A Kind Priest Brings Stray Dogs To Mass So They Can Find New Families
Homeless dogs in Brazil regularly attend church services to meet their new owners. If you think that abandoned dogs magically turn to God for help, unfortunately, it’s not exactly the case, but this extraordinary scenario can still be encountered every Sunday at Paróquia de Sant’Ana Gravatá.
Father João Paulo Araujo Gomes who is the head of the parish of Santana in the city of Gravatá in Brazil does the kindest and most inspiring thing for stray dogs around his church. He invites homeless animals from the streets to become a part of his service to help them find loving homes. The doors of his church, as well as his big heart, will always be open for dogs. And who wouldn’t attend Mass if some adorable dogs were involved?
Dogs provide us with unconditional love, laughter, and precious memories and it’s nothing less than fair to pay them back. Whether you are a faithful believer in God or not, as long as you believe in kindness and compassion, we can slowly make the world a better place.
More info: Instagram | Facebook | Facebook
Image credits: Padre João Paulo
Image credits: Winfried Niederer
Father João Paulo is housing abandoned animals in his rectory away from the dangers of the streets. However, he brings his furry friends to the church service in hopes that they will be noticed. This is why every Sunday, the priest makes sure the dogs are in the center of attention, an honorable spot where everyone can see them. As loyal and as important they might look in front of the altar, dogs will be dogs and they are always in for some petting. Being excited and adorable as they are, pups often join the priest at the altar for some attention and belly rubs, and Father João never disappoints!
Image credits: Padre João Paulo
Image credits: Padre João Paulo
“They will always be able to enter, sleep, eat, drink their water and find shelter and protection, for this house is of God and they are of God,” Father João Paulo wrote on Facebook. He engages the large church’s community in his dog rescue mission by encouraging them to invite people who are interested in bringing home a new family member. His compassionate actions raise awareness and help to make a change, starting from Gravatá.
Image credits: Padre João Paulo
Image credits: Padre João Paulo
Many rescued dogs are neglected, affected by cruel street life and in desperate need of urgent help and attention. The compassionate Father has not only given a temporary home and affection to these poor creatures, but he also takes good care of them, feeds them and provides all the necessary medical treatment. Their spectacular recoveries warm our hearts and show what love and care can do. A small act of kindness that makes an extreme difference for the forgotten dogs of Gravatá.
Image credits: Padre João Paulo
Image credits: Padre João Paulo
Image credits: Padre João Paulo
Thanks to the priest’s actions, the number of abandoned dogs on the streets of Gravatá, which has 228,000 inhabitants, has reduced substantially. Dozens of stray dogs have already found loving homes. In fact, after meeting so many faithful animals in person, the kind-hearted priest couldn’t help but adopt some himself.
Image credits: Padre João Paulo
Image credits: Padre João Paulo
“I helped several dogs with serious health problems. Some of them I brought to the parish house and they were later adopted. Three of them stayed with me. Today, they are my children and sleep in my bed,” the Father told Bored Panda.
Image credits: Padre João Paulo
Image credits: Padre João Paulo
Image credits: Padre João Paulo
The priest’s heartfelt deeds didn’t go unnoticed after a photo of him conducting mass with a dog on his side went viral on Facebook. The selfless gesture of Christian solidarity echoed on social networks and generated a wave of positive comments, with thousands of citizens extolling the priest’s social action. Inspired people didn’t hold back admiration and blessings for the priest’s kind heart and thought it’s a great example to follow. One of many touched people called him a true hero for helping those who don’t have a voice of their own.
Image credits: Padre João Paulo
Image credits: Padre João Paulo
Image credits: Padre João Paulo
Funnily enough, this is not the first appearance of dogs and other animals in churches around the world. From a dog unexpectedly crashing church service in summer of this year (also in Brazil) to annual pet blessings during the St. Francis Day in honor of the Patron Saint of Animals, Saint Francis of Assisi – it seems that animals feel pretty comfortable in church. While serving the good cause, do you think it’s something the holy places could adopt more often?
