Religion and politics are thought to be the underlying things that can make it or break it in this world when it comes to humans getting along with each other. But the differences don’t end there.
We have night owls and morning people, people who prefer yolk over egg whites, those who can curl their tongue and those who can’t. There are left-handed people and right-handed, and in the midst of the scale, you have cat people and dog people.
If you’re one, and every individual on this planet has a preference for dogs, cats, and rarely both, you’d know what that means. And if you've been living on the moon and still don’t know whether you’re a dog or a cat person, then this batch of tweets is just for you. So roll up your sleeves, ‘cause it’s about to get heavy.
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There’s been an ongoing debate on whether cat and dog people are really that different. And if we commonly agree on the fact that they indeed appear to have somewhat different personality traits, the question on what exactly separates them remains open to discussion.
So in order to find out what a person who spends more time with felines than many of us in lockdown spend with other human beings has to say on the discussion, we reached out to Molly De Voss. Molly is a certified feline behaviorist with a vision to reduce the number of cats euthanized in shelters, plus her cat intuition reigns supreme.
Molly said that in her personal observations, dog people “tend to be more 'outdoorsy' than cat people,” but she added: “that said, I like to hike—with my cat, of course.”
Moreover, “more women tend to own cats than men—partly because cats are seen as feminine and dogs more masculine; and partly because cats gravitate to women more because their voices are in a megahertz range similar to their meows.”
The feline behaviorist also noticed stronger feelings about cats since “more people (usually men) really dislike cats than they do dogs.”
“I think that may limit a single woman’s opportunities in the dating pool—especially if she has multiple cats. However, I have several male cat-owning clients who are neither gay, nor neurotic so obviously there’s no 100% stereotype that fits all,” Molly concluded.
To find out what the science has to say about this highly debatable topic, Bored Panda also reached out to Beatrice Alba, a lecturer in psychology at Deakin University and the co-author of a 2015 study on how dog people and cat people differ on dominance-related traits.
Beatrice told us that the bigger differences seem to be between people who self-identify as a "cat person" vs a "dog person." “But, of course, you don't have to choose between the two—plenty of people identify as both or neither. Having said that, although we found statistically significant differences between cat people and dog people on some psychological measures, the size of the effects were not huge.”
Beatrice’s study found that “dog people scored significantly higher than cat people on competitiveness, and a characteristic called Social Dominance Orientation. This is essentially a preference for hierarchy and the belief that some groups of people should dominate other groups of people.”
As a result, the creators of the study argued that “people prefer pets that complement their own personalities, so someone more inclined towards characteristics related to social dominance should prefer a more submissive pet, like dogs.”
Meanwhile, “Those who are not so attached to hierarchies and ranking highly within them may be more inclined to like cats, who we all know defer to no one,” Beatrice concluded.
Another recent study conducted by the psychologist Samuel D. Gosling and his colleagues at the University of Texas in Austin, in which 4,565 individuals were asked whether they were dog people, cat people, neither, or both, shed some light on these questions.
Gosling summarized his results, saying, "There is a widely held cultural belief that the pet species—dog or cat—with which a person has the strongest affinity says something about the individual's personality, and this research suggests there are significant differences on major personality traits between dog people and cat people."
Gosling’s research showed that dog people were generally 15% more extroverted, 13% more agreeable, and 11% more conscientious than cat people. The same research showed that cat people were 11% more open-minded than dog people.
A study led by Denise Guastello, an associate professor of psychology at Carroll University in Waukesha, Wisconsin, also showed somewhat similar results. People who said they were dog lovers in the study tended to be more lively—meaning they were more energetic and outgoing—and also tended to follow rules closely.
Cat lovers, on the other hand, were more introverted, more open-minded, and more sensitive than dog lovers. Cat people also tended to be non-conformists, preferring to be expedient rather than follow the rules.
Stanley Coren surveyed 6,149 people, aged 16 to 94. It included 3,362 dog owners and 1,223 cat owners, and the rest were people who had neither of them. “My results showed that people who owned only cats seemed to be somewhat different than dog owners, or people who owned both dogs and cats, in terms of their personalities. People who own both dogs and cats seem to be much like the people who own only dogs,” Stanley explained for Psychology Today.
His findings showed that cat owners “were one-third more likely to live alone than dog owners and twice as likely to live in an apartment or flat,” while dog owners were more likely “married, living in a house, and having children living in the home.”
