Celebrities live under a microscope, yet some still have hidden talents. Well, maybe they weren’t hiding it, the media just chose to focus on other things about them.
Some of these people started painting before fame, some discovered art later in life. Some famous people have been painting under a pseudonym for years and you might have heard of them already. For instance, Lucy Liu first started showing her works of art under the pseudonym Yu Ling in 1993 but is now exhibiting beautiful paintings under her real name.
We did a bit of digging and were amazed about how multi-talented some celebrities are. Our biggest surprise was perhaps Sylvester Stallone whom we usually imagine as Rambo, fighting hundreds of bad guys. Take a look at the list below and tell us, which of the popular celebrities do you think should give up their career path and become a full-time artist?
(h/t Aira Sesartytė)
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Michael Jackson
Jim Carrey
Marilyn Manson
Johnny Depp
Anthony Hopkins
Ronnie Wood
Tony Bennett
Bob Dylan
Pierce Brosnan
David Bowie
Paul Simonon
Lucy Liu
Prince Charles
Marilyn Monroe
James Franco
Frank Sinatra
George W. Bush
He also paints portraits of fallen soldiers and gives them to the families.
Steven Tyler
Paul McCartney
I don't like these, but I guess the fact that they make me feel creep makes them good art, cause it's only art if it makes you feel something
Macaulay Culkin
Sylvester Stallone
Paul Stanley
Well in fairness, he DID have all those years of painting his own face as practice...
John Lennon
Johnny Cash
I'm not surprised by any of these. Artistic people tend to have multiple artistic talents, just as super-athletic people tend to be good at several different sports. For the others (such as Prince Charles), when you have a lot of time on your hands and no worry about bills or life obligations, it's easy to pick up a side talent.
Yes. I paint with watercolors, and I think painting is something that pretty much anyone can do with time and patience, specially if you have a good teacher to help you start out. And those people probably have a lot more free time and access to teachers and materials than most regular workers. It's just a skill you can pick up like any other, but not everybody has the wish or opportunity to do so.
I'm not surprised by any of these. Artistic people tend to have multiple artistic talents, just as super-athletic people tend to be good at several different sports. For the others (such as Prince Charles), when you have a lot of time on your hands and no worry about bills or life obligations, it's easy to pick up a side talent.
Yes. I paint with watercolors, and I think painting is something that pretty much anyone can do with time and patience, specially if you have a good teacher to help you start out. And those people probably have a lot more free time and access to teachers and materials than most regular workers. It's just a skill you can pick up like any other, but not everybody has the wish or opportunity to do so.