Image credits: Padre João Paulo
Share on FacebookAw! Who couldn't admire this wonderful, kind-hearted man taking care of one of the world's greatest creatures.
Admiring is one thing, following the good example is another. - "It's easy to sell hope. But hope without action is an excuse." - ?
Load More Replies...What a wonderful man! If this were done in all houses of worship around the world, the number of stray dogs would go down to almost zero. Even if a member of the congregation did not adopt a dog, they would feel more peaceful and happy during the service.
Finally a Man of God who serves the cloth and who recognizes our full potential and duty in serving God's gift of the natural world, thereby most loyally serving God. The church has never taken the time to recognize that all the speakings of the Bible (love, grace, mercy, kindness, patience, care and compassion) extends to all beings. You cannot go to Church and then go home and kick you dog and think that's acceptable in God's eyes. Thank you Padre Joao Paulo for opening up a whole new level of the meaning of compassion and the teachings of God's word.
I kinda thil this is what Jesus do, be kind with all life, especially dogs, we domesticad them and made them part of the civil life, how can we dismiss them
Now this guy can be a Saint as far as I'm concerned. He's worth far more to the human existence than any of the false garbage saints and 99.9% of other religious people.
Thank you to this beautiful priest!! God wants us to help his animals that he created!
I wish there was a fund to donate to to help with vet bills, food, etc
Chances are that there's a shelter near you that could use your generosity to help needy animals.
Load More Replies...God bless this man and BLESSED this man in so many ways. Of course there are more than likely other priest who give love and help to Gods great animals (wild and domesticated) but this is the story I came upon and I am in awe. Nothing but respect to you Sir. In my mind folks who work with animals in any capacity from rescue workers, volunteers, fund raisers, D.V.M's, foster parents, Zoo curators and every title in between are unsung HEROS. Thanks to all of you...tremendously
Other than one (literal) troll, all the comments are positive and that's awesome. This guy is one of the good guys for sure. If you have the platform, why not use it? The article doesn't mention anywhere one could donate to. He should set one up. I'd throw in a few sheckles for someone with that large of a selfless heart.
Father thank you very much for what you are doing to them helpless creatures of God..Thank you a million times Father..
I’ve had 7 dogs in my lifetime. 4 were/are rescues. The look on their faces when they realize they have a loving forever home warms my heart. They’ve given back (all 7) more than I ever could have imagined.
Fantastic post, one of the absolutely best, well done, such a wonderful man, God provided him with a huge heart, and he uses it well, a fabulous idea to bring in the homeless dogs, a great way to help them find a loving home, churches everywhere should adopt the idea, may God bless you sir, with a long and healthy life, and happiness, the dogs returned your love, as they always do !!!
Promote Contraception > I LOVE what this priest is doing, but the article doesn't mention spaying or neutering. (I know, that's opposite of what the Church wants but c'mon.)
Thank you Kirsten for your comment. Let's be compassionate and REALISTIC.
Load More Replies...What a great way to serve God and God’s helpless ones! More churches should do this!
what a hero ,priest like this should recieve sainthood aka StFrancis
Father João Paulo Araujo you are an amazing person and could not have picked better subjects. They will love and trust and be loyal all the days of their live. Those fur babies will shower you will love.....
How wonderful! Is there an address for the good Father, where I could direct some financial support?
Father Joao Paulo is an absolute angel ! He's saved so many lives and made this world a much better place. His compassion and service are a clear extension of God's love for creation. Like St. Francis, Father Joao Paulo represents the true heart of the Church, and I pray that others throughout the world would follow his example. Thank you, Father!
wow look interesting how this guy treat all these dogs https://dogbeginners.com/
wow look interesting how this guy treats all these dogs in good way https://dogbeginners.com/
He is an angel sent from heaven disguised as a priest to help the most loving creatures on earth.
Gods creatures are worth everything you are a true hero In god and my eyes
EVIL!! the Holy Mass us for worshipping Jesus Christ!! NOT dogs!! poor doggies can be loved on and adored AFTER MASS!! outrageous!!!
