It’s written into human nature to be at least slightly curious about all sorts of morbid things. Now, when said morbid things are connected in any way with famous people, the curiosity is suddenly amped up, and we’re all just dying (pardon the pun) to learn about such things as their deaths - how, when, and what exactly happened. However, this need to know might also be associated with the fact that those certain celebrities meant a lot to us, and we just need to know what exactly happened to feel if not in control of the situation, then at least in the know. Anyway, the reasons for this inquiry may be known to you, but do read on to find our list of celebrity deaths and the stories behind them.

Of course, not all of these celebrity deaths are as morbidly exciting as the cases of the legendary Club 27, but you know, sometimes it’s even sadder to see relatively young people wasting away from cancer or dying because of flu complications. Makes you feel the fleetingness of life, doesn’t it? Naturally, there are also lots of cases of deaths from substance abuse, and sadly, it is still a huge part of showbiz. Shouldn’t we know better than that already and protect those people who entertain us and give their lives to public scrutiny? Let’s leave this an open question for now. Be that as it may, when you encounter celebrity deaths in the news, it’s always shocking and disquieting.

Disclaimer - before you scroll down any further, be sure that you know that this isn’t one of our fun articles. Here, you’ll see people you might’ve loved with their details of death (sans anything horrible, of course) listed next to their names. There are also some pretty recent celebrity deaths added to the list, so the wounds might still be fresh. Proceed with care.


Robin Williams

Robin Williams

Died: Aug. 11, 2014
Cause of death: Suicide
StoptheMadnessUSA said:
"He was a Legendary actor. Saw him at the University of Florida Gator Growl in 1982. He was so hysterical running around the football field dressed as a pot leaf. That was right before he got really big. He will always be my all-time #1 favorite actor."
Jules916 replied:
"I met him at the university of San Francisco college tour with my high school. He was on the elliptical as we were touring the school/gym. When he finished he said hello to our tour guide and introduced himself “I’m Robin” He was so freaking genuine & hilarious."

Eva Rinaldi , StoptheMadnessUSA Report


    Michael Clarke Duncan

    Michael Clarke Duncan

    Died: September 3, 2012
    Cause of death: Respiratory failure
    Wrest216 said: "It's ok boss. I'm going to a better place now. Someplace where people aren't so mean to each other."

    Movieguide® , Wrest216 Report

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    C C
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    the talent he put into his character on the green mile. made u love him.

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    Steve Irwin

    Steve Irwin

    Died: Sept. 4, 2006
    Cause of death: Stabbed by the barb of a stingray
    AlterEdward said: "And of all the things that wanted to kill him, a sting ray was the one that succeeded."
    Kratsas replied: "About a month before he died, I was in the Cayman Islands swimming with the stingrays. The guide was like, “stingrays are known as the kitten of the seas.” Of all the things he went up against, it was a sting ray that got him."

    Bernard DUPONT , AlterEdward Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was stung in the foot by a stingray barb and three venom hurt so much. It paralyzed my leg and the pain felt like it was traveling from within my bone marrow to my skin. The venom hurt way more than the wound itself, obviously, but both hurt like a motherf****r..

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    Alan Rickman

    Alan Rickman

    Died: Jan. 14, 2016
    Cause of death: Pancreatic cancer
    tittychittybangbang said:
    "I was really shocked by and Alan Rickman."
    howwhyno replied:
    "Alan Rickman is mine for sure. Just out of nowhere - dead, had cancer, that's it."

    Joella Marano , tittychittybangbang Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My dog hated his voice for some bizarre reason. Anytime he opened his mouth on screen, she'd go crazy, barking her head off. I had to watch Die Hard and Love Actually with the mute button handy. I first realised she was going deaf when Professor Snape said something and she was utterly unbothered.

