35 Ladies Share How They Know That Their Boyfriend Or Husband Truly Loves Them
Usually, dating isn't as easy as most of us wish it was. It's already difficult enough to put yourself out there and open up to someone new, but even after that, you still got a mission to figure out the person's true intentions and whether your feelings towards each other truly align.
Recently, Twitter user @AfroFlytina asked fellow women to spread some much-needed positive vibes by sharing stories of what helped them figure out that their partners genuinely love them. The post has quickly gone viral and it currently has over 77k likes along with more than 17k quote tweets.
Image credits: AfroFlytina
Image credits: Francesco
Without further ado, Bored Panda invites you to read through some of the most heartwarming stories we managed to happen across in this viral thread. And if you've got one of your own, feel free to share it down in the comment section!
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Same. And when he had his surgery, I was right there for him too. I still think he does more, tho! He'll come in the room I'm in, just to check and see if I need anything. Sigh, just him....
I think anyone in a relationship who wants to make it work, will ask the other if they're happy, what bothers them, etc. Sometimes you don't know unless you ask.
I've survived decades of abuse, worked very hard on managing my mental health and everything I have had to overcome after my life imploded 3 years ago. He was unhappy with me because I didn't go to him first when I needed help; I was so used to being let down, so having someone who WANTS to be there for me is a priceless treasure. He makes me feel safe and cherished, no-one has ever made me feel like this before. That's love.
I love that! That feeling of complete peace and contentment. Blessings to you both!
Thats so cute. My husband never leaves the house without giving me a kiss. Those small gestures mean a lot.
*accept. Also, not everything has to be a big romantic gesture. I once fell in love with a dude just because he would let me rant about whatever I needed to rant about and he'd just sit there, listening. He encouraged me to write a book, and I finished the first draft quickly with his support. I need to write the second draft, but I really don't have the emotional energy and he's not here to cheer me on anymore.
Load More Replies...ya'll criticising 'cause you say he does not know what a vagina is or it is the uterus - my woman had a problem with her VAGINA - why would you think a vagina cannot have problems. this thread is for encouragement, not "grammer correction". good grief some of you people. people.
Sounds like your guy is caught in a toxic relationship. If you disagree just picture the above scenario with genders reversed
I guess men don't share as much, but it would be nice to see more comments from men on how their significant others make them feel loved.
Load More Replies...When my sis died, we'd only been dating a few months. He was fired from work for skipping so much time so he culd be with me during viewing/funeral/etc. I freaked out, and he said something like he could get another job, but I needed him more than he needed the job. So, yeah, 30 yeasr later...
We've been living together for 11 years now, so there's a lot of occasions that showed me he genuinely loves me, but here I'll go with the most recent ones. Basically, his whole reaction and attitude towards my health after it was confirmed for the first time that my kidneys are weak. (I'm stage 2, at a steady 70%~75% so far). He literally told me he would give me one of his kidneys if it comes to this. Poor boy, he was in a much bigger shock than myself. He just kept researching about kidney disease all the time for some time. Another one is, last winter I had a literally debilitating migraine. It was so bad that I temporarily lost my linguistic cognition, and my body temperature dropped close to 35°C (not really 35, but very close). The way he nursed me back to normality and how he literally dressed me up and basically carried me to the car to go to the hospital... I'm so lucky to have him.
So sorry about your kidneys but happy you have someone to be there for you. My partner and I both suffer with migraines so I do a lot of reading about them. You may already know this but low body temperature has been linked to migraines and they can often resolve when low body temperatures are normalized (though not had that miracle happen yet!). My ability to talk coherently is always affected when I get a migraine as well - apparently aphasia and dysarthria are well known issues. If it is the first time it has ever happened though you do need to get it checked in case it's caused by something more sinister.
Load More Replies...It's always special when your partner first shows you they love you. It is even more so when they still show it many years later. I had a really really rough day today, I went for a walk, didn't tell any one, didn't answer my phone etc. My hubby found me and I asked him why he loves me. He said that I am perfect for him and wouldn't want to be with anyone else. I know I'm far from perfect and can be hard to deal with. He said so much more but some things I choose to treasure for myself. I know I'm an over sharer but there are many things I keep for myself or those close to me. Anyway our talk didn't dissolve my down mood but it did dilute it.
