Unruly Children Cause Chaos At A Child-Free Wedding, Bride And Groom Bill Parents For Bringing Them, Drama Ensues
When your friends, colleagues, and the people you generally like in this whacky world send you an invite to their wedding, the polite thing to do is to follow the rules that they set. They might have a certain vision of how their guests dress, what gifts they bring, or… they might want a child-free wedding.
Whatever your personal feelings about this, just remember, it’s supposed to be the couple’s happiest day ever. And as guests, dear Pandas, we should do our best to accommodate reasonable requests.
Well, one bride saw firsthand what happens when some people don’t follow the rules. She turned to the AITA subreddit for their verdict on whether or not she was a jerk for billing three couples because they brought their kids to her wedding when she explicitly asked everyone not to. She also went into detail about the chaos that unfolded, spearheaded by the rowdy munchkins. Scroll down for the full story.
Kids might be awesome, but some folks choose to have child-free weddings for a variety of reasons
Image credits: shironosov (Not the actual photo)
However, when some guests don’t follow this rule, things can get very chaotic, as one bride explained on the AITA subreddit
Image credits: AltruisticHapa
The bride, redditor u/AltruisticHapa, explained that two of the couples were very apologetic and paid for their kids who were additional guests. One couple, however, refused. They felt very entitled and thought that they did nothing wrong. Even though their kids caused the most damage. Including having ruined the bride’s dress.
As the redditor put it, she and her husband concluded their friendship with that particular couple. And that was that. However, the bride was worried that she might have overreacted. Especially when she’d asked her husband to kick out the guests who had brought their children with them.
The AITA community was very sympathetic, however. They stressed that she had gone above and beyond to accommodate those guests who actually had children. She had extended the dinner before the wedding to include all the kids. She also hired 5 whole babysitters to take care of the munchkins while their parents went to the ceremony.
But what do you think, dear Pandas? Whose side are you on? How would you have solved the entire child-free drama? Let us know in the comments.
Anna and Sarah, team leaders at The Wedding Society, spoke to Bored Panda before about how it is important to respect the wishes of the marrying couple when it comes to children at the wedding. “Whether it be that kids of a certain age are welcome, only specific children of a few family and friends, or no kids at all.”
“Please don’t take the inclusion or exclusion of your little ones personally (especially if the couple don’t have kids of their own to fully understand your situation) and remember—as nice as it is to bring your babes along to the celebration, it’s also an awesome opportunity for a fun night off if you’re asked to leave them with a sitter!” they urged guests to look at the positives.
“For marrying couples, the etiquette can be trickier. Newborns really need to be with their parents so please don’t ask for any babies under a few months to be left at home. It’s perfectly reasonable to ask for parents of older children to take the night off and leave them with a sitter, but the fairest way to do this is to make a blanket rule for everyone rather than picking and choosing which kids can come and who can’t.”
Most internet users thought that the bride did nothing wrong and explained why
However, some people took it further and said that she was wrong for compromising at all
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Storytelling, journalism, and art are a core part of who I am. I've been writing and drawing ever since I could walk—there is nothing else I'd rather do. My formal education, however, is focused on politics, philosophy, and economics because I've always been curious about the gap between the ideal and the real. At work, I'm a Senior Writer and I cover a broad range of topics that I'm passionate about: from psychology and changes in work culture to healthy living, relationships, and design. In my spare time, I'm an avid hiker and reader, enjoy writing short stories, and love to doodle. I thrive when I'm outdoors, going on small adventures in nature. However, you can also find me enjoying a big mug of coffee with a good book (or ten) and entertaining friends with fantasy tabletop games and sci-fi movies.
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Jonas Grinevičius
Writer, BoredPanda staff
Storytelling, journalism, and art are a core part of who I am. I've been writing and drawing ever since I could walk—there is nothing else I'd rather do. My formal education, however, is focused on politics, philosophy, and economics because I've always been curious about the gap between the ideal and the real. At work, I'm a Senior Writer and I cover a broad range of topics that I'm passionate about: from psychology and changes in work culture to healthy living, relationships, and design. In my spare time, I'm an avid hiker and reader, enjoy writing short stories, and love to doodle. I thrive when I'm outdoors, going on small adventures in nature. However, you can also find me enjoying a big mug of coffee with a good book (or ten) and entertaining friends with fantasy tabletop games and sci-fi movies.

