40 Of The Most Bonkers Pet Names, As Shared By Their Owners In This Now-Viral Twitter Thread
Interview With AuthorMany people, if not all, consider their pets to be an equal part of their family, and so getting yourself a furry friend is a massive responsibility.
Before contacting a breeder or heading to a nearby shelter, you should think the decision through and digest whether you truly are capable of giving a pet the care and attention it needs.
Once the wait is over and you are ready to give your new companion a home, it's then time to choose the purrfect name.
This netizen turned to Twitter to point out a very amusing observation concerning pet names. The man claims that dog owners usually go for something relatively ordinary like “Buddy”, whereas cat owners are known for their imaginative, perhaps slightly wild ideas such as “Cool Ranch Dorito.” The now-viral tweet has gotten over 488K likes and 37.6K retweets in just a few days and has inspired folks to share tons of unorthodox cat names in response.
More info: Twitter | Instagram
Image source: adamgreattweet
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Being a pet parent is hands down one of the most joyful parts of our existence.
Maybe you've finally convinced your strict dad to let you get a furry companion that you'll share all of your future adventures with, or perhaps you've decided that your life is somewhat stable and you feel independent enough to start taking care of something – whatever your reasoning for getting a pet might be, it's a step that is both rewarding and incredibly challenging.
It's important to remember that you're expanding your little family and taking on another living being under your roof, so the decision has to be carefully considered. Once you've settled on having a pet, your lifestyle will take a completely different turn; your days will be full of unconditional love, but you'll also be dealing with new day-to-day responsibilities.
Most will agree that having a pet, whether it's a cat, a dog, or anything in between, will change your life for the better.
First and foremost, the furry (or feathered) ones are always there to keep you company. Whatever rough patch you might be facing, your beloved pet child is there to support you and keep you grounded.
Do you miss your family? They'll have no problem easing your loneliness. Maybe you've been feeling isolated lately? They'll cure that as well. The moral of the story is that owning a tiny friend will fill your life with endless bliss, as there's nothing that compares to the joy of knowing that you have a loyal companion waiting for you back at home.
Aww I really love this picture of the guy holding Rupert Beef Wellington. It looks like the owner guy really loves him
Good news! Bored Panda has managed to contact the author of the now-viral post, and we asked the man to tell us a little bit about himself: "I’m Adam, I’m a resident (doctor) from outside Atlanta, Georgia. I’ve been on Twitter for a few years trying to make people laugh."
We wondered whether Adam has any pets with unusual names, and as it turns out, the guy is a proud dog dad to an adorable goldendoodle called Harper, who's just a little over a year and a half old.
He says that her name was something that he and his family loved, which people never like to hear, as "they always want an inspired name."
BP also asked Adam to give us an example of the most unorthodox pet names he's ever heard of, to which he replied “Depression”, “Trashcan” and “Little Booty Ham Sandwich.” Adam then mentioned that his future pet's name would probably be “Pal,” which is inspired by Arthur’s dog, a well-known character from an animated educational television series for children.
It's fascinating to know that there are tons of folks who refuse to give their furry children human-like names, meaning that every one of those holds a certain history. Perhaps, it's an inside joke that the owner has with their friends, or maybe it's related to some type of life-changing event – whatever the inspiration, having a little "Trashcan" lying on your bed sounds amazing.
Future parents take months to choose the perfect name for their unborn children; some have had a name in mind since they were teens, simply because they felt connected to them; others might've gone for a name that belongs to a historical/famous figure in the hopes of manifesting a similarly influential life for their offspring.
Well, pet owners are no exception. For many, choosing something mundane like "Max" is just plain boring. So, kudos to those who decided to unleash their creativity and name their furry companion something along the lines of “Dog The Cat.”
Miss TB Jones, a widower but she works the corn fields now without her late husband. "One must tend to the land, for it gives us sustenance" says Miss. TB Jones.
Coming up with a name for your furry family member is an exciting and pretty important part of the bonding process. Just think about it, there'll only ever be one of them – so why not choose a name that perfectly fits their personality, even if that said fit turns out to be "Little Booty Ham Sandwich?"
