2,5 Years Ago, I Quit My Job And Sold Everything To Travel With My Cat Willow In A Campervan
She may only be a rescue cat but this little black cat has travelled more than 50,000kms around Australia in a campervan with her owner.
Willow the cat and me, Rich (read that as chauffeur, cuddle provider, and snack time attendant), have been travelling since we left our hometown of Hobart, Tasmania back in May 2015.
I sold my house, all of my possessions, and quit my job so I could take the trip of a lifetime. But one thing I couldn’t say goodbye of was this little cat so the obvious decision was to take her with me.
In February 2017 we finally made it to South Australia, marking Willow’s official completion of visiting all 6 states and 2 territories of Australia! This is what is known in Aussie adventure cat slang as a Purrfect Eight. We’ve achieved so much together and seen some amazing places. I can’t imagine being on this trip without her by my side. We’ve sailed the Great Barrier Reef, camped up mountains and travelled thousands of kilometers of gravel roads from Bourketown in Queensland, all the way up to Northern Territory.
Some people think it’s odd that I’m travelling with a cat, but Willow is so chilled out and absolutely loves our new lifestyle. Willow is kept safe with a tracking collar which allows me to always know where she is. She spends most of her time off the leash and is always keen to explore around our camp. With the tracking collar, I have the peace of mind that if she decides to go for a hike I will be straight onto her.
It’s been so much fun sharing our adventures with the world. It makes me so happy when someone messages me and says that they saw our photos and it brightened their day. It gives me the motivation to keep on doing what we are doing. We even have a calendar prepared to keep you inspired every day of the year! You can find it here.
We have well and truly settled into the travelling life and spend our days in forests and beaches just soaking it all in. Although we have almost made it back to our home state there is no sign of us stopping anytime soon. We have adapted to life on the road and have made it our life now, you have to choose what makes you happy in this life and while we can keep going, why would we stop?
I’m so proud of Willow, she’s the cat that made my van a home and the whole of Australia her backyard. She’s the best travel buddy ever!
More info: vancatmeow.com | Instagram | Facebook
I’ve been traveling around Australia with my rescue cat Willow in a campervan for 2,5 years now
Together we have travelled more than 50,000kms already
We left our hometown of Hobart, Tasmania back in May 2015
I sold my house, all of my possessions, and quit my job so I could take the trip of a lifetime
But one thing I couldn’t say goodbye of was this little cat so the obvious decision was to take her with me
In February 2017 we finally made it to South Australia, marking Willow’s official completion of visiting all 6 states and 2 territories of Australia!
We’ve sailed the Great Barrier Reef, camped up mountains and travelled thousands of kilometers of gravel roads from Bourketown in Queensland, all the way up to Northern Territory
Some people think it’s odd that I’m travelling with a cat, but Willow is so chilled out and absolutely loves our new lifestyle
Willow is kept safe with a tracking collar which allows me to always know where she is
With the tracking collar, I have the peace of mind that if she decides to go for a hike I will be straight onto her
She spends most of her time off the leash and is always keen to explore around our camp
We have adapted to life on the road and have made it our life now, you have to choose what makes you happy in this life and while we can keep going, why would we stop?
We have well and truly settled into the travelling life and spend our days in forests and beaches just soaking it all in
We’ve achieved so much together and seen some amazing places. I can’t imagine being on this trip without her by my side
Share on FacebookBeautiful cat. And I'm happy you decided to take her along, instead of just dumping her somewhere like some would do... Looks like the perfect traveling buddy ;)
Ι love black cats!! I have one, but she's not the outdoorsy type and she scares easily. Nonetheless, this duo is adorable! ;)
Love black cats - we lost our beloved Mac last year and we miss him every day - he would have loved to go on a trip like this!! Mac-on-bik...128b90.jpg
willow sure has it good man. travelling around the country with a butler.
Amazing, no doubt, especially because I am a crazy cat lady. But... I've always wondered what these people do when the money is finished? I am not being negative here, I genuinely would like to know what happens next since he has sold his house. I would love to do this too!
