Tired Of Getting Catcalled, This Woman Started Taking Selfies With The Catcallers, And The Results Are Pretty Disturbing

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There's nothing that makes a woman's skin crawl quite like getting catcalled on the street. 20-year-old Amsterdam-based student Noa Jansma, much like the rest of us, was pretty fed up with it, and decided to do something about it. Throughout the month of September, she took a selfie with every single creep who harassed her and uploaded them on Instagram, captioning each one with the words of her abusers.
What do the photos say? By juxtaposing the catcallers' callous, unashamed grins with her own exhausted, painfully familiar expression, Jansma shows the world just how frequent, real, and disturbing these experiences are for women everywhere. She also gains power over them, though, by documenting their actions and putting them on display for the whole world to see. Though her own experiment has ended, she has opened the @dearcatcallers Instagram page for submissions in hopes of creating a global dialogue on the collective struggle women face.
From January 1st, 2018, catcalling will be punishable by law in Jansma's native Netherlands, and violators will be subject to fines of up to 190 euros ($220). If her daring project continues to go viral, perhaps more nations will follow suit.
More info: Instagram
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This made me throw up a little bit in my mouth. I definitely would NOT have let him put his disgusting paws on me.
I'd of let him follow me straight to the police station... or church.
Attracted to how long she looks no doubt. Too bad there wasn't a photo of the license plate.
Something tells me he's probably a virgin. He wouldn't now what to do with any girl. Perv.
Oh, be still my heart, looks like the last time he took a shower was 2001.
Sounds like he wanted to eat her, judging by the size of that belly, he probably did! Creep!
That whistling is for each other. They know it won't get her attention, but it proves their manhood and humiliates her at the same time. If she ignores it, they get what they want. If she tells them off, it makes them even more proud of themselves. She's documenting it, and if they don't realize what tools they look like, at least everyone who sees them does.
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As a writer and image editor for Bored Panda, Giedrė crafts posts on many different topics to push them to their potential. She's also glad that her Bachelor’s degree in English Philology didn’t go to waste (although collecting dust in the attic could also be considered an achievement of aesthetic value!) Giedrė is an avid fan of cats, photography, and mysteries, and a keen observer of the Internet culture which is what she is most excited to write about. Since she's embarked on her journalistic endeavor, Giedrė has over 600 articles under her belt and hopes for twice as much (fingers crossed - half of them are about cats).
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Giedrė Vaičiulaitytė
Author, Community member
As a writer and image editor for Bored Panda, Giedrė crafts posts on many different topics to push them to their potential. She's also glad that her Bachelor’s degree in English Philology didn’t go to waste (although collecting dust in the attic could also be considered an achievement of aesthetic value!) Giedrė is an avid fan of cats, photography, and mysteries, and a keen observer of the Internet culture which is what she is most excited to write about. Since she's embarked on her journalistic endeavor, Giedrė has over 600 articles under her belt and hopes for twice as much (fingers crossed - half of them are about cats).
So many of these pigs look so proud of themselves. Does this s**t seriously ever work? NO. And how many of these losers were lucky enough to have a gf or wife, and are probably still yelling at young girls. How many have daughters or sisters? Disgusting.
Sean Hardin, judging by your picture, you're most likely a female wolf spider. Did you even think about how stupid that is?
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Judging by the fact you don't have a photo of yourself, that is an indication that you are most likely an ugly b***h, and you're jealous of the fact that you are not getting cat called.
They are happy/proud because they have exercised power over someone else, specifically an attractive woman. Its f****d up.
you know that's mean they are just scared week little boys who have no balls what so ever
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Where's the attractive woman?
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Ohhhhhhhh you poor wittle snowflake, got your poor wittle feewings huort, I can tell you're in need of a safe space. I'l clear some room in my Safe Space Facility for you right now snowflake. First 2 hours free, after that I start charging.
Pigs don't do this sort of things. Interesting to see that these molesters are from every social class, every ethnicity, every age group.
Gee, Sean. You seem to have a lot of pent up anger towards women. Is it maybe because none of them has ever so much as looked at you with anything shy of disgust?
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As a Vegan Activist I would save 1 Pig over 10,000 bitches like you without a second thought!
Sean Hardin - "Judging by the fact you don´t have photo..." sooo u r a spider I suppose or...? Don´t f* judge you don´t have the slightes idea how catcalling feels.