I had four family members in four different hospitals across two states. I was traveling to be with them, take care of families, houses, etc. for weeks. I came home for two days, did laundry, packed again, and headed out for another week. When I got to the first hospital which was three hours from home, I realized I left my medication at home and texted that I was too stressed to find a pharmacy (there were none nearby and I would have drive a ways to get it) and that I was going to have to deal with it in the next town in two days. He showed up at that hospital the next morning with my meds and my dog because he wanted to save me the stress and he knew impromptu doggie cuddles would make my day.
Now THATS a good true love story. You for taking care of your family, him for taking care of you.
Load More Replies...It is very sweet to see all of the things that make these couples happy. It's great to see how the little things someone can do for you can make that person really happy and feel better about themselves!🥰😊
For me it was little things. Like I suffer from migraines from time to time. Not often but when I do have them watch out. If I even mention my head is starting to hurt (especially at work) I'll get home and the A/C will be turned down and blasting, room will be dark, ice packs will be ready and migraine medicine on standby. Every month right around the time of my cycle, He always... i mean ALWAYS comes home with tampons, midol (if we're out) and my favorite ice cream. He also does this with my daughters only he gets them their favorite treats. Snickers for my oldest, Twix for my youngest. He's amazing.
We'd been dating 2 months and he asked what I usually do for xmas. I explained I normally drive out of state to my sister's and he said, "Would you want to fly to England with me and meet my family?" Then the morning we left, he gave me a diamond promise ring so I'd "know his intentions." I knew he was all in.
Knew for a long time but really reminded me of it when I went abroad for 2 yrs to do my masters and we couldn't see each other because of Covid >:( Now we plan to get married and no one will keep us away from each other :(
So much judging…. You aren’t them. You don’t know what they want or like. So stop hiring their relationship.
When I first dated my husband he would talk about how sex was the most important thing in a relationship. If you weren't having sex then you were just friends. Had a whole theory about it. Fine by me, we are really compatible sexually so it is always a pleasure, one might say, and we have remained pretty active even after 14 years. But around a year into our relationship he asks me to hold him. He complained that I never wanted to snuggle (I am not a touchy kind of person) so I spooned him and asked if he was happy, he smiled and said that snuggling was better than sex. This from the guy who had told me for over a year that sex was the most important than anything else in a relationship. Hit me that he loved me, and what was most important to him in a relationship was a deep feeling of intimacy. Took me years to adjust but and I still don't want to touch or be touched by anyone else, but we snuggle every night for hours.
Mine is rather tmi , so I'll just say we got married when I was 30 weeks pregnant with our first child. Labor and delivery really wrecked my body and I needed a lot of help. That poor man never flinched and took such good care of me. 25 years later and he has been the most amazing husband and father. He took care of my mom when she was dying. He was the only person who made her feels safe at the hospital. He's really a saint... and he's totally hot. I got so lucky
I am here to give testimony on how this powerful spell caster called Dr Ibrahim helped me to fix my relationship. I was heartbroken when my fiance told me he is no longer interested in marrying me because he was having an affair with the other woman where he works. I cried and sobbed every day,until it got so bad that I reached out to the Internet for help, that was when i read a review about the great work of Dr Ibrahim, then i contacted him for help to get my lover back, he helped me cast a powerful (reconciliation love spell) and to my greatest surprise after 48 hours of doing the love spell my Fiance came back on his knees begging me to forgive him We are now living happily and all thanks goes to Dr Ibrahim for helping me save my relationship you can contact Dr Ibrahim through his Email dribrahimspellcaster@gmail.com Call or Whatsapp +2349038450264 Contact him for the following: 1)If you want your ex back. 2)If you want a child. 3) You want to make your husband/wife to be
Been in an LDR for most of my 1 year and 3 month relationship, and he still knows how to make me feel like the most special person alive. Blows my mind every time I see the love in his eyes just before he tells me he loves me while we're talking about raccoons. No one could make me feel the way he does <3
You know I have had a husband for 17 years, and then a boyfriend for 5, and I can't think of one defining moment, when I thought they loved me. I don't think my husband ever truly loved me until after I told him I wanted a divorce. Then he started trying, but I knew I could never go back. Hurts me to think that he treats his girlfriend like gold. My son always just said he learned how not to treat a woman from me, but still hurts.