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Gabija is a photo editor at Bored Panda. Before joining the team, she achieved a Professional Bachelor degree in Photography and has been working as a freelance photographer since. She also has a special place in her heart for film photography, movies and nature.
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Gabija Palšytė
Author, BoredPanda staff
Gabija is a photo editor at Bored Panda. Before joining the team, she achieved a Professional Bachelor degree in Photography and has been working as a freelance photographer since. She also has a special place in her heart for film photography, movies and nature.
I would have had that family turned away at the door. You aren't welcome here since you can't follow rules. On with our day :)
I'd put actual money on the line betting the following: Cwc Connie has kids. Cwc Connie thinks her reproduction is the most amazing thing ever accomplished and posts about this often on Facebook. Cwc Connie is/and has been TA at many events. Cwc Connie is oblivious to any of their AH behaviors or to the times they were TA. Cwc Connie lets her offspring run rampant and without interference (i.e. parenting) at restaurants - putting themselves, staff, and others in danger, ruining other's experience - and thinks that anyone who brings this to their attention is out of touch and that "kids will be kids" and people need to adapt to her presence and experience.
Load More Replies...Why? For deciding how they want their dream day? You're ridiculous. Who dictated to you how your wedding needed to be?
Cwc isn't going to answer you because they don't have a good answer. Lol
Cwc is the mother of the 2 rowdy brats. Or has done the same thing at a wedding they attended.
Anyone else aghast at people paying $250 a PLATE for a wedding? It is a singular day, why would anyone in their right mind pay that?
The only time the cost is an issue is when people book venues/services they can't afford. If you can afford it and are happy to pay go for for it.
Load More Replies...But what could you possibly get for $250 a plate? I mean, if it's just a single meal, how can it possibly cost that much? Is the food made of copper and gold or something?
Open bar, multiple courses, all organic high quality meats and veg, expensive champagne for the toast...that can all add up VERY quickly. My sorority sister's father is an executive for Bank of America. They are relatively wealthy and when she was married, they had FIVE different meat choices for guests...Prime rib, king crab, lobster tails, Coq Au Vin, or a mint-lamb dish...and that was just the main course. There were four courses. One of the most gorgeous affairs I have attended. When money is no object...well...you can buy VERY nice objects. LOL
Overpriced. The same meal would have cost $50 but once they find out it's for a wedding, the price triples. Same with flowers, cake, clothing, etc. I knew someone who priced it out for a normal gathering (like an anniversary dinner or something) to see what it would cost, then tried again with the same exact selections but said it was for a wedding and the prices tripled.
If it was top of the range seafood/steak I could see it running that cost. Also FYI there some restaurants that make deserts with gold leaf.
I disagree that the “only time cost is an issue is when people book venues/services they can’t afford…” As is made quite clearly in the article. Any parent of small children will attest to the fact that kids are anything but predictable. They can be sweet and cute as a button all the way to the venue, and then once seated, can become cranky & bored or even curious, to be In a new and unexplored environment! In a blink of an eye they can take off running, or hiding themselves under the brides gown (😡😡), or worse, they might suddenly decide to throw themselves on the floor, deciding it was time for a roof-raising tantrum!! So yes, it’s cost, but as proved clearly by this article, it’s RUDE to disregard the clearly expressed wishes of the bride & groom. I think the least the parents of these kids pay up and to make m amends to the newlyweds anyway possible.
Sorry but your point on the parent/children is a completely different issue and has nothing to do with someone choosing to spending $250pp on their wedding. If someone can afford it good on them if they choose to do it.
Also "per plate" isn't just food, it's also the choices of table ware the couple has chosen in some establishments. For some people they will divide EVERYTHING (all decorations) by the number of people and call it per plate. I told someone my wedding was $50 pp and she said that my math was wrong, but it was just her venue divided cost of rental and mine didnt.
