Recently, a woman turned to the AITA community on Reddit to get a family drama off her chest and find out if she is wrong in the situation.
The author nicknamed Peoplepleasingthefam has been trying for a second baby with her husband. “Once we were in the time frame of June 2023,” the Redditor wrote, referring to the time she found out would be the date of her sister’s wedding, “we decided to continue trying but assumed it would take awhile as we hadn’t gotten pregnant from Jan-March of this year.”
The author’s plans, however, took their own turn, and she is now expecting: “I will be 30 weeks for their wedding.” Now that the couple had started sharing the news with family members, it was time to tell the soon-to-be-bride.
“I expected her to be happy for me but she is incredibly angry with me,” Peoplepleasingthefam explained. Scroll down for the full story below, and share what you think of the situation in the comments.
The bride is so mad at her sister for the fact she will be 30 weeks pregnant on her wedding day that the sister now wonders if she was wrong to put her plans before her sister’s
Image credits: Samantha Gades (not the actual photo)
Image credits: Filipp Romanovski (not the actual photo)
Image credits: peoplepleasingthefam
Many people supported the author and couldn’t hold back their criticism for her family members
You are to hold your breath and sit perfectly still for the duration of my wedding, except at predetermined times when you will shower me praise with and beam with joy for me. You will be not be fat, but neither will you be skinny enough to make me look bad. You will not be ugly, but if you are too pretty you will asked to leave. You will not have cause to celebrate or grieve for two weeks before or after my perfect day. I look forward to celebrating my wedding day with you! (Cash gifts only. $500 minimum.)
Brilliant. Should print on a poster to put up at wedding reception halls.
What a shame people think this way. A wedding should be about two people who love eachother and celebrating with family and friends. What are you celebrating when you need to be the center of attention and need to control how everybody looks? I don't think these silly rules are about love or commitment or friendship. I couldn't care less wether my 80yr old uncle were to wear his old jeans and skipper jersey or my sister looking spectacular with her gorgeous long hair or my 6 yr old nephew showing all his dancemoves. It could have been an extra special moment for OP and her family: her sister getting maried and OP being pregnant are both important things and these things happening at the same time is extra special. Something to enjoy and for their parents to be proud of.
I am now closing to my 25th wedding anniversary and barely even remember wedding day... Turns out it is not so important after all, what is important is what happened in the 25 years since the wedding day. Kids born and raised, all good and bad times, being together... that are things to remember, not some one day of your life. But regardless of the importance of the wedding day I am pretty sure I would never ever tell my sister to not attend my wedding, no matter if she would be pregnant, pretty, ugly, crippled or with hunchback.
THIS. Our wedding day was lovely, but I when someone asks when we got married I even have to think for a minute. For me, the day we met is still the most important date, it's completely engraved in my mind, because it's the day our lives changed. Wedding day? Just a nice, small bonus.
Load More Replies...Ha me too - 26 years, too. NO ONE cares what you looked like that day, or if you had a baby bump or anything. Come to think of it, several of my relatives were preggers at mine (one at 8- months, if I recall) but why would I care?? They were there to celebrate with we; that's all that matter.
Turn it around on her & admonish her for getting engaged & planning a wedding while you & your husband are trying to have a baby. You started trying before she got engaged, so she is the one disrupting everything. They should push the wedding to not take away from your childs entrance into this world.
NTA! Bridezillas are ATA! Absolutely ridiculous to get worked over that trivial s**t!
My niece had her future SIL as maid of honour, she was nearly 8 months pregnant o the day. My niece made sure the SILs dress would accommodate and look good on her growing belly. That's what love is, celebrating all the good things in life however and whenever they show up. These bridezillas are toxic af.
The audacity of her family to suggest they have any say over when she gets pregnant.