This priest is all about WWJD ! The Pastor , Father Francisco , at Christ The King church in Mesa Az. where I belong , took his vacation this past summer and flew home to the Phillipines and got a bunch of men together to help him build a home for the kids , mostly orphans, who live on the streets. He brings these kids clothes and other necessities too. He is a super priest , and I am sure very pleasing to Christ ✝️
I think this is exactly the way to show compassion. To most people, they’re just dogs but the Padre lives a life that is truly an example of what God’s love is.
What a wonderful story. It shows how every one of us can make a difference in a homeless dog's life, no matter where we are or what our profession may be.
Every priest should be made to read this then do likewise. Such a good man~!
This is one of the few men in this world who has made a huge difference.
Omg, this is SOOOOO amazing! What an incredible man!!! My only hope is that there were more humans out there like this kind-hearted priest!
I am thankful that the good Father is taking care of the needy dogs as well as the spiritually needy humans. God’s blessings on him!
Great Priest and Have him find me a black /white kitty a female and I will love him forever.
Amazing priest see if he can find a black/white female kitty and will love him forever
A great priest with a gold heart for animals. I admire this person.
Loving doggies is a very important blessing from God, and vice versa I'm sure.
Only when all religions will teach kindness, compassion, and pity to all sentient beings, the world will change. - "Do not fancy that you will lower yourselves by sympathy with the lower creatures; you CANNOT sympathize RIGHTLY with the higher, unless you do with those." -John Ruskin Indeed.
These are not just dogs, they are extensions of our lord. Few things on this earth love us more than we love ourselves. The embodiment of everything we are taught to believe. They are the eyes and ears of God sent to this world to remind us of what true, unbreakable bonds love can create. They are not just dogs, they are angels. Father Gomes is a Saint. This is an example of the lords work in full swing. Too often we hear of the negative side of the church and it is refreshing to read this kind of story. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the holy Spirit....AMEN
In a time when we see so many negatives this story is SO uplifting. Bless him and all those wonderful fur angels :)
The padre is an angel from heaven. He is protecting and aiding God’s Voiceless creatures. God bless him
Is it wrong to be in love with a Priest? This story made my heart sing.
This priest is a TRUE saint. He practices what he preaches. No hypocrisy.
How wonderful of this man to preach the word of God while saving one God’s greatest creatures.
It is just beautiful what he has done for dogs. Also, my hat goes off to those that have adopted these precious animals.
I trust Catholic priests to have pure motives as much as I trust IT to babysit. In the HBO documentary MEA MAXIMA CULPA, it was revealed that priests throughout third world nations and impoverished countries prey on children openly. Parents often deliver children to parish schools and ignore the sexual abuse, because their children will be fed and will learn to read. - - - - - A very "limited" investigation in Colorado that concluded two days ago revealed that at least 43 priests sexually abused at least 166 children. Investigators were not permitted to subpoena church records or compel testimony. - - - - - The Catholic Church in the USA alone has paid out over $3 BILLION DOLLARS to settle sex abuse cases -- this does not include out-of-court settlements or situations where the priest or victims are dead.
Sadly, any religious institution is just another business, as such it protects its own interests, not the parishioners. Where does God fit into this? ....beats me.
Load More Replies...This is Awesome!! God bless you and all to that step up come and rise to the call to help those that can would otherwise be forgotten
J'aimerait qu'on puissent avoir un prêtre comme celui du Brésil. Peut-être qu'il y aurait plus de monde dans nos églises du Québec, Canada. Sa bonté est contagieuse, moins de chiens demeurent dans la rue grâce à lui. BRAVO MON PÈRE...XXX
This Priest is a True Man of God.. Helping all these 🐕 dogs is such an inspiration to see!! May people learn and do what this Priest does in saving the voiceless!! May God Bless you a thousand times!!
I hope Father Gomes works as hard at saving his parishioners souls as he gives attention to these activities.
Priests rape dogs. Just check out the case of Fr Eric Dejaeger, who raped 22 children and at least one dog.
Neil, when you say priests...do you mean all priests?
