The ‘Cakes With Threatening Auras’ Twitter Page Showcases Some Of The Creepiest Bakes Ever (50 Pics)
When was the last time you baked a cake? Feels like it’s overdue? Why not try something completely new that includes ingredients like cursed, creepy, and a whole lot of threatening? Buckets of them. ‘Cause some folks sure have.
There’s a Facebook group that’s all about cakes with threatening auras, sharing some of the most oof cakes out there. So, we have to talk about it at this point.
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I Mean- They’re Pies But Hey
Biblically Accurate Angel Food Cake
My Birthday Cake! I Loved It!
So, there’s a Facebook group called Cakes With Threatening Auras. Quite appropriately, it is dedicated to scouring the vast internetscape and pointing out all of the visually documented flour-based confections that, as soon as you see them, fill you with the understanding that you and your offspring have been cursed to not be able to unsee them as they peer into your soul… [snaps out of it] what just happened?
Talk About A Lemon Party
My Mums Halloween Cake
I Made A Cheese Cake
The group was formed 4 years ago and has since amassed over 250,000 members, only just recently crossing the quarter of a million mark.
Not sure if it’s an appreciation, critique or whatever else group, but you can’t help but admit one thing: you can’t stop giving these cakes attention because of how perfectly bizarre they are.
Zombie Cake
You know you’re screwed when you cut the cake and the cake starts to move
Every Year I Make Dirt Pudding For Halloween, But This Year I Changed Out The Gummy Worms For Marzipan Maggots
In Honour Of My Middle Kid’s 12th Birthday Tomorrow, Here Is The First Cake I Made For Her
Now, when baking a cake, there are—no exaggeration—at least several dozen things that can go wrong. Artistic talent is definitely part of it, so put down the pastry bag if stick figures are your go-to art style.
It’s important to understand that baking is the art of chemistry and physics. Knowing how heat, pressure, mixing and all that jazz affect the ingredients is a huge part in making a cake that you want and not a summoning circle for cacklers.
This Belongs Here
Those Silica Gel Industry Big Shots Can't Tell Me What To Do
So, where to start? Chatelaine has published 7 rules for baking a cake that will make you proud:
Grease the pan and line it with baking paper; allow the oven to fully preheat; bake in the center of the oven; bake in an appropriately sized pan; don’t double recipes; use fresh ingredients; and no substitutions.
A Hercules Beetle Larva Cake
My Halloween Cake This Year
I Would Eat It
The seven rules above should solve most of the problems, but there are more solutions if your cake doesn’t turn out the way you wanted it to.
Now, if your cake is too dense, make sure you’re measuring wet and dry ingredients with appropriate measures. Baking soda and powder ought to be fresh and used appropriately over temperatures because you can’t quicken or slow the process.
The Force Is Strong With This One
I Love This
Well Executed, But I Find Savoury Items As Cake Unsettling
If your cake turns out dry, try not to overly compress the flour and cocoa in the measuring cup as that makes more of it and creates a disproportion.
Also, overbaking is another issue, so look out for these three indicators that your cake is done: the cake should be slightly pulling away from the sides of the pan; putting a cake tester into the deepest part of the cake should come out clean; and the cake should spring back when pressed gently.
I Think This Is The Most Threatening And Funny Cake I Have Ever Seen
This is so funny. I’m someone who loves camp. I would love this cake. 😂😂😂
Yes I Am Threatened
Our Buddy Is Going To Federal In A Few Weeks So We Threw Him A Going-Away Party
If the cake turns out tough, try following recipes to the T. Sometimes, the order of things matters greatly because of the immediate chemistry when mixing. Another option would be to use the right kind of flour.
Heck, even mixing methods matter. If a recipe says hand mixing, then using a mixer might just lead to problems like holes and tunnels in your cake.
Halloween Creation
A Friend Sent Me This Example Cake And They Would Like It For Their Brother's Birthday
Cake artist : Fiona Hugues Stylist
He Has Seen Some Things
Baking is a certain kind of exercise in patience. It’s a well-planned-out process where every step is important and it’s all done on the cake’s terms, not yours.
Waiting for that sourdough to rise, whisking that egg white just enough—it all matters in the grand scheme of things and cutting corners is the worst thing you can do.
My Son’s Birthday Cake
Loving The Advice On This
I Am So Uncomfy What
Patience also applies to mastering baking skills. And a huge part of it is practicing until it’s perfect. Yes, that means that failure will happen, but it’s important to embrace it, make it into a learning experience and draw conclusions.
Hopefully, these conclusions aren’t based on cursed cake design that might just end up on Cakes With Threatening Auras.
I Was Trying To Recreate Something With Cupcakes And Ended Up Making….him
Op Was Showcasing The Capabilities Of Their Newly Acquired Skull Pan
This Is The Creepiest Thing I’ve Ever Seen
So, hopefully, this helps you avoid creating a cake that’s out to get you. And if you need more confectionery nightmare fuel, the Facebook group is out there.
So, what are your takes on any of this? Have some horrible cake stories of your own? Why not share them in great detail in the comment section below!
He Is Once Again Asking Alexandra
Supposed To Be Frog If Anyone Has Doubts
My Beautiful Bday Cake This Year
Birthday Cake For My Pregnant Friend
My 4 Year Anniversary Cake Lmao
Tried To Make A Monster Cake And Failed
Made A Pie For A Halloween Party. He Looks More Jolly Than Anything
Tears Of Joy
… I’m personally offended by this representation of a hedgehog-like thingy