Bored Panda hopes that you've enjoyed this wild collection of cat names! Let us know if you've got a favorite one!
" Bathtub where is my food" " Certainly not in my stomach mon ami"
Looks like my siblings cat ( poor things name if Fifi)
Ah, the misleading "Come hither and rub my belly" pose. Do it at your own peril!
Now I want cheezits and I just at the last half of the box I had left 🥲
None of my cats' real names are Pants, although all of them get called Pants everyday... either it will be Cutiepants, Angrypants, Squeakypants, or just plain Pants. This is my favourite name for a cat!
My friend used to have a cat named Sweaters. We never figured out how he got that name.
I know of a cat called Cooking Fat. Because the owner would trip over the cat late at night and shout out a spoonerism.
This is the first time I have EVER heard anyone use the word SPOONERISM!! A Speech Pathologist taught me this word many years ago.
I've got a blue named Ghost, a black named Abyss who we call Abby, a feisty tux named Freya, and a black and white long hair who doesn't have 2 brain cells to rub together named Tyr.
Same! Adopted brothers. My Inigo is polydactyl lol. Also have a Butterbean, Cricket, Miso, Wonton, and Ferris.
You can call a cat anything you want. Doesn't mean they'll come to you when you call them. My Ollie is also Oliver Timothy Popplethwaite III and Luna is Lulu, Lulubell, Lunatic, and Cthululu.
I wonder if your Ollie ever had tea with my Renard... I mean Sir Reginald Nardington III.
My daughter’s cat stayed with me for a few years. He didn’t really have a name so I suggested she call him Steve. She got mad and said I couldn’t rename her cat. She also never got an official city pet license for him. I did. The name listed for the cat: Not-Steve. Got my own cat. Wanted to make him Hamish but really, it’s Ham - as in Ham & Noodles, Ham Solo, Ham & Cheese. Yes, yes. I am hilarious. Thank you all!
Dot and Dash. We adopted them at our first Duty Station. They looked alike at the time accept for the bellies. One had dashes, the other had Dots. And it fit with Morris Code as a bonus.
My 19yo black cat who died 2 years ago was named" his royal blackness sir Bailey. " Bailey for short. I also have a cat who's a bit slow called forest gump and a cat who likes to run and climb called balboa. And we also had a rabbit with long hair called saruman🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️
We only have dogs because our son is terribly allergic to cats. So now we have Sir Roger Cerogersalot who also goes by Dr. Roger Tiny. He's a very important doggy.
My cats are Shakira and Aaliyah. Do with that information what you will.
Mine are boring compared to these, they’re called Chi-Chi, Caramel, Tom, Cedric and Sophia.
mine are pretty boring too... Tac (cat spelled backwards), Pig Penny, Caboose, Miaka (sometimes Miakata), and One-Eyed Willie the Baby- who has 2 good eyes. i've also had Charlie that we called Tubble, Ani, Cullin, Conner Baby, Nibbler, and Maya. dogs' names? Frankie, Josie, and Ginger. I name the cats and my husband names the dogs.
My grandparents' tabby is Cheddar. his original name was Creamsicle, which i think they should have kept :D
I’ve long claimec that someday I will get a Siamese and name her Sosumi. Can’t wait to stand in the door and call her in!
… Rutger and, um… Cousin. Or it’s Ruther and Kusin, in Swedish. But that’s ok, I never call them by their actual names anyway.
I have Bacardi, Coke, Lime, Lucy (Lucipurr), Joe, and Taki..... Also OC because he is outta control... Also our Outside Cat... My X and I wanted his name to be Seahorse but that didn't go over well... so I still call him OChorse
lol, my cat is "Priestess Anora Pitter-Pat of the Kneading Paws Temple", and she acts every bit of the part.
The Ineffable Prince Crowley George Grimalkin Ragnar Merkin de Flurken. conqueror of the femoral mountains. courageous cobwebbed crusader. slayer of bugs and first of his name.
