Johnny Depp’s Lawyer Camille Vasquez Has Been Grilling Amber Heard In Court, And Here Are 30 Of The Best Reactions About Her
It seems like the whole world is more or less focused on the continuing court trial of Johnny Depp versus Amber Heard, and can’t draw their eyes away. But perhaps not necessarily because it’s very intriguing or in anticipation of Depp’s next jest or Heard’s next meme-worthy moment, but because of a supporting character in this reality show.
Johnny Depp’s attorney Camille Vasquez has been stealing the spotlight with her cross-examination of Heard at the start of the week (16–17 of May, 2022), and in turn gaining a bit of a following online. Folks are in love with her for many reasons: she’s factually savage, her tone is firm and measured, she knows what to ask and how to frame it, and who doesn’t like a good roast, all within a very reasonable court tone?
Tweets, memes, posts, in general—reactions—from the internet have been flooding social media over the past several days, pointing out a lot of things about her, from wholesome to spot-on to righteous to savage, you name it, they got a meme for it.
Bored Panda has scoured the internet for the best reactions and crafted a curated listicle below, so scroll down, check it out, vote, comment, and if there’s a meme, opinion, or fun fact that we missed, why not share those in the comment section at the bottom of the article!
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I try to remain impartial as much as I can but the evidence isn't stacking up in her favor, according to my non-professional opinion.
Can you imagine how much Heard is seething over this woman calling her out on her bullshitt?
For those unaware, actors Johnny Depp and Amber Heard have been going at it in court for quite a while now, trying to settle their divorce and put everything in proper perspective. All of this has been happening openly, so the public is invited to watch every single second of the court proceedings online.
In particular, Depp sued Heard, who’s his ex-wife, for $50M over an article she wrote for the Washington Post where she identified as a public figure representing domestic abuse. While she did not mention Depp in particular, it did damage his career, and so here we are today. She counter-sued for twice the original amount, $100M, claiming lying, faking, and slandering.
"WHAT strong Women look like" OR "How strong Women look"! NOT "HOW..... LOOK LIKE"!!!!
You can tell his team believes him 100% and are not there just to collect a most likely substantial fee. And Depp looks genuinely grateful for them.
I especially liked her "do you recall?" "no" let me remind you, can you bring up..." those were brilliant.
What REALLY gets my goat about all this is that because of her lies Amber Heard has discredited genuine cases of domestic abuse against women. Forever more male abusers will point to THIS case and claim THEY were abused (discrediting genuine cases of domestic abuse against men)
As for who is Camille Vasquez—she is the legal representative of Johnny Depp as part of the Brown Rudnick law firm team. She is said to focus on plaintiff-side defamation suits, having experience in litigating contract disputes, business-related torts, and employment-related claims.
She has a reputation of a strong offense and defense in and outside court, with heaps of reputation management and crisis communication experience under her belt.
I disagree on the likable. Her being sharp, focused, intelligent, strong and a defender of truth and justice make her very likable.
Folks have fallen in love with her—hence all of the memes, posts, and reactions popping up online lately—beginning this week when she was cross-examining Amber Heard, roasting her quite a bit in the process.
Internauts highlighted things like “measured tone, incisive questions, total command of the facts and clear belief in her client”, expressing how proud they are of such a female figure (also praising Dr. Shannon Curry who testified some time prior in the same case), and, among many other things, swaying the crowds by taking photos with alpacas.
And then, suddenly, no more questions your honor. Followed by Amber seemingly storming off the witness box.
Camille Vasquez should be on the front, like the leading lady that she is! Strong woman
If you want more, keep scrolling, and if you have done that, why not check out our other articles on the whole Amber Heard versus Johnny Depp thing: Amber Heard testimony reactions, Johnny Depp testimony reactions, complete timeline of their relationship, as well as Amber Heard’s body language interpretation parts one and two.
But before you go, share your thoughts, opinions, or anything else relation to Amber Heard and Johnny Depp, the case, the court proceedings or the Pirates of the Caribbean in the comment section below!
I can’t help but wonder how things would work out if the lawyers on both sides were equally matched.
"You don't understand!!! PLEDGE and DONATION are synonymous!!!"
I remember reading about them! Some lady brought them in as support for Johnny and it seemed the team has seen them. Yay!
She really is good at what she does ! Is anyone keeping up with all this tho ? My best friend brought up a good point “ lots of guys call their exes crazy! Isn’t it possible he was “ crazy” too ?” Maybe she was the one that took it to the next level but did Johnny really do nothing wrong ? I don’t know! of course I love Johnny Depp and I barely know who she is but does that make her any worse than him ? Just wondering if there’s anyone on Ambers side (that’s actually been keeping up with it)
He isn't without fault, but no one is. He openly admitted to plenty of wrong doings, especially where substance abuse is involved. Amber has maintained a I don't lie and did nothing wrong front the whole time. When asked about bringing drugs to events they would both be at she didn't seem bothered at all by that even though she knew Depp was trying to get clean. Maybe it's just a psychological thing but I'm way more inclined to believe the story of someone who owns part mistake than someone who claims to be blameless
Load More Replies...There are so much holes in Amber Heard's story that I almost admire her ability to keep up with the lies. I would have quit the moment they played the first audio tape of her clearly being the abusive partner in the relationship, throw in Camilla picking apart her entire story, "so you got your drunk and violent partner a knife for a present?" and I cannot see how she continues on.
I can’t lie ! I can let people assume and I can agree with what they say but fabricating a lie or trying to cover my a*s with a lie! I can’t I’ll come clean every time just because I think it’s written all over my face anyways !
Load More Replies...to be honest, amber heards team really has me thinking about the courtroom scene in chicago, minus the people actually believing the s**t that they said.
She really is good at what she does ! Is anyone keeping up with all this tho ? My best friend brought up a good point “ lots of guys call their exes crazy! Isn’t it possible he was “ crazy” too ?” Maybe she was the one that took it to the next level but did Johnny really do nothing wrong ? I don’t know! of course I love Johnny Depp and I barely know who she is but does that make her any worse than him ? Just wondering if there’s anyone on Ambers side (that’s actually been keeping up with it)
He isn't without fault, but no one is. He openly admitted to plenty of wrong doings, especially where substance abuse is involved. Amber has maintained a I don't lie and did nothing wrong front the whole time. When asked about bringing drugs to events they would both be at she didn't seem bothered at all by that even though she knew Depp was trying to get clean. Maybe it's just a psychological thing but I'm way more inclined to believe the story of someone who owns part mistake than someone who claims to be blameless
Load More Replies...There are so much holes in Amber Heard's story that I almost admire her ability to keep up with the lies. I would have quit the moment they played the first audio tape of her clearly being the abusive partner in the relationship, throw in Camilla picking apart her entire story, "so you got your drunk and violent partner a knife for a present?" and I cannot see how she continues on.
I can’t lie ! I can let people assume and I can agree with what they say but fabricating a lie or trying to cover my a*s with a lie! I can’t I’ll come clean every time just because I think it’s written all over my face anyways !
Load More Replies...to be honest, amber heards team really has me thinking about the courtroom scene in chicago, minus the people actually believing the s**t that they said.