People tend to get stuck in their ways as life goes on, but there are certain events that are particular catalysts for change. Fame, wealth, and power often make the person act quite differently than they used to. And with the rich and famous, most of us only know them post-stardom. So internet users asked people to share their experiences with celebrities at school or before they became famous and how it changed them. 

So get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote the most interesting submissions, and comment if you have your own stories about celebrities before they became famous. If you want to explore more stories about the stars before they were stars, Bored Panda has got you covered, check out our other piece here


"She Was Actually Super Mean": People Who Knew Celebrities Before Fame Reveal What They Were Like My Aunt and Uncle lived next door to Patrick Stewart. He had a terrible childhood. His dad was traumatised during the War like so many were. He changed so much it became untenable and his mum used to send him to relatives to keep him safe. Very sad . He is a lovely man and he keeps in touch with friends he made many years ago.

paddyplaistow Report

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

He's an amazing advocate for women and children and for better mental health care.

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    "She Was Actually Super Mean": People Who Knew Celebrities Before Fame Reveal What They Were Like I was in the first Harry Potter film as Dan Radcliffe’s body double. So...all the characters had already been announced and were newly famous.

    Gets my back up now when people say that this person or that person “seemed like a d**k”.

    Genuinely all really nice kids (hopefully still are as adults). Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy) wrestled a little bit with the idea of forever being known as a villain...funny because he was the coolest guy there and got me into Limp Bizkit! We all used to play THPS2 in his dressing room, he would always win.

    So yeah...all really nice people.

    jonnysumthing Report


    "She Was Actually Super Mean": People Who Knew Celebrities Before Fame Reveal What They Were Like I didn’t go to high school with him by my girlfriend’s grandparents used to rent movies from a local blockbuster and this gentleman always suggested some strange movies to them. They said he was really nice but had a weird name. Turns out it was Quentin Tarantino. They watched one of his movies after he got big and they said “Well that explains a lot of the movie suggestions he gave us.”

    jcarlhays Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I love the grandparents' reaction after watching one of his movies.

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    Imagining one’s self famous is a common fantasy, but in reality, it can be somewhat traumatic. Obviously, being a celebrity could help one fix a lot of financial problems. But fame and fortune are no protection against bad decisions in general. For example, actor Nicolas Cage ended up in over $14 million dollars of debt to the IRS after a long series of bad investments and excessive spending. 

    While he has since cleared the debt, fame also brings with it some serious psychological risks. This is most visible with child stars, to the point that “child star” is synonymous with crazy. Many end up suffering from addictions and estrangement since they are often not able to socialize with their peers and just be a kid. Often they will feel a lot of resentment towards parents or guardians who forced them into the profession. So as nice as wealth is, it’s hard to put a price on mental health.


    "She Was Actually Super Mean": People Who Knew Celebrities Before Fame Reveal What They Were Like Went to primary school with Hugh Jackman, total class act and always had the makings of someone who would be successful.

    BoshasaurusChris Report

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    D-m Keilman
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I completely fell in love with him when I saw him and his wife as guests on a pbs cooking show. She was at the time not a thin wife of a celebrity. He talked about their first date, she ended up getting food on herself. He said he fell in love right then.

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    "She Was Actually Super Mean": People Who Knew Celebrities Before Fame Reveal What They Were Like I went to high school with Margot Robbie. We were pretty good friends but I haven’t spoken to her in years. She was absolutely lovely. No one had a bad word to say about her, and she is very intelligent.

    jamesjabc13 Report


    "She Was Actually Super Mean": People Who Knew Celebrities Before Fame Reveal What They Were Like Was a freshman when Chris Pratt was a senior. We didn't interact much, but he was in a lot of the assemblies and I did tech theater for a play he was in.

    He was a goofball. Lots of charisma, laid back, class clown. Bout what you'd expect seeing him now.

    swingkatd Report


    American journalist Rober Caro, when covering election cycles, once said “power doesn’t corrupt, it reveals.” If a person has the potential to be evil, conceited, or downright crazy, giving them power is a great way to find out. Most celebrities, outside of the so-called nepo babies, started as regular people. Fame gives one a lot of freedom to just do what they wanted to do in the first place.


    "She Was Actually Super Mean": People Who Knew Celebrities Before Fame Reveal What They Were Like My mom went on a few dates with Nicholas Cage! I’m not sure exactly what year it was but my mom was a professional ballet dancer in New York. Nic Cage’s dad owned the ballet company my mom danced for. So apparently Nic Cage saw my mom and thought she was cute so they went on a few dates. I asked my mom what he was like and she thought for a second and then said “weird”.

    need-chicky-nuggs Report


    "She Was Actually Super Mean": People Who Knew Celebrities Before Fame Reveal What They Were Like I went to college with Lin Manuel Miranda. I was more of an acquaintance, but we share a lot of the same friends. He is one of the funniest, craziest, most genuine people I've ever met. He seems like he hasn't changed much and is still the same awesome person.

    freshpicked12 Report


    "She Was Actually Super Mean": People Who Knew Celebrities Before Fame Reveal What They Were Like Not me, a classmate’s son my age went to school with Tom Holland. Apparently he’s super sweet and goofy, little scatterbrained and forgetful.

