This Super Mom Has Just Given Birth To A Record Number Of Cubs, And Their Pics Are Too Cute
Bingwa, the cheetah, has just lived up to her name. You see, “bingwa” in Swahili means “champion” and the 4-year-old St. Louis Zoo animal has recently given birth to a record-breaking litter of 8 cheetah cubs. My mom always reminds me that even as a single child, I sometimes was just too much. I believe we have to congratulate this wild cat and wish her well!
In over 430 litters documented by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, this is the first time a cheetah has given birth and reared on her own eight cubs at a zoo. The average litter size of these big cats is three to four cubs.
According to the zoo, Bingwa is already a perfect mom for her three boys and five girls. “She has quickly become adept at caring for her huge litter of cubs. Grooming, nursing and caring for them attentively,” Steve Bircher, the zoo’s curator of mammals/carnivores said. She is on loan to the zoo from Wildlife Safari in Winston, Ore. The father, 9-year-old Jason, is on loan from White Oak Wildlife Conservation in Yulee, Fla.
Today, Bingwa’s accomplishment is more important than ever. The world’s fastest land mammal is racing toward its species extinction. It is estimated that only 7,100 of these rare cats remain in the wild. The latest cheetah census suggests that these predatory fluffs may decline by an additional 53 percent over the next 15 years.
More info: stlzoo.org | Facebook
Image credits: Carolyn Kelly/Saint Louis Zoo
Image credits: Carolyn Kelly/Saint Louis Zoo
Image credits: Carolyn Kelly/Saint Louis Zoo
Image credits: Carolyn Kelly/Saint Louis Zoo
Image credits: Carolyn Kelly/Saint Louis Zoo
Image credits: Carolyn Kelly/Saint Louis Zoo
Image credits: Carolyn Kelly/Saint Louis Zoo
Image credits: Carolyn Kelly/Saint Louis Zoo
"I want to break a world record for the number of cubs birthed," said no cheetah ever.
Bare wooden box? Zoo should be doing better than this for the mother and cubs.
I want one now lol i love how mad she looks kinda makes her look like she is protecting them even tho thats what all mama cats do
I love how all the direct face shots of Bingwa says, "Back off!" What a great mama :)
Omg cute! And very positive news! Cheetahs are endangered and we do not want to loose these amazing felines
She looks so fierce and protective on the first photo. She's like "make one more step and you'e dead"
Name the 8 beautiful babies for my 8 beautiful grandchildren :) Mickey, Zach, Brad, Kyran, Nikki, Jessi, Kiana, Lauren. <3
This is just amazing. Imho cheetah is one of the most graceful animals ever.
While it might look cute she's still in jail and she and the cubs should be in their natural habitat.
Jail or rehabilitation center how do you know? Ghost places exist might not be the nicest for the animals in them but it ensures that they can be released in the wild. if these places did not exist where would all the big cats be? They'd probably gone. you should be thinking these people verses telling them they're doing wrong.
Load More Replies...Yeah, wonder how realistic in size the cheetah enclosure is to real life on the savannah?
PAWsome cheetah mama and her cubs, but people shouldn´t breed wild animals, the mama should´ve been spayed/neutered and sent to a sanctuary like @BigCatRescue , if animals´re surplus like giraffe Marius´s been at the Kopenhagen zoo they´re killed!!! 😭😭😭 And fed to other zoo animals, like Marius´s been and like so many other surplus zoo animals´ve been and still are.... (The first part where I tagged Big Cat Rescue´s my Twitter comment)
Sad. Being bred for a life in captivity. Caged. They should all be in the wild where they belong. They will never know what it's like to run free in the wild. They are trapped, all for human entertainment. So very sad.
I bet the urge to teach them to hunt is outrageous but all she can do is sit in a box.
She is having a litter this big because she lives in captivity. Animals bodies determine the size of the litter by food availability You wont ever see a litter like this from a wild cheetah!
It's only temporary while the cubs are still being checked and are still so small. They will probably be moved when they're more independent
Load More Replies..."I want to break a world record for the number of cubs birthed," said no cheetah ever.
Bare wooden box? Zoo should be doing better than this for the mother and cubs.
I want one now lol i love how mad she looks kinda makes her look like she is protecting them even tho thats what all mama cats do
I love how all the direct face shots of Bingwa says, "Back off!" What a great mama :)
Omg cute! And very positive news! Cheetahs are endangered and we do not want to loose these amazing felines
She looks so fierce and protective on the first photo. She's like "make one more step and you'e dead"
Name the 8 beautiful babies for my 8 beautiful grandchildren :) Mickey, Zach, Brad, Kyran, Nikki, Jessi, Kiana, Lauren. <3
This is just amazing. Imho cheetah is one of the most graceful animals ever.
While it might look cute she's still in jail and she and the cubs should be in their natural habitat.
Jail or rehabilitation center how do you know? Ghost places exist might not be the nicest for the animals in them but it ensures that they can be released in the wild. if these places did not exist where would all the big cats be? They'd probably gone. you should be thinking these people verses telling them they're doing wrong.
Load More Replies...Yeah, wonder how realistic in size the cheetah enclosure is to real life on the savannah?
PAWsome cheetah mama and her cubs, but people shouldn´t breed wild animals, the mama should´ve been spayed/neutered and sent to a sanctuary like @BigCatRescue , if animals´re surplus like giraffe Marius´s been at the Kopenhagen zoo they´re killed!!! 😭😭😭 And fed to other zoo animals, like Marius´s been and like so many other surplus zoo animals´ve been and still are.... (The first part where I tagged Big Cat Rescue´s my Twitter comment)
Sad. Being bred for a life in captivity. Caged. They should all be in the wild where they belong. They will never know what it's like to run free in the wild. They are trapped, all for human entertainment. So very sad.
I bet the urge to teach them to hunt is outrageous but all she can do is sit in a box.
She is having a litter this big because she lives in captivity. Animals bodies determine the size of the litter by food availability You wont ever see a litter like this from a wild cheetah!
It's only temporary while the cubs are still being checked and are still so small. They will probably be moved when they're more independent
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