I had a cat named Chesapeake Bay (Chessie) and currently have a cat named Fantastic (Fanty).
With a few exceptions this is the feline equivalent of children with god awful names.
My cat's name is Mila, one of my dog's name is Sebastian, and then my other dog is named Casserole
I named my dads kitten years back Chaos and he sure did live up to his name lol my cat now is Toby (he's 16 years old) and I didn't name him the shelter did. The cats I had I did name was tigger because he was striped like a tiger and I was about 15 at the time.. then we had Rocky because we found him on the rock ledge at Lake Erie. He had a fish hook in his paw that was badly infected he was days away from death I took him home cut the hook and removed it cleaned the wound and took him to the vet...vet said 50/50 he would live but he was a fighter and lived to be 19!
Says pets, but it's all cats 😂 Also, my sweet doggo was Waddy, short for Meatwad.
MY LIST OF CAT NAMES: Nutter Butter, Aquarium, Meth, Hose, Kevin, Refrigerator (Fridge for short), Rock, Nail File, Tissue and Leather. Thank you.
First cat, named Disco. Don't ask, somehow if you said his name enough, you could forget it was a dance type. My next cat, Sample. And lastly, the king of them all, my larger than life buddy, Shriek. Because a voice that loud should not have came from a kitten that tiny. Gratefully as he got older he learned volume control. He was a lousy hunter too, as soon as he was close to his prey, he'd actually yell at it, giving it a chance to escape and then would try. He was amazing, so many special quirks about him that sometimes it's hard to believe he was real and not a fictional cat.
Our boy, orange tabby from the mid 1980's, was named Quasar. I still think of him!!
I have a whole house of critters! Dogs are: Sandy, Paige, Mochi (daughters dog), Sadie (mils dog) Cats: Aslan, Kiki, Cassius (aka Cass, or Little Man), Scarlett (as in Johansson), Pan (aka Panny Pan).
My cats name is Chalky.. I didn’t name him and yet to meet another
My mum, dad, brother and I were visiting an old school friend of my mums a few years ago now. First time meeting this couple for my brother and I. As the wife went to make tea etc, a cpl cats ran by us and my brother asked the husband the cats names. The husband just said in an embarrassed way "ask the wife". As the wife came through with a tray of said teas and coffees my brother asked again "what were the cats names?" Without hesitation, shame or embarrassment she said "Manky and S@*tface". Apparently they were rescue cats and that's just what they looked like. Can just imagine the vet trips!!! LOL
We almost named our cat "Prince fuzzy boots." Instead my husband named him Cloud because he's fluffy and loves bing in high places.
I've got a Betsy, Jessie who thinks she's called Ralfie (my sons name), Bingo, Dolly (aka Shouty Mummy), EdaPuss (aka edagoodboy), Puffling, SchroGinger, Daisy and Nuts.
I had a brown tabby my little brother named Musty. Musty lived up to his name by jumping in the trash can to find meat scraps instead of eating kibble. P.U.! He also had a habit of saying "no more kisses!" by putting his paw on your throat and basically choking you to make you stop kissing him. Musty's dad was feral; we named him Jupiter. Jupiter is big, orange, and round like the planet, and he has an attitude like the Roman deity himself.
Random Lee aka mr puffy pants aka a*****e aka mr silly. Protozoa aka Proto aka silver unicorn aka old man. Freddy Mercury aka merc aka moo aka mr moo aka baby b******e. And junior (the girl) aka juju bee aka beans aka fox face aka jube.
My son at age three named ours Spatzio. No idea what it means it just came to him.
My cats name is Talia GingerBiscuits III. We couldn't decide on a name so we just bunched em all together
When I am considering new pet names (usually dogs), I always think about what I will be shouting out the backdoor to call them in. Repeatedly calling "Finn" makes me sound less crazy than "Mayonnaise"
I encouraged a friend to think like that when naming her cats. She wanted to name them for grape varieties. Merlot was fine for the black cat. She considered Zinfandel for his brother, but I asked her if she wanted to be shouting that out the back door. We struggled to think of other grapes - I'd had a cat called Shiraz (named for the city), so that was out, and Chardonnay sounded too chavy. We settled on Lindisfarne, after the company that makes fruit wines.