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    Heath Ledger

    Heath Ledger

    Died: Jan. 22, 2008
    Cause of death: Acute intoxication
    Xynthion said: "Actually it’s worse. He died in January 2008. The Dark Knight didn’t come out in theaters till July. He never got to see how well received he was as the Joker." swentech replied: "I remember when he was first cast as the Joker a lot of people (including me) were very skeptical. How wrong we all were. Dude gave one of the greatest performances ever and I don’t see how anyone ever does a better Joker. RIP Heath you amazing talented man you."

    Siebbi , Xynthion Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    German here. I even think about him when I hear his dubbing actor's voice. And also his real voice. Kinda double miss him.


    Chadwick Boseman

    Chadwick Boseman

    Died: Aug. 28, 2020
    Cause of death: Colon cancer
    beansruns said:
    "Yeah, remember when he was photographed by paparazzi looking really skinny and frail, the internet thought he was letting himself go or something, dude was fighting death daily."
    SmugShoters replied:
    "At first, I thought it was for some role or something like what Christian Bale did."

    chadwickboseman , beansruns Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think this one is one of the saddest. He kept his illness a secret and people who saw him in public assumed he was on drugs, while he was actually dying. They said horrible things about him.

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    Betty White

    Betty White

    Died: December 31, 2021
    Cause of death: Cerebrovascular accident

    fallopian_turd said:
    "Betty white. She was too young."

    julespaints3904 replied:
    "Kind of like the Queen - we came to believe they’d live forever."

    David Shankbone , fallopian_turd Report


    Chester Bennington

    Chester Bennington

    Died: July 20, 2017
    Cause of death: Suicide

    zenOFiniquity8 said:
    "I've never had a celebrity death hit me so hard. I also suffered childhood sexual abuse, and when he died I realized people like us never had a chance. Our whole lives were stolen. I've been to dozens of therapists, tried hundreds of medications, and the pain never goes away. I have a hard time making friends because people just sense there's something wrong with me. I'll never be able to fully trust anyone. I'll never have kids because I can barely take care of myself. All that joy I'll never experience. Anyone who says suicide is selfish never felt this kind of pain. I'm not actively suicidal but Chester's death was a reminder that it's a matter of when not if for some of us."

    raptormeat replied:
    "I'm so sorry to hear that his death hit you that hard, and for your horrible experiences and ongoing pain. I hope with all my heart that your predictions for your future aren't completely accurate and that you find some of the joy you are owed. You certainly deserve it."

    chesterbe , zenOFiniquity8 Report

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    The Doom Song
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Chester's death hit me harder than any other celebrity. He had a voice like no other and lyrics that really hit home. My partner and I found out and stayed up all night listening to linkin Park and crying

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    Princess Diana

    Princess Diana

    Died: August 31, 1997
    Cause of death: Car accident

    Harleye said:
    "I remember it so clearly. I worked nights at the time and right before I went to work, I saw the news bulletin that she'd been in a serious car accident, but the initial report was that she'd been injured and her boyfriend Dodi Fayed had been killed. I got out of work shortly after 4am, stopped a local convenience store to buy snacks and a newspaper like I did most days when I finished work back then and I saw the headline in huge black letters "DIANA DIES IN CRASH". I was absolutely stunned."

    jbarinsd replied:
    "I remember being on the phone with my sister and talking about how sad we were for her. Seemed like she had met a guy she really liked and she was in a good place. Then he dies in a car accident that left her with a broken arm. Fast forward about a half an hour and we get the news that she had died too. I was in absolute shock. I’ve only shed tears twice when a celebrity has died. Princess Diana and Carrie Fisher. Both were a big part of my formative years."

    Russ Quinlan , Harleye Report


    Carrie Fisher

    Carrie Fisher

    Died: December 27, 2016
    Cause of death: Sleep apnea

    Riccardo Ghilardi Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Whoa. I didn't know it was sleep apnea. Didn't even know that's a way to die. Geez. I gotta get it checked.

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    David Bowie

    David Bowie

    Died: Jan. 10, 2016
    Cause of death: Liver cancer

    GaryNOVA said:
    "I was not expecting David Bowie. He died like the same day as an album release and didn’t tell the world he was sick. I named my cat Bowie that year."