Yeah I think people aren't aware that the, "per person," cost isn't a drive through meal cost. It often includes staff service, on site catering, the tools, cutlery, and anything else meal related that had to be brought, hired, or prepared. Food is expensive when it's mediocre quality, let alone wedding quality. Plus clean up and disposal by catering services. It's not cheap. It's one of the reasons I still can't believe people get upset when wedding couples choose to have a potluck reception, or bbq. It's fine for every other event (anniversaries, birthdays, memorials, holidays) but not weddings? That's so entitled!
Who gets upset at a potluck or BBQ reception? I'd much rather attend one of those.
I'm sure pp means per person, which would include the plates (multiple).
You're not just paying for food, you're paying the expenses that entails. I worked in a place that hosted wedding and other large events. The support staff is ENORMOUS. Chefs, sous-chefs, dishwashers, waiters, servers, dessert and salad chefs, maitre d's, bar staff, valets, coat check, cleaning staff, and even a few technicians (electrical, plumbing, HVAC) on hand adds up quick. Then there's electricity, gas, water, ice, food, and all the other costs involved. You think everyone shows up, tosses the food in the microwave and it's ready? Ohhhh nooo sport, the kitchen staff has been there for days getting the food ready. $250 a plate for a higher-end venue is totally reasonable.
We rented a cheap building and bought everything in the cheapest supermarket. Nobody cared. You don't have to throw an expensive party in Holland.
But you have the CHOICE. AND the CHOICE is YOURS, not someone else's to minimalize and judge.
Who cares what anyone else thinks? Do what you want /can afford and they can come or not. And the internet? You let yourself get upset by what people online think? Grow up.
If you want to spend that money for one day, fine, even though I will never udnerstand. My entire wedding cost as much as one plate. But to each their own.
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I don't even know what my problem was! I've deleted that garbage and I apologize that you all had to read that! I've been going through some things and I suppose I thought I was being funny or something but reading it just now, that was mean! It's not about the money, it's about coming together with people you care about to cebrate love! Sorry everyone, and truth be told, I got married when I was 19 and probably spent even less! Maybe that's a point of insecurity for me? Not sure but anyway, as long as you fill that day with love, it truly doesn't matter the price tag! ❤️
Why do you assume it's a white trash wedding. You are being quite the judgemental b***h. My wife and I spent less than that on the wedding. The most expensive part was her dress and our rings. We eloped because we didn't want to bother with a big wedding. We prefer to invest that money for our children instead.
For my parent's wedding, as my dad was being sent overseas with the military, their wedding happened very quickly. My mom wore a borrowed grey suit and of course my dad wore his uniform. Cost, wedding rings and very small wedding cake.
That's how weddings used to be. Wedding outfit for the bride, suit for the groom and best man, nice outfit for the maid of honor, punch & cake in the church basement and done!
did you really need to call me a b***h though, for having an opinion? You're no better than me, calling random strangers on the internet a b***h. I hope you don't treat your wife and family like that.
From my understanding, $250pp means per person, not per plate, and I'm assuming op and her husband paid for the adults... the people who brought kids had to pay for the kids, since the kids were uninvited. of course, I could be wrong, but this is what I think happened.
Okay, so I looked it up, I was wrong about the fact that pp stands for per person, but I'm still pretty sure OP paid for the adults and based the budget on that.
Not sure where you looked, but I got a result saying "per person" and didn't see any saying "per plate."
Please find a fainting coach then because all in I paid $100k for my daughters wedding for 200 guests which came out to $500 a head. It was the nicest wedding any of our guests had ever been too and I’m glad I did it. My daughter is an only child and I loved raising her and making her happy. Worth every penny.
I went to a wedding that was probably close to that price. Partly because of the expenses per person, but also because there were a lot of guests, including family from overseas. For me, the best part was people hitting the dance floor between courses and having fun (the band was quite good). The ceremony had been rather long and formal, but the reception itself was quite enjoyable.
