When you grow up watching space operas, a lot of the appeal is to escape from a planet that you don’t understand and that doesn’t understand you. Project yourself into life on a star-bound cruiser for an hour or three every day, and suddenly you feel at home.

And home is just what the USS Enterprise and its successors were to a sequence of flawed heroes from James T. Kirk through Kathryn Janeway to Discovery’s Gabriel Lorca. When not embroiled in interplanetary battles or solving metaphysical space riddles, these far-out pioneers would take their R&R time in the Captain’s Quarters. A space for reading, reflection, and – occasionally – love…

These chambers away from the razzmatazz of the bridge offered insights into the captains’ personalities, but also into our own concept of home. While seeking escapism, just what is it you’d take with you on your voyage through the stars?

Check these stunning new visualizations of the six captains’ quarters of the Star Trek saga to see just how Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway, Archer, and Lorca arranged their respective homes-from-home.

Which one is your favorite one?

More info:


    #1 James T. Kirk’s Quarters (Star Trek: The Original Series)

    #2 Jean-Luc Picard’s Quarters (Star Trek: The Next Generation)


    #3 Benjamin Sisko’s Quarters (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)


    #4 Kathryn Janeway’s Quarters (Star Trek: Voyager)

    #5 Jonathan Archer’s Quarters (Star Trek: Enterprise)

    #6 Gabriel Lorca’s Quarters (Star Trek: Discovery)