    Aycomi27 replied:
    "He died two days after the release of Blackstar. It gives the album a whole new meaning."

    David Shankbone , GaryNOVA Report


    Leslie Jordan

    Leslie Jordan

    Died: October 24, 2022
    Cause of death: Car accident

    zoe_not_zoe said:
    "Same. Such a funny, genuine, sweetheart of a man. I am happy that he was having such a bright time in his career and frankly that a tiny gay kid from Tennessee made it big. He deserved it."

    Pandelerium11 replied:
    "I saw a photo of him from the early 80s, he was about mid twenties I guess. He was gorgeous! And the same sweet smile."

    thelesliejordan , zoe_not_zoe Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They just had a thing on our local news that he died of cardiac arrest before his car crashed.

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    Patrick Swayze

    Patrick Swayze

    Died: September 14, 2009
    Cause of death: Cancer

    angels_unaware said:
    "Patrick Swayze was my first crush. Still sad he's gone."

    photo by Alan Light , angels_unaware Report


    Brittany Murphy

    Brittany Murphy

    Died: Dec. 20, 2009
    Cause of death: Pneumonia combined with anemia

    menala_ said:
    "Yeah I'm still shocked about this. And just... WHY?! Just why."

    BeatingsGalore replied:
    "Yup, came here for this. People are talking about her in clueless but she also voiced LuAnn in King of the hill and was great."

    Luisa Pisani , menala_ Report




    Died: April 20, 2018
    Cause of death: Suicide

    NotUnique_______ said:
    "When I read he stabbed himself with a wine bottle he broke, I cried for hours. I was never a huge fan, but I know that level of loneliness and sadness. That just broke me for some reason even though I never was super into his music. It's just so sad."

    Iammeandnothingelse replied:
    "Same. This is hard to learn."

    avicii , NotUnique_______ Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No idea who this is. When I saw the picture I did a double take because I thought it was Chris Pratt.

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    Kurt Cobain

    Kurt Cobain

    Died: April 5, 1994
    Cause of death: Suicide

    Kimchiandfries said:
    "Kurt Cobain. I knew he was a drug addict, hated fame and was depressed but being a middle school kid, I didn’t really understand all that. I was a huge fan so it was a massive shock and my first experience w grief really."

    m_elhakim replied:
    "Same for me. Middle school kid and my first tape ever was nevermind. And I followed every release."

    Adam Jones , Kimchiandfries Report


    Paul Walker

    Paul Walker

    Died: November 30, 2013
    Cause of death: Car accident

    rntopspin100 said:
    "The Fast and Furious franchise hasn't been the same since his death."

    ItsStevesShots replied:
    "When the last F&F came out with the tribute and good bye at the end, they nailed it! 7 of my burley male friends, mechanics, sparkies and not a dry eye in sight!"

    paulwalker , rntopspin100 Report


    John Ritter

    John Ritter

    Died: Sept. 11, 2003
    Cause of death: Aortic dissection

    chickenissogood said:
    "I remember when 8 Simple Rules aired that episode where he died. Such a sad episode. I was much younger at that time and it was so hard to recover from."

    Vanishingf0x replied:
    "I say it almost every time this show pops up but the scene where the older daughter is about to leave in the red dress and breaks down gets me every time. The show dealt with grief so well for one that was a comedy even if it didn’t last long."

    photo by Alan Light , chickenissogood Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    He was a great film actor, too - his performances in Sling Blade and They All Laughed are fantastic. sling-blad...a0c7ea.jpg sling-blade-63ca8f4a0c7ea.jpg

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    Anthony Bourdain

    Anthony Bourdain

    Died: June 8, 2018
    Cause of death: Suicide

    amongthewolves said:
    "This was the one that got me the most. He started off slaving in the kitchen to being able to travel the world and eat food and talk about life with people while being paid well to do it. At the same time, you realize how lonely it must've been for him to be away from the people he loved the most. He was by no means a saint either and I recommend anyone to watch the documentary that was made on him."

    edest replied:
    "I think it hit me because he seemed so real. I felt like I knew him since he was so good at making you feel that you were part of the journey with him as he traveled the world. I know it was a mirage but it sure seemed real."