WHY do idiots judge others' choices in life. Exactly WHOM does a pricey WEDDING OFFEND, and what's the REAL reason, IF ANY, that some one else is offended by it? WHOSE business us it ANYWAY, FOLKS?!?!
So she's only happy when you spend the equivalent of two years salary for most people on a party to flaunt your wealth & compete with other weddings? It's so sad thinking about how you could have spent a quarter of that & put the rest of that money to use helping others. Sadly, the bigger the wedding, the more likely they are to get divorced according to the clergy I work with. Too much focus on material items.
You are the kind of father I think every little girl, young lady, young woman, dreams of having; not because you could afford to give her the wedding day of her dreams, but that you did it and are happy to have made her dream come true! It sounds as if her joy is all that matters to you, and that is a beautiful thing! It must have been a joyous, memorable day, and your daughter is a lucky, lucky girl!
I don't care if people want that and it's nice when you get invited, but if you expect ppl to also give you a 200 gift, because you paid so much, sorry, but busy busy busy, I really can't come. Ppl I know don't expect that, but this is Holland. 20 is a nice gift and it's normal if you ask for money as a gift instead of nonsense stuff. 100 guests x 20 is 2000 and you have your wedding costs back or you throw an expensive party, pay it yourself or invite rich ppl. The stories I read about being expected to buy an expensive dress in some color and also pay 200, you do you, but don't invite me or I just say no.
Depending on the venue, it can go up as high as $600 from what I have seen. Especially if things like an open bar with top shelf spirits, having it at a destination location or an all-inclusive, high-end foods and multiple course meals....it can get very pricey!!
Even if you are having a wedding that comes out to $25pp, you are still within your rights, as the hosts, to request that guests do not bring their children; it's not a " rich people thing", as much as it is about what kind of wedding they want to have; kids or no kids. Their choice; rich or not so rich! If they want to have a big, casual, backyard bar-b-cue kind of reception, they still have the right to say, "please, no kids". It's very rude, and disrespectful to the hosts, to ignore their request, and then, to put the " icing on the cake", your "not invited" child proceeds to disrupt the ceremony, and ruins the brides gown, kind of making their point for them!
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Weddings, etc, are NOT insignificant things to the rich and cultured. Or WOULD YOU EVEN KNOW!?!?
... I'm fairly certain he was talking about the price, not the event...
Well why not? They obviously could afford it for all the grown up guests. It is not your decision to make how anyone spends their money.
Problem is (from what I gather): most people do not really have the funds for it!
OR SOME PREFER a reasonably-priced affair and put the costs saved into investments and money accounts for future life goals. Again, FREE CHOICES.
Some people have a background in culinary arts and the meal is important to them. I know it was to me. That and the music. After all that's what most ppl remember. The food, the music; did they have a good time. If either are bad it's ALL they'll remember.
That's why you aak guests to reply whether their attending or not.so you have a head count. Those who show up without replying put an additional cost on the couple. This is rude and unexceptable and yes, receptions are expensive. We payed that much per plate. Obviously, you haven't gotten married or had a family member get married. This is an average charge for a reception qbd that doesn't include flowers.. You are living in the dark ages.
you've never been to a wedding have you? most have multiple courses and an open bar.
You are not just paying for the meal but the rental of the room, the staff, etc. It is always this way.
Rather than paying $250 per person to eat I would have sent a gift and went on a vacation versus pay $1k for four plates of food.
Or, even less expensive, check the " unable to attend" or " No" box on the RSVP card; (it's been a while, so I can't recall the wording!), send a $100 gift, and watch " Lifetime" movies all day, in my PJ's, eating junk food, on the couch, or maybe watch the original " Father of the Bride", starring Elizabeth Taylor! Or the newer one, with Steve Martin and Kimberly Williams-Paisley. Or " The Wedding Singer"! Being an older widow,( I hate that word!) who has trouble walking, let alone dancing, that's what I would probably do, though it sounds like a fun time to me!( The original $250pp wedding).These people were exceptionally rude, given that the bride and groom had even gone so far as to provide babysitters, at no cost to their friends; it really doesn't surprise me that these people are continuing their rudeness by not paying the bill sent to them, and I might add, should have included what is no doubt an expensive bill for cleaning the bride's dress! They aren't friends!
