Delusional Bride Cancels Wedding, Thinks It’s Okay To Spend The $30K That Guests Donated For It
If you thought Godzilla was a scary creature, wait till you see this bridezilla. She didn’t simply cross the line, she went so far past the line that she can’t even see the line! The line is a dot to her (kudos to you if you got the reference).
Recently, Reddit user joyeuxanniversaire1 uploaded a screenshot of a Facebook post, and it got over 87K upvotes on the platform. But not because people like it, on the contrary, it’s a perfect example of just how toxic choosing beggars are. Addressing the invitees of her wedding, this bride appreciated the $30,000 they donated for the event. And then canceled it.
However, greed’s appetite grows while eating. After sharing the news, this woman asked for more donations. I don’t know if you can call it a spit in the face. More like taking a dump on everyone closest to you.
Image credits: istockphoto/MEDITERRANEAN
The average wedding cost in the United States is $33,391. However, the number varies widely depending on where a particular couple lives. For example, couples in New York City spend the most at $76,944, while couples in New Mexico pay the least – $17,584. So, while this bride may not have been able to have the wedding of her dreams, the $30K in donations was definitely a significant boost to the budget.
The guests were absolutely furious
ADVERTISEMENTAfter a while, the bride responded to them
However, that didn’t put out the fire
Other people couldn’t believe what was happening as well
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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
I... don't have words for this. Is this real? Is she real? I hope that rich uncle takes her to court and gets his money back. This woman is insane.
I think it is probably fake but even so I noticed no one is upset with the groom Edward. I would think he bears just as much responsibility in this.
Load More Replies...Sure, you are right, but it's hard to say what is happening in the background. The bride is the one who announced it and the one who responded, so that's the side we see. But it's probably fake.
You think? From the posts it sounds like this was most likely her idea. Makes me wonder... Did he even know she cancelled their wedding date? o.o"
please. husbands hardly get a say in their weddings you think a bridezilla like this will let him have an input? his only option out of that Is leaving her
I've been wondering about the groom, too. But if he goes to the doctor with her just because she has hysterics, he might just be very good at codependency. The parents of the bride should also get some of the heat becuase they've raised someone who goes 'the money is MINE, now'.
That's actually a really good point. I think the reason that we're not seeing anything direct at him, is because this is from the woman's social media page. Therefore, we're primarily seeing her posts, and replies to her posts. In all likelihood, Edward's phone and social media accounts were blowing up too, but nobody snitched that stuff to Reddit.
Maybe, but I have a strong hunch that it was actually her idea, this isn't a plan a dude would come up with (BTW, I'm female)
I mean she could be real. Think about it. There are billions and billions of people on this planet. Granted, some are gonna be crackheads
No it's not real. It turned out to be a marketing promotion for a new website.
What website? I need to go punch whoever came up with the idea before I punch out a random couple with the names Pam and Edward.
What were they even marketing for lol
It is absolutely fake: There are zero likes or emoji "Reacts" to a single one of the comments, even ones from 20 hours ago. Fake as can be. The "bride" or anyone in this story probably doesn't even exist. https://np.reddit.com/r/ChoosingBeggars/comments/dra7ya/bride_steals_30k_of_wedding_donations_and_then/f6l3bbd Then check this post out that pointed it out to everyone else: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChoosingBeggars/comments/drw83k/yeaaaaaa_weve_been_had_the_oscar_goes_to_not_op/
I'm getting a 'page not found' at your link. Woudl emojis etc be copied to a post like this. And doesn't Reddit charge money for likes? (Only been on there a few times).
No, it isn't real. It was a marketing scheme to funnel new traffic to capturedit.club.
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I feel like they made up the Dec 1 date. I think their "wedding" is/was already scheduled for the later date. They said Dec. 1 so they can get the money early to go towards the wedding, but couldn't ask people out right for it so they asked for monetary donations. Now that they have it, they can "cancel" their Dec 1 Wedding in preparation for the wedding they already had scheduled.
I think people downvoted your comment because it's not logical for the bride to ask people to schedule time off work, flights, and hotel reservations just to have them reschedule. It's not to her benefit to be a gigantic hemorrhoid pushing people around, although she clearly has no problem with being just that. All it would really accomplish is alienating her family and guests, which she has succeeded at in spectacular fashion.
@Lola I have no idea! I can't seem to fathom collecting all that money and say "due to financial situation we can't get married, but can go to the honeymoon?"
@Pants thank you for clarifying! Yeah I agree it's not logical at all- but neither is what she originally did either.
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But Americans also celebrate Columbus day (all the tyranny & brutality) - that explains everything...
@Jacob. An engagement ring is NOT a "gift". It is a token given as part of a contract, a financial guarantee that the wedding will happen. If the wedding does NOT happen, then the ring must be returned. ...///... This has come up on court many times (I looked it up) and judges all rule in favour of returning the ring. It's not even a question.
Actually I think that law varies by state. Where I live in NY if you accepted the ring in good faith and began planning a wedding that was later called off, the ring is considered a gift and thus remains the property of the bride. This happened to a friend of mine some years ago and that was the outcome.
Wouldn't you expect your engagement ring back if your wedding didn't happen? I would.
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This country is insane - when you look at the comments and down votes. You people really can not donate without expecting something back? That's insane...
Dude, stop leaving the same comment all over. A donation is not the same as a gift. A donation is given towards a purpose (usually something more meaningful than an expensive party). Assuming the story is true, no one was giving the bride and groom money for the hell of it. An unnecessarily expensive wedding is a luxury, not a need, and the family and friends were nice enough to give them money for it. Then the two knobheads decide to take the money given towards the wedding for personal use. They also screw over all the guests, who you seem to forget have by now booked vacation, flights, hotels. That's money lost. And then the bride has the arrogance to ask for even more money to spend on frivolous s**t. If she had simply rescheduled people would not be as angry, but she told them she will be using their money for a completely different purpose than what they were given towards and she expects them to give more, because she wants to live a fancy life on the backs of others. Did you notice the part where she's begging for basic stuff like spa products? You can tell she's used to mooching off people instead of working for her money.
No, they donated for a specific cause. The wedding's not happening. She should have returned the funds. It would be the right thing to do. She greedy asking for donations for a wedding anyway. If she can't afford a wedding, she shouldn't have one.
Hey Pam, I thought you were on a social media blackout? Anywho ... since I have your attention, you really should have let the ER 5150 you. Haldol works wonders for the voices in your head, which tell you it is ok to commit fraud. Yes fraud. BTW, I hope your uncle gets treble damages when he sees you in court. Of course, if you are smart, you'll honeymoon some place with no extradition treaty with the US. I hear Brunei, North Korea, and Syria are all lovely this time of year.
*gasps* Dude... are you bride, just incognito?? That's exactly her thought process!! Haha omg. Please explain to the rest of us how this is even a coherent thought stream?! Wedding gifts are for an actual wedding.The problem is, she is going to spend the money without a wedding, go on a honeymoon BEFORE an actual wedding. But the HUGE KICKER is that she then still expects everyone to donate MORE money after the reschedule to find the NEW and improved wedding and the following honeymoon again!!! And if they don't, you can bet your bottom dollar she will throw an EPIC temper tantrum on how everyone is being selfish and greedy and don't give a whale about her and the groom and their future together will be ruined bc of everyone's lack of wanting to find her extravagant and entitled lifestyle!
Even without bridescammers like this (supposing that it is true), the whole wedding thing has got out of hand. Milking family and friends to fund your "dream wedding" is vulgar af.
... and then fund her updated wedding as well as her spa treatment.. because she's just that stressed now.
Load More Replies...@St. John. The normal course of action is to spend what is necessary on the wedding first, then spend what's left on the honeymoon. She is talking about spending the entire 30k on the honeymoon and then asking for more for the wedding. She even said in her last statement that she hoped the more affluent members of the family would understand and cough up money. That's like receiving a brand new Mercedes, crashing it within a few weeks, and expecting the original gift giver to buy you a brand new BMW. Real life doesn't work that way and people don't have some magical money tree to harvest from. She's a con.
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Donating and expecting something in return ir vulgar af.
No, actually, when you start a charitable crowdfunding campaign for a specific purpose, and you don't use the money for the purpose you stated, it's called fraud. It happens fairly often on GoFundMe, and it never works out for the scammers.
Yes the honeymoon is part of the wedding. Spending the money on a "pre-honeymoon" is not. Especially when you're going to ask for more money from the people who thought they were giving money appear to help with the cost of the wedding/honeymoon but you decide to go on a vacation first instead are telling everyone you can't have the wedding bc of financial instability. Dude, you need to go back and re-read the whole post. I feel like you ended up somewhere waaaay out in left field somehow on this.
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Isn't honeymoon a part of a wedding? If they'd spend 1k on honeymoon and 29k on ceremony - everyone would celebrate them. If it's opposite, and they are more happy -why not? I know couples who divorce month after wedding. Nobody asks them to return the gifts/donations. But the money is invested in something they both will not be happy to remember. And when people invest the donations in something that makes them happy - that's wrong...
3.500 and 12.000 and even 200. The biggest donation in my wedding was a glass vase.
I... don't have words for this. Is this real? Is she real? I hope that rich uncle takes her to court and gets his money back. This woman is insane.
I think it is probably fake but even so I noticed no one is upset with the groom Edward. I would think he bears just as much responsibility in this.
Load More Replies...Sure, you are right, but it's hard to say what is happening in the background. The bride is the one who announced it and the one who responded, so that's the side we see. But it's probably fake.
You think? From the posts it sounds like this was most likely her idea. Makes me wonder... Did he even know she cancelled their wedding date? o.o"
please. husbands hardly get a say in their weddings you think a bridezilla like this will let him have an input? his only option out of that Is leaving her
I've been wondering about the groom, too. But if he goes to the doctor with her just because she has hysterics, he might just be very good at codependency. The parents of the bride should also get some of the heat becuase they've raised someone who goes 'the money is MINE, now'.
That's actually a really good point. I think the reason that we're not seeing anything direct at him, is because this is from the woman's social media page. Therefore, we're primarily seeing her posts, and replies to her posts. In all likelihood, Edward's phone and social media accounts were blowing up too, but nobody snitched that stuff to Reddit.
Maybe, but I have a strong hunch that it was actually her idea, this isn't a plan a dude would come up with (BTW, I'm female)
I mean she could be real. Think about it. There are billions and billions of people on this planet. Granted, some are gonna be crackheads
No it's not real. It turned out to be a marketing promotion for a new website.
What website? I need to go punch whoever came up with the idea before I punch out a random couple with the names Pam and Edward.
What were they even marketing for lol
It is absolutely fake: There are zero likes or emoji "Reacts" to a single one of the comments, even ones from 20 hours ago. Fake as can be. The "bride" or anyone in this story probably doesn't even exist. https://np.reddit.com/r/ChoosingBeggars/comments/dra7ya/bride_steals_30k_of_wedding_donations_and_then/f6l3bbd Then check this post out that pointed it out to everyone else: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChoosingBeggars/comments/drw83k/yeaaaaaa_weve_been_had_the_oscar_goes_to_not_op/
I'm getting a 'page not found' at your link. Woudl emojis etc be copied to a post like this. And doesn't Reddit charge money for likes? (Only been on there a few times).
No, it isn't real. It was a marketing scheme to funnel new traffic to capturedit.club.
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I feel like they made up the Dec 1 date. I think their "wedding" is/was already scheduled for the later date. They said Dec. 1 so they can get the money early to go towards the wedding, but couldn't ask people out right for it so they asked for monetary donations. Now that they have it, they can "cancel" their Dec 1 Wedding in preparation for the wedding they already had scheduled.
I think people downvoted your comment because it's not logical for the bride to ask people to schedule time off work, flights, and hotel reservations just to have them reschedule. It's not to her benefit to be a gigantic hemorrhoid pushing people around, although she clearly has no problem with being just that. All it would really accomplish is alienating her family and guests, which she has succeeded at in spectacular fashion.
@Lola I have no idea! I can't seem to fathom collecting all that money and say "due to financial situation we can't get married, but can go to the honeymoon?"
@Pants thank you for clarifying! Yeah I agree it's not logical at all- but neither is what she originally did either.
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But Americans also celebrate Columbus day (all the tyranny & brutality) - that explains everything...
@Jacob. An engagement ring is NOT a "gift". It is a token given as part of a contract, a financial guarantee that the wedding will happen. If the wedding does NOT happen, then the ring must be returned. ...///... This has come up on court many times (I looked it up) and judges all rule in favour of returning the ring. It's not even a question.
Actually I think that law varies by state. Where I live in NY if you accepted the ring in good faith and began planning a wedding that was later called off, the ring is considered a gift and thus remains the property of the bride. This happened to a friend of mine some years ago and that was the outcome.
Wouldn't you expect your engagement ring back if your wedding didn't happen? I would.
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This country is insane - when you look at the comments and down votes. You people really can not donate without expecting something back? That's insane...
Dude, stop leaving the same comment all over. A donation is not the same as a gift. A donation is given towards a purpose (usually something more meaningful than an expensive party). Assuming the story is true, no one was giving the bride and groom money for the hell of it. An unnecessarily expensive wedding is a luxury, not a need, and the family and friends were nice enough to give them money for it. Then the two knobheads decide to take the money given towards the wedding for personal use. They also screw over all the guests, who you seem to forget have by now booked vacation, flights, hotels. That's money lost. And then the bride has the arrogance to ask for even more money to spend on frivolous s**t. If she had simply rescheduled people would not be as angry, but she told them she will be using their money for a completely different purpose than what they were given towards and she expects them to give more, because she wants to live a fancy life on the backs of others. Did you notice the part where she's begging for basic stuff like spa products? You can tell she's used to mooching off people instead of working for her money.
No, they donated for a specific cause. The wedding's not happening. She should have returned the funds. It would be the right thing to do. She greedy asking for donations for a wedding anyway. If she can't afford a wedding, she shouldn't have one.
Hey Pam, I thought you were on a social media blackout? Anywho ... since I have your attention, you really should have let the ER 5150 you. Haldol works wonders for the voices in your head, which tell you it is ok to commit fraud. Yes fraud. BTW, I hope your uncle gets treble damages when he sees you in court. Of course, if you are smart, you'll honeymoon some place with no extradition treaty with the US. I hear Brunei, North Korea, and Syria are all lovely this time of year.
*gasps* Dude... are you bride, just incognito?? That's exactly her thought process!! Haha omg. Please explain to the rest of us how this is even a coherent thought stream?! Wedding gifts are for an actual wedding.The problem is, she is going to spend the money without a wedding, go on a honeymoon BEFORE an actual wedding. But the HUGE KICKER is that she then still expects everyone to donate MORE money after the reschedule to find the NEW and improved wedding and the following honeymoon again!!! And if they don't, you can bet your bottom dollar she will throw an EPIC temper tantrum on how everyone is being selfish and greedy and don't give a whale about her and the groom and their future together will be ruined bc of everyone's lack of wanting to find her extravagant and entitled lifestyle!
Even without bridescammers like this (supposing that it is true), the whole wedding thing has got out of hand. Milking family and friends to fund your "dream wedding" is vulgar af.
... and then fund her updated wedding as well as her spa treatment.. because she's just that stressed now.
Load More Replies...@St. John. The normal course of action is to spend what is necessary on the wedding first, then spend what's left on the honeymoon. She is talking about spending the entire 30k on the honeymoon and then asking for more for the wedding. She even said in her last statement that she hoped the more affluent members of the family would understand and cough up money. That's like receiving a brand new Mercedes, crashing it within a few weeks, and expecting the original gift giver to buy you a brand new BMW. Real life doesn't work that way and people don't have some magical money tree to harvest from. She's a con.
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Donating and expecting something in return ir vulgar af.
No, actually, when you start a charitable crowdfunding campaign for a specific purpose, and you don't use the money for the purpose you stated, it's called fraud. It happens fairly often on GoFundMe, and it never works out for the scammers.
Yes the honeymoon is part of the wedding. Spending the money on a "pre-honeymoon" is not. Especially when you're going to ask for more money from the people who thought they were giving money appear to help with the cost of the wedding/honeymoon but you decide to go on a vacation first instead are telling everyone you can't have the wedding bc of financial instability. Dude, you need to go back and re-read the whole post. I feel like you ended up somewhere waaaay out in left field somehow on this.
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Isn't honeymoon a part of a wedding? If they'd spend 1k on honeymoon and 29k on ceremony - everyone would celebrate them. If it's opposite, and they are more happy -why not? I know couples who divorce month after wedding. Nobody asks them to return the gifts/donations. But the money is invested in something they both will not be happy to remember. And when people invest the donations in something that makes them happy - that's wrong...
3.500 and 12.000 and even 200. The biggest donation in my wedding was a glass vase.