My 5 siblings, my mom, and I are currently traveling the united states with 5 cats! Started out with a dog, at one point had 2 dogs and 4 cats currently at 5 cats XD
Sir, your Spirit and Soul show the greatness humans can achieve when inspired by the precious perfection of animals. Please hug and kiss and hug and kiss (ad infinitum) Willow for me. Safe and wondrous travels to you both. I am in awe.
She has TabCat and Marco Polo www.vancatmeow.com/willows-collar
Load More Replies...Willow looks so pleased with her life. Good on you for taking her! Love that you're enjoying yourself too. Keep up the exploration! It's good for your soul. :)
He build up some assets and sold them to fund a trip he'll remember forever. So long as he had a plan on what to do once he finished the trip so he could resume being a productive member of society, then I think this was a wonderful idea. This is the best example of "successful person" I've seen in quite some time. This is how you live your life; by following realistic dreams that you have the patience, planning, determination, and means to achieve.
Think it’s wonderful that you two found one another. Sharing makes everything better. Continued blessings. 😻🐾♥️
Amazing! As I am sitting here reading this story, I have a black and white cat named Willow purring in my lap!
We used to take our cat camping all the time. He loved it - but took it as a personal challenge to avoid getting in the car for as long as possible. We had to catch him an hour or two before we left, then leave him leashed in a bathroom until it was time to get into the car. Such drama! The wailing, the howling, the piteous meows! He would sleep all the way to wherever we were going and have a ball when we got there.
I did the same thing last year with my 2 cats. some people thought I was nuts, but it was the best decision I ever made. SteveNebra...a75208.jpg
One step ahead of you www.vancatmeow.com/calendar
Load More Replies...HOLY C**P THIS IS AMAZING! I hope he realizes his photography is amazing, and sells them so he can continue making enough money to live like this the rest of his life
hello boy, you can be a happy man ! willow is a real friend !-good team. have a nice trip ! cicus-59e1...52c557.gif
What a brilliant plan, and of course one would take their cat! I envy you, please keep posting. I'm 70 and me and my cats Rudie and Sadie are for all intents and purposes, homebound. But we share vicariously in your adventures!
Love this dude, i have often thought about doing this with dogs over the years but i met my now wife and she wont have it, i love her too much to leave now so yeah loving the pictures mate and your cat is beautiful, i have 4 cats myself and none of them would be any good for this, they are all a******s (but they are my a******s).
Thank you for adopting a black cat, these beauties are always the last to be adopted. I've just got my two lovely boys from a charity and the lady fosters kittens and spays and neuters the mothers before releasing them as they are normally feral. She has loads of black and tuxedo cats because no wants them :=(
What a wonderful way of life for the two of you. I have a beautiful rescue cat named Willow, as well. She wouldn't be suited to this way of life but we admire your choice. Thank you for making your Willow safe. You obviously realize that is your #1 priority. Enjoy your fabulous days and cuddle nights with your buddy. May you continue to enjoy the beautiful outdoors. Travel safely and take care of each other.
Amateur ;) we live in our little motorhome full time, with 4 cats...
Curiosity doesn't kill this cat, Willow. Dude, thanks for not abandoning Willow.
Home is where the heart is and your heart is with Willow, so home you two are. Beautiful story. 📿
Good luck on your travels. You were so brave to give up your whole life to follow your dreams. I wish you all the best. And please give a Willow a cuddle from me.
Story twist.. actully this cat made u to decide road trip.. and u are just following hidden silent orders to reach somewhere..
Stunning cat-photos! - Must give you some fantastic "moments", travelling like that!
What a performer! She's your leading lady! Thank you for making your journey public!
I love it, the photos are beautiful but who took the last one on top of the camper van? it's my all time favorite.
Im seriously thinking of doing the very same thing, and was wondering how she travels in the van, I do not want to cage mine if I don't have to. The tracking collar is a wonderful idea
I admire your adventuresome spirit as well as your courage to do something like this. One thing for sure, you'll never regret it. I'm 70 now and did something similar when I was 25. Sold my car, quit my job, and went to live overseas for 3 years. It was the experience of a lifetime and I wouldn't trade it for anything. So keep living your dreams and enjoy Willow for as long as you can. I wish you all the best as you continue on your journey,
l would love to do this even at the age of 52, but alas l have responsibilities that l just cannot shirk..