I have a boxer/pitt named Norma Jean (nickname Little Lickey McPoops-a-lot), a dalmatian/lab
Maybe this is why cats are so angry all the time, because we give them ridiculous names /j
My cat is called pigaloo skitters or pigs destroyer of toes depending on what she's upto
Boo just appears to scare the c**p out of you when you least expect a solid white fluff to appear out of thin air
They were supposed to be trap, neuter, release, except the place was demolished. I found barns for 12. That left me with 3. Two decided they preferred the air-conditioned garage instead of the barn, and domesticated themselves. One doesn't have a tall "Bob" his identical brother has a tail "Not Bob"
I opened this article just to share that I've got cats named Merry, Pippin, and Gimli. Merry and Pippin are twins
I just realized I forgot to mention I also have a cat named Lega (Hebrew for league) and her last name is Lly Blonde
At the beginning of the internet age and search engines, we got a new kitten. As it legally needed to be registered, my mom gave me the honors of naming the cat. I named him Lycos.cat
My DSH ginger boy is named Pushkin Sawyer Sher-Khan Jones McAuliffe esq. Aka: Tiddles, Catty-pops, Womping, etc, etc, etc.
Guess who the favourite child is: Little Satan, Slushie, Socksni and Mia
My big fluffy ginger boy is called Panda Puddin Cat. He is named after the doppy Minecraft panda cause he is a little bit special. Also named another cat Frankenstein as she was a bit a mad scientist. Very , very smart and testing what she could get away with.
We have Perseu now, but I've had Luna, Nyx and Lucky, and my sister had Breeze. Our dogs had more common names, really: Julia or Juju for short, who passed away of old age; and Bombom, who's an elder but still here
I also got to name one of the (literally) 73 cats a neighbour of mine had once. I named him Shadow, as he was a black cat
I refuse to give my cats boring names. They are Sad Cloudy, Leona, and Irving.
As a kid I named a stray cat Lazarus and we also had Patches, Lady and Scuzoid (she looked mangey until we cleaned her up). I also had fish named Moe, Larry, Curly, Shemp, Joe Bessa and Levithan.
I know of a cat called Cooking Fat. Because the owner would trip over the cat late at night and shout out a spoonerism.
This is the first time I have EVER heard anyone use the word SPOONERISM!! A Speech Pathologist taught me this word many years ago.
I've got a blue named Ghost, a black named Abyss who we call Abby, a feisty tux named Freya, and a black and white long hair who doesn't have 2 brain cells to rub together named Tyr.
Same! Adopted brothers. My Inigo is polydactyl lol. Also have a Butterbean, Cricket, Miso, Wonton, and Ferris.
You can call a cat anything you want. Doesn't mean they'll come to you when you call them. My Ollie is also Oliver Timothy Popplethwaite III and Luna is Lulu, Lulubell, Lunatic, and Cthululu.
I wonder if your Ollie ever had tea with my Renard... I mean Sir Reginald Nardington III.
My daughter’s cat stayed with me for a few years. He didn’t really have a name so I suggested she call him Steve. She got mad and said I couldn’t rename her cat. She also never got an official city pet license for him. I did. The name listed for the cat: Not-Steve. Got my own cat. Wanted to make him Hamish but really, it’s Ham - as in Ham & Noodles, Ham Solo, Ham & Cheese. Yes, yes. I am hilarious. Thank you all!
Dot and Dash. We adopted them at our first Duty Station. They looked alike at the time accept for the bellies. One had dashes, the other had Dots. And it fit with Morris Code as a bonus.