I knew that we were meant to be together when, 49 hours after we met on a blind date, he proposed and I said "Yes". It was also when I knew how much I loved him was saying "Yes" so quickly he couldn't change his mind lol. All our friends said it would not last but we were together just short of 28 years and there will never be another man in my life. Miss him so much.
And I’m stuck with the only attention from males being perverts who are twice or three times my age.
Hubby and I started dating at 19(me) and 21(him). Three weeks into dating my mom was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. It was the worst time in my life watching her die for 4 1/2 years. He stuck by me through everything. I’ve also always had depression and anxiety and he’s the only one that can bring me out of a funk. We’ve now been married almost 20 years and we’re together for 5 before that. He is my life. Since I got diagnosed with fibromyalgia and chronic pain 5 years ago and had to take medical retirement because there is not much I can do myself (even on a good day). He’s done everything around the house too. I know it’s not easy for him to be the one bringing in the only income and doing the majority of household work but he does it day in and day out. I love him with all my heart and I know he feels the same way about me.
There is a lot of cynism in the comments. A bit unusual for boredpanda.
I guess men don't share as much, but it would be nice to see more comments from men on how their significant others make them feel loved.
Load More Replies...When my sis died, we'd only been dating a few months. He was fired from work for skipping so much time so he culd be with me during viewing/funeral/etc. I freaked out, and he said something like he could get another job, but I needed him more than he needed the job. So, yeah, 30 yeasr later...
We've been living together for 11 years now, so there's a lot of occasions that showed me he genuinely loves me, but here I'll go with the most recent ones. Basically, his whole reaction and attitude towards my health after it was confirmed for the first time that my kidneys are weak. (I'm stage 2, at a steady 70%~75% so far). He literally told me he would give me one of his kidneys if it comes to this. Poor boy, he was in a much bigger shock than myself. He just kept researching about kidney disease all the time for some time. Another one is, last winter I had a literally debilitating migraine. It was so bad that I temporarily lost my linguistic cognition, and my body temperature dropped close to 35°C (not really 35, but very close). The way he nursed me back to normality and how he literally dressed me up and basically carried me to the car to go to the hospital... I'm so lucky to have him.
So sorry about your kidneys but happy you have someone to be there for you. My partner and I both suffer with migraines so I do a lot of reading about them. You may already know this but low body temperature has been linked to migraines and they can often resolve when low body temperatures are normalized (though not had that miracle happen yet!). My ability to talk coherently is always affected when I get a migraine as well - apparently aphasia and dysarthria are well known issues. If it is the first time it has ever happened though you do need to get it checked in case it's caused by something more sinister.
Load More Replies...It's always special when your partner first shows you they love you. It is even more so when they still show it many years later. I had a really really rough day today, I went for a walk, didn't tell any one, didn't answer my phone etc. My hubby found me and I asked him why he loves me. He said that I am perfect for him and wouldn't want to be with anyone else. I know I'm far from perfect and can be hard to deal with. He said so much more but some things I choose to treasure for myself. I know I'm an over sharer but there are many things I keep for myself or those close to me. Anyway our talk didn't dissolve my down mood but it did dilute it.
I had four family members in four different hospitals across two states. I was traveling to be with them, take care of families, houses, etc. for weeks. I came home for two days, did laundry, packed again, and headed out for another week. When I got to the first hospital which was three hours from home, I realized I left my medication at home and texted that I was too stressed to find a pharmacy (there were none nearby and I would have drive a ways to get it) and that I was going to have to deal with it in the next town in two days. He showed up at that hospital the next morning with my meds and my dog because he wanted to save me the stress and he knew impromptu doggie cuddles would make my day.
Now THATS a good true love story. You for taking care of your family, him for taking care of you.
Load More Replies...It is very sweet to see all of the things that make these couples happy. It's great to see how the little things someone can do for you can make that person really happy and feel better about themselves!🥰😊
For me it was little things. Like I suffer from migraines from time to time. Not often but when I do have them watch out. If I even mention my head is starting to hurt (especially at work) I'll get home and the A/C will be turned down and blasting, room will be dark, ice packs will be ready and migraine medicine on standby. Every month right around the time of my cycle, He always... i mean ALWAYS comes home with tampons, midol (if we're out) and my favorite ice cream. He also does this with my daughters only he gets them their favorite treats. Snickers for my oldest, Twix for my youngest. He's amazing.