    Iximaz Report

    Now that we’ve had multiple generations of celebrities, people are catching on to the pitfalls of fame. Some celebrities take conscious steps to stay grounded since stars often totally lose their connection with the average person. Some are very careful with money like actresses Kristen Bell and Halle Berry. Others take the advantages given to them by fame and turn it into a springboard for philanthropy, like Angelina Jolie who works with the UN Refugee Agency.


    "She Was Actually Super Mean": People Who Knew Celebrities Before Fame Reveal What They Were Like I’m cousins with Cardi B and have known her since we were kids. She’s honestly been the same person, kept to herself and is crazy and funny when she’s comfortable. We still see each other at family parties regularly so it’s nice.

    TheUglyBarnaclee Report


    "She Was Actually Super Mean": People Who Knew Celebrities Before Fame Reveal What They Were Like My grandmother had a milkshake with Elvis Presley. She loved him and the day he died she kicked my father out of the house because he was being a brat. Around Christmas time she would always get so sad when "Blue Christmas" played on the radio.

    fish_the_fred Report


    Obligatory not me, but my mom went to high school with Dave Grohl, knew him pretty casually. Said he was a total stoner, VP of the class, and would play music over the loudspeakers on occasion and was really good. Super nice, super laid back guy, really humble about how talented he was/is.

    itssusanity Report

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    Lisa H
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I see Dave Grohl, I upvote!!!!❤️ Read The Storyteller, Pandas!!!

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    It’s particularly impressive when a celebrity who could theoretically retire at thirty instead chooses to regularly help people. Elton John, for example, started and still maintains an AIDS foundation and hosts an annual ball where he auctions off his own instruments to raise money for research and medication.


    "She Was Actually Super Mean": People Who Knew Celebrities Before Fame Reveal What They Were Like My old neighbor grew up with John Mayer and was really close with him. While I never got to meet him, my roommate did on a few occasions. Apparently Mayer was fairly laid back and just wanted to hang out.

    The thing that really sticks with me is when my neighbor’s wife took her own life Mayer let my neighbor move into his house for several months. It was sad, but said neighbor couldn’t stand being in his own home anymore knowing his wife lived her last moments there. From what I understand she intentionally OD’d on medication while he was home and came to him saying “I don’t feel well” and then collapsed.

    ScottishGigolo Report


    "She Was Actually Super Mean": People Who Knew Celebrities Before Fame Reveal What They Were Like Post Malone and I graduated from high school together! I even have a picture from when our art class recreated the Last Supper with McDonald’s for someone’s art project. He posed as Jesus and I was basically Judas. We weren’t friends, but he was always friendly when we did speak. He had a very chill demeanor and always cracked jokes in our history class. I liked the dude!

    Ryankw777 Report

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    Susan Robinson
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    He has been on a YouTube channel that I frequently watch (Good Mythical Morning) a few times, and he always seems personable and chill. I wouldn’t mind smoking a blunt with him, lol!

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    I went to school with Terry Crews for a couple years. Nice kid and a great artist. He and one other kid used to have drawing competitions before class started. Somebody would yell out a comic book character and he and the other kid (also a great artist) would both draw. I can't remember who was better because it was a lifetime ago.

    He punched me in the chest once at an assembly and totally winded me. I was being a d**k, so I had it coming.

    crackervoodoo Report


    "She Was Actually Super Mean": People Who Knew Celebrities Before Fame Reveal What They Were Like My best friend's mom went to college with Wes Anderson and yes, he was a total hipster, but he's this super humble dude. They run into each other in Dallas every once in a while and he says hi and buys her coffee as if he's not this huge director. Same for Owen Wilson.

    SunnyCarol Report


    "She Was Actually Super Mean": People Who Knew Celebrities Before Fame Reveal What They Were Like I went to middle school with Drake. He was a year older with my older bro and He cried one time in the boys gym change room bc another boy had some designer sweater or something and he didn't lol.....I don't remember him being awful or anything just a little whiney...….I actually got invited to his house last summer and met him and told him we went to middle school together etc. and he was really nice.

    mrdannyg21 added:

    He went to my high school, though in different grades so I didn’t know him. He was already famous from Degrassi High, and he was hilariously pompous. This school had quite a few rich families, and the rich kids loved him of course.

