50 Of The Best Cat Posts That Are Impossible Not To Scroll Through (New Pics)
Archimedes' fourth law says that cats plus the Internet equals comedy squared. It's as simple as that. You capture a kitty -- it doesn't matter if it's skinny, thicc, fluffy or sleepy -- in a humorous scenario, upload the photo to social media, and voila, you're disrupting the status quo of the online world; even the 4chan trolls are taking a break from making up green texts to enjoy an innocent laugh.
Bored Panda has already compiled lists of the best cat posts, for example, here, here, and here, but people continue using the aforementioned equation to produce unforgettable kitty content, so we have to continue giving them the attention they deserve. From ruining their human's breakfast to building a tent, these felines are going viral whether you like it or not.
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Soo Fluffy
Interestingly, the good people at the Media School at Indiana University tried to investigate why do people love internet cats. Jessica Gall Myrick, an assistant professor of journalism, got nearly 7,000 people to complete her online survey.
"It is possible that viewing of online cat media improves mood, but this activity may also foster negative outcomes linked to using the Internet for procrastination," the researchers wrote.
When You Lie On Your Resume And Still Get The Job
"Some people may think watching online cat videos isn't a serious enough topic for academic research, but the fact is that it's one of the most popular uses of the Internet today," Myrick said. "If we want to better understand the effects the Internet may have on us as individuals and on society, then researchers can't ignore Internet cats anymore."
"We all have watched a cat video online, but there is really little empirical work done on why so many of us do this, or what effects it might have on us," Myrick added. "As a media researcher and online cat video viewer, I felt compelled to gather some data about this pop culture phenomenon."
It Sees Me
Internet data show there were more than 2 million cat videos posted on YouTube in 2014, with almost 26 billion views. Believe it or not, cat videos had more views per video than any other category of YouTube content.
Myrick's study revealed that the most popular sites for viewing cat videos were Facebook, YouTube, Buzzfeed and I Can Has Cheezburger.
Among the possible effects Myrick hoped to explore: Does viewing cat videos online have the same kind of positive impact as pet therapy? And do some viewers actually feel worse after watching cat videos because they feel guilty for putting off tasks they need to tackle?
Of the participants in the study, about 36 percent described themselves as a "cat person," while about 60 percent said they liked both cats and dogs
Target Accquired
The participants in the study reported they were more energetic and felt more positive after watching cat-related online media than before.
Also, they had fewer negative emotions, such as anxiety, annoyance and sadness, after watching cat-related online media than before.
They said they often viewed Internet cats at work or during studying, and the pleasure they got from watching cat videos outweighed any guilt they felt about procrastinating.
Himb Goomba. (He Is Here To Bring Joy, Please Skip This Post If You Want To Say Anything Negative About His Appearance)
Honestly, how could you ever be negative about this beautiful, sweet wee face?
All in all, the response to watching cat videos was largely positive.
"Even if they are watching cat videos on YouTube to procrastinate or while they should be working, the emotional pay-off may actually help people take on tough tasks afterward," Myrick explained.
The results also suggest that future work could explore how online cat videos might be used as a form of low-cost pet therapy, she said.
Could You Please Say "Hi" To Peany? 😺
Sarah (Dog) Stole A Bite Of Stella's Food And Stella Came Running To Me In The Kitchen To Literally Bitch About It 🤣 🤣
A Bunch Of Fools
Am I the only one to want to put a magnet on the paper lizard and go to the other side of the wall to move it to make the cats chase it???
About A Month Ago I Introduced My New Dog To My Cat. Here's How Their Relationship Is Progressing
My Mom Adopted A Cat That Brings Her Slippers To Her Every Morning. I Didn’t Believe Her Until She Got It On Camera Finally
Who needs a slipper-bringing dog when you can have a slipper-bringing cat?
At The Vet's Office
She Realized She's Pregnant
Cat Returns Home After, What Can Only Be Assumed To Be, A Fight With Spider-Man
Charm Them With The Old Razzle Dazzle
Like Cat, Like Human
Even Smol Cats Get A Step
Those Eyes
I'm going to have to have a little break. All the cuteness is wearing me out.
Tasty Watermeowlon
Heard My Husband Screaming While In The Shower..walked In On This
He Loves Getting Raked By The Back Scratcher. He Is My Zen Garden
My Husband Bought Our Cat His Own Couch, And He Just Sits There And Judges Everyone Now
My Cat Just Came Back From One Of Her Evening Strolls With Someone Else's Keys In Her Mouth
Cat Tent
I Don't Knwo What This Cat Is Going Through But I Can Relate
Oliver,the Cat With Thumbs.
He's Having An Identity Crisis..
I'm identifying as an avian now. Bow down before catbird king, or queen before I smack you twice, or thrice. Just do it!
This Man Saved Our Dog. You Can See Our Cat Jumping Out The Window
So sorry for the damage to your home. So glad your animals are safe.
He's Going To Be There Awhile...
When A Cat Runs To The Fridge Every Time It Opens, A Sign Is Necessary
Don't Listen To Her Lies
One Of Our Kittens Only Sleeps In My Daughters Doll Bathtub...
You're Not Fooling Anyone, Bill
Just As The Prophecy Foretold
Take Care Of Yourself, My Friends
Had To Look Twice
Spotted At My Local Agway
We Have Two Sane Cats. Pushed Our Luck Getting A Third
Day 2 Of Quarantine: The Cats Are Plotting To Kill Me...
“Black Cat” Is The Name Of The Wine
I'm Up So You're Up
Don't Worry About The Cake, I Got An Idea.... Wait
The Toilet Is Occupied
"Ahhhhh, what a nice bed my human has made for me!" other cat "but... but i want to go to the toilet!"
Taken From My Parents’ Kitchen Window. They Don’t Have Any Cats...
This Is Manchester. He Was Not Sticking His Head In The Flour Jar. He Does Not Have A Flour Problem. That Is All
How could you even accuse him of that serious crime, he is obviously innocent
'Am I Doing It Right?'
Thanks For Ruining My Breakfast
Gizmo's Not The Brightest Tool In The Shed
Nothing To See Here
I see these cat posts and tell myself don't start. Well, maybe just one or two. Yeah, right! It's like giving a pharmacy to an addict. I need an intervention.
MORE CATS. In fact, more non-humans! But definitely MORE CATS! (On BP. I'm already caring for about 8 cats, not counting the two who own me!)
I see these cat posts and tell myself don't start. Well, maybe just one or two. Yeah, right! It's like giving a pharmacy to an addict. I need an intervention.
MORE CATS. In fact, more non-humans! But definitely MORE CATS! (On BP. I'm already caring for about 8 cats, not counting the two who own me!)