Sean is just a troll, and like most trolls is probably crying himself to sleep, under his crumbling bridge cause he ain't got a single friend in the world
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A Pig is more valuable than a piece of s**t like you.
I totally agree, but please, don't compare them to pigs, it's not very nice for pigs !
of course it does no work they are all losers believe me, i can understand her i am a guy and when i see this s**t on the street it really p**s me off
@SeanHardin the amount of guys getting defensive on this is ridiculous. You see a few comments, and you cry "feminism" or saying she's objectifying when its what women go through EVERY F*****G DAY! You guys probably do this s**t its why it bothers you. You can dish it out but you can't take it. Also, for you trolls saying she's fat and ugly, she has a public facebook page, and I personally think she's hot, and her not even defending her looks makes her even hotter.
I once said this to someone. I meant it as rhetorical of course. No it doesn't work. The guy o was talking to said well it must or they wouldn't do it. 🙄 No, that's not how this works. No woman likes it. Not one
Some of them old enough to be her father or even grandfather by the looks of them. Puke.
Thank you for sharing, because I couldn't have said it better myself. What a bunch of idiots. and what the hell Sean Hardin, how could you even say that to a person? You're the biggest loser here!
I swear it like guy like these never left high school, some one should teach them some manners
I've come to the conclusion these guys don't genuinely believe catcalling will result in wild sex for them. I think they simply do it because it gives them a thrill to make women who they know are way out of their league uncomfortable. 'I can't have you so I'll make you feel like s**t for it. Take some MANLY power back, b***h!'
It does work, kind of, it's a numbers game. I have friends that (years ago) always pulled as they just went up to every girl they saw and tried this c**p. It's just a shame really, because they are muppets.
Being able to put her in her place, humiliate her and make her feel small is a part of it so if they don't get a date, they've still accomplished some of their goals.
As saibe before is a sie thing when man keep positionve in the face of som serious baddly mooded women. This one girls is a example how ego can make a somen hate every single thing a man does, seeing all as evil. Some of what these guys do are really evil the most aren't evil. Feminine ego makes all evil. It is a social cancer, a bill paid with suffering from both men and women.
Chances you are an idiot? 100/10 look her up on fb. wrong on both accounts, and the fact that she's not even responding to your dumbass makes her hotter
Watch your zoomorphic bigotry of calling them “pigs” and disgustingly pawed. It makes you look like a b***h... How many sons or brothers do you have? Disgusting
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yep.. once in a while it DOES work. I use to use catcalls when I was young and stupid. when I lived on the beach (south beach) I once used the "daaaaaaaaaammmmnnnnn" call when a girl walked past me.. and to be honest it was my inside voice pushing past my brain filter she turned and smiled... about an hour later she was walking past the other way and smiled again.. we talked and exchanged numbers and went on a few dates. some people ask "oh come on a nice car does not help you pick up girls" ... yes... it does... a buddy and I drove through ocean drive in my Xb.. no response.. came back the same day in my father's Mercedes benz... low and behold.. three cute girls in the car before we got to the end of the strip. (and my friend cat called to two of them, who saw the car and walked over)
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Saying hello to a girl in the street works all the time, just depends on the situation.
there is a difference between giving someone friendly greeting and catcalling though
Depends on the situation, indeed. Usually when a stranger greets me passing by, I genuinely don't even notice them immediately, it takes me a few seconds to realise I was greeted and that it was me, and not somebody behind or next to me. By then, we have both walked a good distance from each other.
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while I agree that the way these men handled their desire to get her attention (or the attention of women in general) very inelegantly, if they were more subtle and polite in their so called "catcalling" I would support their right to speak freely in public on any matter with any opinion. so when women over react to men (not these types of men of course) trying to get their attention in public without stalking or physical contact it annoys me almost as much as what happened to this girl.
it's difficult to just accept a comment made by a random stranger, no matter how polite it is made. For a girl to go through this type of stuff everyday since she is a kid (in some cases) really messes her ability to take compliments from strangers.
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dumb a*s b***h who let you use a computer?
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i try and take what you've posted seriously; but all i can hear in my head is, 'Waaa-waaa-waaaah..." You are sooo shamefully abused *smh*
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Look b***h, Do NOT disrespect Non-Human Creatures! One Pig is more valuable than 10,000 of a b***h like you!