What a wonderful life you two have !! Willie Nelson sang it best, "On the Road Again...." Safe travels.
I am filled with admiration for you both. I want your calendar and I know ahead of time that I will like it so much that I will take labels and turn it into next year's calendar so you will have to make more calendars to avoid that. Congrats to you both for your courage and initiative! This is what life is all about if you are lucky enough to have the guts and wherewithal. Kudos kudos!
hmm.. the vehicle is not that big. are there no hurricanes or storms from time to time? apart from that, it's a great idea, to make a break and find oneself in a life travel
Love the story, but what if the collar runs out of juice in a strange place? What's wrong with a leash?
This is such a great story and so beautiful! Fantastic photos, they really capture your bond. How lovely that you found each other and can share all these amazing experiences together! Cats are the BEST! :)
I have been training my rescue kitten since I got him to go everywhere with me, he loves car rides and going everywhere with me :) Your cat Willow is adorabe, I love this cute story.
Oops I said go everywhere with me twice, haha.
Load More Replies...Beautiful! I love black cats! I think they really love to travel because my black cat, whom I loved dearly, ran away. And I never saw him again.... :(
A few weeks ago, a stray black cat walked into our home and we looked after her for 3 weeks. Eventually, after lots of looking, we took her to the vet and luckily she had a chip in her! I'm very glad you took Willow with you.
dont cats hate changing environments? I feel like this would be stressful for them
I always feel kind of sad for people who chose animals over real buddies.
I always feel kind of sad for people who chose animals over real people.
so...what happends when the cat dies? Cats live an average of 15 years right?
This is really great! I envy the guy, but what when the money run out? Trips like that make a lifetime memory and are told to expand your horizonts and change your life, but they end at some point. What then? Getting back to reality after such a break might be very painful and difficult :( I wish them both the best!
My heart is melting! What a wonderful adventure you and Willow are having! What a wonderful life! I would truly love to pack up my cats and go on the road for a year or more, but I will have to get something larger, perhaps an RV, since I have five cats! I couldn't leave a single one behind! You are one rare and special guy, Rich East!
veru nice,,,sweet cat but be careful in Australia,, there is meny corocodail in lakeside,,good luck
Traveling with a kitty is a marvelous idea but my friend, 2.5 years is, well, it's quite a while. May I recommend you look into Erik Erikson's theory of development? You may be interested in what he has to say about intimacy verses isolation.
How fantastic and what a journey you are both on. Trip of a lifetime with a friend by your side.
Happy to see he loves Willow enough to take her with him and protect her with a tractor collar. Enjoy your life you only get one.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful story...many more happy miles to you both <3
Wonderful lifestyle for you two. Wonder where you will end up, because you will have to work again one day!
Lovely story... but, how do they earn money? I've always wondered about that when I read stories about ppl who quit their jobs to travel.
It's not easy but it's possible www.vancatmeow.com/afford
Load More Replies...Tears in my eyes. My cat levy looks exactly the same and died of too late diagnosed diabetes this year... it was he'll on earth with him gone. I wish he would have seen all this too. Wish I could see this. Wish life wouldn't be that hard sometimes. Wish he would still be here. 😢
Sending all my e-hugs your way. Losing a cat feels awful. Mine passt away a little over 6 years ago (the 6 year "anniversary" was just last month) and I still miss him to this day
Load More Replies...Marley and Willow... I really would like to see them talk about life. At least I would like to know more, much more, about that trackin collar of hers. Where can I folllow Rich N Willow`s adventures?
I absolutely love this story and this man and his cat remind me of my beloved cat "Missy" and I. I've had her for a year now, since taking over her care from a family member who had her for 10 years. I always say to Missy and family and friends that i will take Missy with me where-ever i shall go and Missy will be with me always. This cat with this cool guy, reminds me ever so much of my cat and the connection he and his cat Willow have! :-) I am inspired to go traveling with my cat, buy a campervan when i can afford one and travel the road, Missy and I. I have land at Lake Taupo, NZ, private family can grow veges on too, that we can stay at any time in the summer times! I am inspired! ...by this cool man and his cat! <3
I have three! They all go camping with me! Two guard the camp and one won't leave the car!