So does mine! And also, I have 2 of them, the cuteness is unstoppable, it has stolen my heart
Load More Replies...Sometimes I'm randomly approached by cats I don't know while simply minding my own business. They're always welcome guests in these situations, but I do feel a bit awkward. The interesting part, however, it seems as if they know I feel awkward and try making me feel more comfortable by not being too direct or persistent. It's pretty interesting to observe that.
IK, did u know that cat owners have a less that 40% of having a heart attack
My first cat was super mean and crazy most of the time, and I still loved him. Still have scars from him and that was over 20 years ago.
I was about 8 years old when I was sitting on a step outside, and a kitty came up to me. The kitty was rubbing against my legs and purring, so I gave it a lil pet. That's when the kitty decided to sink it's toothies deep into my hand. I had to get several shots and a few stitches. But I still love cats! I have a severe allergy, so I can't adopt one (I get blisters on my eyeballs lol). But that one incident didn't make me feel negative towards cats. They are so cute and make many peeps very happy :-)
When my cat purrs, she does a weird noise like "brrrrreeeEEEE" and she sounds like a pokemon
my cat that is a breed with a very short tail came in last night for love
My grandmother hates cats because when she was a little girl, her dad (my great-grandfather's) shop cat used to rub on her legs. She didn't understand that it was a sign of affection and that he was claiming her as his. I tried to explain that to her but I guess years of self inflicted mental trauma over it made her unreasonable.
Putting your ear against a purring cat is the most soothing thing EVER
And there are SO MANY types of purrs. Before I was 'given' my first cat I never knew how conversational purrs and meows could be!
I hate cats since I woke up at 3am with my cousin's black cat sitting on my chest, I was 14.
That's like having one relationship not work out and so you swear off all relationships forever.
Having a cat curl up on you and start purring is equal to gaining superhero powers in a film.
Yeah, cats are like babies - constant horror, interjected with seconds of cuteness.
Or make biscuits?? I had one that used to try to nurse on my husbands ear. It was over a year old when she started doing this.
When my cat got used to me every time I would pick her up she would purr for ever and it’s so loud but now she doesn’t do it as much is something wrong?
When my mom was a child, she was playing with a kitten but then the mother cat got defensive and scratched her. She still likes cats though
When it comes to personalities, Stanley found that “people who own only cats tend to be relatively introverted (low on extroversion) and also reasonably cool (low in warmth or agreeableness).”
The author of the study explained further: “The general pattern that comes out of both studies is that dog owners are more social and interactive and cat owners (who own cats exclusively) are more introverted and self-contained."
On the other hand, it wouldn’t be right to generalize these findings and claim that they represent the full picture. Keep in mind that the dog and cat owners that were surveyed for studies represent only a fraction of society, and that any claims should be taken with a grain of salt.
Yet it is estimated that nearly 25k people are killed by dogs per year. No deaths are recorded by cats
My personal verdict: Posh breeds are elitist, mutts and rescues aren't. Regardless of cat or dog. And regardless of cat or dog, I hope you researched the needs of your breed, didn't get a breed with known genetic issues, didn't just get your dream breed without considering all the responsibilities of pet ownership, and didn't get it from a dubious source for cheap.
Ikr? My mom got bit by a huge dog when she was little, she never lived it over, and whenever she tells anybody she's scared of dogs, they're always like, "No, no, that's not possible, here, pet my Rottweiler, he jumps but he's very friendly" and often I have to distract the dog while Mom runs for cover.
I don't like dogs either. They're too clingy! I need my space. Cats are great because they sporadically want love and attention, but they're also independent and have their own lives. Dogs wanna be with you 24/7. Same reason I don't have kids.
The thing about dog/cat differences: Dogs have been with humans for ages (at least 15,000 years, maybe over 20,000), way back when all were hunter-gatherers; cats joined much later when humans turned to agriculture. The dogs' ancestors needed extensive breeding to be truly useful - they probably were somewhat dangerous like the wild animal pets of today (likely not as bad as tigers, but still) and ate the kind of prey/meat that humans ate. The cats' ancestors, on the other hand, already WERE useful by nature - there was no need to change their traits, meaning cats essentially domesticated themselves (seeking out settlements would have been an evolutionary advantage - lots of vermin to hunt). That likely also affected their approach to socializing - dogs were BRED to look up to humans, but cats just needed to warm up to humans. I swear they DO like humans, they just don't have that deep, desperate need for humans that was bred into dogs. But this lack doesn't equate hate!