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None of this is a big deal.
I have to respectfully disagree with you. Read the posts. Women talk about how glad they are that they have cars and don't have to take public transport, how unsafe they feel or how angry--it clearly is a big deal. It also points at a larger issue of how women are treated by society at large--these are not just annoying but acts of aggression. Unless you've been catcalled by a man bigger and stronger than you, all day--you don't know what it's like.
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Hey Guys! Thanks for your replies. I do know what it's like and while it's not that pleasant.. It's just not worth all the hubbub.
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To be clear... I know EXACTLY what it is like to be catcalled.
seriously i don't understand why guys do that! Did they really think that work?
"Mom, how did you and Dad meet?" "Well, he yelled, 'Nice tits!' out of a moving car, and I knew he was the one."
Load More Replies...Yes and mummy went running after the car showing him her tits and we lived happily ever after!
I started laughin at this and then just got really sad and kinda stared off into space for a while.
I dont think it is intended to 'work' in terms of being able to date/have sex, it is more like an urge to express oneself regardless of other people's feelings. Basically when they do that they are telling the women 'you dont mean s**t to me you're just a sex object"
These are not the types of men who could get a date with the women (and girls. Let's not forget girls. I was first catcalled at age 11, by men who had to at least be in their 40s) even if they met them in an appropriate setting, and behaved politely. These women are generally out of these guys' league in appearance and charisma, and I think they are frustrated by that. So when they can't "get" a woman like that, the most they can do to assuage their bruised egos is to exert some temporary control by intimidating these women and provoking a change in the women's behaviour which indicates he is in control of her behaviour, somehow. Like, women have been conditioned to be overly polite and avoid conflict, so they might meekly put up with it and deflect advanced, without outright telling these guys to f*ck off... and I think these guys get off on these meek, not-overly-defensive responses from women. Unless they're getting screamed at, they take it as encouragement.
they are a bunch of idiots who never left high-school so that know jack s**t about how to actually approach a woman, or that guy talk is meant to stay as guy talk and not be vocalized to the public
I don´t know maybe. Many men are not very good at approaching women. From a male paerspective it´s a long hard and rocky road for most men to learn how to approach or seduce women well. And it takes a lot of grit, humiliation, rejection and hard work to get there. Most men aren´t geniuses to start with. Some men may of course just try to harass and emotionally hurt women instead of trying to pick them up. because of their negative experiences in life and their personality. But ihink most just want to pick up or at least aroususe women, like flirt in their way. They just aren´t very good at it. From a amle perspective i fell compasiion for the men who approach woman crudely because i know it´s not easy to learn to approarch t or flirt with them well. I fell compassion for the women too who are annoyed and made to feel uncomfortable beacuse of it:)
There is no excuse. It doesnt matter how "intimidating" it can be to approach a woman, the kind of guys that yell out at women on the street and doing nothing but disrespecting them.
"Guys"? Most of these are lowlife scum from s****y neighbourhoods, often immigrant, often black. The only local ones doing it are people from another era, people in their 50s or 60s. It's not racist, this is the naked truth, most of Europeans have moved on from certain things, whereas the people described before, often have not.
These weak apporuch from them is just a directoo way to show interest truying on to start a conversation when thing may become interesting to women. Egoic thinking in women see all of this as pure evil. Cancer. The society accepsts to kee this stupidity go ahead with no reactioon against, just complaining based on wrong perceptions of reality
Catcalling is absolutely pathetic, even though holy h*ck she's insanely pretty
She's gorgeous... without makeup. Why do women have to wear makeup Alex? I'm going to let you in on a little secret... WOMEN DO NOT WEAR MAKEUP TO IMPRESS MEN! We wear makeup for ourselves because we want too, we could really give a rat's a*s whether or not men approve of our face and what goes on it.
Load More Replies...Why am I a hypocrite? Because I wear makeup to make myself feel pretty? I don't do it for compliments, I do it for me. My husband treats me with respect and dignity. He doesn't care if I wear makeup or not. It's MY choice. If I want to wear so much makeup I look like a clown, he doesn't care it's MY face. Catcalling is unattractive and immature and women don't like it. I did notice a trend, they are either old, laborers, or drunk. Which category are you in?
We don't need a world without men, just a world without you and these men. You re not worthy.