Holy c**p, what did I just read? My sister was 30 weeks pregnant at my wedding and I couldn't have cared less. It was a surprise pregnancy, and I was SO excited at the prospect of being an aunt. My sister was my MOH and I wouldn't have changed that for anything. SHE felt bad because she couldn't wear the bridesmaid dress we had picked, but I didn't care at all. I told her just to get a black dress. Her pregnancy took away zero from my wedding. Zero. And if people wanted to talk to her about her pregnancy, who cares? And then 10 weeks later, my husband and I became an aunt and uncle to our awesome nephew! We used him as our "practice baby" before we had our own kids. That bride should be ashamed of herself. I'd distance myself from that family if they treated me like that.
Honestly, life goes on, people marry and have children. Why is it a competition? I was going to be a bridesmaid at my best friend's wedding until we realized it was five days after my due date. I dropped out and promised to attend if I could. Sure enough, my kid kept me waiting a full two weeks before being born. We went to the wedding, I ate everything that wasn't nailed down, the hotel room my husband and I rented looked like a rock band had trashed it there were so many cups and wrappers tossed around. The wedding was wonderful, the bride beautiful, my kid spectacular and 35 years later we are all still best friends. It's not difficult.
Honestly, I don't know what to think of today's brides who have gotten this strange idea that a wedding is a Universal Event that means that they are suddenly the God of the World and everything must resolve around them. Considering 50% of marriage ends in divorce, everyone is better off going to a judge, throwing a potluck and saving their money all around.
My step-sister was about 7 months pregnant with her 1st at our wedding. Did she get attention for it? Sure, for maybe about 5 minutes at the table where she was sitting. I was told a funny story about that. All the quirky stuff that grabbed momentary attention just became funny and interesting sidebars of the story of our wedding day. Guess what? At all weddings I've attended, attention and conversations weren't 100% about the bride and groom, but normal social interactions with the other guests-- either catching up with family/friends we haven't seen in a while, or getting to know the other guests. You can't expect people's focus to stay completely on you. Weddings aren't about capturing an audience, but rather sharing a happy moment
This is a terrible situation, NTA. But still, what confuses me the most is how they were 'in the time frame of July 2023'.
These wedding stories are getting more and more ridiculous. I don't understand how OP being 30 weeks along will disrupt the wedding in anyway, shape, or form. It seems like brides these days want their wedding to be a Hollywood event and anything that deviates from that plan is unacceptable. Weddings are supposed to be a time for families to come together and celebrate this exciting moment in their lives. This woman is NTA and if I was her I would skip the wedding altogether and just stay home. Her family are a bunch of entitled jerks.
I literally had a teacher in HS that gave an assignment in which we had to plan our wedding and how many children, etc. This was back in the early 2000s. Some of students presentations of their future weddings (they really planned their weddings to be like this) was to be like a Hollywood event. I was like what's wrong with a courthouse or a small party? I'm actually not surprised by the ridiculous of wedding stories. What I am surprised is how the family wasn't happy for the sister and supportive considering she was having trouble with getting pregnant the 2nd WTF. Do her parents not want a 2nd grandbaby?
I don't personally get the "don't be pregnant at a wedding". Like there are two different things. And personally, maybe it's just the relationship between me and my sister, I'd want to have a dance with her big belly lol (we also did prom pose pregnancy pictures because baby-daddy was OUT of the picture lol) Like, can't both things be celebrated and happy?
How awful for them that it's not just bridezilla who is being horrible. I just wouldn't bother going to the wedding since no one from her family appear to be pleased for them. I hope she has decent in-laws. For what it's worth, I haven't yet been to a wedding where there isn't at least one person pregnant.
Wtf? You don't put your life and plans on hold because of someone's wedding, and I don't see how pregnant lady "steal" spotlight from the bride. Like, someone maybe notice she's pregnant and say congrats? Can't her sister handle minute where she's not center of everyone's attention? It's ridiculous.
I don’t get this whole attention, thunder stealing mentality. It’s very elementary school. Wedding’s have become so showy lately that they really take away from the actual point of one. I don’t think the point of a wedding is to be the center of attention but to pledge your love to your significant other. Maybe I’m missing something? NTA, your family seems to be tho.