    Peabody Awards , amongthewolves Report

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    Kate Haslam
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah, this one still hurts. A few weeks afterwards, they released the toxicology report -- the man was stone cold sober. I just... I can't process that.

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    Luke Perry

    Luke Perry

    Died: March 4, 2019
    Cause of death: Stroke complications

    czerniana said:
    "Yeah, this one was so sudden. It’s still hard to believe sometimes."

    sbwboi replied:
    "I actually cried when I found out. He was my first tv crush."

    Gage Skidmore , czerniana Report

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    Amy Winehouse

    Amy Winehouse

    Died: July 23, 2011
    Cause of death: Alcohol poisoning

    onymousbosch said:
    "She sang about not going to rehab and instead of getting her to rehab, we listened and thought it sounded catchy."

    cupidslazydart replied:
    "Amy Winehouse's death was not surprising at all but it was definitely heartbreaking. She was the butt of everyone's joke while she was very publicly deteriorating. I still feel sad when I listen to her music."

    Tom Beetz , onymousbosch Report


    Anton Yelchin

    Anton Yelchin

    Died: June 19, 2016
    Cause of death: Blunt traumatic asphyxia

    hockeysmyhoe said:
    "The fact that he had cystic fibrosis too for some reason makes it so much sadder, even though it wasn’t connected to his death. Life really fricked this man."

    william-t-power replied:
    "You don't survive CF, it eventually kills you AFAIK. You can get lung transplants but those don't last indefinitely."

    GabboT , hockeysmyhoe Report

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    Ian Shannon
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    He died because his jeep pinned him against a brick pillar... not a thing to do with CS


    Naya Rivera

    Naya Rivera

    Died: July 8, 2020
    Cause of death: Drowning

    fire_fairy_ said:
    "This one hit me. The ultimate love of a mother for her child. For those who do not know she saved her child from drowning but then drowned after she got him in the boat."

    gentlybeepingheart replied:
    "Her son also said that she was calling out for help and that he tried to find a rope to throw her. I can't imagine how traumatizing that must be for a young child to have witnessed."

    nayarivera , fire_fairy_ Report

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    Yeah, okay.
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I salute her. Every parent who loves their kid knows you'd rather save your kid and die doing it than live your life knowing they died and you lived.

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    Grant Imahara

    Grant Imahara

    Died: July 13, 2020
    Cause of death: Brain aneurysm

    ADashoDashi said:
    "Grant Imahara was like a freight train of pain."

    XComThrowawayAcct replied:
    "This was the beginning of “celebrities who are my age dying from something other than accidents, suicide, or the misuse of drugs.” This is what getting old feels like."

    grantimahara , ADashoDashi Report


    Philip Seymour Hoffman

    Philip Seymour Hoffman

    Died: Feb. 2, 2014
    Cause of death: Acute mixed drug intoxication

    SolarMatter said:
    "He was great and seemingly had a lot more to give. Sad stuff."

    CassandraVindicated replied:
    "I do love movies and have my list of favorite actors. I am sometimes saddened to think that those younger than me will perform their greatest work after I've gone and can no longer see them. PSH made me realize that there are worse things than that."

    Justin Hoch , SolarMatter Report

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So so brilliant and I can only imagine the work he'd yet to produce.