They did seek out settlements! We have evidence of them doing that!
Load More Replies...Dog person as the dog chases the cat: "Oh, Fido is just playing!"...Cat person as the dog chases the cat: "WTF?! Call off your dog!"..;Dog person: "Oh, the dog won't hurt the cat!"... Cat person: Jumps between animals and gets three bruised ribs b/c the dog was just "playing". True story. My ribs. And I *like* dogs. But you don't let your dogs chase cats, b/c it is not a game. it is HUNTING.
I would like to say thank you. For saving that kitty's life.
Load More Replies...Bird people like most cat people like other animals other than bird, but prefer birds as there pets.
Load More Replies...Dog and cat people can agree that we don't like people who don't like any pets at all.
So true our pets be it a cat or dog are good judges of character 😻
Load More Replies...Anyone else a little annoyed at "fluff the demented dragon"? just wondering.
I grew up with dogs. And was scared of cats from a young age. No reasonable explanation as to why I was scared of them. I guess I just didn't get them or ever spend a reasonable amount of time around them to fully appreciate them. I married a woman with a cat and 5 yrs later we have 5 of them, all rescues. And if anyone f##ks with my cats I will straight up murder them! The dog vs cat debate is stupid!
In looking at overly friendly dogs, researchers found that they carry two variants of genes called GTF2I and GTF2IRD1. Those are the same genes that, when absent in human beings, cause Williams syndrome—a condition in which there's a surplus of oxytocin, a.k.a. the love hormone.
Load More Replies...As a dog person, I am offended by these stereotypes. Though I prefer dogs, I don’t go saying “CAtS AtE mY GraNDmA”, in fact I would find that absurd, unless It was a lion or another dangerous member of the cat family. Please do not just assume all dog people are the same
The title said cat and dog people tweets but ultimately it was just cat people roasting dog people.
My grandma used to say "dogs give you the job, cats make you interview for it."
people need to chill... from what i know most dog people like cats as well
80% of these are cat people comining that they get hate while hating dog owners... weird.
I am an animal-loving person. But the only bad dogs I ever encountered were b/c of bad dog *owners*. I'm allowed to dislike people, I would hope. Also, I admit there's a few bad cats. Usually b/c of a bad person. Soooooo...... Can we agree people suck, at least?
Load More Replies...I have never met a cat person, or a dog person. Everyone I know has both. Friends, family, K9 handlers for Search and Rescue, dog show handlers and breeders. This should not be an Us v. Them fight. There are enough of those in the world already.
Not related but... I like chickens... They are understanding to me. My grandma has a golden chicken and I looove her. ...................Hehe sorry I'm weird aminot
Bird person? Nope, entirely reasonable opinion, I am a cat/bird/turtle/lizard/chameleon/snake/reptile person
Load More Replies...I've had cats forever. They are easy to care for (I'm lazy), and work for us killing mice and rats. They are also fun, playful, snuggly, and don't slobber all over you or initiate lawsuits by biting the neighbor's kid. They walk themselves, wash themselves, trim their own nails, and their purr is a healing sound. My narcissistic, OCD, controlling wife got a dog. It fits her. It gives her undying, undeserved devotion. Then we found a 4-week-old kitten in our engine compartment and rescued her. The dog (a male) let the kitten comfort nurse on him for over a month. They are best friends, and my wife and I get along better, too. I tolerate the dog, and she spends considerable time trying to turn the cats into mini-dogs.
I personally think both dogs and cats have their pros and cons. I like both animals as pets and I love how different yet similar they are. Cats can be mans best freind just as much as dogs can, and dogs can be edgy jerks just as much as cats can. Dogs and cats are great and i have both as pets in my home, my dogs love my cat and my cat loves my dogs. Both are 10/10 would reccomend. Thank you for comeing to mt TedTalk.
Seems like the cats are doing an awful lot of talking in this "cat people vs dog people" thread
I'm more of a dog person in the sense I have always been around dogs (my parents' home then my own home) but when I go to see friends or family who have cats I have the same urge to pet them and play with them (even if, alas, I'm getting more and more allergic to certain breeds of cats). I guess I just love animals!
People fighting in the comments section like cats and dogs... about cats and dogs... is next level trolling by BP.
Actually both drool. I’ve met many cats and dogs that drool
Load More Replies...I can relate to #8 but then again I love all animals more than humans lol
I'm living with a shiba inu, my second one. Shiba inus are definitely not a breed för dog people. I would rather sell a shiba puppy to a cat person than a typically dog person.