Not just those paying it...... but those trying to charge it too. like 'oh...... it's a wedding or corporate function.... let's put our prices up %500 and hope no one of consequence notices that's exactly what we've done.
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And That would be my wedding gift to them. It's a wedding, not a fundraiser
I would have had that family turned away at the door. You aren't welcome here since you can't follow rules. On with our day :)
I'd put actual money on the line betting the following: Cwc Connie has kids. Cwc Connie thinks her reproduction is the most amazing thing ever accomplished and posts about this often on Facebook. Cwc Connie is/and has been TA at many events. Cwc Connie is oblivious to any of their AH behaviors or to the times they were TA. Cwc Connie lets her offspring run rampant and without interference (i.e. parenting) at restaurants - putting themselves, staff, and others in danger, ruining other's experience - and thinks that anyone who brings this to their attention is out of touch and that "kids will be kids" and people need to adapt to her presence and experience.
Load More Replies...Why? For deciding how they want their dream day? You're ridiculous. Who dictated to you how your wedding needed to be?
Cwc isn't going to answer you because they don't have a good answer. Lol
Cwc is the mother of the 2 rowdy brats. Or has done the same thing at a wedding they attended.
Anyone else aghast at people paying $250 a PLATE for a wedding? It is a singular day, why would anyone in their right mind pay that?
The only time the cost is an issue is when people book venues/services they can't afford. If you can afford it and are happy to pay go for for it.
Load More Replies...But what could you possibly get for $250 a plate? I mean, if it's just a single meal, how can it possibly cost that much? Is the food made of copper and gold or something?
Open bar, multiple courses, all organic high quality meats and veg, expensive champagne for the toast...that can all add up VERY quickly. My sorority sister's father is an executive for Bank of America. They are relatively wealthy and when she was married, they had FIVE different meat choices for guests...Prime rib, king crab, lobster tails, Coq Au Vin, or a mint-lamb dish...and that was just the main course. There were four courses. One of the most gorgeous affairs I have attended. When money is no object...well...you can buy VERY nice objects. LOL
Overpriced. The same meal would have cost $50 but once they find out it's for a wedding, the price triples. Same with flowers, cake, clothing, etc. I knew someone who priced it out for a normal gathering (like an anniversary dinner or something) to see what it would cost, then tried again with the same exact selections but said it was for a wedding and the prices tripled.
If it was top of the range seafood/steak I could see it running that cost. Also FYI there some restaurants that make deserts with gold leaf.
I disagree that the “only time cost is an issue is when people book venues/services they can’t afford…” As is made quite clearly in the article. Any parent of small children will attest to the fact that kids are anything but predictable. They can be sweet and cute as a button all the way to the venue, and then once seated, can become cranky & bored or even curious, to be In a new and unexplored environment! In a blink of an eye they can take off running, or hiding themselves under the brides gown (😡😡), or worse, they might suddenly decide to throw themselves on the floor, deciding it was time for a roof-raising tantrum!! So yes, it’s cost, but as proved clearly by this article, it’s RUDE to disregard the clearly expressed wishes of the bride & groom. I think the least the parents of these kids pay up and to make m amends to the newlyweds anyway possible.
Sorry but your point on the parent/children is a completely different issue and has nothing to do with someone choosing to spending $250pp on their wedding. If someone can afford it good on them if they choose to do it.
Also "per plate" isn't just food, it's also the choices of table ware the couple has chosen in some establishments. For some people they will divide EVERYTHING (all decorations) by the number of people and call it per plate. I told someone my wedding was $50 pp and she said that my math was wrong, but it was just her venue divided cost of rental and mine didnt.
Yeah I think people aren't aware that the, "per person," cost isn't a drive through meal cost. It often includes staff service, on site catering, the tools, cutlery, and anything else meal related that had to be brought, hired, or prepared. Food is expensive when it's mediocre quality, let alone wedding quality. Plus clean up and disposal by catering services. It's not cheap. It's one of the reasons I still can't believe people get upset when wedding couples choose to have a potluck reception, or bbq. It's fine for every other event (anniversaries, birthdays, memorials, holidays) but not weddings? That's so entitled!
