208 Epic Photos From Burning Man 2017 That Prove It’s The Craziest Festival In The World
What started in 1986 as two friends burning an eight-foot statue on a San Francisco beach has grown into an event that sets a 105-feet tall statue on fire around the summer solstice. This year's Burning Man festival is taking place on August 27th to September 4th, but has already been responsible for stunning photos that prove how wild it actually is.
Billed as a "Radical Ritual," Burning Man 2017 has become a desert oasis for about 70,000 people. It describes itself as a "temporary metropolis dedicated to community, art, self-expression, and self-reliance." Scroll down to experience the crazy "ritual" through pictures, and don't forget to vote for your favorite ones!
More info: burningman.org (h/t dyt)
This post may include affiliate links.
I saw something like this at the art museum in Cincinnati. The artist used laser cut steel to form intricate shadows
Websites always show the most amazing pieces of art at Burning Man, but they fail to showcase some of the horrible treatment from alumnus burners upon people who are new on the Playa. Unfortunately over the years this Festival has evolved into a nesting center of utter wannabe nouveau riche hippie douchebags. They use the idea of togetherness, art and freedom in order to blast their brains out on drugs and try to score free cigarettes and unconsented sex. I have no doubt that people are still there for the right reasons, to support love, experience, and enlightenment, but the water supply has officially been tainted and it gets more acrid every year.
The way she's articulated and has cables at her knees and wrists, it looks like she can dance. I'd love to see that!
I live in Fernley they may take it out of the desert, (which is debatable, drive 15 miles away and see the dump sites) but the garbage they leave in dumpsters they overfill, on the side of the road, and worst of all down our streets is sickening!! And if you live out here you see the destruction and lack of disregard to our parks when bags and bags of garbage, sleeping pads and bags are strewn for us the residents to clean up after!
This is similar to what I start to get in my vision at the beginning of a migraine
The impressive part is what's in the background! At night, the whole thing spins like a ferris wheel and theres a strobe that gives an illusion of a skeleton rowing the boat....oh, did i mentioned that the movement is powered by 3 ropes on either side that must be pulled in a concerted effort by onlookers on either side?
That's my old Bus!! Still radiating from all the orange sunshine we took in it!!
And the road warrior. That was the last we ever saw of him. He lives no only in my memories.
Wish it wasn't a selfie - I can see her arms in the reflection in the glasses
Those ropes you see hanging is what powers this beast. The wheel starts turning and a strobe flashes at night, which then creates an illusion of skeletons in place rowing the boat!
i'm not even gonna lie seeing that in the dark would scare the c**p out of me
I just keep wondering if her feet don't burn inside of all that fur xDD
Oh, I saw this one earlier. But it was in daylight. It Looks Even More Beautiful All Lit Up!!
There's something so serene about this photo... Makes me feel at ease.
I look at the fishnets and think; "but how do you apply sunscreen through that?"
Wow... an arctic man in a desert... what irony and such a strange contradiction...
Ok, I LOVE that particular shade of BLUE on her outfit. But that is the only thing I like about this photo.
Best picture of the lot. Question is...what is the sewing machine plugged in to?
well, she should do that in front of that sign telling about having sand in weird places ;)
All these pictures are amazing, but I'd love to see normal looking people represented in more of these photos. Even at a festival touted for embracing everyone, only women who look like models make it into these photos?
Miss Fritter and Red had a baby? (Sorry, my kid is obsessed with Disney Cars and my mind goes there)
woah, they made shibari more extreme with the sandstorm, these hipsters take even bdsm further like it wasn't already offstream xD
surrealistic pillow can i pass beneath your willow and find the dream steam of euphoria.
I hope I never see you there LG. You just killing my vibe today. Imagine how intrusive it would be in the moment!
Sad that folks have to lock their stuff up at Burning Man, of all places...
That's refreshing. Real people are much more interesting than all these airbrushed models...
