Most of us don’t like to gamble with our food. If the noodles that have been sitting in your fridge for over a week are starting to smell like kimchi, it’s probably time to toss them out. And if you find yourself scraping mold out of your jam jar, it’s time to simply make some more.
But apparently, we’re rolling the dice with our food all the time, without even realizing! Below, you’ll find some photos from the Food Lottery subreddit that have been shared by people who were extremely unlucky. From unwrapping a candy bar to find half of it missing to opening a bag of "chips" that contains only air, enjoy scrolling through these unfortunate food lottery fails, and be sure to upvote the pics you can’t help but laugh at!
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Really Avocado? I Lost The Avocado Lottery
A trick my friend taught me, always look for the long, narrow avocado, not the plump rounder ones. The narrow ones always have smaller pits and more flesh
I Lost The Orange Lottery
I've Heard Of A Double Yolk But Never A No Yolk
Unfortunately in life, if there’s an opportunity to get lucky, there’s always going to be a chance that you’ll get unlucky as well. And apparently, we’re playing the lottery every single day when we crack open an egg or pop open a bag of chips. If you’re not familiar with this idea, we’ll let the Food Lottery subreddit explain it in their own words.
“Have you ever experienced either end of the food lottery?” the community’s About section asks. “Winning the food lottery means you got lucky with your food (for example, getting two yolks in an egg instead of one). Losing the food lottery would mean the opposite (for example, a pack of M&Ms only had one M&M in it). If you experience any of these, take a picture and post it here!”
I Was Eating A Kitkat Bar And I Only Got The Chocolate. Not Cookie And Chocolate. Weird
Only Got One M&m
I Only Got Orange And Yellow Skittles, Somehow
This online group has only been around since 2018, but it has already amassed over 6k members who are happy to share their good fortune and their disappointing luck in terms of food items every day. Common tags for photos in the subreddit are lucky, unique, double the food, supersize and unlucky.
Unfortunately, today we’ll just be focusing on those members who had the worst luck when unwrapping their edible items. But considering how much we eat, it makes sense that we’re all bound to have some bad luck at one point or another. According to Good Seed Ventures, the average person consumes about 1,488 pounds (or 675 kg) of food per year, or approximately 4 pounds (1.85 kg) per day.
Somebody Laid A Finger On My Butterfinger
Absolute Ripoff
Wtf Is This
Among the most commonly consumed food items in the world are milk, wheat, potatoes, sugar, chicken, rice, yams, seafood and maize. But there’s no question that we’re eating plenty of processed food nowadays too. In fact, Food Tank reports that a whopping 73% of the food supply in the United States is ultra-processed, meaning that they are “hyper-palatable ‘industrial formulations’ that stray from their organic origins.” Meanwhile, in the UK, residents are eating four times more packaged food than fresh food. And while it’s possible to win the food lottery from getting 3 yolks in one egg, you’re more likely to win (or lose) when you’re consuming something in a package that you couldn’t see until you opened it up.
Only Tortilla
Not Edible But Still Pretty Koo. 16 Extra Cups
Swiss Cheese
Even though the majority of food we consume likely comes from some sort of factory with an assembly line and high quality standards, there are still human beings working there. And with humans comes error. Apparently, these mistakes made by workers can not only cause you to receive a candy bar that’s missing almonds, it also contributes to waste. Researchers at Brunel University London and Ghent University found that human error accounted for nearly 11% of all food waste at manufacturing facilities.
Found This Tiny Cake Hidden Under All This Frosting. 50/50 The Right Ratio?
Not that kind. This is the stuff they make with shortening that tastes like shortening with a bunch of sugar in it.
Load More Replies...I hate most frosting. It's too heavy and too sweet.
As a former grocery store cake decorator, here's what I'm guessing happened. You ever notice how the same size storebought cakes all have the exact same weight on the label? That's programmed into the computer and the decorator cannot change it; it's not the actual weight of the dessert, but rather the mandatory minimum weight for the product. Failure to meet that weight can result in a hefty fine (remember the hoopla over the 11" "footlongs" at Subway? Same thing.) Normally the decorator will split the cake in half horizontally & pipe a "retaining wall" of icing around the edge. I don't see that ridge of icing on this one, and without it you can only put a very thin layer of filling without it squoodging out the sides. With inadequate filling, it's *very* difficult to hit that minimum weight and it's common to just pile on the icing and/or toppings (crushed Oreos, for example) until the requirement has been reached.