    I mean, he was a very rich kid named Aubrey, living in a rich white/Jewish area. His ‘started from the bottom’ stuff in songs and ‘street’ accent is hilariously fake.

    arcanceel Report


    Not me, but a good friend of mine was classmates with Anna Kendrick. They weren't close friends but they hung out a few times and had a bunch of classes together. Apparently she was super shy, not the type of person to demand attention or anything. She's kind of amazed that Anna went on to be a celebrity just because she seemed too timid to want to do that. She said she was always really nice though, the type of person who got along with everyone.

    anon Report


    "She Was Actually Super Mean": People Who Knew Celebrities Before Fame Reveal What They Were Like My mom went to school with Marilyn Manson. Apparently, in middle school, he went around with a lunchbox of doll heads and his dad affectionately referred to him as Lucifer and the Antichrist.

    WestTadpole Report


    "She Was Actually Super Mean": People Who Knew Celebrities Before Fame Reveal What They Were Like I went to high school with Nancy Cartwright (Bart Simpson). We hung out as we were both in the marching band. She was nice and had an outlandish personality way back then (late 70's) but wasn't snobby or anything like that.

    level 1 hellothere56734182 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You need to watch this video where she runs into a young man selling chocolates for his school. His face when he suddenly realizes that she's the voice of Bart Simpson is priceless.

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    My mam was in the same high school as Gerard Butler. I believe there is 3 years between them, but they also lived on the same street briefly. They both attended the University of Glasgow too, although my mam moved to London with my auntie to another university where my mam got a degree in law. I don't know why they moved, especially as the University of Glasgow is a Law School I believe.

    She always has said he was lovely, cared for a lot of people and was just nice all the time, she's always went to the cinema in the opening week to see his films. That being said, she was pretty much devastated when Butler's house was destroyed in the fires in California a couple years back.

    ofwgktaQ Report

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    Joe Publique
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I met him in Paisley a few times before he was famous because a couple of mutual friends were in a band together. He's a genuinely nice guy and he supports the 'right' Glasgow team too. lol.

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    "She Was Actually Super Mean": People Who Knew Celebrities Before Fame Reveal What They Were Like My mother grew up with Courtney Cox. She was a massive b**ch. The stories are horrible. She’s from Mountain Brook, Alabama.. an incredibly wealthy suburb of Birmingham. (Same town as Natalee Holloway that disappeared in Aruba.)

    razorbladedesserts Report


    Kelly Clarkson's family and a section of mine were really close before she got famous. I was originally introduced to her as another of my cousins (i have, and know, over 70 first and second cousins, my family reunions are massive). She was pretty cool when we were kids. Shes a couple years older than me but was always really nice, down to earth, and big on church group stuff. My family has old videos of me and her singing together and of her singing for my aunt and uncles wedding, all from before american idol. (No, i couldnt sing worth crap then or now, but her love of music was contagious)

    damndingashrubbery Report

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    Lisa H
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    By all accounts, Kelly Clarkson does seem like a genuinely cool person.

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    You know how they say bullies will end up working in McDonalds and you’ll end up doing bigger and better things? Mine’s a professional NASCAR driver (Noah Gragson) and I just have depression. So that’s sick.

    DBCrumpets Report

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    Ter Mite
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Mine was in ROTC and told everyone he was going to go into the army, then about a year after graduation I was working as an exterminator and went through a drive thru at McDonalds and there he was. Saw him there for years, guess the army didn't want him :)

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    Went to HS with Kesha. She was in marching band, and was mostly quiet.

    anon Report

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    I had a friend who went to church with Ken Jeong. Apparently he comes back to his hometown regularly to see his parents and such. Was told he was a real nice guy and the only thing that changed after the fame was people haranguing him.

    realdeerthing Report


    "She Was Actually Super Mean": People Who Knew Celebrities Before Fame Reveal What They Were Like Went to school with Khalid, he was one of those kids that always pretended to be stoned but never smoked, he acted very flamboyant and used that to always be around girls, never made a move on them though, strange fellow.

    dinggerdawg Report

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    Amanda Cook
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Perhaps he likes girls as friends. You know, like a decent human who doesn't objectify girls

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    Went to Jr High and High School with Taylor Lautner. Played football together my Freshmen year.

    Dude was really nice, and a bit awkward. This was before the whole twilight thing, and he was most famous for Sharkboy and Lavagirl. He seemed pretty much what you expect a theater kid to be like. But really nice dude over all, pretty quiet, played pokemon leaf green together a few times.

    That_Smell_You_Know Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Never made the connection that he was in Sharkboy and Lavagirl, despite the amount of times I've had it on in the background (daughter loved it for a while)

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    "She Was Actually Super Mean": People Who Knew Celebrities Before Fame Reveal What They Were Like Several. I worked on Robot Chicken with Ben Schwartz before he became known to the world as Jean Ralphio. We still run into each other every now and then randomly. He was funny and cool then. He's funny and cool now.