That's a cute and hot Girl japanese umbrella, cycle, desert. Perfect.
Moral of the story; awesome place, but don't show up if you're ugly?
I agree with Willie!! Overall, this was fascinating for observing the interesting element that IS Burning Man, however, only choosing hot chicks is also tasteless. That is NOT the true mission of BM. Quite disappointed with the constant barrage of perfection... let's see more of the quirky!!! Too bad.
So burning man is Intagram "models" convention? I thought it was some kind of art fest or something
It used to be an art fest... now it is very instagrammy at least with this set of pics... :(
Load More Replies...The whole thing reminds me of mad max or some sort of post apocalyptic future.
There is a festival based on mad max, called Wasteland Weekend. Definetly looks more crazy than this. You've got modified cars and a thunderdome and all. Its AMAZING
Load More Replies...I would not wanna go there after seeing these photos because 1) I'm not a pretty mannequin 2) I'm not a rich businessman who is into mannequins.
Kinga, what made you think she is rude? You are rude by telling her that she is not welcomed to parties. What's your problem girl?
Load More Replies...I wonder if all women look like models, or that the photographers can't be bothered to take pictures of the normal looking people
I thought the same thing. Where are all us average people. We all know America is full of them.
Load More Replies...Also festivals used to be about all different people coming together in acceptance now it's a hot body competition!
Other festivals in the same area have followed suit...apparently you shouldn't attend High Sierra MF if you are poor, resemble a "wook" (used to be Wookie, now it's derogatory), or have a disability requiring a service dog. Their forums are literally a bunch of hate mixed with "love my family " bs
Load More Replies...Great installations. But I thought you just needed a ton of money to go there, not that you had to be a mode, too :-(
These are pictures from the several years, not this year. Cherry picking some of the best. Not everyone out there looks like this
So many of these photos would have been so much better without the people in them.
I wanted to post this wonderful thing to FB but I am offended by the images selected to front it--NOT typical and IS exploitative
*yawn* just another instagram "model" fest. Instagram "models" are there for bragging rights and so they can appear to the world as edgy, creative wild child. Many of them will list attending burning man on their bio especially on Tinder as a life changing experience. They are certainly not there to express their creative spirit. There is nothing creative about a bikini and an awkward pose.
check out my top 10 photos of Burning Man 2017 >> http://bit.ly/2x8L0bY DSC3834-3-...464099.jpg
The summer solstice was on June 21st, which is nowhere 'around' the end of s August. Perhaps the writer should do more research. The current iteration of this event is more like a circus that drags on for days rather than a celebration of the Northern Hemisphere's longest day
These picture only show young sexy, borderline anorexic women. Is this a prerequisite for attending Burning Man or is this a photographer's preference?
I think you never seen anorexic woman in your life... photographer preference? I would say lots of people prefer nice, sexy and fit body ;) I do
Load More Replies...I used to like Burning Man... but now I'm older. What is learned? nothing. What is accomplished? nothing. What purpose does it serve? nothing... these are just the musings of an old man who has seen it all
Genuinely curious: how did the experience change for you over the years? What is it about Burning Man now that has changed for the worst, in your opinion? I've never been, so I have no frame of reference. I find it fascinating, bc a lot of burners I've known have said something similar to what you have.
Load More Replies...Personally, I think Wasteland Weekend is crazier than this one. Plus, it's got less cultural apropiation and everyone stays on tents...
There is this incredibly hot dude on wooden stilts (not one of the rubber: rich urban bikers) and we only get him from a distance. His costume is awesome with a combo of Venice Mardi gras, muscle, dirt, acrobatics and independence. Why is there no other picture of this sole?!
I saw the weird outfits on the ad and wanted to see more. Psyche!