As a “cat person” I laughed at more of these than I have at BP or 9Gag in ages. Thanks!
I have a dog and 2 cats, I hoped the cats would act like dogs.. I should've known, now my dog acts like a cat x-x
I like animals of all kinds(except certain creepy-crawlies and the like) but am especially drawn to felines... both large/wild and small/domestic-by-choice.
It's really sad because I love both cats and dogs and want all of them but I'm allergic to cats. :(
So many people trying to be intellectual by telling other people falsehoods about why they prefer one type of animal over another when they have absolutely no clue until the actually talk to the person and ask them why. Let me show you how this works. I am a dog person. I prefer dogs to cats. My reason is that I am typically allergic to cats and I have no desire to clean a cat box or step on cat litter that it has pushed out of the box for whatever reason. I like it when dogs greet me when I come home. I like playing with them outdoors. I feel safer when I have a dog. Dogs seem to have more of a personality than cats. I don't like it when cats walk all over the furniture and kitchen counters. Dogs don't do that. I don't mind cats but it's a personal choice that I like dogs more and want them as a pet. It has nothing to do with what is said above. Once you realize that it's really none of your business about why other people do what they do or who they choose, you become more at peace.
I'm confused - I have 2 doggos and I guess could be considered a "dog person" but I like cats too? I must be a freak lol
like how that one guy said cats are smarter than dogs even though it has been proven that dogs are smarter
It's been shown *likely* that dogs are smarter. It's also been shown that it's very difficult to design a test that can get the cat to care enough to participate.
Load More Replies...Yeah I’m not sure. Seems to me like most of these were cat people trying to cope with the fact that their pet would kill them if it was large enough.
Seems to me like you don’t know how domestication works.
Load More Replies...The thing about dog/cat differences: Dogs have been with humans for ages (at least 15,000 years, maybe over 20,000), way back when all were hunter-gatherers; cats joined much later when humans turned to agriculture. The dogs' ancestors needed extensive breeding to be truly useful - they probably were somewhat dangerous like the wild animal pets of today (likely not as bad as tigers, but still) and ate the kind of prey/meat that humans ate. The cats' ancestors, on the other hand, already WERE useful by nature - there was no need to change their traits, meaning cats essentially domesticated themselves (seeking out settlements would have been an evolutionary advantage - lots of vermin to hunt). That likely also affected their approach to socializing - dogs were BRED to look up to humans, but cats just needed to warm up to humans. I swear they DO like humans, they just don't have that deep, desperate need for humans that was bred into dogs. But this lack doesn't equate hate!
They did seek out settlements! We have evidence of them doing that!
Load More Replies...Dog person as the dog chases the cat: "Oh, Fido is just playing!"...Cat person as the dog chases the cat: "WTF?! Call off your dog!"..;Dog person: "Oh, the dog won't hurt the cat!"... Cat person: Jumps between animals and gets three bruised ribs b/c the dog was just "playing". True story. My ribs. And I *like* dogs. But you don't let your dogs chase cats, b/c it is not a game. it is HUNTING.
I would like to say thank you. For saving that kitty's life.
Load More Replies...Bird people like most cat people like other animals other than bird, but prefer birds as there pets.
Load More Replies...Dog and cat people can agree that we don't like people who don't like any pets at all.
So true our pets be it a cat or dog are good judges of character 😻
Load More Replies...Anyone else a little annoyed at "fluff the demented dragon"? just wondering.
I grew up with dogs. And was scared of cats from a young age. No reasonable explanation as to why I was scared of them. I guess I just didn't get them or ever spend a reasonable amount of time around them to fully appreciate them. I married a woman with a cat and 5 yrs later we have 5 of them, all rescues. And if anyone f##ks with my cats I will straight up murder them! The dog vs cat debate is stupid!
In looking at overly friendly dogs, researchers found that they carry two variants of genes called GTF2I and GTF2IRD1. Those are the same genes that, when absent in human beings, cause Williams syndrome—a condition in which there's a surplus of oxytocin, a.k.a. the love hormone.
Load More Replies...As a dog person, I am offended by these stereotypes. Though I prefer dogs, I don’t go saying “CAtS AtE mY GraNDmA”, in fact I would find that absurd, unless It was a lion or another dangerous member of the cat family. Please do not just assume all dog people are the same
The title said cat and dog people tweets but ultimately it was just cat people roasting dog people.
