Cheery Question Time. What Do You Want Done With Your Body When You Kick The Bucket?
Funeral? Cremation? Burial? How would you like to go?
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Either we’ll do the traditional cremation where they’ll later dump my ashes in Ganga or I’ll donate my body for science
hmmm ill probably be cremated because of my religion. but i'd also want my body donated to science. i heard that there are only a few human nervous systems in the world, maybe i'd like to be another one?
I think I'd like to be cremated. I don't think I'd mind what they'd do with my ashes, because well, I'll be dead lol. The real question is who's going to get and look through my stuff?
For me? No fuss. I do not want people co.ing to a funeral to pay their respects. It's too late then, respect me when I am alive.
No funeral, waste of money. People who want to mourn me can do it on their own time in their own homes.
Do not want to be cremated. It is not very good for the environment. Also do not want to be buried in a fancy coffin. All that varnish, processed wood etc, no good for the environment. Takes decades for the wood to rot.
Bury me in one of those mushroom coffins. Once under it biodegrades quickly. Also means the body can be consumed and broken down quickly feeding the Earth and the creepy crawled with nutrients.
Either that or a Tibetan sky burial. Look it up.
I want to be cremated, no expensive funeral for me! I’ll be dead lol I don’t need my family wasting money on me.