To those that have never been. You won’t get it till you go. For those that have and don’t go anymore. Sorry to hear that. BM is literally what you make of it. You can come be a r****d and hate it. Great then we won’t have to deal with you next year. Open your mind to an event where you are the entertainment. Your participation makes the event. Whether it be chilling, dancing, or whatever. Is there booze and drugs there? Yes, but only if you bring them. I’m not into drugs. I’ve been and it was great. There is no way to describe it so you’d understand. Go, immerse yourself, and see how you feel when done.
God im so sick of seeing so many attention needing whores on everything. Like great you have a nice body but do we really need to see your fucken bever spread eagal for a fucken stupid photo pose like have some damn shame ho lol..
10 years ago. YES...... now just insta-trendy glitter-posing vain "creative"-hipster drugged up dullards.
We did this instead... #Mushrooms https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnZL0j5jZMmiUf6kJXXTNgQ
This is really no longer the same spirit festival it used to be. Now you literally have people bringing construction equipment and fully constructed items. Its not a week long creative endeavor, if half (most!) of the "creative" is already preconstructed. Congrats on capitalizing the festival that was started to be anathema to that.
HAHA, I found where you can buy that awesome skirt for festivals!!!!!! its being sold by Offeradi :) https://www.etsy.com/uk/offeradi/listing/514767249/modern-cage-skirt-with-tulle-lace il_570xN11...13c1ce.jpg
The summer solstice is June 20. The Fall Equinox is Sept 22. Neither is close to this event.
Why are all the women photographed exhibitionists & I think the girl puppet doll is a misogynist statement to say the least.
An installation of art objects to be destroyed? Says what about culture? Don't get it.
I'm no expert about the Burning Man but where did all those models come from? Has it always been like that?
I'm not expert on the Burning Man but where did all those models come from? Has it always been like that?
The purpose of this event, first of all, is art, music and freedom.. hiding behind is are alcohol, orgy party, sex, and drugs :)
The purpose of this event is art, then music, alcohol, orgies, and drugs :)
Apparently its become an excuse to put on uncomfortable clothing and pose next to art work. Can I wear something comfortable and practical if I promise not to let anyone take my picture while I'm looking at stuff?
I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.
You're in luck. There's no sand there. It's dirt.
Load More Replies...For as much money as it cost to go I would much rather go to a tropical island
Thank you to all the contributors, creators, artists, and photographers.
This looks like a cool festival my only problem is that I don't dig the drug culture that surrounds festivals, call me lame but drugs ruin lives trust me I know.
You'll meet with those high people eventually at some point of the event.... bring your tasers with ya :)
Load More Replies...Looks less like "Burning Man" and more like a mad max model convention.
for some reason I thought burning man was a festival for people in a cult I was very wrong it looks beautiful I would love to go someday
"The Girl from the song" was a nice movie on this festival. The creativity in this place is out of this world :) http://m.imdb.com/title/tt6336270/....
You may notice that most of the "beautiful people" photos have very little going on in the background. Few vehicles, few people. Are they hiring models to come in and pose for pictures before the thing actually kicks off?
A lot of people on here are posting to complain about this event. I guess that's the new norm for society, always bashing on something. It's sad you have so much negativity. It seems that a lot of people just aren't satisfied with things anymore and have become downers to society and cultures. Fwiw...this is what I do instead of pissing on things....if I don't like something, then it's not for me. I gravitate towards the things I enjoy instead of nitpicking everything apart. I don't hang out in forums and complain about the content; life it to short for that. Btw...I'm here because I'm fascinated by the concept of Burning Man. Why are you here?
Yet you took the time to read all the comments and also to reply negatively to the negative comments. Ironic.
Load More Replies...I thought burning man wasn't real only for that episode of malcolm 😁
You are wrong. It does NOT take place near the summer solstice you morons! It all starts the week before the Labor Day weekend and runs thru Labor Day. The Man Burns on Saturday night! Get your facts straight!
So he went there to ogle scantily clad models and put in a few token pictures of men hoping no one would notice that?