Huh? How is this real? My husband’s cousin delivered a couple days after attending our wedding. I was surprised she made it but thought it was cool she did. I did have to explain to my husband why I tossed the unflattering photo of her looking a little bit nauseous and kept the one of her looking radiant, though. I would hope she would have done the same for me!
She planned when she wanted to have her baby, just so it wouldn't get in sis's way at her wedding, realizes she'll be 30 weeks, tells sister, and sister goes crazy. Next wedding she has, I'd purposely show up with a newborn.
Easiest NTA ever. If the OP exploded a rocket that then showered the wedding guests with sparkly blue or pink dust based on the gender of the baby, I might understand how the OP is stealing the show. If I were you, I might be tempted to (ONLY TEMPTED) to hang around the church before the wedding in a wedding dress, 30 weeks pregnant, just to mess with the heads of the groom's more distant relatives, but then ITA if I actually did that, I guess.
Yikes. I would not have even considered planning a pregnancy around anyone's wedding! Or any event for that matter. I just don't understand either of these women.
I don't think the OP planned the pregnancy to occur specifically at the time of the wedding. When you're trying to get pregnant, you're just trying until you do.
She's q Terrible sister for throwing a fit over someone bring a baby into the world. Her bridal narcissism is ridiculous.
If you're the bride with the gown, the veil, the music, the trip up the aisle, the vows, the toasts and speeches at the reception, etc. and you still can't compete for attention with a 36-week pregnant woman who just sits there, the problem is not the 36-week pregnant woman.
I hope the bride gets pregnant too and with enough time to have a huge baby bump at her "perfect" wedding
my friend was pregnant wen i get married and on top of that we have the same wedding date so it was her 5th anniversary wen i got married. did i care? sure but in a good way. me and my husband used our mcs mic to say happy anniversary and congrats to them at our wedding. we care about them and wanted them to kno. my parents and family even said congrats and stuff and i wasnt bothered by it at all. i was happy. she wasnt showing at the time of my wedding but still i wasnt going to replace her bc she was pregnant. i asked her to b one of my bridesmaids knowing that she could have a 2nd kid at any time. the same went for one of my other bridesmaids. her and her husband had been trying for awhile to have kids and been having no luck. if i found out shed b pregnant at my wedding id celebrate it. and for those wondering my other friend did end up getting pregnant and she had an adorable son. he was born in the summer after my wedding i got married in october 2020
Pregnancy can happen any time planned or not. I guess she should have went celibate until after the wedding! What a bunch of narcissists. I would not only just not attend the wedding at all I would also go no contact with them.
Weddings are not that special… when you think a healthy baby is less important than a wedding, you have descended into narcissism Hell.
You can be pregnant whenever you damn well please and who cares if you go to a wedding pregnant? But please don't say struggling for 3 month. 3 month is NOT a struggle to get pregnant you don't know how lucky you are
I don't see how the sister thinks that OP being pregnant during her wedding is a problem. If she's so worried that it'll take attention away... suggest that she announce it beforehand. Throw a small party, so everyone can congratulate her. Problem solved. How can she expect her own sister to put her whole life on hold for a wedding? Bizarre, conceited and self-centered.
My mom hated her wedding. My aunt objected, her dress broke and she and my dad fought for most of the night. But 32 years later, she doesn’t even think about it because it is about the MARRIAGE!! And the life they built together. She’s even forgiven my aunt for objecting. I mostly feel bad for OP’s baby that it’s resented so much and it isn’t even born!!
I guess that next these bridezillas will have to have a flashing neon sign above them at all times to make sure everyone is paying attention to them every moment. Everyone has to wear the same bland outfit and have their hair under a hat lest someone's fashion takes away from the attention. No one can have any kind of medical condition or be under the age of 8. Done
So often family is a lesson on what not to do. Who not to associate with. My father taught me how to not love anyone at all. Luckily, my mother was different, so I'm not a total AHole.