My 19yo black cat who died 2 years ago was named" his royal blackness sir Bailey. " Bailey for short. I also have a cat who's a bit slow called forest gump and a cat who likes to run and climb called balboa. And we also had a rabbit with long hair called saruman🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️
We only have dogs because our son is terribly allergic to cats. So now we have Sir Roger Cerogersalot who also goes by Dr. Roger Tiny. He's a very important doggy.
My cats are Shakira and Aaliyah. Do with that information what you will.
Mine are boring compared to these, they’re called Chi-Chi, Caramel, Tom, Cedric and Sophia.
mine are pretty boring too... Tac (cat spelled backwards), Pig Penny, Caboose, Miaka (sometimes Miakata), and One-Eyed Willie the Baby- who has 2 good eyes. i've also had Charlie that we called Tubble, Ani, Cullin, Conner Baby, Nibbler, and Maya. dogs' names? Frankie, Josie, and Ginger. I name the cats and my husband names the dogs.
My grandparents' tabby is Cheddar. his original name was Creamsicle, which i think they should have kept :D
I’ve long claimec that someday I will get a Siamese and name her Sosumi. Can’t wait to stand in the door and call her in!
… Rutger and, um… Cousin. Or it’s Ruther and Kusin, in Swedish. But that’s ok, I never call them by their actual names anyway.
I have Bacardi, Coke, Lime, Lucy (Lucipurr), Joe, and Taki..... Also OC because he is outta control... Also our Outside Cat... My X and I wanted his name to be Seahorse but that didn't go over well... so I still call him OChorse
lol, my cat is "Priestess Anora Pitter-Pat of the Kneading Paws Temple", and she acts every bit of the part.
The Ineffable Prince Crowley George Grimalkin Ragnar Merkin de Flurken. conqueror of the femoral mountains. courageous cobwebbed crusader. slayer of bugs and first of his name.
I had a cat named Chesapeake Bay (Chessie) and currently have a cat named Fantastic (Fanty).
With a few exceptions this is the feline equivalent of children with god awful names.
My cat's name is Mila, one of my dog's name is Sebastian, and then my other dog is named Casserole
I named my dads kitten years back Chaos and he sure did live up to his name lol my cat now is Toby (he's 16 years old) and I didn't name him the shelter did. The cats I had I did name was tigger because he was striped like a tiger and I was about 15 at the time.. then we had Rocky because we found him on the rock ledge at Lake Erie. He had a fish hook in his paw that was badly infected he was days away from death I took him home cut the hook and removed it cleaned the wound and took him to the vet...vet said 50/50 he would live but he was a fighter and lived to be 19!
Says pets, but it's all cats 😂 Also, my sweet doggo was Waddy, short for Meatwad.
MY LIST OF CAT NAMES: Nutter Butter, Aquarium, Meth, Hose, Kevin, Refrigerator (Fridge for short), Rock, Nail File, Tissue and Leather. Thank you.
First cat, named Disco. Don't ask, somehow if you said his name enough, you could forget it was a dance type. My next cat, Sample. And lastly, the king of them all, my larger than life buddy, Shriek. Because a voice that loud should not have came from a kitten that tiny. Gratefully as he got older he learned volume control. He was a lousy hunter too, as soon as he was close to his prey, he'd actually yell at it, giving it a chance to escape and then would try. He was amazing, so many special quirks about him that sometimes it's hard to believe he was real and not a fictional cat.
Our boy, orange tabby from the mid 1980's, was named Quasar. I still think of him!!
I have a whole house of critters! Dogs are: Sandy, Paige, Mochi (daughters dog), Sadie (mils dog) Cats: Aslan, Kiki, Cassius (aka Cass, or Little Man), Scarlett (as in Johansson), Pan (aka Panny Pan).
My cats name is Chalky.. I didn’t name him and yet to meet another
My mum, dad, brother and I were visiting an old school friend of my mums a few years ago now. First time meeting this couple for my brother and I. As the wife went to make tea etc, a cpl cats ran by us and my brother asked the husband the cats names. The husband just said in an embarrassed way "ask the wife". As the wife came through with a tray of said teas and coffees my brother asked again "what were the cats names?" Without hesitation, shame or embarrassment she said "Manky and S@*tface". Apparently they were rescue cats and that's just what they looked like. Can just imagine the vet trips!!! LOL
We almost named our cat "Prince fuzzy boots." Instead my husband named him Cloud because he's fluffy and loves bing in high places.