Load More Replies...Aw! Who couldn't admire this wonderful, kind-hearted man taking care of one of the world's greatest creatures.
Admiring is one thing, following the good example is another. - "It's easy to sell hope. But hope without action is an excuse." - ?
Load More Replies...What a wonderful man! If this were done in all houses of worship around the world, the number of stray dogs would go down to almost zero. Even if a member of the congregation did not adopt a dog, they would feel more peaceful and happy during the service.
Finally a Man of God who serves the cloth and who recognizes our full potential and duty in serving God's gift of the natural world, thereby most loyally serving God. The church has never taken the time to recognize that all the speakings of the Bible (love, grace, mercy, kindness, patience, care and compassion) extends to all beings. You cannot go to Church and then go home and kick you dog and think that's acceptable in God's eyes. Thank you Padre Joao Paulo for opening up a whole new level of the meaning of compassion and the teachings of God's word.
I kinda thil this is what Jesus do, be kind with all life, especially dogs, we domesticad them and made them part of the civil life, how can we dismiss them
Now this guy can be a Saint as far as I'm concerned. He's worth far more to the human existence than any of the false garbage saints and 99.9% of other religious people.
Thank you to this beautiful priest!! God wants us to help his animals that he created!
I wish there was a fund to donate to to help with vet bills, food, etc
Chances are that there's a shelter near you that could use your generosity to help needy animals.
Load More Replies...God bless this man and BLESSED this man in so many ways. Of course there are more than likely other priest who give love and help to Gods great animals (wild and domesticated) but this is the story I came upon and I am in awe. Nothing but respect to you Sir. In my mind folks who work with animals in any capacity from rescue workers, volunteers, fund raisers, D.V.M's, foster parents, Zoo curators and every title in between are unsung HEROS. Thanks to all of you...tremendously
Other than one (literal) troll, all the comments are positive and that's awesome. This guy is one of the good guys for sure. If you have the platform, why not use it? The article doesn't mention anywhere one could donate to. He should set one up. I'd throw in a few sheckles for someone with that large of a selfless heart.
Father thank you very much for what you are doing to them helpless creatures of God..Thank you a million times Father..
I’ve had 7 dogs in my lifetime. 4 were/are rescues. The look on their faces when they realize they have a loving forever home warms my heart. They’ve given back (all 7) more than I ever could have imagined.
Fantastic post, one of the absolutely best, well done, such a wonderful man, God provided him with a huge heart, and he uses it well, a fabulous idea to bring in the homeless dogs, a great way to help them find a loving home, churches everywhere should adopt the idea, may God bless you sir, with a long and healthy life, and happiness, the dogs returned your love, as they always do !!!
Promote Contraception > I LOVE what this priest is doing, but the article doesn't mention spaying or neutering. (I know, that's opposite of what the Church wants but c'mon.)
Thank you Kirsten for your comment. Let's be compassionate and REALISTIC.
Load More Replies...What a great way to serve God and God’s helpless ones! More churches should do this!
what a hero ,priest like this should recieve sainthood aka StFrancis
Father João Paulo Araujo you are an amazing person and could not have picked better subjects. They will love and trust and be loyal all the days of their live. Those fur babies will shower you will love.....
How wonderful! Is there an address for the good Father, where I could direct some financial support?
Father Joao Paulo is an absolute angel ! He's saved so many lives and made this world a much better place. His compassion and service are a clear extension of God's love for creation. Like St. Francis, Father Joao Paulo represents the true heart of the Church, and I pray that others throughout the world would follow his example. Thank you, Father!
wow look interesting how this guy treat all these dogs https://dogbeginners.com/
wow look interesting how this guy treats all these dogs in good way https://dogbeginners.com/
He is an angel sent from heaven disguised as a priest to help the most loving creatures on earth.
Gods creatures are worth everything you are a true hero In god and my eyes
EVIL!! the Holy Mass us for worshipping Jesus Christ!! NOT dogs!! poor doggies can be loved on and adored AFTER MASS!! outrageous!!!
