Artist Captures The Precious Fleeting Moments Of Life With His Wife, Kid, And Dog (14 New Pics)
Have you noticed an adorable illustration series about a family and their dog making rounds on the Internet? The 'Bundle of Joya' series went viral last year and is still loved by thousands of people.
Comic book artist and creator, Erez Zadok, shared with Bored Panda that since then, things have changed a little - after having a daughter May, Lina, his beloved wife, and his lives are even more colorful. In this new series, Erez is sharing all the happy (and exhausting!) moments of parenthood. Even though Joya is not the focal point now, she’s still escorting him everywhere he goes and always has something to say. Or bark.
More info: Instagram | Facebook | erezadok.com
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Erez's initial goal and challenge in creating his own art alongside his freelancing career is to keep his mind creative as he explained: "An artist usually gets commissioned by others, in my case, writers. They are the ones that give the tone. This is one of the reasons why I decided to create my own stories based on true events in my life. It brings me much joy to read all the fabulous responses from people all around the world, especially knowing it's my pure creation. Besides that, I recommend every artist to stay creative. Creativity is like going to the gym - in the beginning, it is hard but as you keep going, practice and persistence shows."
Erez shares that one of the many advantages in creating his weekly cartoons on Instagram is being able to follow his kid’s development: "Every now and then, I can look back on my Instagram account and follow May's progress through time and I find it even more special than flipping through her old photos on my phone".
Over 100K followers across the globe keep Erez creating these relatable stories: "All the love that we get online is so overwhelming and it keeps me motivated to continue it. Of course, if you loved it, too - we have prints."
You might have not even noticed but Erez likes to express his not-so-secret love for his favorite food in the whole world - PIZZA. Apparently, it explains why he’s insisting on hiding a slice or more in every cartoon that he makes. So before you mind your own business, Erez challenges you to go all the way back to the top and try catching all the pizzas! Enjoy!