I left with my cat from The Netherlands ten years ago, we are in Romania now. We kind of like it here.
Amazing! One lucky cat. Beautiful story! LiveLove and Explore! Wonderful!
Amazing!She's one very lucky cat.Beautiful story! LiveLove and Explore!
I'm doing the same exact thing in the US in my 21' motorhome, which I find both peaceful & exciting.... my cat's name is Spike. Everywhere I go, people express astonishment that a single female at the age of 68 would attempt such an endeavor, but I feel very blessed & protected. Since Spike & I have only been traveling for several months, I hadn't thought of getting a tracking collar for him, so thanks for that suggestion!
Lovely. As I sit in my bed in the USA at 6am I am so jealous of you!
I can absolutely relate to this! I did 6 months on the road with my rescue pup in 2015, they were some of the happiest times of my life ❤
I think your tour sounds like a blast, and I Love that you have a tag you can track Willow with!! You know cats, they Love an adventure!!
Its been my dream since i was school, how much money you spent so far?
To RC, be well always and take care always. ??? Life's lessons learned traveling ? Insights and perceptions? Turning-point? What gives having to travel this far? Will you be back to the same place where you started?
what have you achieved so far in relation to your new lifestyle? what have you realized? for how long will you be traveling?
Who said it's better? That all depends on what is best for the individual. I admire anyone who can thrive in the corporate environment. Personally, I couldn't hack it. I understand that it may not be celebrated enough but, you John, are likely a hero to your family.
Load More Replies...He says, most of the time she's off the leash. I bet, the times she actually is on a leash is for safety.
Load More Replies...Beautiful cat. And I'm happy you decided to take her along, instead of just dumping her somewhere like some would do... Looks like the perfect traveling buddy ;)
Ι love black cats!! I have one, but she's not the outdoorsy type and she scares easily. Nonetheless, this duo is adorable! ;)
Love black cats - we lost our beloved Mac last year and we miss him every day - he would have loved to go on a trip like this!! Mac-on-bik...128b90.jpg
willow sure has it good man. travelling around the country with a butler.
Amazing, no doubt, especially because I am a crazy cat lady. But... I've always wondered what these people do when the money is finished? I am not being negative here, I genuinely would like to know what happens next since he has sold his house. I would love to do this too!
My 5 siblings, my mom, and I are currently traveling the united states with 5 cats! Started out with a dog, at one point had 2 dogs and 4 cats currently at 5 cats XD
Sir, your Spirit and Soul show the greatness humans can achieve when inspired by the precious perfection of animals. Please hug and kiss and hug and kiss (ad infinitum) Willow for me. Safe and wondrous travels to you both. I am in awe.
She has TabCat and Marco Polo www.vancatmeow.com/willows-collar
Load More Replies...Willow looks so pleased with her life. Good on you for taking her! Love that you're enjoying yourself too. Keep up the exploration! It's good for your soul. :)
He build up some assets and sold them to fund a trip he'll remember forever. So long as he had a plan on what to do once he finished the trip so he could resume being a productive member of society, then I think this was a wonderful idea. This is the best example of "successful person" I've seen in quite some time. This is how you live your life; by following realistic dreams that you have the patience, planning, determination, and means to achieve.
Think it’s wonderful that you two found one another. Sharing makes everything better. Continued blessings. 😻🐾♥️
Amazing! As I am sitting here reading this story, I have a black and white cat named Willow purring in my lap!
We used to take our cat camping all the time. He loved it - but took it as a personal challenge to avoid getting in the car for as long as possible. We had to catch him an hour or two before we left, then leave him leashed in a bathroom until it was time to get into the car. Such drama! The wailing, the howling, the piteous meows! He would sleep all the way to wherever we were going and have a ball when we got there.
