Did you know that a physicist once made his cat the co-author of his paper because he'd accidentally written "we" instead of "I" throughout his work and couldn't be bothered to change it? Also, believe it or not, the British Government has a position called "Chief Mouser To The Cabinet Office" that can only be assigned to a cat. And although this may not surprise you, a study once proved that cats are more than capable of recognizing their owner's voices, but simply choose to ignore it. Scroll down for more entertaining facts about cats, compiled by Bored Panda. Don't forget to vote for your favorite!
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And they also need to report those people to the local authorities, who should wait a couple of weeks and go to your house to see if you ended up adopting a cat. If you only every tried to adopt a black cat right before Halloween, and you didn't own a cat afterwards, and you never showed an inclination to own a cat later, you need seriously to go on some kind of watch list.
Please don't breed cats for a look. Well mixed genes means healthy cats. If there is 18 links of stray, backyard, runt of the litter, and general fuss-ball I'm happy, as is the cat.
We Japanese say that it's a sign of bad luck when black cat across infront of you..I love black cats though!
And if you do this to your cat, you are a disease to this planet and you need to be terminated.
Oh well my cat throws a tantrum if he doesn't get some milk from time to time.
This is incorrect. There have been at least a dozen species of cats that have gone extinct, even in the last 100 years. Leopard, lion and tiger subspecies have been obliterated by humans.
I remember of a news, may be ten years ago. Gendarmes found out that a travelling circus was feeding their lion with cats and dogs they stole in the villages where they settled.
I wonder if cat's know all this stuff about themselves, because mine act pretty helpless.
I wonder if cat's know all this stuff about themselves, because mine act pretty helpless.