The famous quote 'curiosity killed the cat' and a common expression about cats having nine lives is there for a reason. The small felines tend to get themselves into the most curious, dangerous, and unfortunate events. And it is quite a paradox that they do so because of a basic survival instinct to assess the environment for predators and prey. Although since most of the curious cats spend their days as our house pets, the assessment can mean jumping into boxes, unrolling toilet paper, and scratching your favorite couch. Or, in this case, it's silly cats who got stung by bees.

Cat stung by a bee can look quite hilarious, but it's important to know how to help them out as well. Depending on where your mischievous and funny cat was stung, it can be a simple inconvenience or a life-threatening situation.

Removing a stinger is done the same as it would be for a person – by scraping the stinger instead of squeezing it. If your adorable cat was stung in the mouth or throat, which can happen if it tried to eat the bee, seek veterinary help immediately. A bee sting swelling in the throat region can suffocate your cat. Read these instructions so you can be prepared for when your cat gets a bee sting!

Now that you know how to help a kitten in need, scroll down for some pretty hilarious cat pictures; it's always funny to laugh at somebody else's little misfortunes, even if it's a cat.


Cat's Nose After Losing A Battle With A Bee

Cat with swollen nose from bee sting, looking sad.

marklyon Report


    Waffles Also Had An Unfortunate Run-in With A Bee

    Cat with a swollen face on a wooden deck after being stung by a bee.

    sweetoldetc Report


    Cat Tried To Eat Bees

    Fluffy cat with swollen face likely stung by bee or wasp, eyes closed and resting on a blanket.


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    Community Member
    9 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I know I shouldn't laugh, but the cat looks deeply regretting their decision...

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    This Is Why Kittens Shouldn't Play With Bees

    Cat paw held gently, possibly stung by a wasp, lying on a white blanket.

    frazdt Report


    My Roomates Cat Had A Fight With A Bee

    Gray cat lying on a rug, appearing calm despite a bee or wasp sting.

    Goldiefish94 Report


    This Is Huxley. Today He Ate A Bee

    Cat sitting by the pool with a leash, appearing slightly swollen from a bee or wasp sting. Report


    So My Cat Was Stung In The Chin By A Bee Today And Ended Up Going Full Jay Leno

    Orange cat with a swollen face, indicating a bee or wasp sting, lying on a soft surface. Report

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    Community Member
    9 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    so my take away from this gallery is that jay leno looks like a house cat that tried to eat a bee.

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    Cringer Ate A Spider But The Spider Bit Back - Who Needs Lip Fillers!

    Cat looking surprised after a bee sting.



    Our Cat Was Stung By A Bee

    Cat looking slightly unamused and swollen after a bee sting, standing on a concrete surface. Report


    Cat Stung By Bee

    Orange cat sitting on a colorful rug, wearing a red collar.


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    Fancy Is Our Special Little Trouble Maker!

    Cat paws swollen from bee or wasp sting on a carpeted surface.

    pinkhippodesign Report


    I Came Home Today To Find My Cat In A Bit Of A Poorly Way

    Cat with a swollen face, likely from a bee or wasp sting.

    dan1980 Report


    I Don't Always Put My Paws On A Bee, But When I Do I Make Sure I Get Stung

    Fluffy cat contently resting indoors, capturing a calm moment after a bee or wasp sting experience.

    ZyQo Report


    Both My Kitties Got Stung In The Same Place On The Same Day.

    A tabby cat with a swollen eye, likely from a bee or wasp sting.



    Not The First Time, Big Day Outside, Worth It Overall But He Was Mad And Uncomfortable

    A tabby cat resting on a blanket, looking alert.

    Nora Smith Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Tatu Tried To Eat A Bee! :o(

    Cat looking unhappy after being stung by a bee.



    Link Got Stung By A Bee Too

    Cat with a swollen face after being stung by a bee. Report


    Stung By A Bee

    Black and white cat with a swollen face after being stung by a bee, cradled in human hands.



    Charlie Got Stung By A Bee, Too

    Cat squinting after being stung by a bee, sitting on a concrete surface.


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    Paws Down - Amani Is The Sore Looser, But The Bee Got The Short End!!!

    Cat with a slightly swollen paw resting on a cushion, recovering from a bee or wasp sting.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

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