I did the same thing last year with my 2 cats. some people thought I was nuts, but it was the best decision I ever made. SteveNebra...a75208.jpg
One step ahead of you www.vancatmeow.com/calendar
Load More Replies...HOLY C**P THIS IS AMAZING! I hope he realizes his photography is amazing, and sells them so he can continue making enough money to live like this the rest of his life
hello boy, you can be a happy man ! willow is a real friend !-good team. have a nice trip ! cicus-59e1...52c557.gif
What a brilliant plan, and of course one would take their cat! I envy you, please keep posting. I'm 70 and me and my cats Rudie and Sadie are for all intents and purposes, homebound. But we share vicariously in your adventures!
Love this dude, i have often thought about doing this with dogs over the years but i met my now wife and she wont have it, i love her too much to leave now so yeah loving the pictures mate and your cat is beautiful, i have 4 cats myself and none of them would be any good for this, they are all a******s (but they are my a******s).
Thank you for adopting a black cat, these beauties are always the last to be adopted. I've just got my two lovely boys from a charity and the lady fosters kittens and spays and neuters the mothers before releasing them as they are normally feral. She has loads of black and tuxedo cats because no wants them :=(
What a wonderful way of life for the two of you. I have a beautiful rescue cat named Willow, as well. She wouldn't be suited to this way of life but we admire your choice. Thank you for making your Willow safe. You obviously realize that is your #1 priority. Enjoy your fabulous days and cuddle nights with your buddy. May you continue to enjoy the beautiful outdoors. Travel safely and take care of each other.
Amateur ;) we live in our little motorhome full time, with 4 cats...
Curiosity doesn't kill this cat, Willow. Dude, thanks for not abandoning Willow.
Home is where the heart is and your heart is with Willow, so home you two are. Beautiful story. 📿
Good luck on your travels. You were so brave to give up your whole life to follow your dreams. I wish you all the best. And please give a Willow a cuddle from me.
Story twist.. actully this cat made u to decide road trip.. and u are just following hidden silent orders to reach somewhere..
Stunning cat-photos! - Must give you some fantastic "moments", travelling like that!
What a performer! She's your leading lady! Thank you for making your journey public!
I love it, the photos are beautiful but who took the last one on top of the camper van? it's my all time favorite.
Im seriously thinking of doing the very same thing, and was wondering how she travels in the van, I do not want to cage mine if I don't have to. The tracking collar is a wonderful idea
I admire your adventuresome spirit as well as your courage to do something like this. One thing for sure, you'll never regret it. I'm 70 now and did something similar when I was 25. Sold my car, quit my job, and went to live overseas for 3 years. It was the experience of a lifetime and I wouldn't trade it for anything. So keep living your dreams and enjoy Willow for as long as you can. I wish you all the best as you continue on your journey,
l would love to do this even at the age of 52, but alas l have responsibilities that l just cannot shirk..
What a wonderful life you two have !! Willie Nelson sang it best, "On the Road Again...." Safe travels.
I am filled with admiration for you both. I want your calendar and I know ahead of time that I will like it so much that I will take labels and turn it into next year's calendar so you will have to make more calendars to avoid that. Congrats to you both for your courage and initiative! This is what life is all about if you are lucky enough to have the guts and wherewithal. Kudos kudos!
hmm.. the vehicle is not that big. are there no hurricanes or storms from time to time? apart from that, it's a great idea, to make a break and find oneself in a life travel
Love the story, but what if the collar runs out of juice in a strange place? What's wrong with a leash?
This is such a great story and so beautiful! Fantastic photos, they really capture your bond. How lovely that you found each other and can share all these amazing experiences together! Cats are the BEST! :)
I have been training my rescue kitten since I got him to go everywhere with me, he loves car rides and going everywhere with me :) Your cat Willow is adorabe, I love this cute story.
Oops I said go everywhere with me twice, haha.
Load More Replies...Beautiful! I love black cats! I think they really love to travel because my black cat, whom I loved dearly, ran away. And I never saw him again.... :(
A few weeks ago, a stray black cat walked into our home and we looked after her for 3 weeks. Eventually, after lots of looking, we took her to the vet and luckily she had a chip in her! I'm very glad you took Willow with you.
dont cats hate changing environments? I feel like this would be stressful for them
I always feel kind of sad for people who chose animals over real buddies.
I always feel kind of sad for people who chose animals over real people.
so...what happends when the cat dies? Cats live an average of 15 years right?