Looks normal to me. Just one of the many reasons I won’t buy or eat store bought cakes. That and the texture of the cake is never right and you can almost always taste the fact that they previously froze the cake so it could be thawed and decorated and sold as bakery fresh. Don’t believe me? How about my sib that worked in more than one store chain bakeries?
Serve at a children's party and watch them go at the speed of light
Works for me! In fact, you can just hold the cake and give me a bowl of frosting!
this is the reason i dont wanna eat (cheap) American cakes. Its not even good frosting either.
I see nothing wrong with this. Plus it's an edge piece, those tend to get more frosting.
Way too much sugar of any kind... I prefer a loaf cake without a layer of sugar on top. A thin layer of cream-cheese icing on carrot cake is acceptable.
We Still Ate It (Watermelon)
Kinda Lost The Food Lottery Here. I Mean It’s Not A Big Deal But Like… It’s Just Sad 😔
It’s understandable that mistakes happen anywhere and everywhere, but it’s still disappointing when you open a box of Pop-Tarts to find only one in each foil pack. Luckily, many companies are happy to reimburse customers or make up for their errors if consumers aren’t satisfied with what they received. For example, on the Frito Lay website, unhappy customers can file a complaint about the quality of the product they received. And if you’re willing to go through all of the effort to explain your disappointment in a product, the company will likely be happy to send you a new bag of chips to make up for it.
Luxury Hot Chocolate
This Bacon Is Probably The Worst I've Seen
I've Been Robbed
Winning the food lottery might not be quite as exciting as winning the actual lottery, but it can still be fun to realize that you got more than you paid for. On the other hand, it can be extremely disappointing to find out that you received less than what you bargained for. So if you want to help your odds of winning the edible lottery, there are a few ways you can do so. First, try to primarily buy food that you can actually see through its packaging. This can minimize the element of surprise when you go to actually open the product.
Not Really Food But Very Single One Of These Were Cherry Instead Of Green Apple
Theres Only Two Noooo
TBF, you can see through the bag. Buy one with candy in it.
I Opened A Small Chip Bag And There Was Only 5.25 Chips In There
If you want to decrease your chances of losing the food lottery, you should also remember to always check expiration dates on products. Even if you bought something yesterday, there’s always a small chance that it expired on that day (or before!). Be sure to check dates to ensure that you’re getting the freshest products possible. And if you’re getting a bag of chips, you might want to try shaking it around to ensure that it’s not just air waiting for you inside.
I’m Soooooooo Lucky :i
A Mini Mini Tortilla
Found A Hollow Egg
I think that's a stale egg. The air pocket gets bigger as they age. If you watched it boiling in the pan, it would have been nearly vertical.
If you’ve lost the food lottery, you shouldn’t feel too bad. Consider yourself special for finding a unique product at all! Plus, about 70% of lottery winners end up broke after winning anyway, so perhaps it’s better to stay humble and avoid winning at all! And if you put in a complaint with the company that rips you off, you might end up with much more than you paid for in the first place. Fingers crossed!
I Feel Violated
I Did Not Win. That Left One Is Just Pathetic
A Biscuit Without A The Other Cookie On Top And Without The The Cream
Are you feeling lucky today, pandas? Do you think you’ll be winning the food lottery some time soon? Keep upvoting the pics that you find particularly unfortunate, and let us know in the comments below whether you’ve ever won or lost the lottery in the past. Then, if you’re interested in checking out a Bored Panda article featuring photos from people who had great luck when it comes to food, look no further than right here!
Sometimes U Only Get Half The Product
Again, in this case, you can see through the packaging.
We Had An Entire Slice Of Pizza With No Cheese
This Piece Of Ice In My Soda
i had a pommegranate last week with only a very few seeds in it. Never felt so betrayed!
The quality of food now a days is concerning. Shrinkflation is making everything so expensive and worse quality!
i had a pommegranate last week with only a very few seeds in it. Never felt so betrayed!
The quality of food now a days is concerning. Shrinkflation is making everything so expensive and worse quality!