    ConvenienceStoreDiet Report

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    Charlotte O
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I feel like he is very much "what you see is what you get" really like his vibe!

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    "She Was Actually Super Mean": People Who Knew Celebrities Before Fame Reveal What They Were Like My brother went to high school with Taylor Swift. She was actually super mean to people and got booed off the stage at her junior year talent show.

    cwistopherr69 Report

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    Jar of Pickles
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Couple of weeks ago I read the exact opposite about her...

    Haley Futch
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Literally the complete opposite. I read that she was this super quiet girl and she sang a song for the school talent show in like middle school before she had her first album and everyone was surprised at how good a singer she was

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    Phil Vaive
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm by no means a Taylor Swift fan (her songs get stuck in my head too easily, and I think they're designed that way) but this comes off as someone who just hates Taylor Swift writing some bullplop story about her.

    Kayci Styles
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't think I believe this because she released her first major album at 14 so I don't think her school would let her be in a talent show three years later.

    Rocco MZ
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's funny, a few of my friends met her in Newport RI and they said she was super nice and hung out with them for like an hour just chilling out. She filmed a music video in a town near mine and everyone who worked on the set said she was as nice as could be. She even got gifts for everyone who worked on the video. Maybe your brother was the problem.

    Lisa H
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm guessing that perhaps she was a bully in high school, then had a moment of clarity at some point and decided she didn't want to be a bully. Maybe she experienced personal growth and realized how mean she may have been to people and has actively made an effort to be a better person. I mean, it's entirely possible. People are allowed to change, especially for the better. I'm only speculating, but this is what it sounds like based on what I have read.

    Jessica Bertram
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    this. and people (obv not you🫂💖) draw WILD suppositions about famous ppl based on their childhood demeanor AND from rando unverifiable interwebs sh!tposting.

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    Lord Mysticlaw
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I mean if she really was bullied for years, that's enough to make someone turn a bit mean at some point... Certainly happened to me when I was in school.

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    it's all about context and objectivity vs. subjectivity #eyeroll Taylor Swift is one of those people love to hate, for no good reason. They wait for her to have a bad day or not be in a good mood, and they're like, "see?! she's so mean!"

    That guy Nic B.
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My aunt once worked with her when she was lighting her shows. She actually is a jerk

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It could have been similar to the 'everyone in university hated Lady Gaga' thing when the person always talked about becoming famous and it pissed everyone off.

    John Lyttle
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Booed at the junior talent show but she's the one who's super mean?

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oooh, if she find out who your brother is there will be a song coming

    John Lyttle
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Booed at the junior talent show but she's the one who is super mean?

    I just work here
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm calling bull! Not a T.S. fan, but this sounds made up by someone who just doesn't like her.

    Beth Winslow Hausler
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I’ve read in several different sources that TS was the one who got bullied by the mean girls, who in turn became very jealous and spiteful when she was becoming big. Wouldn’t surprise me if this comment was made by one of those girls who is now 30-something with a very substandard life and she’s just bitter.

    Kathryn A Stevenson
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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have a friend who has been employed by Taylor Swift for 15 yrs. She has seen Taylor in every kind of situation imaginable INCLUDING traveling with her. She genuinely believes that Taylor is one of the nicest people EVER. It is well-known that Taylor was bullied HORRENDOUSLY while she was in school! If she was booed at a school concert, this exemplifies this totally! I can’t imagine booing ANYONE at a school concert - much less someone with Taylor’s talent! It sounds like your brother might have been one of her bullies! Moreover, how would YOU act if you were constantly bullied in school?? You were be more reserved and quiet. Perhaps that was what he construed as “mean?” I like Taylor but I am not a fanatic. I just absolutely do NOT believe that she was “mean” in school!

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The more famous someone becomes, the more stories about their personas come out, and aside from Keanu Reeves, it's very rare to hear 100% of good or bad. I'm too damned old to judge someone young enough to be my daughter about most things anyway.

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Do I dare assume your brother probably tried it on with her and was rejected so he still holds a grudge?

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    "She Was Actually Super Mean": People Who Knew Celebrities Before Fame Reveal What They Were Like My parents went to Catholic high school with Chris Farley. Guess he acted the exact way off camera and got suspended once for showing his pecker to a nun.

    anon Report


    Went to school with Justin Bieber. My only memories of him were him trying to act tough and pick fights with kids 4 grades higher than him and making fun of disabled people on the city bus and getting kicked off the bus more than once.

    Was just a typical rude kid who thought he was king sh**t and basically a bully to everyone let your imagination fill in the gaps.

    amarich1224 added:

    I didn’t go to school with one but my sister did (Justin Bieber) and he lied about being 16 when she was 14 just to date her.