Quite frankly the brides expectation is Despicable. If I were the OP I'd remind her that a child is for life and a wedding is until the divorce 😉
Married 38 years now and never wanted a big wedding or all that comes it's that. It's hard for me to believe that that the OP could even question this makes no sense. She has every right to enjoy the blessing in her own life and not worry what her sister thinks. As for the bride, I have no comment because it's too insane.
What a great aunt she's going to be. This is a terrific story to tell your a little one about the time everyone was involved in her creation. Ridiculous. Your life your family your baby your business. Bye Felicia
This is a perfect example of how selfish some people can be and only think they are the only ones that matter in the world. I'm so upset for you that this happened. And you planned around this? Next time you be more selfish!
Easy, anyone seeing the baby as a problem would be out of my life for good. So problem solved for them. Disgusting people.
Damn what? Sorry life exists outside of her bubble. Go or don't go but if it's drama and effecting your health don't do it. I've never seen someone preg at a wedding and forgot I was at a wedding. Wtf
This s**t pisses me off to no end. My matron of honor, the one who stood directly by my side at my wedding, was 8 months pregnant. People don't even remember that she was pregnant at the wedding when it gets brought up.. which almost never happens anyway. Also, now I get to tell her son that he was in my wedding lol He doesn't understand it yet but he will and it'll be exciting to show him pics of me kissing his momma's belly with us all dressed to the nines. It's a memory I cherish so so much.
Wow what a family. NTA. I did the other way around. My then future sis-in-law was pregnant so me & my bf decided to get married a couple months after she gave birth because we'd like her & the baby to be strong enough to attend (they live 8 hours drive away)
This is stupid beyond stupid. NTA isn't it time people to grow up. If she's that worried about things ruining her wedding day then she possible just get a court house marriage with a couple of witnesses. Life goes on, babies happen and you shouldn't need to consult anyone except each other on the timing of your pregnancy
Okay, obviously the family is dysfunctional and delusional... But I'm just stuck on the fact that OP things she was "having trouble getting pregnant" because she tried for ONLY THREE MONTHS?!? Try YEARS honey. 🙄
Sorry sis, but your sister and the others are selfish. You do you babe and screw the others. Sadly, your sister is childish and prolly will be divorced .
Man, I'd be calling her every time I was about to have sex for the rest of my life. "Hey, Shauna, just wondering if you were planning anything in about 9 months because myself and Hubby are about to get down to business, but I'd hate to mildly inconvenience you at some point in the future so I thought I'd better check."
It's drama like this why I don't even go to weddings. That and they're boring AF. I don't do receptions either because it's always the same questions for me since I'm not married with no intentions to get married.
I'm sorry but unless you are actually on all fours delivering up on the altar then it's nobodies business if you are pregnant or not. You are certainly NTA but your sister and family are massive AH. I wish you many congrats on the new arrival and frankly I'd skip the wedding entirely and go for a pamper day instead as you definitely deserve it.
Stop talking to mom, bridezilla, and sister. You do not need this kind of stress. Don't go to the wedding either. When the announcement goes out that your baby has arrived, that's when you answer a phone call. And if a tweet comes first, don't answer. Make them call. Then tell them it will be a few weeks til you're taking visitors. Put the three of them in their place.
If you're engaged to someone who cares more about the wedding than the marriage, run. Run far, run fast.
It kind of shocks me how some people are so self absorbed to claim someone is pregnant just to steal their spotlight
I think I read the whole BP for these entitlement stories and these unbelievably first world problems.
My parents divorced and neither talked about the day they got married. When my cousin got married, there was a little drama that led to the ER because cousin had to wear 6inche heels while wearing a wedding dress,she never wore 6 inch heels before. She grabbed her new husband as they fell backwards into the fountain while pictures were taken, and an er trip was necessary. No one noticed the pregnant lady, but everyone noticed the bride's busted ankle and knee. This is the kind of thing bride's should be worried will they be remembered on their wedding day? Sister getting upset over her sister being pregnant. She's putting energy where it's not needed, she should focus on making sure certain family members don't sit next to each other.