Why do I have the feeling Alex is exactly the sort of guy who would end up in these pictures?
Oh and who changed their picture? Not me. I looked really good for being six months pregnant in that picture. I can lose weight... you can't fix your face. Well, I guess you could but it might cost a pretty penny.
Do you really think I give a s**t what you went to school for? Doesn't change the fact that you're a self righteous a*****e.
Dávid Magyar actually, not all of them do. don't tell me that i don't wear makeup when i stay home alone. i wear it because i want to. i enjoy putting it on, even if i'm not going to go outside. you can't claim that every woman puts makeup on for the sake of impressing men. i love wearing makeup, i'm not interested in a romantic relationship, and why i wear makeup or how much i wear is none of your business.
actually, this could be subcounscious - wearing makeup because we are tought it makes us a woman. also, we wear makeup because of other women because in patriarchal world we are opponents in getting the best male. sad but that is how the animal part of us works. some people are stuck on this animal level, some are more human.
It's amusing to see how guys think they know what's inside a female's head better than we females do, and to think we all think and feel the same. Sure, some girls and women wear make-up to impress men and boys, but that doesn't mean we all do it for these reasons. I don't wear make-up on a daily basis simply because I can't be bothered to wake up an hour earlier than usual before going to work, but If I'm invited to a party, I'd like to decorate my face just like you guys will want to wear suits and make your hair, shave your beards and so on. Why are we even discussing this...? It's a waste of time and energy.
OK, Sierra, I am calling MAJOR f*****g b******t on you. If there were no men, we wouldn't wear makeup. Tell yourself what you feel you have to, but that's a total f*****g lie. I imagine we all wear high heels because we enjoy our feet bleeding, blisters, and not being able to walk faster than a snail. This creep's behavior isn't right, but neither is lying to the world. LMAO--omg, I wear make up "for myself." Then you have one helluva self esteen problem if you can't even feel comfortable in your own skin when by yourself.
whatever, women are so vain that they need make up, yes need, most women would not get hit on without make up, yes i say most like 95 percent of you womens would not. so stop wearing make up,lol , period.most women know they ain't pretty, make up gives them the false image,from a ugly duckling into a swan,lmao. And women do wear make up to impress men or ppl, why else? make yrself feel good? reason? so ppl think u look nice? lmao ever hear yrself speak? ....
Alex must have become intimidated and deleted his comment you;re referring to as it's not here! LOL!
You don't wear make up for men?? Oh please.. I'm sure you guys just LOOOVE having to spend hours in the morning getting ready just for your own enjoyment. Give me a break!
Your either gay or a liar. NO woman wears makeup to feel good about themselves... it's always to be noticed by others!
https://thoughtcatalog.com/alyssa-mathews/2014/03/4-reasons-why-women-wear-makeup-for-those-who-just-dont-get-it/ https://www.buzzfeed.com/augustafalletta/stop-saying-women-wear-makeup-to-get-dudes?utm_term=.bea8JkQoV#.jym725z8Q That's a lie they do do it to impress men/women and probably a lot of other reasons.
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You can lie to yourself, but not to me. "We use makeup for ourselves, because we want to." xD It is because industry MADE YOU TO WANT TO, this world made you to think and to wish and to do what is EXPEXTED from you. You can lie yourself, but not others. Best Regards, :)
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That's a lie, really. Women wear make-up to cartoonify themselves. Men don't wear make-up anymore simply because it's not marketed at them. Women wear make-up because they've been trained to from a young age. Most women feel that they can't go outside without wearing it. Women wear make-up for everyone except themselves, usually.
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Men love with their eyes, women with their ears. Thats why men lie, and women use make up.
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Women wear makeup b/c most are not gorgeous without it.
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"WOMEN DO NOT WEAR MAKEUP TO IMPRESS MEN" - well, they do. Okay, there you are, a woman with a husband, not even caring to impress man that way. But you want to look good. For yourself. But if there would be no one to see you, especially no husband (and then no men), than being pretty would be a little bit pointless. Being pretty is something connected with the outer world and opinions. The less you socialize the less you care about guise. You won't makeup if you stay home. Feeling truly pretty involves the opinion of at least a few of the surroundings. Would you be feel yourself pretty in a society which considers you horribly ugly? Each on of them. I don't think so. I think you stood up for your woman freedom, that you do as you like, as you decide. Which is absolutely okay, I think no one would say other way. But saying, that having makeup does nothing with impressing men... that, of course, is not true. May you think in your case the two have no connection, but generally, they do.