Who gets upset at a potluck or BBQ reception? I'd much rather attend one of those.
I'm sure pp means per person, which would include the plates (multiple).
You're not just paying for food, you're paying the expenses that entails. I worked in a place that hosted wedding and other large events. The support staff is ENORMOUS. Chefs, sous-chefs, dishwashers, waiters, servers, dessert and salad chefs, maitre d's, bar staff, valets, coat check, cleaning staff, and even a few technicians (electrical, plumbing, HVAC) on hand adds up quick. Then there's electricity, gas, water, ice, food, and all the other costs involved. You think everyone shows up, tosses the food in the microwave and it's ready? Ohhhh nooo sport, the kitchen staff has been there for days getting the food ready. $250 a plate for a higher-end venue is totally reasonable.
We rented a cheap building and bought everything in the cheapest supermarket. Nobody cared. You don't have to throw an expensive party in Holland.
But you have the CHOICE. AND the CHOICE is YOURS, not someone else's to minimalize and judge.
Who cares what anyone else thinks? Do what you want /can afford and they can come or not. And the internet? You let yourself get upset by what people online think? Grow up.
If you want to spend that money for one day, fine, even though I will never udnerstand. My entire wedding cost as much as one plate. But to each their own.
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I don't even know what my problem was! I've deleted that garbage and I apologize that you all had to read that! I've been going through some things and I suppose I thought I was being funny or something but reading it just now, that was mean! It's not about the money, it's about coming together with people you care about to cebrate love! Sorry everyone, and truth be told, I got married when I was 19 and probably spent even less! Maybe that's a point of insecurity for me? Not sure but anyway, as long as you fill that day with love, it truly doesn't matter the price tag! ❤️
Why do you assume it's a white trash wedding. You are being quite the judgemental b***h. My wife and I spent less than that on the wedding. The most expensive part was her dress and our rings. We eloped because we didn't want to bother with a big wedding. We prefer to invest that money for our children instead.
For my parent's wedding, as my dad was being sent overseas with the military, their wedding happened very quickly. My mom wore a borrowed grey suit and of course my dad wore his uniform. Cost, wedding rings and very small wedding cake.
That's how weddings used to be. Wedding outfit for the bride, suit for the groom and best man, nice outfit for the maid of honor, punch & cake in the church basement and done!
did you really need to call me a b***h though, for having an opinion? You're no better than me, calling random strangers on the internet a b***h. I hope you don't treat your wife and family like that.
From my understanding, $250pp means per person, not per plate, and I'm assuming op and her husband paid for the adults... the people who brought kids had to pay for the kids, since the kids were uninvited. of course, I could be wrong, but this is what I think happened.
Okay, so I looked it up, I was wrong about the fact that pp stands for per person, but I'm still pretty sure OP paid for the adults and based the budget on that.
Not sure where you looked, but I got a result saying "per person" and didn't see any saying "per plate."
Please find a fainting coach then because all in I paid $100k for my daughters wedding for 200 guests which came out to $500 a head. It was the nicest wedding any of our guests had ever been too and I’m glad I did it. My daughter is an only child and I loved raising her and making her happy. Worth every penny.
I went to a wedding that was probably close to that price. Partly because of the expenses per person, but also because there were a lot of guests, including family from overseas. For me, the best part was people hitting the dance floor between courses and having fun (the band was quite good). The ceremony had been rather long and formal, but the reception itself was quite enjoyable.
WHY do idiots judge others' choices in life. Exactly WHOM does a pricey WEDDING OFFEND, and what's the REAL reason, IF ANY, that some one else is offended by it? WHOSE business us it ANYWAY, FOLKS?!?!
So she's only happy when you spend the equivalent of two years salary for most people on a party to flaunt your wealth & compete with other weddings? It's so sad thinking about how you could have spent a quarter of that & put the rest of that money to use helping others. Sadly, the bigger the wedding, the more likely they are to get divorced according to the clergy I work with. Too much focus on material items.