I've got a Betsy, Jessie who thinks she's called Ralfie (my sons name), Bingo, Dolly (aka Shouty Mummy), EdaPuss (aka edagoodboy), Puffling, SchroGinger, Daisy and Nuts.
I had a brown tabby my little brother named Musty. Musty lived up to his name by jumping in the trash can to find meat scraps instead of eating kibble. P.U.! He also had a habit of saying "no more kisses!" by putting his paw on your throat and basically choking you to make you stop kissing him. Musty's dad was feral; we named him Jupiter. Jupiter is big, orange, and round like the planet, and he has an attitude like the Roman deity himself.
Random Lee aka mr puffy pants aka a*****e aka mr silly. Protozoa aka Proto aka silver unicorn aka old man. Freddy Mercury aka merc aka moo aka mr moo aka baby b******e. And junior (the girl) aka juju bee aka beans aka fox face aka jube.
My son at age three named ours Spatzio. No idea what it means it just came to him.
My cats name is Talia GingerBiscuits III. We couldn't decide on a name so we just bunched em all together
When I am considering new pet names (usually dogs), I always think about what I will be shouting out the backdoor to call them in. Repeatedly calling "Finn" makes me sound less crazy than "Mayonnaise"
I encouraged a friend to think like that when naming her cats. She wanted to name them for grape varieties. Merlot was fine for the black cat. She considered Zinfandel for his brother, but I asked her if she wanted to be shouting that out the back door. We struggled to think of other grapes - I'd had a cat called Shiraz (named for the city), so that was out, and Chardonnay sounded too chavy. We settled on Lindisfarne, after the company that makes fruit wines.
I have a boxer/pitt named Norma Jean (nickname Little Lickey McPoops-a-lot), a dalmatian/lab
Maybe this is why cats are so angry all the time, because we give them ridiculous names /j
My cat is called pigaloo skitters or pigs destroyer of toes depending on what she's upto
Boo just appears to scare the c**p out of you when you least expect a solid white fluff to appear out of thin air
They were supposed to be trap, neuter, release, except the place was demolished. I found barns for 12. That left me with 3. Two decided they preferred the air-conditioned garage instead of the barn, and domesticated themselves. One doesn't have a tall "Bob" his identical brother has a tail "Not Bob"
I opened this article just to share that I've got cats named Merry, Pippin, and Gimli. Merry and Pippin are twins
I just realized I forgot to mention I also have a cat named Lega (Hebrew for league) and her last name is Lly Blonde
At the beginning of the internet age and search engines, we got a new kitten. As it legally needed to be registered, my mom gave me the honors of naming the cat. I named him Lycos.cat
My DSH ginger boy is named Pushkin Sawyer Sher-Khan Jones McAuliffe esq. Aka: Tiddles, Catty-pops, Womping, etc, etc, etc.
Guess who the favourite child is: Little Satan, Slushie, Socksni and Mia
My big fluffy ginger boy is called Panda Puddin Cat. He is named after the doppy Minecraft panda cause he is a little bit special. Also named another cat Frankenstein as she was a bit a mad scientist. Very , very smart and testing what she could get away with.
We have Perseu now, but I've had Luna, Nyx and Lucky, and my sister had Breeze. Our dogs had more common names, really: Julia or Juju for short, who passed away of old age; and Bombom, who's an elder but still here
I also got to name one of the (literally) 73 cats a neighbour of mine had once. I named him Shadow, as he was a black cat
I refuse to give my cats boring names. They are Sad Cloudy, Leona, and Irving.
As a kid I named a stray cat Lazarus and we also had Patches, Lady and Scuzoid (she looked mangey until we cleaned her up). I also had fish named Moe, Larry, Curly, Shemp, Joe Bessa and Levithan.