This Bracelet From Amazon Shocks You If You Eat Too Much Fast Food Or Spend Too Much Money
If only we could afford to have a person that constantly stands next to us and yells at us if we eat something unhealthy or once again buy something completely unnecessary and totally out of our budget. Unfortunately, that is usually not the case when it comes to self-control or acquiring bad habits. Usually, we are left on our own to decide what is good and bad for us, and honestly, it sucks. So, if you’re like most of us and just can’t stop eating, spending money and sleeping, Amazon has a cool gadget to offer.
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Amazon is selling a bracelet that aims to stop you from spending too much money or eating too much junk food
Image credits: TheRxReview
Pavlok, a smart bracelet that can be purchased on Amazon, is said to be a “behavior training device that works by utilizing Aversive Conditioning.”
Image credits: TheRxReview
According to the product’s creators, it sounds almost like the Pavlov’s dog theory applied. “Aversive conditioning is essentially behavior training that uses negative stimuli (in this case a small electric shock) and association to help reaffirm a specific action as undesirable.
The reason so many people continue to smoke even though they know it’s bad… is because for many smoking IS pleasurable.
The reason so many people continue to consume an unhealthy snack after unhealthy snack is that it often DOES taste good.
And that’s why Pavlok is ultimately so effective.”
In fact, Pavlok can be used to help you break many annoying habits
Image credits: Amazon
It includes wasting time online, mindless eating, eating fast food, biting your nails, smoking, and sleeping in. According to the reviews on the product, the electric current training device works best for those who have a problem waking up in the morning.
Image credits: TheRxReview
The way this bracelet works is rather simple. Creators of this product compare it to having food poisoning – once you get it, you stop eating the food that gave you the poisoning, and that is called aversive conditioning.
“Using the slightly uncomfortable stimulus of an electric shock, Pavlok helps train your brain to associate a bad habit with the uncomfortable stimulus. And after as little as a few weeks of associating the two with consistent use, your brain begins to say:
‘Hey, wait a second. Maybe I DON’T like smoking.’
‘Hey, wait a second, maybe that donut doesn’t do much for me at all.'”
Although the idea sounds interesting, the product does have mixed reviews online, while some absolutely loved it
Others did not enjoy the product whatsoever
You can watch their video to learn more about the product
Share on FacebookGet the same effect with hair tie around your wrist. Just snap yourself every time you think of food.
So it looks like you have to carry your phone around for it to work. What if you are trying to stop using your phone so much?
pair it with a screen-time app? Personally, though, would you want some russian guy knowing your spending habits? (or amazon. or google or anybody else? )
Load More Replies...Get the same effect with hair tie around your wrist. Just snap yourself every time you think of food.
So it looks like you have to carry your phone around for it to work. What if you are trying to stop using your phone so much?
pair it with a screen-time app? Personally, though, would you want some russian guy knowing your spending habits? (or amazon. or google or anybody else? )
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