This next installment in our trivia game section is the one that has been the most anticipated among us. It was long overdue, yet right on time. The most awaited, yet not a second too late. Can you guess the topic? Here’s a hint - these cool questions will be all about the internet’s overlords, the purring, claw-wielding masters of humanity - cats! Yup, this is a list dedicated to cat trivia, and we just cannot wait to play it!
So, these cat trivia questions will entertain you with their thoroughness - breeds, coats, feet beans, tails, whiskers, and plenty more get talked about in this compendium. There surely are dozens of serious cat trivia questions in here, but you’ll also find some funny ones about cats that might not be exactly real or ones that will disclose some fun facts about these furry purr machines. And it doesn’t matter if you’re a devoted feline fan or just someone who finds them adorable; this trivia about cats will cater to every level of cat love.
Right-o, now that the introductions have been made, it might be just the time to check out the cat trivia questions and answers themselves. They are but a smidgen further down below, and once you are there, you might like to rank the questions since now they’re in no particular order. After that, share this classy cat trivia with anyone you’d like!
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Where does a cat get its personality from?
Answer: the majority of a cat’s personality comes from the DNA of its parents (about 75%) and is also learned behavior and experiences in their early life (about 25%).
Which country has the largest population of cats?
Answer: twenty-five percent of the total cat population is in the United States.
What other animal meows and purrs just like a regular housecat?
Why does a cat’s eyes shine in the dark?
What's the effect of your cat's grooming process?
Does a cat find direct eye contact threatening?
Eye contact as such is fine, staring isn't. And that is not the same. Cats know that we look into the eyes without meaning to threaten anyone.
A cat is pregnant for how long?
Are cats able to swim?
Answer: cats hate water and attempt to avoid it, although some of them are able to swim if necessary.
How many human years are in one cat year of life?
Answer: first year of a cat's life equals 15 human years. Second year is considered the equivalent of 9 human years. After this, each human year is around four cat years.
How long do cats sleep during the day on average?
Answer: cats can be extremely active while they are awake, so it is not surprising that a cat spends an average of 17 hours a day sleeping.
Why do cats meow?
Answer: it's a behavior cats developed exclusively to communicate with people.
Do kittens have baby teeth?
Answer: yes, like humans, kittens have baby teeth, which are replaced with their adult teeth from around six months of age.
Why does a cat eat grass?
Answer: when a cat cleans itself, they ingest their own fur, and eating grass helps them regurgitate ingested fur and keeps them healthy.
Why do cats lick each other?
Answer: mutual licking instinctively comes from a mother’s licking her kittens, and adult cats grooming each other shows affection, confidence, and trust.
Why is a cat so fast and balanced?
Answer: a cat’s tail creates an extended structure for balance, plus a cat has many vertebrae in its backbone.
What is unusual about each cat’s nose?
Answer: each cat’s nose is unique, just like a human’s fingerprints.
How much can a cat's ear rotate?
What is adult cat's ability to learn?
Do all cats respond to catnip?
Answer: no, it has been noted that about 50-70 percent of cats show the positive response to catnip.
Why does your cat stare at you with her mouth open?
Answer: they are tasting a scent on the air, as they has special scent organ (Vomeronasal Organ) inside their mouth.
How do cats walk so silently?
Answer: cats are digitigrade; that is, they walk on their toes and the ball of the foot. The digitigrade posture enables the quick, quiet movement that defines stealthy predators. Finally, the supple, flexible spine compresses and extends, allowing long strides for running and leaping.
To what other animals is cat's walking sequence similar to?
Would cats rather starve themselves than eat the food they don't like?
How is a usually older cat called?
What is the oldest breed of cat?
What are the superstitions surrounding black cats?
Answer: a black cat is associated with good luck in the UK and parts oof Asia, and with bad luck in the USA.
How does the cat's whisker behaviour change depending on the activity and emotions?
Answer: If a cat is scared, it put its whiskers back, but its whiskers are forward when it hunts.
What percentage of DNA is shared between cats and tigers?
What is the largest breed of cats?
What is the smallest breed of cats?
Do cats help with human health?