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    Kobe Bryant

    Kobe Bryant

    Died: January 26, 2020 Cause of death: Helicopter crash ThatSICILIANThing said: "Definitely was one of those figures you kind of just expect to always be there for your lifetime, and to have him just gone so suddenly and violently, no build-up of disease or anything like that, and Gigi gone with him... it was just so sudden and out of left field."
    Colalbsmi replied: "What was crazy to me that when they had his memorial I realized with the exception of like Wilt Chamberlain, all the big stars are still alive."

    kobebryant , ThatSICILIANThing Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Cameron Boyce

    Cameron Boyce

    Died: July 6, 2019
    Cause of death: Epilepsy

    WTTLPthrow said:
    "I think this is especially true for the younger crowd. When child stars die the whole target audience, many of whom haven’t had to deal with death yet, mourns a kid."

    prtty_purple_unicorn replied:
    "It was rough for me as an older guy with kids and much younger siblings who loved Jessie and Descendants. It hits hard seeing someone I associate with my the young people in my life die so suddenly, and just feeling how unfair it was that someone so much younger me had died and been robbed of all those additional years I've had the privilege of experiencing."

    thecameronboyce , WTTLPthrow Report


    Dolores O'Riordan

    Dolores O'Riordan

    Died: January 15, 2018
    Cause of death: Drowning

    allthesedamnkids said:
    "This one! I wanted to be her in middle school. Thought of shaving my head. Glad I didnt, wouldn’t have been a good call. Adored her."

    panicnarwhal replied:
    "I couldn’t believe it when I read she had died. I was so sad. I loved cranberries as a kid. I think it was the first band I ever loved."

    Fabio Diena , allthesedamnkids Report

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    C C
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    love the music. such a unique voice. zombie is my favorite

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    George Michael

    George Michael

    Died: December 25, 2016 Cause of death: Heart disease nozzk said: "My favourite George Michael story was after he ran his car into a wall whilst high on drugs. The next day someone found the wall dent and graffitied it with “Wham!”."
    A commenter replied: "Wow, I genuinely had no idea and thought you were making a joke. Didn't know he died in 2016."

    georgemofficial , nozzk Report


    Eddie Van Halen

    Eddie Van Halen

    Died: October 6, 2020
    Cause of death: Cancer

    cavepainted said:
    "There’s an eccentric old rocker who lives at the bottom of the hill from me, and he put up a spray painted plywood billboard in front of his house in honor of Van Halen when he passed. It always brought a huge grin to my face to see “RiP EDY” in bright Orange on gray wood as I drove past his place, accuracy be damned."

    CaptinDerpII replied:
    "I miss him so god damn much. I love Van Halen so much, and when I saw that he died, I think I cried for almost an hour. Definitely the death that has affected me the most."

    Carl Lender , cavepainted Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Phil Hartman

    Phil Hartman

    Died: May 28, 1998
    Cause of death: Homicide

    RonaldCSmith said:
    "Phil Hartman, a little further back. At the time, I was a tremendous fan and found it difficult to accept the news. Hell, that still makes me so depressed."

    Fluffy_Situation replied:
    "Broke my heart, especially because his wife murdered him."

    Paul Hartmann , RonaldCSmith Report


    Alex Trebek

    Alex Trebek

    Died: Nov. 8, 2020
    Cause of death: Pancreatic cancer

    alexpwnsftw said:
    "I know he was sick, but Alex Trebek. Really sucked. I kind of thought he would just live forever. And watching the last episodes where he would be tearing up at the thought of having to leave the show really got me in the feels."

    Jalvey_420 replied:
    "It just hurts. One of the few constants from life was that trebek would always be there everyday, until suddenly he isn’t. It’s just like a piece of my/your life is missing and it will never, ever properly be replaced."

    Peabody Awards , alexpwnsftw Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    River Phoenix

    River Phoenix

    Died: October 31, 1993
    Cause of death: Drug intoxication

    photo by Alan Light Report

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    Lisa H
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Stand By Me will always be one of my favorite movies because of him. I also thought he was gorgeous!

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    Bob Saget

    Bob Saget

    Died: Jan. 9. 2022
    Cause of death: Head trauma

    heydesireee said:
    "Oh dang, that surprised me a second time tbh. Idk why I forgot."