    Dirty_Gurdy Report


    Jensen Ackles was a well-liked theater kid. Berkner High School ftw.

    Complicated_Business Report


    My friends mom went to school with Tony Hawk, she said he was pretty chill.

    RusstyDog Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Was it really him or someone who looked a lot like him? 😛

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    I asked my dad since he went to high school with Viggo Mortenson

    He was 2 years above him, but remembered him being a nice guy the couple of times he ever ran into him at Watertown High. He wasn’t into acting yet so he wasn’t in school plays or anything, just an all around guy that seemed genuine and enjoyed soccer.

    Curator44 Report

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    Apocalypse Whippet
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I love Viggo! He’s such a nice guy, judging by everything I’ve heard, and an amazing actor.


    I've posted this before, but I went to college with Mickey Madden from Maroon 5. Actually with a lot of famous people, but he's probably the biggest star, and he's certainly the one I where our relationship changed the most.

    Before they made it, Flowers for Kara (the original band name) was playing in bars, sometimes only to an audience of two: me and Adam's mom. I was happy to go, though, because Mickey was my buddy and I liked going to bars. We'd hang out afterwards, I'd drink too much, and then I'd cab it home (or walk, if the bar was close and/or I was super drunk). I met all of the guys but I never really hung out with them like I did with Mickey. We were in college together, so I saw him all the time and we'd chat about life or whatever. He was always kind of aloof, and I am the sort of guy who just knows everyone, so we had a lot of conversations along the lines of "wait, you know that person?" "yeah." "how?" "we're in the same class, dude." He was sort of anti-social, not because of shyness or rudeness but because he was doing his own thing and was completely okay with the social cost of dedicating his full time to his music. I'm not really sure why he made time for me, given that he had so little to spend outside of the band, but we'd grab lunch and chill and he was a good dude who gave a s**t about something in this world and I loved that about him.

    And that's really what those guys did. Just after we graduated, they all moved into their rehearsal space, quit their jobs, and decided to go 100% into the band or die trying. I'm not saying this is a good tactic for most people, but for Maroon (the band's new name), it worked. Their music got really, really tight. Songs they'd been playing for years suddenly sounded fresh. And then they realized their guitarist was a druggie (actually that might have been before they moved into the rehearsal space; this was a while ago), and they kicked him out of the band. They got a new guitarist who'd been in garage bands for ages, and renamed themselves Maroon 5.

    I remember seeing the new band at the Whiskey, where they'd had to pay the bar to let them play. There were easily 200 people there, mostly to see a different band, but once Adam got up there and started making love to the microphone, everyone turned to listen. People were literally pushing their way to the front of the stage. This had never happened before at their shows, or at least not at any that I'd ever been to. The new guitarist was great, and did this thing where he used his beer bottle as a slide that really impressed me.

    "That's some cheap bar s**t," Mickey told me when I said how cool I thought it was after the show. "I'm gonna tell him to knock it off for the next gig."

    About a week later, my cellphone caught fire in my pocket. I didn't see flames, per se, but there was thick black smoke coming out of the ancient T616. I panicked, chucked it out the open window of my car, and then backed over it for good measure.

    That's about the time I realized I didn't have any of those phone numbers memorized. Whatever, those folks would call my number on my new phone and I'd get their numbers then, right? Except two weeks later Maroon 5 was topping the charts, had signed a record label, and was going on tour.

    I never heard from Mickey again. Or at least I haven't, yet. I just want my bud to know that I'm so goddamn proud of him (all of them, really) for catching hold of their dream and never, ever letting go. They worked incredibly hard and earned all of the success they've had. I get why he never called; s**t got busy and his fried from college never even called to say congratulations. I doubt he even had time to notice, but I hope he knows I would have if I could have.

    Anyway, be good, Mickey. I'm proud of ya.

    Kahzgul Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why don't you try to DM him through their IG or FB?? If you explained who you were,, I'm sure someone would give him a message.

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    I was voted "going places" and Dakota Fanning was voted "best smile" our 6th grade year, so we hung out for a while taking pictures for yearbook. She asked me on a date to a toothpaste commercial she was filming a week later. I declined. Her smile is still fine, but I didn't exactly go places.

    trix4rix Report

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    "She Was Actually Super Mean": People Who Knew Celebrities Before Fame Reveal What They Were Like My mother’s best friend's sister (not me I know) went to high school with Brad Pitt. She even dated him for a few months before breaking up with him because she said he would go nowhere in life.

    Another user added:

    My ex brother-in-law had Brad Pitt as a roommate. They were both trying to be actors. He said the guy never showered, hardly ever and stank.

    Pitt got famous and ex brother-in-law was an extra in some pretty big films. Too funny.

    El_pateador Report


    My coworker went to high school with Bruno Mars. Said he was a really nice and charismatic dude.