Women will keep rejecting you, Alex, until you stop being an ignorant douchefactory.
You know, Linda Gulley, douchebag Alex Gabriel might be correct - but only because of the verb tense. Women are not "rejecting him". They *have always rejected him*, that's why he lashed out on you.
Dávid Magyar actually, not all of them do. don't tell me that i don't wear makeup when i stay home alone. i wear it because i want to. i enjoy putting it on, even if i'm not going to go outside. you can't claim that every woman puts makeup on for the sake of impressing men. i love wearing makeup, i'm not interested in a romantic relationship, and why i wear makeup or how much i wear is none of your business.
Anna, I don't think heck is a swear word, you don't need to hide the 'e'. Look, heck, heck, heck or just say hell or golly gosh say holy shitballs!
I know in principle that "hey, you're beautiful!" seems like it would be inoffensive and actually quite pleasant to hear but, as this post has proven, women get unsolicited comments on their appearance all the time and most (not all) are sick of it. It's more respectful not to comment at all.
I wouldn't be as mad if a man said that than "hey, wanna go to my place?", but I think if you actually walked over and said "you're a beautiful woman" it would be different. There's being a pig, and being a gentleman. A compliment is one thing catcalling is another. As Daria said, it's the manner.
So many of these pigs look so proud of themselves. Does this s**t seriously ever work? NO. And how many of these losers were lucky enough to have a gf or wife, and are probably still yelling at young girls. How many have daughters or sisters? Disgusting.
Sean Hardin, judging by your picture, you're most likely a female wolf spider. Did you even think about how stupid that is?
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Judging by the fact you don't have a photo of yourself, that is an indication that you are most likely an ugly b***h, and you're jealous of the fact that you are not getting cat called.
They are happy/proud because they have exercised power over someone else, specifically an attractive woman. Its f****d up.
you know that's mean they are just scared week little boys who have no balls what so ever
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Where's the attractive woman?
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Ohhhhhhhh you poor wittle snowflake, got your poor wittle feewings huort, I can tell you're in need of a safe space. I'l clear some room in my Safe Space Facility for you right now snowflake. First 2 hours free, after that I start charging.
Pigs don't do this sort of things. Interesting to see that these molesters are from every social class, every ethnicity, every age group.
Gee, Sean. You seem to have a lot of pent up anger towards women. Is it maybe because none of them has ever so much as looked at you with anything shy of disgust?
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As a Vegan Activist I would save 1 Pig over 10,000 bitches like you without a second thought!
Sean Hardin - "Judging by the fact you don´t have photo..." sooo u r a spider I suppose or...? Don´t f* judge you don´t have the slightes idea how catcalling feels.
Sean is just a troll, and like most trolls is probably crying himself to sleep, under his crumbling bridge cause he ain't got a single friend in the world
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A Pig is more valuable than a piece of s**t like you.
I totally agree, but please, don't compare them to pigs, it's not very nice for pigs !
of course it does no work they are all losers believe me, i can understand her i am a guy and when i see this s**t on the street it really p**s me off
@SeanHardin the amount of guys getting defensive on this is ridiculous. You see a few comments, and you cry "feminism" or saying she's objectifying when its what women go through EVERY F*****G DAY! You guys probably do this s**t its why it bothers you. You can dish it out but you can't take it. Also, for you trolls saying she's fat and ugly, she has a public facebook page, and I personally think she's hot, and her not even defending her looks makes her even hotter.
I once said this to someone. I meant it as rhetorical of course. No it doesn't work. The guy o was talking to said well it must or they wouldn't do it. 🙄 No, that's not how this works. No woman likes it. Not one
Some of them old enough to be her father or even grandfather by the looks of them. Puke.
Thank you for sharing, because I couldn't have said it better myself. What a bunch of idiots. and what the hell Sean Hardin, how could you even say that to a person? You're the biggest loser here!
I swear it like guy like these never left high school, some one should teach them some manners
I've come to the conclusion these guys don't genuinely believe catcalling will result in wild sex for them. I think they simply do it because it gives them a thrill to make women who they know are way out of their league uncomfortable. 'I can't have you so I'll make you feel like s**t for it. Take some MANLY power back, b***h!'