    NotTobyFromHR replied:
    "I enjoyed his acting. I never really enjoyed his comedy to be honest. It always seemed vulgar for effect of shaking the Danny Tanner image. Either way, comedy or tv, he was a staple."

    © Luigi Novi / Wikimedia Commons , heydesireee Report

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    Stephanie Did It
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I loved him for his support for Scleroderma sufferers after the death of his sister. I too have scleroderma and it is still widely unknown, which makes treatment and acceptance very difficult.


    Tupac Shakur

    Tupac Shakur

    Died: September 13, 1996
    Cause of death: Homicide

    MTV News Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The saddest think to me is when i imagine the height of celebrity he would have been today. He was EGOT level. Whether or not you agreed with his rap lyrics, you couldn't deny his talent in writing and acting. The man was a genius.

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    Gilbert Gottfried

    Gilbert Gottfried

    Died: April 12, 2022
    Cause of death: Myotonic dystrophy type II

    SummerMummer said:
    "On his incredible (Amazing Colossal) podcast he was always so full of life that it just never occurred to me that he was even the least bit sick. Apparently he had been for a while."

    NoFearKD replied:
    "Me too because I have the exact same muscular dystrophy as he did and my dream as a kid was to be a stand up comedian. I just turned 35, I suppose there’s still time."

    realgilbert , SummerMummer Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I know he gets some hate, but I've always loved Gilbert. Loved his work on Howard Stern and he was always a genius at every Roast!

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Taylor Hawkins

    Taylor Hawkins

    Died: March 25, 2022
    Cause of death: No cause of death was given

    Harmonie said:
    "He's a joy. His pure enjoyment and passion for his craft is a pleasure to witness."

    Si421 replied:
    "I think Taylor's son, Shane, might be the next in line (even if it takes a couple of years). Watching him perform "My Hero" in Taylor's memory was equal parts outstanding and heartbreaking. The kid's got real skill, and he's clearly loved dearly by his father's band-mates. I just don't know if Dave would want to start bringing Shane into the life of Rock and Roll when he's still so young."

    taylorhawkinsofficial , Harmonie Report

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    Nic J
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Like a lot of people the death of Taylor was a shock and still is to me.

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    Nelson Ellis

    Nelson Ellis

    Died: July 8, 2017
    Cause of death: Heart failure

    B-AP said:
    "He tried to quit drinking, he was pretty heavily addicted; but doing it cold turkey was dangerous and it killed him."

    DefiantHeretic1 replied:
    "Yeah, that's one where the withdrawals really can kill you, instead of just making you feel like you're dying."

    Kristin Dos Santos , B-AP Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Debbie Reynolds

    Debbie Reynolds

    Died: December 28, 2016
    Cause of death: Heart attack

    Allan warren Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As tragic as the loss of both Carrie and Debbie a day apart, given their history a small part of me has this image in my mind of Debbie arriving at the pearly gates to find Carrie standing there, arms folded tapping her foot against the cloud going… “One Day Mom! You couldn’t even give me One Day without up staging me!”

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    Norm MacDonald

    Norm MacDonald

    Died: Sept. 14, 2021
    Cause of death: Leukemia

    Beigarth_Avenir1 said:
    "Kind of a Norm thing to do, have cancer for about 9 years, and not tell anyone about it. Would be funny if it didn't end in a draw tho."

    Beigarth_Avenir1 replied:
    "Yeah, and I hope that if there is an afterlife, Norm saw everyone's reaction, just so he could laugh at the punchline, which sadly for us was right in the gut."

    Greg2600 , Beigarth_Avenir1 Report


    Michael Jackson

    Michael Jackson

    Died: June 25, 2009
    Cause of death: Acute propofol and benzodiazepine intoxication

    Quaranj said:
    "This was totally a WTF moment and to have it be too similar to Prince was shocking."