You are the kind of father I think every little girl, young lady, young woman, dreams of having; not because you could afford to give her the wedding day of her dreams, but that you did it and are happy to have made her dream come true! It sounds as if her joy is all that matters to you, and that is a beautiful thing! It must have been a joyous, memorable day, and your daughter is a lucky, lucky girl!
I don't care if people want that and it's nice when you get invited, but if you expect ppl to also give you a 200 gift, because you paid so much, sorry, but busy busy busy, I really can't come. Ppl I know don't expect that, but this is Holland. 20 is a nice gift and it's normal if you ask for money as a gift instead of nonsense stuff. 100 guests x 20 is 2000 and you have your wedding costs back or you throw an expensive party, pay it yourself or invite rich ppl. The stories I read about being expected to buy an expensive dress in some color and also pay 200, you do you, but don't invite me or I just say no.
Depending on the venue, it can go up as high as $600 from what I have seen. Especially if things like an open bar with top shelf spirits, having it at a destination location or an all-inclusive, high-end foods and multiple course meals....it can get very pricey!!
Even if you are having a wedding that comes out to $25pp, you are still within your rights, as the hosts, to request that guests do not bring their children; it's not a " rich people thing", as much as it is about what kind of wedding they want to have; kids or no kids. Their choice; rich or not so rich! If they want to have a big, casual, backyard bar-b-cue kind of reception, they still have the right to say, "please, no kids". It's very rude, and disrespectful to the hosts, to ignore their request, and then, to put the " icing on the cake", your "not invited" child proceeds to disrupt the ceremony, and ruins the brides gown, kind of making their point for them!
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Weddings, etc, are NOT insignificant things to the rich and cultured. Or WOULD YOU EVEN KNOW!?!?
... I'm fairly certain he was talking about the price, not the event...
Well why not? They obviously could afford it for all the grown up guests. It is not your decision to make how anyone spends their money.
Problem is (from what I gather): most people do not really have the funds for it!
OR SOME PREFER a reasonably-priced affair and put the costs saved into investments and money accounts for future life goals. Again, FREE CHOICES.
Some people have a background in culinary arts and the meal is important to them. I know it was to me. That and the music. After all that's what most ppl remember. The food, the music; did they have a good time. If either are bad it's ALL they'll remember.
That's why you aak guests to reply whether their attending or not.so you have a head count. Those who show up without replying put an additional cost on the couple. This is rude and unexceptable and yes, receptions are expensive. We payed that much per plate. Obviously, you haven't gotten married or had a family member get married. This is an average charge for a reception qbd that doesn't include flowers.. You are living in the dark ages.
you've never been to a wedding have you? most have multiple courses and an open bar.
You are not just paying for the meal but the rental of the room, the staff, etc. It is always this way.
Rather than paying $250 per person to eat I would have sent a gift and went on a vacation versus pay $1k for four plates of food.
Or, even less expensive, check the " unable to attend" or " No" box on the RSVP card; (it's been a while, so I can't recall the wording!), send a $100 gift, and watch " Lifetime" movies all day, in my PJ's, eating junk food, on the couch, or maybe watch the original " Father of the Bride", starring Elizabeth Taylor! Or the newer one, with Steve Martin and Kimberly Williams-Paisley. Or " The Wedding Singer"! Being an older widow,( I hate that word!) who has trouble walking, let alone dancing, that's what I would probably do, though it sounds like a fun time to me!( The original $250pp wedding).These people were exceptionally rude, given that the bride and groom had even gone so far as to provide babysitters, at no cost to their friends; it really doesn't surprise me that these people are continuing their rudeness by not paying the bill sent to them, and I might add, should have included what is no doubt an expensive bill for cleaning the bride's dress! They aren't friends!
Not just those paying it...... but those trying to charge it too. like 'oh...... it's a wedding or corporate function.... let's put our prices up %500 and hope no one of consequence notices that's exactly what we've done.
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And That would be my wedding gift to them. It's a wedding, not a fundraiser