My grandma used to say "dogs give you the job, cats make you interview for it."
people need to chill... from what i know most dog people like cats as well
80% of these are cat people comining that they get hate while hating dog owners... weird.
I am an animal-loving person. But the only bad dogs I ever encountered were b/c of bad dog *owners*. I'm allowed to dislike people, I would hope. Also, I admit there's a few bad cats. Usually b/c of a bad person. Soooooo...... Can we agree people suck, at least?
Load More Replies...I have never met a cat person, or a dog person. Everyone I know has both. Friends, family, K9 handlers for Search and Rescue, dog show handlers and breeders. This should not be an Us v. Them fight. There are enough of those in the world already.
Not related but... I like chickens... They are understanding to me. My grandma has a golden chicken and I looove her. ...................Hehe sorry I'm weird aminot
Bird person? Nope, entirely reasonable opinion, I am a cat/bird/turtle/lizard/chameleon/snake/reptile person
Load More Replies...I've had cats forever. They are easy to care for (I'm lazy), and work for us killing mice and rats. They are also fun, playful, snuggly, and don't slobber all over you or initiate lawsuits by biting the neighbor's kid. They walk themselves, wash themselves, trim their own nails, and their purr is a healing sound. My narcissistic, OCD, controlling wife got a dog. It fits her. It gives her undying, undeserved devotion. Then we found a 4-week-old kitten in our engine compartment and rescued her. The dog (a male) let the kitten comfort nurse on him for over a month. They are best friends, and my wife and I get along better, too. I tolerate the dog, and she spends considerable time trying to turn the cats into mini-dogs.
I personally think both dogs and cats have their pros and cons. I like both animals as pets and I love how different yet similar they are. Cats can be mans best freind just as much as dogs can, and dogs can be edgy jerks just as much as cats can. Dogs and cats are great and i have both as pets in my home, my dogs love my cat and my cat loves my dogs. Both are 10/10 would reccomend. Thank you for comeing to mt TedTalk.
Seems like the cats are doing an awful lot of talking in this "cat people vs dog people" thread
I'm more of a dog person in the sense I have always been around dogs (my parents' home then my own home) but when I go to see friends or family who have cats I have the same urge to pet them and play with them (even if, alas, I'm getting more and more allergic to certain breeds of cats). I guess I just love animals!
People fighting in the comments section like cats and dogs... about cats and dogs... is next level trolling by BP.
Actually both drool. I’ve met many cats and dogs that drool
Load More Replies...I can relate to #8 but then again I love all animals more than humans lol
I'm living with a shiba inu, my second one. Shiba inus are definitely not a breed för dog people. I would rather sell a shiba puppy to a cat person than a typically dog person.
As a “cat person” I laughed at more of these than I have at BP or 9Gag in ages. Thanks!
I have a dog and 2 cats, I hoped the cats would act like dogs.. I should've known, now my dog acts like a cat x-x
I like animals of all kinds(except certain creepy-crawlies and the like) but am especially drawn to felines... both large/wild and small/domestic-by-choice.
It's really sad because I love both cats and dogs and want all of them but I'm allergic to cats. :(
So many people trying to be intellectual by telling other people falsehoods about why they prefer one type of animal over another when they have absolutely no clue until the actually talk to the person and ask them why. Let me show you how this works. I am a dog person. I prefer dogs to cats. My reason is that I am typically allergic to cats and I have no desire to clean a cat box or step on cat litter that it has pushed out of the box for whatever reason. I like it when dogs greet me when I come home. I like playing with them outdoors. I feel safer when I have a dog. Dogs seem to have more of a personality than cats. I don't like it when cats walk all over the furniture and kitchen counters. Dogs don't do that. I don't mind cats but it's a personal choice that I like dogs more and want them as a pet. It has nothing to do with what is said above. Once you realize that it's really none of your business about why other people do what they do or who they choose, you become more at peace.
I'm confused - I have 2 doggos and I guess could be considered a "dog person" but I like cats too? I must be a freak lol
like how that one guy said cats are smarter than dogs even though it has been proven that dogs are smarter
It's been shown *likely* that dogs are smarter. It's also been shown that it's very difficult to design a test that can get the cat to care enough to participate.
Load More Replies...Yeah I’m not sure. Seems to me like most of these were cat people trying to cope with the fact that their pet would kill them if it was large enough.
Seems to me like you don’t know how domestication works.
Load More Replies...