    MrsKetchup Report


    My dad went to school with Paul Walker. Apparently he was a pretty big nerd.

    Subtopewds0814 Report


    I went to school with Ashley Simpson and Jessica Simpson. Both were really amazing and kind.

    ortiz1920 Report

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    PeepPeep the duck
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Jessica always seemed really nice, I can’t speculate on her sister as she was after my generation of musical interests as a teenager


    Nicole Maines (Supergirl) is an absolute joy to hang out with and I’m extremely happy to still call her one of my best friends

    BobbyWasabiSN Report


    Went to college with Logan Paul. we have these huge street parties every spring. remember a whole block of college party kids chanting “f**k Logan Paul” - these were the vine days when he was just starting out

    GangBruh Report


    Elementary school with Nick Jonas. There would always be like at least 10 girls at recess who would follow him around to hear him sing. Really sweet kid, kind of quiet and kept to himself if I remember correctly.

    burningupasun_304 Report

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    PeepPeep the duck
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This explains alot 😆 he does have that attraction that you can’t put your finger on as to why

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    I sorta knew Gaten Matarazzo back in 2011 when my dad was in Priscilla: Queen of the desert with him. He was cool. When the show went on tour in Toronto, he showed me his massive, I mean MASSIVE LEGO collection. I guess he was getting paid very well from the show. If you need a reference, he was Dustin in Stranger Things. Now we don’t really talk but he’s still good friends with my dad.

    awesomebhs Report


    Family friend still holds a grudge against Anne Hathaway for stealing her boyfriend in high school.

    landshanties Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Please somebody explain to me how it is even possible to steal a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife (unless we're talking human trafficking, of course). I mean, why do people in their right mind even use the expression? Do they mean to say the SO's in question not have any free will and ability to think for themselves?

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    Rob Lowe went to my high school with my friend’s dad. Said he would hang out in the community park and smoke weed. Total stoner

    TeddyPatsy Report

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    Didn't go to school with him, but had a ton of mutual friends and a casual/passing friendship with Gerard Way (he lived the next town over from me). Really nice guy, was glad to see him make it big.

    thisyearspossum Report


    Went to high school with Mac Miller. Dude was f**kin dedicated, he was selling CDs in school and always had posters up and stuff. We weren't really in the same social circles but we had some classes together. He was a goof and a generally good guy. RIP.

    Caffeinatrix Report


    My husband knew Pete Wentz from Fallout Boy - back in the day they had some mutual friends. Said Wentz was a nice guy, quiet. Puked in my husband’s car once after a rave, lol.

    Tauber10 Report

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    I went to school with John Stamos, very cool guy.

    AblazeYard Report

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    I went to high school with Paris Hilton and we were actually really close because my mom was friends with her mom so they were in the same social circle. She was hilarious and we always went shopping together on Rodeo Drive but of course, she bought mostly everything while I only bought something once in a while. She always got the hot guys and was in the news a lot while I was the background friend that she would have sleepovers with. We still keep in touch every once in a while but she was my closest friend in high school before she went to the Simple Life and all that shit. There was def some 'powder' that wasn't makeup powder in our compacts and lipstick containers.

    sky_splits Report

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    I used to be friends with Jennette McCurdy of icarly when I was 5-7. We used to go to Disneyland together every month. She was just starting acting. I moved away and we lost contact though. It was a shock to see the face of a former childhood friend on a magazine in a store when icarly first started. I’m forever proud of her <3

    EnchantedDancerbee Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Her book is excellent, and she reads the Audible version. I was too old to know her from Nickelodeon, I just enjoy biographies. I was rooting for her from the first "page".

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    I knew Tom Hanks really well before he became famous, but i stopped being friends with him because he was a huge name dropper.

    LarsThorwald Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Umm, what is a "name dropper"? 🫣Asking as someone with English as a 3rd language. It doesn't make sense when literally translated into my language. Thank you in advance.😘

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    Was friends with Natalie Portman in first grade. Had a fake fur coat. Her mom would pack her lunch in lots of little containers with instructions on how to assemble them. That’s all I remember.

    YouBoxEmYouShipEm Report

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    PeepPeep the duck
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Like the movie wog boy 😆 (don’t down vote me into oblivion over the word wog, it’s still used in Melbourne and Sydney by wogs). Also superwog is a wicked show.

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    My mom and uncles went to HS with Bryan Adams. Thought he was an arrogant prick who told everyone how famous he was going to be. He asked my uncle to play drums for him and my uncle told him to get bent.

    MarcusXL Report


    Went to highschool with Shawn Mendes. Nice kid, we all used to make fun of him a bit but I guess the jokes on us now. I see him around at parties once and a while, still a nice guy.

