It’s that time of the… arbitrary period of chronology?
Anyway, it’s cat time! Specifically, cat meme time. Cat memes have become somewhat of a lingua franca of the internet world, and everyone benefits from them. Especially you, as there’s a new (not really, but it has a ring to it) kid in town, and their name is CatsWeek.
Oh, and you better believe that the memes scratch the scroll itch the right way.
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Cozy Cat In Blanket
If I Win The Lottery, There Will Be Signs
The Photographer Called Him Pretty - Cat's Adorable Reaction
So, CatsWeek is an Instagram page about cat memes. It has been around since early 2018 and has amassed a following of around 169,000. At this point, it has just a handful of 3,000 posts.
This is yet another testament to the power of cats on the internet.
Dogs Have Owners, Cats Have Staff
"Well, I couldn't figure out a better way for you to get the message. Luckily, fortune cookies are infallible to you hoomins."
Instant Happiness: Cute Cat Paws To Brighten Your Day
While the same can be said about many pets - probably even the likes of snakes from the Florida Everglades - having a cat around the house is very good for you as a human being.
Sure, cats have a notorious reputation for coming off as jerks, but one Australian study suggested that cat owners rate themselves psychologically better than those who don’t own pets.
Those two on her head look like just heads. And the one on her shoulder on the left looks possessed.
When Your Plans Clash With Your Cat's Special Day
Specifically, cat owners claim that they feel happier, more confident, and less nervous while experiencing better sleep, focus, and determination to face problems.
It can get even better if there are kids around, as they, too, benefit from having a cat around the house.
Stress Management Advice From A Cat Therapist
Another survey of over 2,200 kids ages 11 to 15 suggests a higher quality of life among them because of having a strong bond with their feline friends. And the more attached they were, the more they felt fit, energetic, and attentive, all the while feeling less sad and lonely. Positivity all around, in other words.
Pregnant And Raising Children
Ancient Japanese Art Of Woman And Sleeping Cat
Heck, cat memes can make us smile - which, in turn, means feeling less anxiety, annoyance, sadness, and, ultimately, stress.
And that’s actually doing something. Just having a cat around the house means lower resting heart rate and blood pressure while feeling more challenged than threatened by harder tasks and making fewer errors that way.
So, why are cats so calming? Despite their demeanor, they won’t judge us for our failures or become distressed over them. This attitude helps us feel the same way.
Even better, having a bond with a cat translates into having better relationships with humans, too.
When I started working from home my cat would climb between my back and the back of the chair. Then I would lean back and squish him a bit.
Pet Me With Your Eyes
Cat Seeking Name: Serious Suggestions Only
Several studies have determined that cat owners are comparatively more socially sensitive, trusting, and like other people than those who don’t have pets.
When someone - animal or human - makes us feel good, it fosters kindness and generosity toward others. So, yeah, cuddles with cats have become more awesome now.
Rescued Kitten In A Sweater
My Cat's Face Before And After Learning The Highchair Is Not For Her
Chimney Adventure: The Case Of The Disguised Cat
And all of this culminates in better health. Remember how cat owners are generally calmer than those without pets? Well, that means less risk of heart disease. Oh, wait, there’s more. Even bringing home a cat for the first time - like after adopting, wink-wink - people reported experiencing fewer headaches, back pains, and colds.
Cat Securely Packed For Travel
Ours would pee in our suitcase if we left it open and unattended. He didn't like being left at home.
Outrage Box Cat Expresses Her Frustration
Enter The Mysterious Cat Bunker
Now, sure, having a cat is a huge responsibility: they require space, quality attention, and money (on vet visits, food, and toys… what did you think?), among many other things, so the next step towards adopting has to be a responsible one.
But once you’re over that hill, the journey towards a better life begins. Both for you and your feline friend.
When You Win The Lottery And Can't Keep It A Secret
If you need more convincing that cats are in your best interests, you’re welcome. There are at least 50 reasons there.
But if that’s enough cat internet for you today, then why not write something in the comment section below?
I think that person is laying on another cat. Are those paws sticking out from under his arm?
The Cat Recognizes Me During A Video Chat
When Your Cat Steals The Show
Generational Differences In Car Stickers
Sphinx And Sleepy Cat: Same Vibe
Cute Cat Meme - Cat's Nose And Paws Up Close
Unexpected Cat Adoption Leads To Two New Feline Friends
Cat Finds Solace In The 'Outrage Box' When Upset
Cat hair is a condiment, a fashion accessory, and a decorating theme.
Delivered Today: Cat Receptionist
Chipmunk Finds Cozy Nap Spot On Cat's Back
When Your Cat Parts Don't Quite Match
Poll Question
Which type of cat meme do you enjoy most?
Silly and goofy cats
Cats being dramatic
Cats in unexpected places
Cats interacting with other pets
The correct answer is "ALL OF THEM"! These were all so great and really made me and my daughter laugh...
The correct answer is "ALL OF THEM"! These were all so great and really made me and my daughter laugh...