Relatable cat memes have long been one of the cornerstones of the internet, and this awesome Facebook group knows it. No hoops, bells, or whistles - Cat Memes provides exactly what it says right there on the tin, and it’s funny relatable cat memes.
With all due love and respect to wonderful dogs and their wonderful owners, aren’t cats just the best pets? Cats tend to be tidy, independent, social, elegant, and, most importantly of all, cute and fluffy. It doesn’t hurt that they’re huge goofballs capable of providing us with tons of funny relatable cat owner memes, either! We love dogs, too, of course, but this is a cat appreciation post!
The Facebook group has tons of funny cat photos and memes on it, and some are better than others, so we’ve selected the best for you here. Scroll down to upvote and comment on your favorites!
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Short History of Cat and Human Relationships
Cats domesticated themselves thousands of years ago, but scientists aren’t quite sure exactly when - or who was responsible for the change. Domestic cats likely appeared between 10,000 and 12,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent, and some scientists believe that they essentially domesticated themselves. As agriculture developed in the Near East, the cats saw human towns as excellent food sources. Humans, on the other hand, saw that cats were helping them manage the rodents that were feeding on their grain storage.
Fast-forward that mutually beneficial relationship to today, and most cats simply keep us company at home and provide us with a wealth of relatable cat owner memes potential. The movement of cats indoors is also a relatively recent development. Until the discovery of kitty litter in 1947, most cats were left to their own devices outdoors, which might be why they’ve remained such adept hunters to this day. As the prevalence of rodents in modern homes also declined, cats that were put out of work as mousers became willing tenants in our homes. However, since their inclination to pounce at shadows did not go anywhere, it still gives us a lot of material for hilariously relatable cat memes!
There are significant overlaps between cats’ and dogs’ social skills when it comes to humans, but it tends to be the case that dogs are more social than cats. Dogs were social animals, to begin with, and they were often selectively bred to enhance these traits. As outdoor mousers, however, cats were valued for their predatory instincts. They’ve probably faced less pressure from humans to accentuate their most social traits, though most cat owners know cats still have plenty of love to spare.
That concludes our quick history lesson, leaving us with just enough time to scroll through the rest of these adorable, relatable cat memes!
I was going to say I love it when I see a hard looking man loving a tiny kittie, but then I thought is it politically incorrect to say that, I'm old and so confused about what I can say anymore and then I thought I don't care, I'm going to say it anyway.
Wyatt the Twitch is my stray rescue... jumpy little thing. Doesn't hang out or cuddle much, but if I act like I'm watching the birds through the window he'll bump up next to me and we can kick it together for a little while.
That's a "she", though XD Most calicoes (and tortoiseshells) are female. Only 1 in 3,000 is male, so this one is likely female.
While that's true, I'll give the owner the benefit of the doubt and just say it's cool they got lucky and got a male.
Load More Replies...We Yanks won't give up Imperial for metric, but we'll definitely convert to sauces.
Most likely, but not definitely. There's a *very* small chance it could be a boy.
Load More Replies...Darling....but isn't the cat a 'she'? She's got this calico vibe going.
My pets are the only reason I haven't unalived myself on multiple occasions. Gotta take care of my furry responsibilities... in exchange, I get more love than I've ever received from any other family member. XD
The other day I was at Spencer's gifts (yes, they still exist, and they have great t-shirts and pins), and a customer had a cat on a leash. It was up on the counter receiving love when I walked in, the owner clearly having just paid for their stuff. I wandered around the store for maybe 15 minutes, and by the time I got up to the checkout they still hadn't made it out the door. 😂 Seriously one of the sweetest cats I've ever met.
Spencer's shirts are the best. (Especially the saracastic ones ^^)
Load More Replies...I wish there was an "upvote all" button on BP because I would just click that for literally every cat post
I just got two stray cats claim me and my tent. Does anyone know how to make them go away. They keep coming in and making themselves home.
The other day I was at Spencer's gifts (yes, they still exist, and they have great t-shirts and pins), and a customer had a cat on a leash. It was up on the counter receiving love when I walked in, the owner clearly having just paid for their stuff. I wandered around the store for maybe 15 minutes, and by the time I got up to the checkout they still hadn't made it out the door. 😂 Seriously one of the sweetest cats I've ever met.
Spencer's shirts are the best. (Especially the saracastic ones ^^)
Load More Replies...I wish there was an "upvote all" button on BP because I would just click that for literally every cat post
I just got two stray cats claim me and my tent. Does anyone know how to make them go away. They keep coming in and making themselves home.