I'm just going to say that this is ridiculous, and I feel like some people do not understand. First, they were not "struggling". Struggling means a year or more of trying with no success. But regardless of that, it's her body, and her family choices. The bride sounds selfish and spoiled, and this thing where brides try to make the entire time before their wedding about them, and then have a special day is stupid.
Projecting much? The OP talked about how she went out of her way to avoid complicating the wedding. The exact opposite of the made up narrative you decided to impose.
You are to hold your breath and sit perfectly still for the duration of my wedding, except at predetermined times when you will shower me praise with and beam with joy for me. You will be not be fat, but neither will you be skinny enough to make me look bad. You will not be ugly, but if you are too pretty you will asked to leave. You will not have cause to celebrate or grieve for two weeks before or after my perfect day. I look forward to celebrating my wedding day with you! (Cash gifts only. $500 minimum.)
Brilliant. Should print on a poster to put up at wedding reception halls.
What a shame people think this way. A wedding should be about two people who love eachother and celebrating with family and friends. What are you celebrating when you need to be the center of attention and need to control how everybody looks? I don't think these silly rules are about love or commitment or friendship. I couldn't care less wether my 80yr old uncle were to wear his old jeans and skipper jersey or my sister looking spectacular with her gorgeous long hair or my 6 yr old nephew showing all his dancemoves. It could have been an extra special moment for OP and her family: her sister getting maried and OP being pregnant are both important things and these things happening at the same time is extra special. Something to enjoy and for their parents to be proud of.
I am now closing to my 25th wedding anniversary and barely even remember wedding day... Turns out it is not so important after all, what is important is what happened in the 25 years since the wedding day. Kids born and raised, all good and bad times, being together... that are things to remember, not some one day of your life. But regardless of the importance of the wedding day I am pretty sure I would never ever tell my sister to not attend my wedding, no matter if she would be pregnant, pretty, ugly, crippled or with hunchback.
THIS. Our wedding day was lovely, but I when someone asks when we got married I even have to think for a minute. For me, the day we met is still the most important date, it's completely engraved in my mind, because it's the day our lives changed. Wedding day? Just a nice, small bonus.
Load More Replies...Ha me too - 26 years, too. NO ONE cares what you looked like that day, or if you had a baby bump or anything. Come to think of it, several of my relatives were preggers at mine (one at 8- months, if I recall) but why would I care?? They were there to celebrate with we; that's all that matter.
Turn it around on her & admonish her for getting engaged & planning a wedding while you & your husband are trying to have a baby. You started trying before she got engaged, so she is the one disrupting everything. They should push the wedding to not take away from your childs entrance into this world.
NTA! Bridezillas are ATA! Absolutely ridiculous to get worked over that trivial s**t!
My niece had her future SIL as maid of honour, she was nearly 8 months pregnant o the day. My niece made sure the SILs dress would accommodate and look good on her growing belly. That's what love is, celebrating all the good things in life however and whenever they show up. These bridezillas are toxic af.
The audacity of her family to suggest they have any say over when she gets pregnant.
Holy c**p, what did I just read? My sister was 30 weeks pregnant at my wedding and I couldn't have cared less. It was a surprise pregnancy, and I was SO excited at the prospect of being an aunt. My sister was my MOH and I wouldn't have changed that for anything. SHE felt bad because she couldn't wear the bridesmaid dress we had picked, but I didn't care at all. I told her just to get a black dress. Her pregnancy took away zero from my wedding. Zero. And if people wanted to talk to her about her pregnancy, who cares? And then 10 weeks later, my husband and I became an aunt and uncle to our awesome nephew! We used him as our "practice baby" before we had our own kids. That bride should be ashamed of herself. I'd distance myself from that family if they treated me like that.
Honestly, life goes on, people marry and have children. Why is it a competition? I was going to be a bridesmaid at my best friend's wedding until we realized it was five days after my due date. I dropped out and promised to attend if I could. Sure enough, my kid kept me waiting a full two weeks before being born. We went to the wedding, I ate everything that wasn't nailed down, the hotel room my husband and I rented looked like a rock band had trashed it there were so many cups and wrappers tossed around. The wedding was wonderful, the bride beautiful, my kid spectacular and 35 years later we are all still best friends. It's not difficult.
Honestly, I don't know what to think of today's brides who have gotten this strange idea that a wedding is a Universal Event that means that they are suddenly the God of the World and everything must resolve around them. Considering 50% of marriage ends in divorce, everyone is better off going to a judge, throwing a potluck and saving their money all around.
My step-sister was about 7 months pregnant with her 1st at our wedding. Did she get attention for it? Sure, for maybe about 5 minutes at the table where she was sitting. I was told a funny story about that. All the quirky stuff that grabbed momentary attention just became funny and interesting sidebars of the story of our wedding day. Guess what? At all weddings I've attended, attention and conversations weren't 100% about the bride and groom, but normal social interactions with the other guests-- either catching up with family/friends we haven't seen in a while, or getting to know the other guests. You can't expect people's focus to stay completely on you. Weddings aren't about capturing an audience, but rather sharing a happy moment
This is a terrible situation, NTA. But still, what confuses me the most is how they were 'in the time frame of July 2023'.
These wedding stories are getting more and more ridiculous. I don't understand how OP being 30 weeks along will disrupt the wedding in anyway, shape, or form. It seems like brides these days want their wedding to be a Hollywood event and anything that deviates from that plan is unacceptable. Weddings are supposed to be a time for families to come together and celebrate this exciting moment in their lives. This woman is NTA and if I was her I would skip the wedding altogether and just stay home. Her family are a bunch of entitled jerks.
I literally had a teacher in HS that gave an assignment in which we had to plan our wedding and how many children, etc. This was back in the early 2000s. Some of students presentations of their future weddings (they really planned their weddings to be like this) was to be like a Hollywood event. I was like what's wrong with a courthouse or a small party? I'm actually not surprised by the ridiculous of wedding stories. What I am surprised is how the family wasn't happy for the sister and supportive considering she was having trouble with getting pregnant the 2nd WTF. Do her parents not want a 2nd grandbaby?
I don't personally get the "don't be pregnant at a wedding". Like there are two different things. And personally, maybe it's just the relationship between me and my sister, I'd want to have a dance with her big belly lol (we also did prom pose pregnancy pictures because baby-daddy was OUT of the picture lol) Like, can't both things be celebrated and happy?
How awful for them that it's not just bridezilla who is being horrible. I just wouldn't bother going to the wedding since no one from her family appear to be pleased for them. I hope she has decent in-laws. For what it's worth, I haven't yet been to a wedding where there isn't at least one person pregnant.
Wtf? You don't put your life and plans on hold because of someone's wedding, and I don't see how pregnant lady "steal" spotlight from the bride. Like, someone maybe notice she's pregnant and say congrats? Can't her sister handle minute where she's not center of everyone's attention? It's ridiculous.
I don’t get this whole attention, thunder stealing mentality. It’s very elementary school. Wedding’s have become so showy lately that they really take away from the actual point of one. I don’t think the point of a wedding is to be the center of attention but to pledge your love to your significant other. Maybe I’m missing something? NTA, your family seems to be tho.
Huh? How is this real? My husband’s cousin delivered a couple days after attending our wedding. I was surprised she made it but thought it was cool she did. I did have to explain to my husband why I tossed the unflattering photo of her looking a little bit nauseous and kept the one of her looking radiant, though. I would hope she would have done the same for me!
She planned when she wanted to have her baby, just so it wouldn't get in sis's way at her wedding, realizes she'll be 30 weeks, tells sister, and sister goes crazy. Next wedding she has, I'd purposely show up with a newborn.