This is really great! I envy the guy, but what when the money run out? Trips like that make a lifetime memory and are told to expand your horizonts and change your life, but they end at some point. What then? Getting back to reality after such a break might be very painful and difficult :( I wish them both the best!
My heart is melting! What a wonderful adventure you and Willow are having! What a wonderful life! I would truly love to pack up my cats and go on the road for a year or more, but I will have to get something larger, perhaps an RV, since I have five cats! I couldn't leave a single one behind! You are one rare and special guy, Rich East!
veru nice,,,sweet cat but be careful in Australia,, there is meny corocodail in lakeside,,good luck
Traveling with a kitty is a marvelous idea but my friend, 2.5 years is, well, it's quite a while. May I recommend you look into Erik Erikson's theory of development? You may be interested in what he has to say about intimacy verses isolation.
How fantastic and what a journey you are both on. Trip of a lifetime with a friend by your side.
Happy to see he loves Willow enough to take her with him and protect her with a tractor collar. Enjoy your life you only get one.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful story...many more happy miles to you both <3
Wonderful lifestyle for you two. Wonder where you will end up, because you will have to work again one day!
Lovely story... but, how do they earn money? I've always wondered about that when I read stories about ppl who quit their jobs to travel.
It's not easy but it's possible www.vancatmeow.com/afford
Load More Replies...Tears in my eyes. My cat levy looks exactly the same and died of too late diagnosed diabetes this year... it was he'll on earth with him gone. I wish he would have seen all this too. Wish I could see this. Wish life wouldn't be that hard sometimes. Wish he would still be here. 😢
Sending all my e-hugs your way. Losing a cat feels awful. Mine passt away a little over 6 years ago (the 6 year "anniversary" was just last month) and I still miss him to this day
Load More Replies...Marley and Willow... I really would like to see them talk about life. At least I would like to know more, much more, about that trackin collar of hers. Where can I folllow Rich N Willow`s adventures?
I absolutely love this story and this man and his cat remind me of my beloved cat "Missy" and I. I've had her for a year now, since taking over her care from a family member who had her for 10 years. I always say to Missy and family and friends that i will take Missy with me where-ever i shall go and Missy will be with me always. This cat with this cool guy, reminds me ever so much of my cat and the connection he and his cat Willow have! :-) I am inspired to go traveling with my cat, buy a campervan when i can afford one and travel the road, Missy and I. I have land at Lake Taupo, NZ, private family can grow veges on too, that we can stay at any time in the summer times! I am inspired! ...by this cool man and his cat! <3
I have three! They all go camping with me! Two guard the camp and one won't leave the car!
I left with my cat from The Netherlands ten years ago, we are in Romania now. We kind of like it here.
Amazing! One lucky cat. Beautiful story! LiveLove and Explore! Wonderful!
Amazing!She's one very lucky cat.Beautiful story! LiveLove and Explore!
I'm doing the same exact thing in the US in my 21' motorhome, which I find both peaceful & exciting.... my cat's name is Spike. Everywhere I go, people express astonishment that a single female at the age of 68 would attempt such an endeavor, but I feel very blessed & protected. Since Spike & I have only been traveling for several months, I hadn't thought of getting a tracking collar for him, so thanks for that suggestion!
Lovely. As I sit in my bed in the USA at 6am I am so jealous of you!
I can absolutely relate to this! I did 6 months on the road with my rescue pup in 2015, they were some of the happiest times of my life ❤
I think your tour sounds like a blast, and I Love that you have a tag you can track Willow with!! You know cats, they Love an adventure!!
Its been my dream since i was school, how much money you spent so far?
To RC, be well always and take care always. ??? Life's lessons learned traveling ? Insights and perceptions? Turning-point? What gives having to travel this far? Will you be back to the same place where you started?
what have you achieved so far in relation to your new lifestyle? what have you realized? for how long will you be traveling?
Who said it's better? That all depends on what is best for the individual. I admire anyone who can thrive in the corporate environment. Personally, I couldn't hack it. I understand that it may not be celebrated enough but, you John, are likely a hero to your family.
Load More Replies...He says, most of the time she's off the leash. I bet, the times she actually is on a leash is for safety.
Load More Replies...