It feels good to do good, so people find numerous ways to help others and spread kindness. Some, though, turn to somewhat unconventional ways to accomplish their good deeds, which results in what can only be called ‘Chaotic Good’.
Unsurprisingly, there’s an entire community dedicated to such instances, which has amassed over 200k members already. We have found some of the best examples of how wholesome they can be, shared by the ‘Chaotic Good’ subreddit, so scroll down to find them on the list below and make sure to upvote your favorites.
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The System Of The Broom
20% Is A Lot
It’s always a good thing when people use their “illegal “ skills to do good
Joining A Racist Fb Group To Out The Racists
Created 15 years ago, the subreddit is dedicated to examples of chaotic good actions, which have attracted over 217k members already. The instances cover everything from fighting hate groups in the most inventive ways possible to supporting others through tough times, reviving people’s faith in humanity one post at a time.
Such somewhat altruistic behavior encourages people to believe in the kindness of others; and the majority of them do. A survey of adults in the US revealed that as many as 83% of them believe that humans are inherently good. Another one reported that the number was as high as 81%, adding that nearly half of the surveyed, though, consider themselves “better” than everyone else they know.
Have A Terrible Hoa? Here's A Thought
A Very Effective Method Indeed
There is also a company out there that is working on '3D printing' rhino horns. They are made out of the same stuff, but ridiculously cheap. The idea is to flood the market with fakes that are completely indistinguishable from natural ones that are extremely low cost. It would tank the prices and make poaching no longer profitable. Because no amount of deterrents will stop someone, but if there is no money in it the business will stop.
Some of the actions in the pictures shared by ‘Chaotic Good’ could be considered expressions of altruism, the level of which, according to some scholars, might vary depending on the individual’s brain.
Research suggests that people who express strong altruistic behavior have a more active—and sometimes even larger—right amygdala, which is responsible for the way we feel and perceive emotions in others; fear especially. That’s why it’s arguably safe to assume that the level of altruism is tied to people’s neurologically driven ability to perceive and empathize with others’ fears and vulnerabilities.
I Would Do The Same, Tbh
The Gæs Shall Prevail
Pretty Wholesome
The research also suggests that altruism is ingrained in live beings at an evolutionary level. It is believed that in its basic form, altruism helped preserve species by members helping each other.
It pointed out that it can be witnessed not only among people, but in the animal kingdom as well; for example, among worker bees that “choose feeding the hive’s young over reproducing” or ravens that alert others of their species of a food supply they all can share.
College Professors Are Funny?
He Loves It
Why not let your God handle this so called 'Abomination' at the 'Pearly Gates' then? Stop trying to second guess your God. I find those, so called 'religious' people are quite disgusting
Ungovernable Bros
When it comes to people, their level of altruistic tendencies often depends on certain factors, such as age and social proximity of the other person, as well as the nature of what is being sacrificed in order to help others.
A 2017 study revealed that people feel less altruistic sentiment to those who are more socially distant; for instance, they might not help a stranger, but they would a relative in a similar situation. It also suggested that individuals tend to feel more health altruistic towards young kids and more wealth altruistic towards adults, showing that altruism can be somewhat situational.
Chaotic Good En Masse
Why Missouri?! Nobody is getting hurt … leave people alone for effs sake
Vandalism For Humanity
"ANTI-HOMELESS"? Faith in humanity diminishes quickly. This is dreadful.
Get In Formation
It’s not only adults feeling altruistic towards kids, though; children as little as two years exhibit signs of seeking to help others as well. Studies suggest that toddlers feel greater happiness when sharing treats rather than getting them themselves. In addition to that, they feel more content giving up their resources rather than sharing something at no cost.
Friends Don’t Let Friends Mow Down Pedestrians
A Mildly Chaotic Good
It's the modern equivalent of noticing patterns of low spots in friends. Fair play to you
Luckily, people seemingly don’t grow out of feeling happy about doing good when they exit the toddler years. Based on Michael Steger’s—a psychologist at the University of Louisville in Kentucky—findings, good deeds (even if somewhat chaotic, in my opinion) make people happy.
He carried out a study assessing people’s involvement in pleasure-seeking behavior, versus meaningful activities, such as helping others or listening to people’s problems. Steger learned that the extent to which people participated in meaningful activities was positively linked to their level of happiness; pleasure-seeking behavior, on the other hand, didn’t seem to reap similar rewards.
Just Returning Them To Their Owner
Mia And Fletcher
Felt Like This Belongs Here Too!
In addition to the sporadic cases of chaotic good, people also take up volunteering—another activity arguably capable of restoring one’s faith in humanity. According to TeamStage, over a billion people globally take part in volunteering, whose labor equals to over 109 million full-time workers.
Handing Over Their Husbands On A Silver Platter
Kiddie Fiddler Gets Decked
Ralph The Ta
If examples of chaotic good are something that makes you feel better about humanity as a whole, make sure to browse Bored Panda’s previous list of more instances here.
The Satanic Temple Of Missouri Adopted The Street In Front Of The Church Of Scientology
Zip Ties
Chaotic Good
Can We Take A Minute To Appreciate This Kind Of Business Owner?
Hail Lucifer
This Instagram Cosplayer Sure Was The Highlight Of This Marathon
I love all things Halloween. I would love to be inspired to run by a Micheal Myers cosplay 🤩👍
Free Him
Modern Problems Require Modern Solutions
Community Are Those Who Love You
Found In A Thread About Times Teachers Wanted To Punch Their Students
Modern Day Vigilantism Done Right
Anon Is An Outlaw
A Chaotic Good Vandalism
Love It When I See This, Just Waiting For Someone
Literally Eats The Rich
Flying An Ukrainian Flag Is The Cherry On Top
Just To Get People's Imaginations Going...heh Heh Heh
Hard Pass
Slpt: To Clean Your Apartment
Made This To See If I Can Get Conservatives To Protest More Stuff They Love. Chevy And Marlboro Are Next. Share It To P**s Off A Sh***y Family Member!
Omg. Eventually they'll boycott every product then will have to live in the woods with moss for toilet paper
This Is Genius
Period tracking apps will become increasingly dangerous as American law enforcement certainly will use them to discover clandestine abortions in the future... As some people (namely Clarence Thomas and similar) are already talking about making contraceptives illegal, this will be even more severe.
Here, Have A Few Brain Cells
Just pure water injections would actually be SUPER dangerous though.
What A Good Boyfriend
I Know It Is Satire, But I Love The Energy
Halfway the last sentence you'd expect the highschool robitics team build an electric wheelchair (or exo skeleton) for the 2 year old....
A Robbing Hood
Chaos In The Courts
This list has the same mentality of most AITA stories: "they were TA first, so not only am I 100% justified in being TA back, I'm also hilarious."
Load More Replies...A lot of this is revenge. Revenge isn't justice, revenge is the opposite of justice.
This list has the same mentality of most AITA stories: "they were TA first, so not only am I 100% justified in being TA back, I'm also hilarious."
Load More Replies...A lot of this is revenge. Revenge isn't justice, revenge is the opposite of justice.