If you notice, there are tons of different photography credits... not one guy
Load More Replies...Can someone please explain the upset comments about "instagram models"? Most of the photos don't have any models and those that do I hardly even notice them O_O
You must be asleep, then. One is literally displaying her crotch for the camera.
Load More Replies...So burning man is Intagram "models" convention? I thought it was some kind of art fest or something
It used to be an art fest... now it is very instagrammy at least with this set of pics... :(
Load More Replies...The whole thing reminds me of mad max or some sort of post apocalyptic future.
There is a festival based on mad max, called Wasteland Weekend. Definetly looks more crazy than this. You've got modified cars and a thunderdome and all. Its AMAZING
Load More Replies...I would not wanna go there after seeing these photos because 1) I'm not a pretty mannequin 2) I'm not a rich businessman who is into mannequins.
Kinga, what made you think she is rude? You are rude by telling her that she is not welcomed to parties. What's your problem girl?
Load More Replies...I wonder if all women look like models, or that the photographers can't be bothered to take pictures of the normal looking people
I thought the same thing. Where are all us average people. We all know America is full of them.
Load More Replies...Also festivals used to be about all different people coming together in acceptance now it's a hot body competition!
Other festivals in the same area have followed suit...apparently you shouldn't attend High Sierra MF if you are poor, resemble a "wook" (used to be Wookie, now it's derogatory), or have a disability requiring a service dog. Their forums are literally a bunch of hate mixed with "love my family " bs
Load More Replies...Great installations. But I thought you just needed a ton of money to go there, not that you had to be a mode, too :-(
These are pictures from the several years, not this year. Cherry picking some of the best. Not everyone out there looks like this
So many of these photos would have been so much better without the people in them.
I wanted to post this wonderful thing to FB but I am offended by the images selected to front it--NOT typical and IS exploitative
*yawn* just another instagram "model" fest. Instagram "models" are there for bragging rights and so they can appear to the world as edgy, creative wild child. Many of them will list attending burning man on their bio especially on Tinder as a life changing experience. They are certainly not there to express their creative spirit. There is nothing creative about a bikini and an awkward pose.
check out my top 10 photos of Burning Man 2017 >> http://bit.ly/2x8L0bY DSC3834-3-...464099.jpg
The summer solstice was on June 21st, which is nowhere 'around' the end of s August. Perhaps the writer should do more research. The current iteration of this event is more like a circus that drags on for days rather than a celebration of the Northern Hemisphere's longest day
These picture only show young sexy, borderline anorexic women. Is this a prerequisite for attending Burning Man or is this a photographer's preference?
I think you never seen anorexic woman in your life... photographer preference? I would say lots of people prefer nice, sexy and fit body ;) I do
Load More Replies...I used to like Burning Man... but now I'm older. What is learned? nothing. What is accomplished? nothing. What purpose does it serve? nothing... these are just the musings of an old man who has seen it all
Genuinely curious: how did the experience change for you over the years? What is it about Burning Man now that has changed for the worst, in your opinion? I've never been, so I have no frame of reference. I find it fascinating, bc a lot of burners I've known have said something similar to what you have.
Load More Replies...Personally, I think Wasteland Weekend is crazier than this one. Plus, it's got less cultural apropiation and everyone stays on tents...
There is this incredibly hot dude on wooden stilts (not one of the rubber: rich urban bikers) and we only get him from a distance. His costume is awesome with a combo of Venice Mardi gras, muscle, dirt, acrobatics and independence. Why is there no other picture of this sole?!
I saw the weird outfits on the ad and wanted to see more. Psyche!
To those that have never been. You won’t get it till you go. For those that have and don’t go anymore. Sorry to hear that. BM is literally what you make of it. You can come be a r****d and hate it. Great then we won’t have to deal with you next year. Open your mind to an event where you are the entertainment. Your participation makes the event. Whether it be chilling, dancing, or whatever. Is there booze and drugs there? Yes, but only if you bring them. I’m not into drugs. I’ve been and it was great. There is no way to describe it so you’d understand. Go, immerse yourself, and see how you feel when done.
