50 Hilarious Photos Of Cats Getting Into Places Where They Probably Shouldn’t Be (New Pics)
What can you find under the couch, on top of a door, inside dresser drawers and sometimes even at the top of a tree? Cats, of course! They say curiosity kills them, but I would argue that it actually allows them to become furry little explorers, as they venture into countless places they probably shouldn’t be.
And no one knows what little boundaries cats have better than the ‘Place Where Cat Shouldn’t Be’ Twitter account. This hilarious page shares precious photos of kitties getting themselves into all sorts of shenanigans and being caught in some peculiar places. Enjoy viewing these pics that actually might not surprise you at all if you have cats of your own, and keep reading to find a conversation with Cathrine of Bionic Basil and the B Team!
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If you’re a cat parent, I’m sure you have countless stories and photos of your fur babies being mischievous and ending up in places where they probably shouldn’t be. I’ve never had a cat of my own, but during the year and a half I lived with one, I saw her climb up a palm tree, rip a hole into one of my plush chairs to create a hideout for herself, found her sleeping in one of my clothing drawers many times, and watched her crawl all over the mantle that seemed way too high for her to jump up to. But clearly, these things are not out of the ordinary at all, as Place Where Cat Shouldn’t Be has tweeted over 500 images of adorable, misplaced kitties.
This Twitter account, which was created in November 2020, has amassed an impressive 1.1 million followers already. But it’s not surprising, considering how much internet users love cats and how precious the page’s content is. These photos are inspiring, as they prove just how much cats really do not care at all what humans think. They’ll lay on top of you, in your way, on top of horses and anywhere else their little paws will take them. They’re fearless!
If you’re a human who requires pristine conditions to fall asleep at night (total darkness, the perfect temperature, ASMR sounds playing and a pillow between your legs), you might be extremely impressed by cats who seem to be able to make themselves comfortable literally anywhere. But according to PetPlace, our kitties are likely choosing their nap spots more strategically than we even realize. Sometimes, they actually choose strange locations to curl up just to be closer to us.
“They know they can squeeze out some extra snuggles this way,” the experts at PetPlace explain. “They may also do this because your scent is lingering on the clothing, towels, or bags. Your scent on those items tells your pet that they’ll be safe there if they curl up and close their eyes. You’ll protect them.”
Other times, our kitties might just be choosing a spot because they enjoy being in “defined” places. “Although your bed may look like a large, unprotected expanse, the recently ironed shirt that you carefully laid out appears to be a more intimate space,” the experts continue.
Cats also often enjoy being elevated, which is why they’re notorious for climbing on top of furniture and up high in trees. According to the experts at Killeen Veterinary Clinic, this is because of their instinct to protect themselves. They feel safer where they have a good view of everything and everyone around them, so no one can sneak up on them. “Early cats were hunters that lived in the wild, and their climbing ability meant that they had somewhere to retreat to away from larger predators, plus the capability of attacking smaller prey high up in the branches,” the KVC team explains. “Therefore, climbing and being up high was natural, and this has been passed down to the cats that we keep as pets today.”
Cats often choose to curl up in small, enclosed spaces, which likely comes from their desire to be protected as well. If they’re hiding out in a cardboard box with only one tiny hole for entering and exiting, they feel less vulnerable. But once your cat finds a place they enjoy resting in, they aren’t making a lifelong commitment. According to the Killeen Veterinary Clinic, because cats are so clean and tidy, they don’t like to return to the same spot once it has become dusty. “If the area in which they sleep becomes too dirty or the scent changes, your cat will probably start looking for somewhere else to sleep,” the vets write.
It is SO cute when they're sitting and nodding off, rocking back and forth because they're so tired they can't even keep their eyes open. So cute I can barely stand it, but at the same time it's like dude what are you doing...just go to bed!
Every time my wife changes the sheets, our cat does this same thing. She has to lay under them for at least an hour or so.
To gain more insight on the topic of how cats manage to chill in the most unlikely of places, we reached out to cat lover Cathrine, of Bionic Basil and the B Team. Lucky for us, Cathrine was happy to have a chat with Bored Panda about some of the strangest places her kitties have ever gotten comfortable.
“Where do I even begin?” she asked. “My cats have ended up in the craziest of places. Fudge regularly likes to perch right up high in the branches of the tree in the courtyard like a little feline superhero. He also loves to jump from the tree to the single-story roof and run across the ridge, which literally gives me palpitations,” Cathrine continued. “Then, sometimes in his gleeful excitement of being up high, he can't get down, and I have to get a bag of Dreamies aka Kitty Kryptonite to lure him down.”
“Another time, I caught Smooch snoozing in a shoebox that was way too small for his fluffy body inside the wardrobe,” the cat lover added. “And then there was the time Snowie got stuck in between the couch cushions… Let's just say it was a struggle to get her out. And the time Basil decided that the mini-digger in the garden was all his, and sat on the seat all afternoon! The B Team cats are always up for thrills and adventure!” Cathrine even shared an adorable video of one of Fudge’s roof escapades, which you can see right here.
When it comes to why cats love exploring so much, Cathrine says it’s just in their DNA. “They are naturally curious creatures. They have a strong instinct to investigate their surroundings and are always on the lookout for new and interesting things to explore,” she told Bored Panda. “As for whether they can get comfortable anywhere, I think it depends on the cat and the environment. Some cats are more adaptable than others, and some may feel more comfortable in certain types of spaces than others. Ultimately, it's up to the individual cat to decide where they feel most at home.”
We were also curious if Cathrine believes there is anywhere cats would not be willing to explore or wouldn’t be able to get comfortable. “I do think they might have trouble getting comfortable in, say, a cactus garden or a fireworks factory! But then again, who knows?” she shared. “Cats are full of surprises. While I cannot speak for all cats' individual preferences, it's safe to say that most cats wouldn't be too comfortable exploring places that are wet, cold, or noisy. Loud and chaotic environments may cause anxiety for some cats, so they may avoid exploring crowded areas. Although sadly, many feral and stray cats have no option and are forced to survive in these circumstances.”
And if you’re considering getting a little explorer of your own, Cathrine would highly recommend it. “Despite their somewhat mischievous tendencies occasionally, cats bring so much joy and laughter into our lives,” she told Bored Panda. “I wouldn't trade my little furballs for anything in the world. Seriously, not for anything in the universe.”
If you’d like to learn more about Cathrine’s adorable kitties, Bionic Basil and the B Team, be sure to visit their blog right here!
If there are any kitties out there reading this article, we hope you’ve gotten some great ideas for where to venture off to next. And if you’re a cat owner, please remember to take pics of your feline’s most mischievous behavior. We would love to see it! Keep upvoting the pics you find most impressive and adorable, and be sure to let us know in the comments where the strangest place your cat has ever ended up was. Then, if you’re in the mood for even more photos from ‘Place Where Cat Shouldn’t Be’, you can find Bored Panda’s last article featuring the Twitter account right here!
Notice the paw print on the door? It's a cat house. It was a long night.
I only have one word for this whole article: AAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
I only have one word for this whole article: AAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWW