Woman Loses It As Mom Gives Away Her Wedding Dress To Pregnant SIL, Says She’s “Living In Sin”
Interview With AuthorWeddings are special events in people’s lives because it’s a union of two people who love each other. It’s only natural to want this day to be the best one for the couple so that everything is perfect, right from the venue to the wedding dress.
The original poster (OP) also wanted the perfect dress for her wedding, which her stepmom was going to lend her. However, the bride got pregnant, so her mother-in-law, who was also pregnant during her wedding, agreed to give the bride her dress, but her sister-in-law lost it and even called her a sinner!
More info: Reddit
From the dress to the venue, every bridal couple deserves to have everything perfect for their special day
Image credits: Elegant Images / Pexels (not the actual photo)
The poster is getting married to her fiance in 3 months, and she was going to wear stepmom’s old wedding dress, but she finds that she is pregnant
Image credits: TieBorn7507
Image credits: Daniel Moises Magulado / Pexels (not the actual photo)
She wouldn’t be able to wear stepmom’s dress at the wedding, so her mother-in-law lent her dress to the bride as she was also pregnant during her wedding
Image credits: TieBorn7507
Image credits: v.ivash / Freepik (not the actual photo)
Her sister-in-law was furious about this, so she went to the bride’s house to take the dress and said she was “living in sin” for getting pregnant before marriage
Image credits: TieBorn7507
The sister-in-law and father-in-law are harassing the bride on social media, so she vented online about whether she was in the wrong for taking the dress
Today, we dive into a wedding story that is literally dripping with drama, all because of the dress the bride is going to wear for her special day. She is getting married in 3 months, and previously, she had planned to wear her stepmom’s dress as she wanted to celebrate their special bond on this day.
However, while planning the wedding, she realized that she was pregnant, and at the time of the wedding, she would be 6 months in. Realizing that she wouldn’t fit in her stepmom’s dress, the poor bride was quite heartbroken and broke down in tears while venting about it to her mother-in-law.
Well, her kind mother-in-law—who was also pregnant during her wedding—offered the bride her gorgeous wedding dress. She loved the vintage dress, and looking at how welcoming the woman was towards her, she instantly said yes. This is where trouble brewed up as her sister-in-law heard about it.
The woman came to her house to take the dress back and accused the bride of “living in sin” for getting pregnant before marriage. Of course, her fiance threw his sister out and even convinced the poster that his sister never wanted the dress in the first place as she found it ugly.
That was not the end of the stress for the pregnant bride as her sister-in-law and father-in-law were now both harassing her on social media. Her mother-in-law doesn’t really care what her daughter thinks, but OP was feeling bad. She said she wouldn’t like it if her mom gave the dress to someone, so she vented online and sought advice.
Folks sided with the bride and claimed that it was her mother-in-law’s dress, so only she got to decide who wore it, not the sister-in-law. The bride also clarified that her parents-in-law were divorced and the mother-daughter had low contact with each other. This just strengthened her case that the sister-in-law shouldn’t be telling her what to do about the dress.
Image credits: Liza Summer / Pexels (not the actual photo)
“The bride is already navigating pregnancy and wedding planning, both stress-inducing life events, and then putting up with this drama can have a deep impact on her well-being. Facing such extreme hostility can also be emotionally exhausting for her, which can lead to sadness and frustration,” explained Eden Lobo, a counselor and psychology professor that Bored Panda contacted.
Netizens also called out the sister-in-law’s hypocrisy that her own mother was pregnant during her wedding, yet she was bashing OP for the same. The poster commented that her sister-in-law and father-in-law had become extremely religious, which might be the reason for her outrage. Some also said that it was no excuse for her to demand the dress when she didn’t even like it and was already married.
Prof. Lobo explained that people often feel a sense of ownership over heirlooms, especially if they assume it is theirs due to family traditions or birth order. She elaborated that if someone else receives the heirloom, it can feel like a personal rejection or a violation of family norms.
“However, in this case, if the recipient of the heirloom has different values (e.g., getting pregnant before marriage), the reaction might be rooted in moral disapproval rather than just the item itself. The heirloom can become a symbolic battleground for personal beliefs about right and wrong,” our expert added.
It does seem like it’s more about proving her point that the poster is a “sinner” than the wedding dress, as the sister-in-law is clearly not attached to it. However, when we reached out to the original poster, she told us that her sister-in-law wanted the dress as it was very expensive and OP had no idea how expensive.
She also explained that her father-in-law hates her mother-in-law and her family. She said that he never really accepted the divorce so everything is a motive to make her mother-in-law’s life hell. She also gave an update that she got married in her mother-in-law’s dress and it was a very emotional event.
“I posted mostly because pregnancy made me emotional. I didn’t have a relationship with my biological mom, and it was difficult for me to accept my stepmom. I thought I was wrong because I didn’t have a mom, so I would never know what taking someone’s dress would be like,” she added.
What do you think? How would you handle the situation if you were in the poster’s shoes? Leave your thoughts in the comments!