God im so sick of seeing so many attention needing whores on everything. Like great you have a nice body but do we really need to see your fucken bever spread eagal for a fucken stupid photo pose like have some damn shame ho lol..
10 years ago. YES...... now just insta-trendy glitter-posing vain "creative"-hipster drugged up dullards.
We did this instead... #Mushrooms https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnZL0j5jZMmiUf6kJXXTNgQ
This is really no longer the same spirit festival it used to be. Now you literally have people bringing construction equipment and fully constructed items. Its not a week long creative endeavor, if half (most!) of the "creative" is already preconstructed. Congrats on capitalizing the festival that was started to be anathema to that.
HAHA, I found where you can buy that awesome skirt for festivals!!!!!! its being sold by Offeradi :) https://www.etsy.com/uk/offeradi/listing/514767249/modern-cage-skirt-with-tulle-lace il_570xN11...13c1ce.jpg
The summer solstice is June 20. The Fall Equinox is Sept 22. Neither is close to this event.
Why are all the women photographed exhibitionists & I think the girl puppet doll is a misogynist statement to say the least.
An installation of art objects to be destroyed? Says what about culture? Don't get it.
I'm no expert about the Burning Man but where did all those models come from? Has it always been like that?
I'm not expert on the Burning Man but where did all those models come from? Has it always been like that?
The purpose of this event, first of all, is art, music and freedom.. hiding behind is are alcohol, orgy party, sex, and drugs :)
The purpose of this event is art, then music, alcohol, orgies, and drugs :)
Apparently its become an excuse to put on uncomfortable clothing and pose next to art work. Can I wear something comfortable and practical if I promise not to let anyone take my picture while I'm looking at stuff?
I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.
You're in luck. There's no sand there. It's dirt.
Load More Replies...For as much money as it cost to go I would much rather go to a tropical island
Thank you to all the contributors, creators, artists, and photographers.
This looks like a cool festival my only problem is that I don't dig the drug culture that surrounds festivals, call me lame but drugs ruin lives trust me I know.
You'll meet with those high people eventually at some point of the event.... bring your tasers with ya :)
Load More Replies...Looks less like "Burning Man" and more like a mad max model convention.
for some reason I thought burning man was a festival for people in a cult I was very wrong it looks beautiful I would love to go someday
"The Girl from the song" was a nice movie on this festival. The creativity in this place is out of this world :) http://m.imdb.com/title/tt6336270/....
You may notice that most of the "beautiful people" photos have very little going on in the background. Few vehicles, few people. Are they hiring models to come in and pose for pictures before the thing actually kicks off?
A lot of people on here are posting to complain about this event. I guess that's the new norm for society, always bashing on something. It's sad you have so much negativity. It seems that a lot of people just aren't satisfied with things anymore and have become downers to society and cultures. Fwiw...this is what I do instead of pissing on things....if I don't like something, then it's not for me. I gravitate towards the things I enjoy instead of nitpicking everything apart. I don't hang out in forums and complain about the content; life it to short for that. Btw...I'm here because I'm fascinated by the concept of Burning Man. Why are you here?
Yet you took the time to read all the comments and also to reply negatively to the negative comments. Ironic.
Load More Replies...I thought burning man wasn't real only for that episode of malcolm 😁
You are wrong. It does NOT take place near the summer solstice you morons! It all starts the week before the Labor Day weekend and runs thru Labor Day. The Man Burns on Saturday night! Get your facts straight!
So he went there to ogle scantily clad models and put in a few token pictures of men hoping no one would notice that?
If you notice, there are tons of different photography credits... not one guy
Load More Replies...Can someone please explain the upset comments about "instagram models"? Most of the photos don't have any models and those that do I hardly even notice them O_O
You must be asleep, then. One is literally displaying her crotch for the camera.
Load More Replies...