This priest is all about WWJD ! The Pastor , Father Francisco , at Christ The King church in Mesa Az. where I belong , took his vacation this past summer and flew home to the Phillipines and got a bunch of men together to help him build a home for the kids , mostly orphans, who live on the streets. He brings these kids clothes and other necessities too. He is a super priest , and I am sure very pleasing to Christ ✝️
I think this is exactly the way to show compassion. To most people, they’re just dogs but the Padre lives a life that is truly an example of what God’s love is.
What a wonderful story. It shows how every one of us can make a difference in a homeless dog's life, no matter where we are or what our profession may be.
Every priest should be made to read this then do likewise. Such a good man~!
This is one of the few men in this world who has made a huge difference.
Omg, this is SOOOOO amazing! What an incredible man!!! My only hope is that there were more humans out there like this kind-hearted priest!
I am thankful that the good Father is taking care of the needy dogs as well as the spiritually needy humans. God’s blessings on him!
Great Priest and Have him find me a black /white kitty a female and I will love him forever.
Amazing priest see if he can find a black/white female kitty and will love him forever
A great priest with a gold heart for animals. I admire this person.
Loving doggies is a very important blessing from God, and vice versa I'm sure.
Only when all religions will teach kindness, compassion, and pity to all sentient beings, the world will change. - "Do not fancy that you will lower yourselves by sympathy with the lower creatures; you CANNOT sympathize RIGHTLY with the higher, unless you do with those." -John Ruskin Indeed.
These are not just dogs, they are extensions of our lord. Few things on this earth love us more than we love ourselves. The embodiment of everything we are taught to believe. They are the eyes and ears of God sent to this world to remind us of what true, unbreakable bonds love can create. They are not just dogs, they are angels. Father Gomes is a Saint. This is an example of the lords work in full swing. Too often we hear of the negative side of the church and it is refreshing to read this kind of story. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the holy Spirit....AMEN
In a time when we see so many negatives this story is SO uplifting. Bless him and all those wonderful fur angels :)
The padre is an angel from heaven. He is protecting and aiding God’s Voiceless creatures. God bless him
Is it wrong to be in love with a Priest? This story made my heart sing.
This priest is a TRUE saint. He practices what he preaches. No hypocrisy.
How wonderful of this man to preach the word of God while saving one God’s greatest creatures.
It is just beautiful what he has done for dogs. Also, my hat goes off to those that have adopted these precious animals.
I trust Catholic priests to have pure motives as much as I trust IT to babysit. In the HBO documentary MEA MAXIMA CULPA, it was revealed that priests throughout third world nations and impoverished countries prey on children openly. Parents often deliver children to parish schools and ignore the sexual abuse, because their children will be fed and will learn to read. - - - - - A very "limited" investigation in Colorado that concluded two days ago revealed that at least 43 priests sexually abused at least 166 children. Investigators were not permitted to subpoena church records or compel testimony. - - - - - The Catholic Church in the USA alone has paid out over $3 BILLION DOLLARS to settle sex abuse cases -- this does not include out-of-court settlements or situations where the priest or victims are dead.
Sadly, any religious institution is just another business, as such it protects its own interests, not the parishioners. Where does God fit into this? ....beats me.
Load More Replies...This is Awesome!! God bless you and all to that step up come and rise to the call to help those that can would otherwise be forgotten
J'aimerait qu'on puissent avoir un prêtre comme celui du Brésil. Peut-être qu'il y aurait plus de monde dans nos églises du Québec, Canada. Sa bonté est contagieuse, moins de chiens demeurent dans la rue grâce à lui. BRAVO MON PÈRE...XXX
This Priest is a True Man of God.. Helping all these 🐕 dogs is such an inspiration to see!! May people learn and do what this Priest does in saving the voiceless!! May God Bless you a thousand times!!
I hope Father Gomes works as hard at saving his parishioners souls as he gives attention to these activities.
Priests rape dogs. Just check out the case of Fr Eric Dejaeger, who raped 22 children and at least one dog.
Neil, when you say priests...do you mean all priests?
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