    Perrrin Report

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    Phil Vaive
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "we all used to make fun of him a bit". And now he has major issues with his mental health and has had to take a hiatus from work because of his anxiety. Congrats, you're a d**k.

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    Went to high school with Justin Long. He was a normal, quirky theater kid. Decent dude.

    CorporalCabbage Report

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    I ran track with Jack Lemmon back in Andover, Mass. when we were kids. John (we all called him John back then) was a nice fellow, and boy was he ever fast! Like a lightning bolt in sneakers.

    shugerbooger Report

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    g w
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My uncle was friends with him! He would practice the piano at their house!


    Knew a top NHL player in high school. We weren't great friends but played a lot of youth sports together before he concentrated on hockey full time.

    Dude went away, did his OHL / Minor Major thing and I didn't talk to him. A few years later he appear in the NHL. I followed his career.

    Anyways, he retired. My dad and I ran into him at the bar near where I grew up a few years back. He recognized me and bought us each a beer. It was really f*****g cool hanging out with him for a bit.

    billbapapa Report

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    Ben hung out at my house on occasion. Partied with my housemates, but didn't do anything crazy to stand out. Was pretty chill and laid back. He was just a nice guy. Macklemore was starting to blow up, so one day I decided to check out his "Thrift Shop" video. I kept spotting people that I knew in the video, it was cool that this rapper was featuring local folks. And Ben kept popping up during the intro, which was funny as hell. Hey it's that funny guy who hangs out on the couch! He's riding a scooter with a goofy coat! Then the vocals started and it dawned on me. Ben is Macklemore. Huh. He didn't come around the house after that, which was for the best (for him).

    anon Report

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    Tommy Hilfiger, who was basically regarded as a trashy a-hole. He had approximately one hundred siblings and I think they were all kind of that way.

    accidentalhorse Report


    My brother was in a brass wind ensemble playing trumpet, when he met a really cool and talented French horn player. They end up getting a little house together and were roommates for a couple years. Now the dude tours all over the place as an EDM producer and sells out shows internationally.

    Last time I saw him he escaped LA to come visit (I lived with my brother in the same house after he moved out,) and he just complained that he never gets to us anymore, and that he can tell that his new friends are obviously only there for the connections

    Edit: I went to his house once for a bbq, and after not seeing him for a few years. After talking for a bit, he asked for my shoe size. I told him I'm an 11, and his face sparked up and he ran off to his room and told me to wait. He gave me a pair of cardinal retro 7s and said that someone paid for him to wear them at a show, but they were way to big for him.

    JonnySucio Report


    Went to the same high school as The Weeknd. He graduated a year before I got there but I remember meeting him as 12 year old at a local pizza place (shout out Enricos). He was piss drunk and mad he got kicked out of the schools Friday night lights football game (f**k you Ms. Burch). It was one of the first times in my life an older person was cool to me for no reason, introduced himself "hey man I'm Abel". We talked a little, he knew my next door neighbour who was his age. Life's weird man.

    BigDripppp Report

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    My German TA last year went to High School with Miley Cyrus right before she became famous. Said she was "exactly what you'd expect."

    Tubasi Report


    My ex gf went to HS with Christina Aguilera. Typical kinda story about being friends when they were younger and getting Christina becoming elitist when her singing started to really take off. Although my ex thought she was a good singer so maybe she was just jealous

    greekgodgrizz Report

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    I’m friends with Kevin Gates. A rapper that started local and did well. Got famous and moved. When he recorded “I think I like her” we knew it was gonna blow up.

    I dated his sister when we were younger and he performed at an underground night club me and my friends opened named club fusion in Baton Rouge. (I’m sure there’s footage out there of all of us )

    Once he got famous I never saw him again. He moved and traveled but we keep in touch.

    He FaceTimed me about two years ago to tell me happy birthday. Other than that I don’t hear from him.

    Media sure makes it sound like he’s become another person.

    But he’s still thoughtful enough to FaceTime his friends every now and then. So that’s gotta count for something.

    AnonRelay Report

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    Aria Whitaker
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh yeah, this is the guy that proudly admitted to sleeping with his cousin for two years....ugh. Such a clown.


    Went to high school with Chris Mintz-Plasse, the guy that plays McLovin. He was pretty quiet overall and was in the drama club. One of my friends originally heard about the audition so he tagged along and eventually got the part.

    Shanonloves Report

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    Went to high school with Clay Aiken, bratty and refused to be in the school play because he didn’t get the lead part.

    MythBard Report

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    Aria Whitaker
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    From NC (same area as Clay) and have heard the same thing from multiple people about Clay as well. That is "wholesome", aww-shucks act he had on tv was NOTHING like the person he was when cameras were off. Entitled was a word I heard a lot.

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    My mom went to highschool with Willem Dafoe. He was a few years older than she was. But she says the only two things she remembers were his acne and that he tried to make the nickname "Billy D-Fo" stick.