Easiest NTA ever. If the OP exploded a rocket that then showered the wedding guests with sparkly blue or pink dust based on the gender of the baby, I might understand how the OP is stealing the show. If I were you, I might be tempted to (ONLY TEMPTED) to hang around the church before the wedding in a wedding dress, 30 weeks pregnant, just to mess with the heads of the groom's more distant relatives, but then ITA if I actually did that, I guess.
Yikes. I would not have even considered planning a pregnancy around anyone's wedding! Or any event for that matter. I just don't understand either of these women.
I don't think the OP planned the pregnancy to occur specifically at the time of the wedding. When you're trying to get pregnant, you're just trying until you do.
She's q Terrible sister for throwing a fit over someone bring a baby into the world. Her bridal narcissism is ridiculous.
If you're the bride with the gown, the veil, the music, the trip up the aisle, the vows, the toasts and speeches at the reception, etc. and you still can't compete for attention with a 36-week pregnant woman who just sits there, the problem is not the 36-week pregnant woman.
I hope the bride gets pregnant too and with enough time to have a huge baby bump at her "perfect" wedding
my friend was pregnant wen i get married and on top of that we have the same wedding date so it was her 5th anniversary wen i got married. did i care? sure but in a good way. me and my husband used our mcs mic to say happy anniversary and congrats to them at our wedding. we care about them and wanted them to kno. my parents and family even said congrats and stuff and i wasnt bothered by it at all. i was happy. she wasnt showing at the time of my wedding but still i wasnt going to replace her bc she was pregnant. i asked her to b one of my bridesmaids knowing that she could have a 2nd kid at any time. the same went for one of my other bridesmaids. her and her husband had been trying for awhile to have kids and been having no luck. if i found out shed b pregnant at my wedding id celebrate it. and for those wondering my other friend did end up getting pregnant and she had an adorable son. he was born in the summer after my wedding i got married in october 2020
Pregnancy can happen any time planned or not. I guess she should have went celibate until after the wedding! What a bunch of narcissists. I would not only just not attend the wedding at all I would also go no contact with them.
Weddings are not that special… when you think a healthy baby is less important than a wedding, you have descended into narcissism Hell.
You can be pregnant whenever you damn well please and who cares if you go to a wedding pregnant? But please don't say struggling for 3 month. 3 month is NOT a struggle to get pregnant you don't know how lucky you are
I don't see how the sister thinks that OP being pregnant during her wedding is a problem. If she's so worried that it'll take attention away... suggest that she announce it beforehand. Throw a small party, so everyone can congratulate her. Problem solved. How can she expect her own sister to put her whole life on hold for a wedding? Bizarre, conceited and self-centered.
My mom hated her wedding. My aunt objected, her dress broke and she and my dad fought for most of the night. But 32 years later, she doesn’t even think about it because it is about the MARRIAGE!! And the life they built together. She’s even forgiven my aunt for objecting. I mostly feel bad for OP’s baby that it’s resented so much and it isn’t even born!!
I guess that next these bridezillas will have to have a flashing neon sign above them at all times to make sure everyone is paying attention to them every moment. Everyone has to wear the same bland outfit and have their hair under a hat lest someone's fashion takes away from the attention. No one can have any kind of medical condition or be under the age of 8. Done
So often family is a lesson on what not to do. Who not to associate with. My father taught me how to not love anyone at all. Luckily, my mother was different, so I'm not a total AHole.
Quite frankly the brides expectation is Despicable. If I were the OP I'd remind her that a child is for life and a wedding is until the divorce 😉
Married 38 years now and never wanted a big wedding or all that comes it's that. It's hard for me to believe that that the OP could even question this makes no sense. She has every right to enjoy the blessing in her own life and not worry what her sister thinks. As for the bride, I have no comment because it's too insane.
What a great aunt she's going to be. This is a terrific story to tell your a little one about the time everyone was involved in her creation. Ridiculous. Your life your family your baby your business. Bye Felicia
This is a perfect example of how selfish some people can be and only think they are the only ones that matter in the world. I'm so upset for you that this happened. And you planned around this? Next time you be more selfish!
