaningless life void of happiness' and 'Don't know true joy' because they didn't have a kid and thus missed out on 'the greatest experience on earth' and 'true happiness'. Uh-Huh. Who knew. The ironic thing is the same people that think religious virtue and religious happiness is a thing, seem to be the same ones who think HaVing A KiD is LitEraLLy The MEaniNG of EveRYthING!!!!1 I thought God was that? What about people who 'God' 'cursed' into being unable to have kids? I guess they don't have any meaning to their lives either. As for the 'you'll die alone' BS if that were true, then retirement homes wouldn't exist; and these kind of selfish Douchebag Justice Warriors who can't get with the times are prime candidates for getting dropped off in a home when they're old. It'll be great.
WOW. imagine Chelsea Handler doing something to cause controversy! i am shocked!
I thought she could do these things because she is wealthy and doesn't have the traditional 9-5 job. She's living HER life HER way. Why is that YOUR problem?
The "make a time machine and (end) hitler" part made me chuckle
Every time i hear a conservative get angry about a lifestyle choice someone else took, usually liberal, i suspect they are jealous. Overly defensive about having kids? Maybe you regret it. Angry at single men that sleep with a lot of women while you chose monogamy? I could keep going.
I don’t mind childless people being happy about that fact. I do mind the ones that consider me a sap because I dó happen to have kids.
Definitely agree and it goes both ways unfortunately. I am in the child-free camp and I’ll more often than not get called selfish. But I don’t deride those who do want kids or have already. You do you and lets all just be happy in our own choices. I have friends who do, those that are unsure and those that don’t. Makes not a lick of difference to my life and love my friends all the same. Shame it isn’t seemingly common especially with these and the ‘tired parent’ articles
Load More Replies...Here's reality. You screw up your children, then you EXPECT them to take care of you. Well, guess what? No one shows up at your death or your funeral. The person you abused alltheir life, makes sure you are buried but there is no one at your grave. So having kids didn't help you at the end of your life. Also, when you announced to your children 5 years before your death, at Christmas, that you regret having ANY OF THEM, what did you expect? Some people should never have children. Arrange your cremation, get a lawyer to draw up what needs to be done with your body or ashes and live YOUR life with friends, knowing your affairs are in order.
This is why the world is overpopulated. We preach this idea that if you don't have kids you're either missing out, selfish, a terrible person or whatever else someone feels like saying. At the end of the day though, all that ideal is doing is creating a situation where our descendants end up hurting because there's not enough resources to even begin to sustain the population. We are already on the verge. It's irresponsible for EVERYONE to have kids.
Children are for people who can't have horses I'm 48 years old and happily childfree by choice.
I'm a mother and love it. If some woman choose not to be mothers good because they'd most likely be terrible moms.
Myself and husband have 1 kid, never would i ever expect her 2 look after us in our old age, u do u and wer ok in our retirement home, come visit when you can
Is there actually a link to the video in this article? I didn't see one, so here you go if you couldn't find one either: https://www.scarymommy.com/entertainment/chelsea-handler-child-free-viral-video
It's a personal choice folks. Does anyone rag on you if you don't like anchovies on your pizza? Guess what folks? Everyone is different. Surprised?
What's with all the hate? It's like we are trying to divide ourselves into smaller and smaller goups all hating other groups. Why can't people make their own choices without trying to degrade other people's choices. Being childfree, great, enjoy it. No need to taunt people who have kids and try to make them feel bad about it. Having kids, great enjoy them, no reason to insult people who made different choices.
You will not find a single real conservative that thinks you not having kids is not awesome. Sounds like either trolls or bots to me. Have as many abortions as you want as well. Please and thank you!
No you don't speak for everyone. You can't stand the fact that a woman doesn't want to have kids. China, Japan and Italy are dealing with the shocking fact that millions of women who aren't having and don't want kids.
Load More Replies...Every one of your repetitive comments has a reply button. Maybe nobody replies because you don't seem like a person who engages in reasonable discussion.
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