    And we should all be glad it didn't.

    ArteMor Report


    Went to School with Liam Payne from One Direction.

    He’s pretty much the same guy now as he was then, makes a few trips back to the home town since he left, but no one sees his much anymore.

    postyman-pat Report

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    Childhood friend Pierre Bourne from 7th grade ended up making beats for high end artist like Drake and Kanye. His slogan is “ayyy Pierre you wanna come out here?” But he’s still cool and replies to my snaps. When his music is played in a club, I’ll send him a snap of everyone vibing to it. A lot of people don’t believe me so I just show them the conversation we have on snap and insta haha

    Waxenberg Report

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    Went to school with Justin Trudeau's wife Sophie Gregoire. She was a snob and her father only allowed her to date Rich guys.

    anon Report


    Went to school with Joe Guidice. He was a total douche bag, and it remains a happy memory that I beat his ass in 7th grade.

    Basically a self important little s**t that liked to claim Italians were great and he'd never give that up. Enjoy your deportation asshole

    SpecialOpsCynic Report


    Britney Spears went to my summer camp when I was a kid.. she was bratty. And kind of dirty lol

    musiq_fiend Report

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    Lisa H
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Considering what we know about her father, I think she gets a pass.

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    Ninja was as much a tool then as he is now. Nothing really changed. Really fake, tended to bully people.

    UTX_Shadow Report


    I grew up with the kid from Bad Grandpa (the one with Johnny Knocksville). His name's Jackson and he was always really cool. He was pretty hilarious at times. He's not exactly that famous, but Bad Grandpa was a really big movie when it first came out.

    JustEatSomeYams · Report

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    Went to highschool with Tyrese Haliburton. He is a super nice and helpful guy. Wish the best for him in the NBA

    My family knew Ron Johnson before he became a senator. He once help save my dog when my dog fell in the freezing water. Besides that he's mostly a dick.

    candyman9777 Report

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    My friend's mom went to high school with Roseanne. She was quiet. Guess that changed.

    xanax_pineapple Report

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    Ben (and Casey) Affleck. Both conceited.

    One day Ben overheard me telling my friend to meet me at the pahk, he became visibly annoyed and yelled “it’s not pahk it paRk! Get it right people!”

    Clearly he just came from a dialect lesson or something. He must have been around 12 at the time.

    cammykiki Report

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    Lakota Wolf
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    To be fair, when I was 6 years old, I apparently would be infuriated with the other kids when they pronounced "wolf" as "woof" and I'd correct them imperiously. XD Wolves were already my favorite animal and I guess I couldn't stand when the other 6-year-olds called them "woofs".

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    Idk if he’s considered famous but “Rich the kid” lived with his grandmother in my neighborhood. He was a punk skater kid. We were kind of cool till he tried to steal my skateboard. Decked him in the face grabbed my board and went inside. We weren’t cool anymore after that. He moved and a couple years later one of my buddy tells me who “rich the kid” is.

    MindOfAnEnt Report

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    Went to school with Eminem daughter in high school. She was a cool girl and always gotten a lot of attention because of her dad

    anon Report

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    I met and played games online with a kid while I was in college. He was one of those tryhard people that would rage for the dumbest s**t. Also really socially weird. We were in the same guild and basically only interacted that way. He got pretty good at Counter Strike and big into WoW back in the day.

    10 years later I saw a streamer Summit with 15k viewers. I recognized his voice. It was this guy. He's basically the same.

    DrunkJackMcDoogle Report

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    Lakota Wolf
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I used to watch Summit stream! He always seemed like a cool dude and made it feel like us viewers were "hanging out" with him personally and playing the game "with" him, if that makes sense. I don't know him on any remotely personal level (though I have met quite a few popular Hearthstone streamers) but Summit seemed chill enough as a streamer.


    I was a boarding supervisor when Dave Taylor was in high school. He was an absolute tool as a teenager and the school covered up a lot of his bullshit in order to keep cashing those NRL cheques.

    HappyTimeHollis Report

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    Knew Martin Garrix through some mutual friends (he's from the same town as me) didnt talk with him that often but from what others tell me he is mostly still a chill dude that still hangs out with his close old friends whenever he can (i heard he even brings them with him sometimes).

    xHindemith Report

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    Have a few friends who went to HS with Tom Brady. He wasn’t well liked by his classmates and teammates.

    I went to school with Pat Tillman. He was a horrible person in HS and I’m convinced he left the NFL to going the Army for reasons of bloodlust. I was not shocked to find out he was killed by friendly fire.

    I hear he changed his attitude his last year at ASU, hopefully he did and I am wrong about why he went to fight.

    iggyfenton Report

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    Fish Fingers
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Bout half the names on this list I've never heard of 🤷‍♂️

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