We'd been dating 2 months and he asked what I usually do for xmas. I explained I normally drive out of state to my sister's and he said, "Would you want to fly to England with me and meet my family?" Then the morning we left, he gave me a diamond promise ring so I'd "know his intentions." I knew he was all in.
Knew for a long time but really reminded me of it when I went abroad for 2 yrs to do my masters and we couldn't see each other because of Covid >:( Now we plan to get married and no one will keep us away from each other :(
So much judging…. You aren’t them. You don’t know what they want or like. So stop hiring their relationship.
When I first dated my husband he would talk about how sex was the most important thing in a relationship. If you weren't having sex then you were just friends. Had a whole theory about it. Fine by me, we are really compatible sexually so it is always a pleasure, one might say, and we have remained pretty active even after 14 years. But around a year into our relationship he asks me to hold him. He complained that I never wanted to snuggle (I am not a touchy kind of person) so I spooned him and asked if he was happy, he smiled and said that snuggling was better than sex. This from the guy who had told me for over a year that sex was the most important than anything else in a relationship. Hit me that he loved me, and what was most important to him in a relationship was a deep feeling of intimacy. Took me years to adjust but and I still don't want to touch or be touched by anyone else, but we snuggle every night for hours.
Mine is rather tmi , so I'll just say we got married when I was 30 weeks pregnant with our first child. Labor and delivery really wrecked my body and I needed a lot of help. That poor man never flinched and took such good care of me. 25 years later and he has been the most amazing husband and father. He took care of my mom when she was dying. He was the only person who made her feels safe at the hospital. He's really a saint... and he's totally hot. I got so lucky
I am here to give testimony on how this powerful spell caster called Dr Ibrahim helped me to fix my relationship. I was heartbroken when my fiance told me he is no longer interested in marrying me because he was having an affair with the other woman where he works. I cried and sobbed every day,until it got so bad that I reached out to the Internet for help, that was when i read a review about the great work of Dr Ibrahim, then i contacted him for help to get my lover back, he helped me cast a powerful (reconciliation love spell) and to my greatest surprise after 48 hours of doing the love spell my Fiance came back on his knees begging me to forgive him We are now living happily and all thanks goes to Dr Ibrahim for helping me save my relationship you can contact Dr Ibrahim through his Email dribrahimspellcaster@gmail.com Call or Whatsapp +2349038450264 Contact him for the following: 1)If you want your ex back. 2)If you want a child. 3) You want to make your husband/wife to be
Been in an LDR for most of my 1 year and 3 month relationship, and he still knows how to make me feel like the most special person alive. Blows my mind every time I see the love in his eyes just before he tells me he loves me while we're talking about raccoons. No one could make me feel the way he does <3
You know I have had a husband for 17 years, and then a boyfriend for 5, and I can't think of one defining moment, when I thought they loved me. I don't think my husband ever truly loved me until after I told him I wanted a divorce. Then he started trying, but I knew I could never go back. Hurts me to think that he treats his girlfriend like gold. My son always just said he learned how not to treat a woman from me, but still hurts.
I knew that we were meant to be together when, 49 hours after we met on a blind date, he proposed and I said "Yes". It was also when I knew how much I loved him was saying "Yes" so quickly he couldn't change his mind lol. All our friends said it would not last but we were together just short of 28 years and there will never be another man in my life. Miss him so much.
And I’m stuck with the only attention from males being perverts who are twice or three times my age.
Hubby and I started dating at 19(me) and 21(him). Three weeks into dating my mom was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. It was the worst time in my life watching her die for 4 1/2 years. He stuck by me through everything. I’ve also always had depression and anxiety and he’s the only one that can bring me out of a funk. We’ve now been married almost 20 years and we’re together for 5 before that. He is my life. Since I got diagnosed with fibromyalgia and chronic pain 5 years ago and had to take medical retirement because there is not much I can do myself (even on a good day). He’s done everything around the house too. I know it’s not easy for him to be the one bringing in the only income and doing the majority of household work but he does it day in and day out. I love him with all my heart and I know he feels the same way about me.
There is a lot of cynism in the comments. A bit unusual for boredpanda.