Easy, anyone seeing the baby as a problem would be out of my life for good. So problem solved for them. Disgusting people.
Damn what? Sorry life exists outside of her bubble. Go or don't go but if it's drama and effecting your health don't do it. I've never seen someone preg at a wedding and forgot I was at a wedding. Wtf
This s**t pisses me off to no end. My matron of honor, the one who stood directly by my side at my wedding, was 8 months pregnant. People don't even remember that she was pregnant at the wedding when it gets brought up.. which almost never happens anyway. Also, now I get to tell her son that he was in my wedding lol He doesn't understand it yet but he will and it'll be exciting to show him pics of me kissing his momma's belly with us all dressed to the nines. It's a memory I cherish so so much.
Wow what a family. NTA. I did the other way around. My then future sis-in-law was pregnant so me & my bf decided to get married a couple months after she gave birth because we'd like her & the baby to be strong enough to attend (they live 8 hours drive away)
This is stupid beyond stupid. NTA isn't it time people to grow up. If she's that worried about things ruining her wedding day then she possible just get a court house marriage with a couple of witnesses. Life goes on, babies happen and you shouldn't need to consult anyone except each other on the timing of your pregnancy
Okay, obviously the family is dysfunctional and delusional... But I'm just stuck on the fact that OP things she was "having trouble getting pregnant" because she tried for ONLY THREE MONTHS?!? Try YEARS honey. 🙄
Sorry sis, but your sister and the others are selfish. You do you babe and screw the others. Sadly, your sister is childish and prolly will be divorced .
Man, I'd be calling her every time I was about to have sex for the rest of my life. "Hey, Shauna, just wondering if you were planning anything in about 9 months because myself and Hubby are about to get down to business, but I'd hate to mildly inconvenience you at some point in the future so I thought I'd better check."
It's drama like this why I don't even go to weddings. That and they're boring AF. I don't do receptions either because it's always the same questions for me since I'm not married with no intentions to get married.
I'm sorry but unless you are actually on all fours delivering up on the altar then it's nobodies business if you are pregnant or not. You are certainly NTA but your sister and family are massive AH. I wish you many congrats on the new arrival and frankly I'd skip the wedding entirely and go for a pamper day instead as you definitely deserve it.
Stop talking to mom, bridezilla, and sister. You do not need this kind of stress. Don't go to the wedding either. When the announcement goes out that your baby has arrived, that's when you answer a phone call. And if a tweet comes first, don't answer. Make them call. Then tell them it will be a few weeks til you're taking visitors. Put the three of them in their place.
If you're engaged to someone who cares more about the wedding than the marriage, run. Run far, run fast.
It kind of shocks me how some people are so self absorbed to claim someone is pregnant just to steal their spotlight
I think I read the whole BP for these entitlement stories and these unbelievably first world problems.
My parents divorced and neither talked about the day they got married. When my cousin got married, there was a little drama that led to the ER because cousin had to wear 6inche heels while wearing a wedding dress,she never wore 6 inch heels before. She grabbed her new husband as they fell backwards into the fountain while pictures were taken, and an er trip was necessary. No one noticed the pregnant lady, but everyone noticed the bride's busted ankle and knee. This is the kind of thing bride's should be worried will they be remembered on their wedding day? Sister getting upset over her sister being pregnant. She's putting energy where it's not needed, she should focus on making sure certain family members don't sit next to each other.
I'm just going to say that this is ridiculous, and I feel like some people do not understand. First, they were not "struggling". Struggling means a year or more of trying with no success. But regardless of that, it's her body, and her family choices. The bride sounds selfish and spoiled, and this thing where brides try to make the entire time before their wedding about them, and then have a special day is stupid.
Projecting much? The OP talked about how she went out of her way to avoid complicating the wedding. The exact opposite of the made up narrative you decided to impose.