It does work, kind of, it's a numbers game. I have friends that (years ago) always pulled as they just went up to every girl they saw and tried this c**p. It's just a shame really, because they are muppets.
Being able to put her in her place, humiliate her and make her feel small is a part of it so if they don't get a date, they've still accomplished some of their goals.
As saibe before is a sie thing when man keep positionve in the face of som serious baddly mooded women. This one girls is a example how ego can make a somen hate every single thing a man does, seeing all as evil. Some of what these guys do are really evil the most aren't evil. Feminine ego makes all evil. It is a social cancer, a bill paid with suffering from both men and women.
Chances you are an idiot? 100/10 look her up on fb. wrong on both accounts, and the fact that she's not even responding to your dumbass makes her hotter
Watch your zoomorphic bigotry of calling them “pigs” and disgustingly pawed. It makes you look like a b***h... How many sons or brothers do you have? Disgusting
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yep.. once in a while it DOES work. I use to use catcalls when I was young and stupid. when I lived on the beach (south beach) I once used the "daaaaaaaaaammmmnnnnn" call when a girl walked past me.. and to be honest it was my inside voice pushing past my brain filter she turned and smiled... about an hour later she was walking past the other way and smiled again.. we talked and exchanged numbers and went on a few dates. some people ask "oh come on a nice car does not help you pick up girls" ... yes... it does... a buddy and I drove through ocean drive in my Xb.. no response.. came back the same day in my father's Mercedes benz... low and behold.. three cute girls in the car before we got to the end of the strip. (and my friend cat called to two of them, who saw the car and walked over)
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Saying hello to a girl in the street works all the time, just depends on the situation.
there is a difference between giving someone friendly greeting and catcalling though
Depends on the situation, indeed. Usually when a stranger greets me passing by, I genuinely don't even notice them immediately, it takes me a few seconds to realise I was greeted and that it was me, and not somebody behind or next to me. By then, we have both walked a good distance from each other.
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while I agree that the way these men handled their desire to get her attention (or the attention of women in general) very inelegantly, if they were more subtle and polite in their so called "catcalling" I would support their right to speak freely in public on any matter with any opinion. so when women over react to men (not these types of men of course) trying to get their attention in public without stalking or physical contact it annoys me almost as much as what happened to this girl.
it's difficult to just accept a comment made by a random stranger, no matter how polite it is made. For a girl to go through this type of stuff everyday since she is a kid (in some cases) really messes her ability to take compliments from strangers.
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dumb a*s b***h who let you use a computer?
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i try and take what you've posted seriously; but all i can hear in my head is, 'Waaa-waaa-waaaah..." You are sooo shamefully abused *smh*
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Look b***h, Do NOT disrespect Non-Human Creatures! One Pig is more valuable than 10,000 of a b***h like you!
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None of this is a big deal.
I have to respectfully disagree with you. Read the posts. Women talk about how glad they are that they have cars and don't have to take public transport, how unsafe they feel or how angry--it clearly is a big deal. It also points at a larger issue of how women are treated by society at large--these are not just annoying but acts of aggression. Unless you've been catcalled by a man bigger and stronger than you, all day--you don't know what it's like.
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Hey Guys! Thanks for your replies. I do know what it's like and while it's not that pleasant.. It's just not worth all the hubbub.
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To be clear... I know EXACTLY what it is like to be catcalled.
seriously i don't understand why guys do that! Did they really think that work?
"Mom, how did you and Dad meet?" "Well, he yelled, 'Nice tits!' out of a moving car, and I knew he was the one."
Load More Replies...Yes and mummy went running after the car showing him her tits and we lived happily ever after!
I started laughin at this and then just got really sad and kinda stared off into space for a while.
