I Worked A Lot For An Art Exhibition That Perfectly Fits The Current Crisis Due To Which I Had To Cancel It
Every two years, I get to have another exhibition at my art gallery in Houston. My time was coming around, and we were planning a major blowout. A wealthy and respected art collector and the head of several art organizations was going to hold a party during my exhibition to promote the gallery.
I had an image in my head of being in the exhibition space surrounded by drawings of humongous piles of humans walking over each other, some living, some dead. The room would also contain delicate pottery pieces on pedestals, making the viewer walk through space with a sense of claustrophobia.
I feel like a bit of a prophet, sensing the upcoming panic, frustration, claustrophobia, crises, fear of humans, and death, but I’m not going to be able to have the show because of Covid-19 and social distancing.
I was hoping to sell some work during the show (I’m a full-time fine-artist), but now I don’t know when I will get a chance to display my work and make some money. If anyone feels like donating, you can PayPal me at michaelwestfried@gmail.com.
More info: paypal.com
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