    Razzerno replied:
    "Exactly. I remember hearing it while I was working at a restaurant. Once the news broke, everyone just kinda went silent. It was a really wtf moment."

    photo by Alan Light , Quaranj Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Kevin Conroy

    Kevin Conroy

    Died: November 10, 2022 Cause of death: Cancer Raging_Parakeet said: "Woke up, went on social media and saw the news, couldn't believe it. I got into DC when I was going through hard times, Batman being one of my favorites. One of the celebrity deaths that really hit me."
    NotAnExpert22 replied: "Honestly shocked I didn’t see more comments mentioning him. I read one comment on an interview he gave on Multiverses that said. “It is kind of sad to hear how much his voice is aging. I still hold him as the voice of Batman, but what I hear now is definitely more aged than what I grew up hearing. I know it's selfish, but I never want it to end, I never want another Batman than Kevin Conroy.”

    kevinconroypage , Raging_Parakeet Report


    Dale Earnhardt

    Dale Earnhardt

    Died: February 18, 2001
    Cause of death: Car crash

    carlbrooks2 said:
    "That one was very shocking. I was watching that race when it happened and it didn't seem like that bad of a crash."

    The_Throwback_King replied:
    "It's crazy how easily head injuries can become fatal. IIRC, he died instantly on the moment of impact. Ken Schrader, the other driver involved in the crash, immediately went to check on Dale and knew from the moment he pulled down the net that he was gone. It's always a tragedy when a driver loses their life on the track, especially so when the driver had the legacy and status that Earnhardt had. If there is any solace to the accident, it's that it spurred on a massive safety movement in NASCAR. To this day, there hasn't been another fatal crash, either in practice or during an active race, since. And that is something to be truly thankful for."

    Darryl Moran , carlbrooks2 Report

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    Lisa H
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I remember watching this on live television. It was so surreal.

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    Lemmy Kilmister

    Lemmy Kilmister

    Died: December 28, 2015
    Cause of death: Cancer

    Stefan Brending Report


    Trevor Moore

    Trevor Moore

    Died: August 7, 2021
    Cause of death: Head trauma

    foggy-sunrise said:
    "It was so confusing. He was kinda fading out of the spotlight and was just cropping up again. Talking about new projects. Then bam. Dead. Everything you got before was all you got. I still reference so many WKUK sketches. I work in craft beer, and I show someone that the current state of our industry is a pathetic joke by showing them 'Kid Beer' like once a month."

    The_Dough_Boi replied:
    "Not sure if you know but they had started a YouTube Channel and have a bunch of great commentaries on episodes and did a few DnD episodes and a bunch of other stuff. Have videos with Trevor right up until his passing, they were getting geared up for a comeback."

    itrevormoore , foggy-sunrise Report

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    Sunshine Sunshine
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    How am I just now learning this?! God I love this man. 💔💔💔💔💔

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    Mac Miller

    Mac Miller

    Died: September 7, 2018
    Cause of death: Accidental drug overdose

    toucheoverboard said:
    "He was soo young and was working on so much more music. His loss hit me like a ton of bricks. RIP."

    HistoricalHeart replied:
    "No celebrity death has ever hit me as hard as macs. I was lucky enough to see him at a super small venue in NYC back in 2012. Best concert ever and I’ve been too roughly 100 of them."

    macmiller , toucheoverboard Report

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    Jason David Frank

    Jason David Frank

    Died: November 19, 2022
    Cause of death: Suicide

    MackPowee said:
    "While I agree that both are unexpected, I would say JDF was more unexpected. I think this is because if you put Kevin Conroy and Jason David Frank side by side, Kevin looked every bit 66, 60 at youngest, while Jason looked he still looked like he could be in his 30s not 49. So I would have place money that we see Kevin go long before Jason."

    Super Festivals , MackPowee Report

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    Died: November 1, 2022
    Cause of death: Homocide
    Philoctetes23 said:
    "Still can’t believe. The least problematic dude in rap and the way it happened was senseless."
    Mrspurplehairedgal replied:
    "This one hit me a lot harder than expected. He seemed like such a sweet guy. Tragically sad."

    yrntakeoff , Philoctetes23 Report