I dont think it is intended to 'work' in terms of being able to date/have sex, it is more like an urge to express oneself regardless of other people's feelings. Basically when they do that they are telling the women 'you dont mean s**t to me you're just a sex object"
These are not the types of men who could get a date with the women (and girls. Let's not forget girls. I was first catcalled at age 11, by men who had to at least be in their 40s) even if they met them in an appropriate setting, and behaved politely. These women are generally out of these guys' league in appearance and charisma, and I think they are frustrated by that. So when they can't "get" a woman like that, the most they can do to assuage their bruised egos is to exert some temporary control by intimidating these women and provoking a change in the women's behaviour which indicates he is in control of her behaviour, somehow. Like, women have been conditioned to be overly polite and avoid conflict, so they might meekly put up with it and deflect advanced, without outright telling these guys to f*ck off... and I think these guys get off on these meek, not-overly-defensive responses from women. Unless they're getting screamed at, they take it as encouragement.
they are a bunch of idiots who never left high-school so that know jack s**t about how to actually approach a woman, or that guy talk is meant to stay as guy talk and not be vocalized to the public
I don´t know maybe. Many men are not very good at approaching women. From a male paerspective it´s a long hard and rocky road for most men to learn how to approach or seduce women well. And it takes a lot of grit, humiliation, rejection and hard work to get there. Most men aren´t geniuses to start with. Some men may of course just try to harass and emotionally hurt women instead of trying to pick them up. because of their negative experiences in life and their personality. But ihink most just want to pick up or at least aroususe women, like flirt in their way. They just aren´t very good at it. From a amle perspective i fell compasiion for the men who approach woman crudely because i know it´s not easy to learn to approarch t or flirt with them well. I fell compassion for the women too who are annoyed and made to feel uncomfortable beacuse of it:)
There is no excuse. It doesnt matter how "intimidating" it can be to approach a woman, the kind of guys that yell out at women on the street and doing nothing but disrespecting them.
"Guys"? Most of these are lowlife scum from s****y neighbourhoods, often immigrant, often black. The only local ones doing it are people from another era, people in their 50s or 60s. It's not racist, this is the naked truth, most of Europeans have moved on from certain things, whereas the people described before, often have not.
These weak apporuch from them is just a directoo way to show interest truying on to start a conversation when thing may become interesting to women. Egoic thinking in women see all of this as pure evil. Cancer. The society accepsts to kee this stupidity go ahead with no reactioon against, just complaining based on wrong perceptions of reality
Catcalling is absolutely pathetic, even though holy h*ck she's insanely pretty
She's gorgeous... without makeup. Why do women have to wear makeup Alex? I'm going to let you in on a little secret... WOMEN DO NOT WEAR MAKEUP TO IMPRESS MEN! We wear makeup for ourselves because we want too, we could really give a rat's a*s whether or not men approve of our face and what goes on it.
Load More Replies...Why am I a hypocrite? Because I wear makeup to make myself feel pretty? I don't do it for compliments, I do it for me. My husband treats me with respect and dignity. He doesn't care if I wear makeup or not. It's MY choice. If I want to wear so much makeup I look like a clown, he doesn't care it's MY face. Catcalling is unattractive and immature and women don't like it. I did notice a trend, they are either old, laborers, or drunk. Which category are you in?
We don't need a world without men, just a world without you and these men. You re not worthy.
Why do I have the feeling Alex is exactly the sort of guy who would end up in these pictures?
Oh and who changed their picture? Not me. I looked really good for being six months pregnant in that picture. I can lose weight... you can't fix your face. Well, I guess you could but it might cost a pretty penny.
Do you really think I give a s**t what you went to school for? Doesn't change the fact that you're a self righteous a*****e.
Dávid Magyar actually, not all of them do. don't tell me that i don't wear makeup when i stay home alone. i wear it because i want to. i enjoy putting it on, even if i'm not going to go outside. you can't claim that every woman puts makeup on for the sake of impressing men. i love wearing makeup, i'm not interested in a romantic relationship, and why i wear makeup or how much i wear is none of your business.
actually, this could be subcounscious - wearing makeup because we are tought it makes us a woman. also, we wear makeup because of other women because in patriarchal world we are opponents in getting the best male. sad but that is how the animal part of us works. some people are stuck on this animal level, some are more human.
It's amusing to see how guys think they know what's inside a female's head better than we females do, and to think we all think and feel the same. Sure, some girls and women wear make-up to impress men and boys, but that doesn't mean we all do it for these reasons. I don't wear make-up on a daily basis simply because I can't be bothered to wake up an hour earlier than usual before going to work, but If I'm invited to a party, I'd like to decorate my face just like you guys will want to wear suits and make your hair, shave your beards and so on. Why are we even discussing this...? It's a waste of time and energy.