Answer: yes, cats can help lower stress and anxiety, improve your cardiovascular health, prevent allergies and reduce feelings of loneliness.
How long does a mother cat care for her kittens?
Answer: a cat mother usually cares for her kittens until her milk begins to dry up when they are 9 to 10 weeks old.
How many litters of kittens can a cat have in a year?
Answer: a mature female cat can have up to three litters, producing about 18 kittens in a year.
Which lives longer, domesticated cats or feral cats?
Answer: a domesticated cat lives twice as long as the feral cat, primarily because a domesticated cat lives a safer life.
What is the first known domestication of cats?
Answer: domestication of cats began in Egypt, when wild cats were allowed to live in grain barns to control bugs, rats, and mice.
Why does a cat climb down trees backward?
Answer: climbing down a tree backward is the safest way for a cat because its claws curl forward.
Why does a cat’s tongue have a rough texture?
Answer: a cat’s tongue is rough to aid in grooming and help them eat meat and lap milk.
Can cats drink sea water?
Answer: Yes, though even if your cat can handle little quantities of salt water, make sure they get sufficient of freshwater to avoid excessive salt ingestion.
Which cat in a fight is the one hissing, the one winning or the one losing?
Answer: The losing one. Hissing is a defensive gesture. It is almost always exhibited by a cat that feels victimized, antagonized, or threatened in some way. Hissing is often a way to avoid a physical confrontation.
How is the loose flap of skin some cats have on their belly called and what is its function?
Answer: it's called a primordial pouch, which serves two functions. To protect the vital organs during a right/attack as well as enabling your cat to extend and stretch during running.
What are the two folds of skin at the bottom outside of cat's ears called?
How does a cat’s vision compare to a human’s?
Answer: cat’s vision cover around 200 degrees and a human’s roughly 180 degrees, primarily because its eyes are placed more widely on its face.
Why does a cat have whiskers?
Answer: whiskers help cats find their way in the dark, sense movement and temperature changes, and detect prey.
Why does a cat like catnip?
Answer: catnip, also called catmint, produces a smell through the oil in its leaves which sends cats into a relaxed state of euphoria.
Cats spend how much time grooming each day?
What is the record of most toes on a cat?
What are the backwards facing hooks on a cat's tongue called and what's their purpose?
Answer: known as filiform papillae, they assist with grooming and help to remove flesh from the bones of prey.
At which age do cats become fertile?
Answer: female cats become fertile between 5 and 7 months of age; male cats become fertile at about 6 months of age.
What is a feral cat?
What is the average life span of a cat?
Answer: the average lifespan of a domesticated cat averages from 12 to 15 years. A feral cat lives about half as long.
What do the terms “tom” and “queen” mean when used to refer to a cat?
Answer: a tom cat is an un-neutered (uncastrated) male cat and a queen cat is an un-spayed female cat.
When a cat scent marks, which part of its body does it use?
Answer: a cat uses all parts of their body to scent mark, rubbing their paws, head, scent glands, and even scratching to mark their territory.
Cats have how many bones?
Should you have different litter boxes for each of your cats?
Answer: Yes. Follow this simple rule: one box per cat, plus one extra.
Are kittens born with the ability to process lactose?
Answer: yes, though, cats lose the ability to break down lactose as they grow older because their bodies produce less and less of the lactase enzyme over time.
How large are the cat's eyes, relative to the size of their heads?
Answer: cat's eyes are very large in its head in comparison to a human's. If our eyes were proportionately as large, we would have eyes the size of tennis balls.
What is the normal body temperature for a cat?
How fast do cats breathe?
Can cats move each ear independently?
Answer: yes, each ear contains 32 muscles, allowing them to move the ears independently from each other, to help them work out which direction a sound is coming from.
Why do cats mark objects with their scent?
Answer: cats scent mark people and various objects to show ownership.
Cats have how many toes?
Do kittens born into the same litter always have the same father?
Answer: since a female cat releases multiple eggs while she is in heat, kittens in the same litter can have more than one father.
What is a cat's pulse?
How long and heavy is an adult cat's brain?
Answer: about five centimetres (2.0 in) long and weighs 25–30 g (0.88–1.06 oz).