OK, Sierra, I am calling MAJOR f*****g b******t on you. If there were no men, we wouldn't wear makeup. Tell yourself what you feel you have to, but that's a total f*****g lie. I imagine we all wear high heels because we enjoy our feet bleeding, blisters, and not being able to walk faster than a snail. This creep's behavior isn't right, but neither is lying to the world. LMAO--omg, I wear make up "for myself." Then you have one helluva self esteen problem if you can't even feel comfortable in your own skin when by yourself.
whatever, women are so vain that they need make up, yes need, most women would not get hit on without make up, yes i say most like 95 percent of you womens would not. so stop wearing make up,lol , period.most women know they ain't pretty, make up gives them the false image,from a ugly duckling into a swan,lmao. And women do wear make up to impress men or ppl, why else? make yrself feel good? reason? so ppl think u look nice? lmao ever hear yrself speak? ....
Alex must have become intimidated and deleted his comment you;re referring to as it's not here! LOL!
You don't wear make up for men?? Oh please.. I'm sure you guys just LOOOVE having to spend hours in the morning getting ready just for your own enjoyment. Give me a break!
Your either gay or a liar. NO woman wears makeup to feel good about themselves... it's always to be noticed by others!
https://thoughtcatalog.com/alyssa-mathews/2014/03/4-reasons-why-women-wear-makeup-for-those-who-just-dont-get-it/ https://www.buzzfeed.com/augustafalletta/stop-saying-women-wear-makeup-to-get-dudes?utm_term=.bea8JkQoV#.jym725z8Q That's a lie they do do it to impress men/women and probably a lot of other reasons.
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You can lie to yourself, but not to me. "We use makeup for ourselves, because we want to." xD It is because industry MADE YOU TO WANT TO, this world made you to think and to wish and to do what is EXPEXTED from you. You can lie yourself, but not others. Best Regards, :)
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That's a lie, really. Women wear make-up to cartoonify themselves. Men don't wear make-up anymore simply because it's not marketed at them. Women wear make-up because they've been trained to from a young age. Most women feel that they can't go outside without wearing it. Women wear make-up for everyone except themselves, usually.
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Men love with their eyes, women with their ears. Thats why men lie, and women use make up.
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Women wear makeup b/c most are not gorgeous without it.
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"WOMEN DO NOT WEAR MAKEUP TO IMPRESS MEN" - well, they do. Okay, there you are, a woman with a husband, not even caring to impress man that way. But you want to look good. For yourself. But if there would be no one to see you, especially no husband (and then no men), than being pretty would be a little bit pointless. Being pretty is something connected with the outer world and opinions. The less you socialize the less you care about guise. You won't makeup if you stay home. Feeling truly pretty involves the opinion of at least a few of the surroundings. Would you be feel yourself pretty in a society which considers you horribly ugly? Each on of them. I don't think so. I think you stood up for your woman freedom, that you do as you like, as you decide. Which is absolutely okay, I think no one would say other way. But saying, that having makeup does nothing with impressing men... that, of course, is not true. May you think in your case the two have no connection, but generally, they do.
Women will keep rejecting you, Alex, until you stop being an ignorant douchefactory.
You know, Linda Gulley, douchebag Alex Gabriel might be correct - but only because of the verb tense. Women are not "rejecting him". They *have always rejected him*, that's why he lashed out on you.
Dávid Magyar actually, not all of them do. don't tell me that i don't wear makeup when i stay home alone. i wear it because i want to. i enjoy putting it on, even if i'm not going to go outside. you can't claim that every woman puts makeup on for the sake of impressing men. i love wearing makeup, i'm not interested in a romantic relationship, and why i wear makeup or how much i wear is none of your business.
Anna, I don't think heck is a swear word, you don't need to hide the 'e'. Look, heck, heck, heck or just say hell or golly gosh say holy shitballs!
I know in principle that "hey, you're beautiful!" seems like it would be inoffensive and actually quite pleasant to hear but, as this post has proven, women get unsolicited comments on their appearance all the time and most (not all) are sick of it. It's more respectful not to comment at all.
I wouldn't be as mad if a man said that than "hey, wanna go to my place?", but I think if you actually walked over and said "you're a beautiful woman" it would be different. There's being a pig, and being a gentleman. A compliment is one thing catcalling is another. As Daria said, it's the manner.